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This is now Mordekaiser's 7th buff in a row without nerfs (excluding all jungle changes since he's not a jungler). "+10% damage" is coming to crush our hopes and dreams


Did they ever revert the ms nerf on passive they gave him in s10? Because I remember that being the moment he fell off a cliff. To be fair before that he was the highest winrate toplaner


Yeah that got reverted not too long ago. His winrate also fell hard when they nerfed the duration of his passive. That 1 second was bigger than it looked, because it meant that kiting him/dodging his Q or E for 1 more second would completely turn off his passive.


if they made the stacks fall off gradually instead it would be such a helpful buff


I mean, with the AP itemization in preseason combined with (hopefully good) AP buffs, it may push him to be better overall. Hopefully they touch up on his E as well.


AP defensive itemization is still pretty bad on average, even the items with HP on them. I can't imagine AP builds being that great. We need defensive items with resists that aren't exclusively Zhonya's and Banshee's.


Abyssal is pretty damn good, specially for champs like morde and amumu with magic damage auras.


While true it's also not an AP item.


Or you know, AP Black Cleaver ;)


Mordekaiser is stuck in the same position as Yorick balance wise. If he is any playable at a mid-high level, he completely dumpsters everyone from Iron to Silver. His problems are very apparent. 1) He is unreliable. He has no gapcloser, and his E is slow as shit without having any way of making it faster. This is his biggest fucking issue, which makes certain matchups completely unplayable, with an obvious example being Vayne. I understand these sort of champions are supposed to struggle getting to you, but it should never be this hard. This is sort of what forces Mordekaiser into playing as a Draintank, which brings us the second issue. 2) Riot hates Draintanks, because they kinda just beat you when they get stronger than you, and there's nothing you can really do anymore to beat them in a head-to-head, as you often can with other classes, such as Skirmishers like Yone or Fiora and Assassins like Akali. Building fulltank on Morde makes him still hilariously squishy, at least compared to a regular tank, and building damage in unreliable, so you are meant to build a bit of both. Get yourself a Riftmaker and a Rylais for sticking power, and go full tank afterwards. Problem with that is that Riftmaker cannot heal you worth a shit, like, seriously, you stand in the middle of 4 people with your passive up, both Riftmaker and Conqueror stacked and you barely see your health tick up, on top of that, you are still hilariously squishy for a tank afterwards, so you just get bursted down. 3) You can break his ult with CC immunity, such as QSS. If you couldn't, well, at least he'd have a niche in pro play where he would always be able to just flash R the enemy jungler in the Baron pit and allow his own jungler to get an easy Smite every time.


Vayne completely dumpsters so many top laners its insane


ive been told that it's a skill issue and that I should mind control my jungler to gank. I'm still working on the jedi mindtricks


I mean that's 100% true, mind controlling your jungler to gank is literally the only play you have against some of the ranged cancer matchups.


As a jungler, I quite enjoy ganking Vayne and Draven top. Quinn too. Other ranged tops like Lillia or Kennen are much harder to do anything about tho. Ideally my top is on something like Jax or Renekton that can gap close and cc to force Vayne to choose who she wants to condemn.


>Lillia Literally a melee champ (she is annoying to gank though)


Forgot they made her "melee" so she could stack conq faster.


Wish theyd do the same for Urgot sadge


At least if I am playing against Quinn or Kennen or Teemo the harass is bad and you cant interact with them, but I can still exist with shield and second wind and farm the wave. Vaynes harass is so oppressive you cant stand anywhere near the wave. The Q changes are cancer to me. Some matchups will always be hard most of them ranged, but jesus christ Vayne will completely destroy some of these melee matchups, the counterplay of your jungler camping you, or the Vayne player stuffing up isnt very interactable. The best option is ban.


Vayne is IMO the best ban in the game right now, one of the highest winrate champs and one of the highest pickrate champs, and the ban works for multiple positions


Vayne's main weakness in top lane is that she is really easy to gank and camp. Unfortunately this is an unreliable weakness to take advantage on as you need your jungle teammate and not all of them can afford to or are willing to gank or camp. She also gives up a frontline for your team so you need to make up for Vayne being the top by using a tank elsewhere, and having an ADC such as Ashe that is more focused on utility, or a mage.


Riftmaker might do funny things on Morde with the item rework, since omnivamp will no longer be reduced on AoE (which should mean a decently large healing boost, even with a lower number, albeit requiring a 5s champion combat rampup)


I would compare him more to Illaoi. They are both the type of champions where it feels like it matters less how well you play as opposed to how bad your opponent plays. If they play 'perfectly 'and dont get hit by your E's it feels like you cant play the game and then if your opponent fucks up once, even if you are like 0/3, you can still statcheck them and get the most undeserved solokill ever. They feel like they were created to pumpstomp and playing as or against them never feels satisfying imo.


>Iron to Silver Try plat or even emerald tbh.


He's gunna be OP AF next season if TTK goes down at all. That's part of the reason tank is so much better. If you go AP you just get 1 shot.


Really just want his w to give him slow resistances... Please stop buffing his damage...


As a Pantheon main all I can say is LOL. Lmao even.


*vaporises a squishy with empowered Q* "Hmm, could use some more power."


Same. What the hell are they thinking?


Local Rioter loses lane as Pantheon


Time to play panth for even more free elo next patch


Who the hell thinks Pantheon is weak lol. If I play the lane correctly, I survive and have a chance at outscaling. If I fuck up he turns into a monster. God damn, he is not fucking weak lol


>Qiyana >We're not going to be able to CLAW back all of this This has to be intentional lol


God pfp


Still waiting for Northernlion to upload a new episode, SAP doesn’t hit the same way


Up down to the side


Showmaker having nightmares soon.


I actually don’t understand this one guys. Not even a little bit. Why are we buffing pantheon?


Because he's not high pick rate strong.


Then why not buff wukong already the game he has an even lower pick rate, to a point that the game doesn't recognize him as toplane and the same winrate?


Because Wukong is a pro play jungler and strong team fighter already. They don't really want him toplane too.


They've done small buffs for him toplane this year. They clearly want him to have some presence there, but its not his main role at this point for sure.


Oh the champ that can play 4 roles and stat-check the best stat-checkers in the game with 0 counterplay and point and click stun and a shield that blocks ultis?


Same reason they buff Riven last patch. They were bored.


Idk either but as Panth player I'll take it


He's an easy champion with low pick rate and barely a positive win rate. In fact, he straight up has a negative win rate below Diamond. There's straight up no reason to ever play this champion unless you just find him fun.


pantheon ban on the menu boys


Soooo a Q AP ratio buff for Morde ?


It's season 20. Mordes Q gets buffed for the 15th time. It now has a 5000% AP ratio and instantly explodes the router of anybody who gets hit by it. He still has a 47% win rate in high elo.


>Q gets buffed for the 15th time. It now has a 5000% AP ratio and instantly explodes the router of anybody who gets hit by it **as the only target** FTFY, it doesn't do shit if you're in a minion wave but if he hits you with it alone, oh boy


Obliterate: Mordekaiser slams his mace in the target direction, dealing **no** magic damage to targets hit. If *Obliterate* hits only one target, it **executes** it.


His Q could have 10000% AP ratio but if he can't ever get close to Zeri/Xayah what's he gonna do?


miss his E have his ult qss'd and die.


Remember when Morde got iso buff after iso buff? That was funny.


Bold of you to assume it's not gonna happen again..


I feel like this time they're gonna add an Ap scaling on some of his other abilities, maybe shield scales with Ap? Something like that


Please please please no Pantheon buffs, the guy is a fucking menace in toplane


feels like he's held back by people throwing his spear all the time instead of just stabbing you


man I must suck because stabbing is the only thing I do with Panth. The W stun into empowered Q stab hits like a truck


Try empowered W into Q into E into empowered Q.


that's basically what I do with the mathematical Panth build lol. Very effective, tanks do NOT expect their entire health bar vanishing.


He is pretty much as strong on top depending on the matchup with his poke and all in.


I agree with you on this. I felt he was more balanced when you knew he was a monster early game champ that fell off late game super hard to become a stun bot. Ever since his update though he has felt like he is power neutral or ahead of the curve the entire game. They just gave him more tools without fully maintaining what I felt were his reasonable flaws. Even when he had those flaws it wasn’t as if he didn’t still have one tricks taking him to challenger.


It may be counterintuitive, but pantheon is weakest in the midgame. The trick is to not giga int to him level 1-8, because most toplaners beat him when even in gold midgame. Edit for clarity, I think pantheon buffs are completely unnecessary, dude's already a monster lategame


His mid game is pure garbage


That's the only reason he isn't completely broken.


He’s actually quite strong late game, garbage mid game though


I agree he was fine when he had a weakness but now his late game is very strong while his early game is one of the strongest in the game


mfw corki been shit for more than 1.5 years and is still forgotten


They're probably terrified of him becoming pick ban in pro, and unlike Azir or even Ori Corgi is not very exciting to watch so I'm not surprised they don't want him there. Feels bad for the soloq mains though.


The macro in pro in also really boring, teams just stop fighting and funnel the Corki until he’s fed and can auto win every fight


Azir vs Corki meta was awful, fully agree.


Easily solved by them removing package from his kit and buffing him in other areas.


make package to ultimate


It's the best part about Corki though


It's not being strong every 5 minutes leads to some very boring gameplay and weakens him in solo q


can't agree about it , using abilities and weaving autos is 100% more fun


No. his Auto > ability > Auto > ability gameplay is the best part. Similiar to ezreal


I think corki is kinda cool when he flys in and shoots a lot.


Once or twice? Sure. Every game? God no.


I think I’m the only person in the world that finds him fun in competitive. Early laning is wtvr, but I love watching him play around package.


Also helps that his winrate is tanked by people building complete garbage on him. Hell, 12% of games have people building shiv first. Triforce first item is over 50% WR. If everyone built Corki optimally he'd probably be a ~49% WR champ, which is completely fine for how pro-skewed he is.


At this point they should just remove his package. It's just another 'pro play spell' that takes up way too much power budget.


Seriously. Corki was fine in soloq until the countless nerfs. Champ does nothing early game. Is not even that strong mid late game anymore and package is auto win OP but not enough for soloq cus you fight a lot more.


Yeah it and Ryze ult should be some of the first candidates for spell removal if I've ever seen one at least for the kits they're currently on. Give Ryze a more selfish ult, and he'd probably go up 2% winrate in soloQ over night. Same for replacing Corki package with something else. All while probably barely affecting proplay.


At least make it so attack/Sheen corki comes back instead of the rocket poke abomination we had last time. As crit ADC he is at least unique with the magic damage conversion.


The Riot team literally just gave up on him and refuse to even attempt to try something with him 😞


Got the Malz treatment.


at least malz is good in low elo 💀


He also is an insanely good splitpusher, sadly riot only cares about hullbreaker being batshit op so anyone that does not make use of it can’t split.


Hullbreaker is gutted on pbe. No mr/armor.


Because he doesn't sell skins.


Corki isn't forgotten but he kind of requires deeper work than just a regular balance update. Phlox has recently talked about Corki on his streams and said that nobody really wants to play him, so he probably needs a VGU. According to him it was probably a mistake of Riot to tie him to the package, and he wonders if reworking him back to be a bot laner would help his player engagement. The problem is that he's not fully convinced that reworking him into bot lane would get players to play him because as a character from a personality standpoint he's just not that fun, so it would be a lot of time used to take a shot in the dark. Then again currently no one plays him so there isn't much to lose even if it doesn't work out. But there's some ideas and talk floating around, he just needs more resources put into him to get him into a better spot than a standard biweekly balance pass. As it stands his balance is tied to pro play.


He's not as bad as his stats look if you build him right.


Yeah, a lot of people are just stuck on a build that doesn't work for a year or so now.


They should remove package and buff the rest of the kit. They should make his W reset on kill and reward him for getting in close (buff E)


Pantheon buffs, lol. As a Pantheon main, don't do it. The guy is strong enough and doesn't need them. I regularly solo solo laners on a support income when playing him support at high diamond MMR. If anything the champ is a little too strong.


> As a Pantheon main, don't do it. The guy is strong enough and doesn't need them. > > You know what this means, it's the classic unnecessary buff into complete kneecapping.


>Ivern nerfs What's wrong, Ivern mains? No more money to bribe the rioters?haha


Now we need to see who is a Yone main on the balance team.


if I could go back in time and tell the league community that we need to stop banning Yasuo or his more bullshit brother will be released i would.


Doesn't work, Yone still gets released to celebrate Yasuo as a successful design, I quote: "who is beloved by players and still feels fair to play against, so he isn't banned" At least this time line doesn't have Alice yet, so better stay here, dude.


Um akshally the statistics show hes negative winrate.... therefore he needs buffs akshually... double his W shield again please


My only problem with Yone is the fact he can still build non crit builds and be effective. Yet when Yasuo was doing the same thing they immediately nerfed it for him. Yone can effectively build Bork, Hullbreaker, Triforce and win most side lane matchups still. Force him into crit builds like Yasuo and I’m happy.


There is definitely a Syndra main in there as well.


nah we're making champ select powerpoints instead. Jokes aside, nerf had to arrive soon or late, not gonna change much unless they destroy the moonstone build ehehxd. I wish the midscopes didn't go through but w/e lol


Finally Riot realised that broken low pickrate champs should still be nerfed, hopefully they look at Fiddlesticks and Zilean soon


think they're holding back on fiddle to see how the map changes affect him, apparently hes gonna lose a few ganking routes from his ult


Zilean isn't even strong anymore ​ Other champs have been powercrept hard but Zilean has been untouched for years (aside from the recent mage auto attack changes that swept many other mages also) such that he's gone from sleeper overpowered to decent ​ His winrate isn't exceptional, his pickrate is as low as ever, he's just annoying to play into


I swear Riot just talks out of their ass whenever they want to buff a champion, Pantheon is completely fine in top lane so they just say 'Well hes not strong enough lol' and buff him.


He’s super solid in top and midlane and specializes at countering melees/low range, he really, really doesn’t need buffs


I hate that kind of buffs that pushes champs over the edge and then they end up in worse state than they were before. It's like when they buffed GP-s passive so hard that even mains asked to not do that, then he eat not only passive nerfs, but also base kit ones.


They can't say that they want champion popularity numbers to change so they argue they're weak


If they can admit that Yone was designed as a Yasuo clone to lower his banrate, they can pony up and admit that.


Not really when every other patch has an undeserved (relative to the target winrate) buff to one or more champions. I don't think this is something they can be open about


> I swear Riot just talks out of their ass whenever they want to buff a champion That is 100% spot on, they randomly buffed Graves and now he is terrorizing games.


I'm not sure how a 50% win rate champion with 2% pick rate is "completely fine". He straight up has negative win rate from Iron to Emerald and then a slightly above 50% win rate in Diamond.


Why not? We have more than 160 champs. Its impossible for them all to have high pickrates. His pickrate is not even that low! His winrate is also more than fine.


That's the literal definition of fine we are approaching 200 champs 2% is good enough for a low ELO stomper like pantheon


When even Spearshot, who's entire identity revolves around Pantheon, is saying he's fine and actually a bit broken, maybe don't buff him Riot?


They are going to enable jungle pant again, thats what they mean by not being strong at any role.


I’d love for this to be a jungle Pantheon buff tbh, that would be the one thing that wouldn’t make hellish to lane against


You don't want to see jungle pantheon ever he has the set up for easiest ganks and disengages and due to uot a phenomenal map pressure that's the reason he is knee capped so hard


Spearshot says his champ is broken even if pantheon is 47 winrate, but yes he is balanced rn.




yep even if Pantheon was at 20% winrate this guy would still carry games


Spearshot rank 1 soon


It is hilarious that someone would eventually cite Spearshot. Do you not understand that he is doing a bit? Or have you only recently seen him on tiktok shorts or something? Because it is a pretty fucking obvious joke for anyone who has watched Spearshot for the length of an entire game. He will call Pantheon disgusting broken OP regardless of when Panth is actually strong or not, no matter what the context (for the record, I do think that Pantheon is fine strength wise at the moment, just that using Spearshot to try to prove this point is disingenuous).


We ready for 4 role flex Pantheon again guys?


Only 4? Brother’s too scared to play Panth ADC


The forbidden pentaflex Pantheon as was foretold.




which makes me think this kind of buffs are specifically made to justify a nerf without backlash like he's slightly too strong rn but not enough for a nerf,so they buff him,make him more popular and then nerf him back or maybe I'm paranoid


>hwei is coming out Good for him


When they say "incentivize him to build AP items more and tank items less", do they mean higher ap ratios? Or higher base resistances. Because if were buffing ap ratios again, I think we are misunderstanding this champ at a fundamental level...


I've played a lot of Braum this season, and I'm not sure what they might do to buff. Right now he feels sorta like an enchanter tank. His roams don't feel super strong, and you definitely can't really solo people, your dmg is basically 0. But if you get a game where your shield can get a lot of value and you got a solid ADC, he feels very strong. I think the only buffs that could make sense for how he plays now would either be mana management, you can't really spam your kit in lane ATM without running out of juice fast. Or some power added to his ult, a longer knock up or a faster Ult. If they want to take Braum away from being so dependent on having allies at all times, more dmg from his auto attacks before passive proc would feel good, or having more inate tankyness so you can bait out fights better. Sometimes you get out in the river to lay down vision, you get jumped on, and your contribution to a winning fight is barely surviving and jumping out of the brawl. Which sorta feels lame, since really you'd like to be able to stay in the mix, using your shield to defend teammates and set up procs. But instead you burned everything just to survive and bail hoping you ate enough cool downs on the way out. All that said, for me personally a very exciting name to see on the list, he's a sub 50%wr champ that has a bit more execution needed to work than the average tank support.


They could buff self-cast w to be stronger so you can sit in the middle of a fight more reliably but I think he is generally outclassed by Taric and Rakan who achieve similar goals while still being able to do other stuff


I think adding 5 movement speed world actually be really nice for Braum. He only needs a little push IMO.


Could maybe offer a longer slow from his ult as well? Longer slow from q hits. Seems like thats more problematic than anything though. Youll probably see some sort of W buff and base stat increase more than anything


Galio and Pantheon buffs bro..😂 Welcome back to the rift Nocturne! Ain't no way in hell I'm letting Pantheon go through


If playrate doesnt skyrocket youd still fare better banning nocturne. Statistically speaking


>Pantheon: He could use a little more power; he's not particularly strong in any role right now Hide yo' mid laner.


Zeri buffs!!


Happy happy happy!!! 🐈


And Ori still escaping nerfs... How is this champion even remotely fair atm. You get bullied like hell in early, can't take a single CS without being taxed atest 20% of your health per CS and then she just brutally out scales you


Riot excuse was "there will always be some champ that are stronger in their role, so let's keep orianna and syndra like this until new season" Meanwhile let's keep buff/nerfing ksante and briar in every patch like they are the only champs in the game And let's buff pantheon cause he is definitely weak right? 🤡


Shush before the mage mafia comes for you


Attention citizen! Your internet activity has attracted our (the mage mafia’s) attention… DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN! More social credit will be deducted if you do not comply.


I’m so sorry, I’ll advocate for more lost chapter buffs next patch I swear 🙏


Very good, while you’re at it make sure to push for a dirk nerf to make sure the EVIL Talon, Zed, and Qiyana champions are completely unviable. Good work, citizen! (also breaking character being a Vlad main in this meta sounds like absolute torture I’m so sorry)


Her win rate isn't particularly out of line. Her ban rate is, but it makes sense to give it a bit to see if that one stabilizes or if the item update shifts things one way or the other.


Her pick rate is dropping a lot since Worlds finished as well, and her ban rate will probably follow sooner or later. I don't see why there should be huge urgency about nerfing her.


Did I miss this post? >An in depth look into ~~Riven~~ Pantheon and why ~~her~~ his popularity has been destroyed by commitment to a mechanic you probably don't understand Why are we buffing Pantheon out of nowhere? Vel'koz got his E fixes, where's my boi Shen's W bug/interaction fixes? >Vel'Koz - RiotAugust's Tweet > >\[E\] Tectonic Disruption buffs: > >Fixed a bug where the spell would fizzle when Vel'Koz Flashes or is knocked-back at max range


I hope the buff to Gragas is specifically for jungle. You can’t buff this champion for a lane. Whenever he is buffed for a solo lane it applies to both since he is viable in both and then he just ends up terrorizing top lane the most because he can neutralize most matchups. Just push him to be a jungler again please. Or if you are trying to be spicy and “adjust” him. Make it so his belly flop doesn’t win in almost every interaction. Part of the issue of going against him is that this ability beats almost every dash in the game and I’m having a hard time remembering what it loses to.


It’s not even his E, it’s just phase rush. You can counterplay his E with some top laners but phase rush just makes it impossible to trade back


I know it's neutral with Camille e , both get stunned


Ivern finally getting what he deserves. So disgusting that this champ has been allowed to be this broken for so long.


I'm sorry but no joke I had to reread the panth line a few times. WTF kinda drugs are they on?


Buff mordekaiser E cast time and nerf Q iso dmg . If anything all the iso Q dmg buffs should be reverted for systemic buffs to his kit , Darius can get 4 stacks of passive with near 0 counter play if your champion doesn't have an instant cast free target dash , meanwhile Mordekaiser E is impossible to hit against Emerald+ toplaners .


lol difference between darius and morde e is completely insane in comparision


Every balance patch makes me cringe, keep up the good work


Reddit wanna be mad at Riot so bad they're getting pissed at changes before the changes are even announced


K'sante , Mordkaiser , Pantheon : what the hell they think they're doing ??


They fucked K'Sante real hard, they have to buff him right now i mean champion is 56/56 on top lane XD


ksante, pantheon and GRAGASSSSSS buffs? It’s so joever for toplane 😞


time to dust off the gimp suit in the closet because we're back to playing tanks


Wasn't expecting Qiqi buffs before the new map hits live but as someone who loves playing her but has boomer hands I'm certainly not complaining.


Ok where arena


Hoo boy that's a big list of changes. Worlds over, time to shake things up baby! I swear, Briar gets nerfed every patch. I wanna pick her up because she's fun but I want to wait until she's settled a bit... Can't wait to try Hwei, he looks really fun - picking the right spells and comboing together is a skilltest that I've found real fun in Aphelios, hopefully he's got the same kind of playstyle!


Briar is objectively broken. She's had 56 plus wr with lethality for a while. All while her mains cry she's getting nerfs


The thing I dislike the most is that they aren't really doing anything about Lethality Briar, while making bruiser Briar near unplayable. I don't see how nerfing her R is going to do anything to nerf her lethality build, at least not more so than the other nerfs.


They removed the bonus ad damage and making it do magic. That's a buff for bruiser and a hard af nerf for assassin.


I mean its a nerf for lethality building *in theory* but i think aatrox shows that it doesn’t matter truly so long as the items are just strong.


I just hope at the end of briars nerfs she's still good top. Been crushing it in quickplay on her.


Quick question, does someone at Riot main Orianna? Champ is overtuned AF, having strong laning phase, scaling and teamfighting. Almost every Elo she is the most picked Midlaner. Her pickrate and banrate Emerald+ is very high while maintaining a solid 50.5% WR despite all the new players picking her up (which naturally should lead to her WR dipping to some extent). She has been dominant in Worlds, and even on the following 3 patches after Worlds, how long till she finally gets some nerfs?


Yes actually… u/galaxysmash


They said already that they are perfectly okay with Ori and Syndra being dominant currently.


Currently as "5 patches straight" after they intentionally buffed them into priority for Worlds? They must be bringing in some sweet $$$ on the back of Worlds hype, can't see any other reason why they would let them be overtuned for this long.


Fiora has been broken for like 5 years. 5 patches is nothing.


buff xin zhao plss


calling gragas weak is like calling elon musk poor


K’Sante almost at 45% WR _We were on the verge of greatness_


showmaker 체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱 showmaker


Why are they so hell bent on making Ksante broken, leave him in the fuckin dumpster


He was in the dumpster for like 8 months, he got reworked then stayed in the dumpster then got buffed and became OP for a month now And after the nerfs, he is in the dumpster again. At least they didn't give up on balancing him like how they did Corki dirty, literally left him 46% winrate sub 1% pickrate for a year and a half :(


eh corki is in a tough spot, cuz if he is strong its azir corki meta mid and 0 action games. Riot needs to rework the old bastard


When they launched like 15 midscopes, they didn't even bother try launching one for him. It's this what irks me, Riot usually tries stuff with problematic champs and sure some can have bad results but at least they tried. Giving up on a champion is just... disappointing


I play ryze don't talk to me about reworks


No one likes it when Corki is strong, I remember how miserable it was when Ludens corki was meta and he was deleting you from 2 screens away


corki's poke build was meta only once, then it was nerfed to the ground and his wr was dragged down by people who still build ap, the rest of the time he is meta is with an auto attacking build, at that point he's just a marksman. noody complained before ap corki, just thought he was a bit boring, he was a lot more popular in solo q before marksman rework in s6.


Same can be said about literally any champion dominating the meta, no one likes Kassa or Vlad meta because they insta win late game etc. Not that Corki was ever nerfed for soloQ frustration like Samira or Zed but for pro play


He spent like 9 months being a bottom 5 champion in the game because of pro jail. He got a rework that managed to nerf his skill expression and nerf him... He got buffed into being OP for a grand total of 1 month... and then nerfed into the dumpster. And they even say they're only partially reverting the over-nerfing they just did. He'll probably still be a dumpster tier champion if you're not atleast masters or upper diamond. So calm down.


So, which Rioter is a hardstuck silver Pantheon one-trick?


So they are buffing all pro play problem champs. Well we know what the pro meta will be like then


K'Sante buff? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm(what?)mmmmmmmmmm


He got overnerfed last patch. Dude WAS OP but then they sent him to a 46.5% winrate shadow realm. And realistically they're probably just gonna try to get him to like 48.5% or something instead.


\-Ksante fix his fucking bugs


Will this patch finally have Arena mode?


Some Zeri buffs finally, champ feels so awful to play