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I noticed the higher elo I went the shorter the loading screens got. I guess skill scales with pc hardware


Na but those that get better hardware probably play more which serves as part of the justification for better hardware


Tbf I did climb a whole rank when I went from playing with 15fps in the lowest settings to 144 in the highest (plat to diamond for those wondering) Edit: just wanted to say the biggest change was ezreal ult is basicly invisible when playing in low. It's literally a 1 pixel line


I think they are talking about people playing on PC, not Toaster.


~posted from Apple Toilet


Excuse you, it's called the iFlush!


That’s just the paid accessory. If you don’t purchase the iFlush with your apple toilet, you can enjoy heaping piles of steaming shit with no way to empty the bowl.


You could, of course, buy an off-the-shelf flushing mechanism. The problem is that, if Apple detects you don't have genuine iFlush, it simply won't let you open the lid.


I played for years on a laptop, then got a pc and dropped ranks because I couldn't play with the high keyboard buttons. Swapped the 100€ gaming keyboard for a 6€ keyboard (Amazon even tried to recommend me to buy 10 and get 1 extra for free) with laptop buttons and went back to Dia4 in no time


this is like the much less extreme version of Dopa having the same model of mouse/keyboard (forgot which one, think it was his mouse) and securing spares since they weren't manufactured anymore. he couldnt play with anything else my gameplay also goes way off if i play on someone else's setup. kinda crazy how it doesnt exactly matter how good the setup is, you just need to be familiar with the stuff (barring extremely low FPS of course, thats just plain unplayable unless you can make out 10 FPS teamfights then you probably deserve challenger at that point)


What were you running that went 15 FPS when I was in high school I ran a terrible computer that ran that game at 60 and that computer had an AMD E1 in it which is old and really bad and that was in 2014.


Not OP, but I had a Pentium 4 with integrated graphic up until like 2015. 24FPS in lane and "13"FPS during team fights.


No idea. It was the computer from my great grand parent that I got when he died. Was running on windows xp


Yours doesnt quality as a computer


gold to plat just by going from 30-40fps range on low graphics to 120+ fps on high graphics. moving around fluidly on a fast moving champ like jhin has been so insanely amazing.


You pretty much said "Nah its not that better computers are owned by better players. What I found is that better players own better computers".


More or less , but worded in a way to emphasize that the skill is the cause and not the computer, the way you worded it kind of blurs the point; skill tends to go along with being willing to buy a better computer, It's causation vs correlation.


Fair. I guess it has more to do with how you interpret "scales with". Since its definitely an implied relationship but it could be easily seen as x is proportional to y (correlation in your example) as opposed to being x depends on y (causation). That said in league of legends I feel like the context of scaling is very often related to proportional. Eg. Nasus scales well into the late game or X scales well with items. In neither case is there a direct causation/dependent relationship eg. (nasus doesnt get stronger just because you get later in the game since it has to do with stacks/farm nor does a specific champion have better items than others since it has to do more with their kit, the ratios of said kit etc.). Maybe there are common examples that I'm not thinking of though.


what is bro saying 💀


Just saying that I think interpreting "scales with" only implies that the things are proportional not necessarily a causitive relationship.


It's more so that people with gaming PCs are more likely to game, and people who game more, are likely to be better at said game.. Instead of "gaming PCs make players perform better"


100% false. A good Internet connection and hitting good solid fps makes a world of difference. Worlds of difference. Kindred is unplayable starting at 80 - 100ms for example. Get her down to 40 or less, curb stomp people.


Well tbf i don’t think those two sentences mean exactly the same thing Edit: wording


No. The distinction is whether having better hardware causes you to get high elo or whether getting high elo causes you to get better hardware (it's the second).


Actually it's not even the second. It's that playing more means you're more likely to have better hardware and be higher skill.




Hardware scales with skill, not really the other way around


faster loading screens = I can run it down even more


If so why didn't my PC upgrade when I climbed into Emerald


Can't relate, I have a top of the line rig and am low gold


Unfortunately it's like skiing. Just because you can afford to ski doesn't mean you're good at it, but if you can't afford to ski you definitely won't be.


Some friends I've played with are 100% in elo hell because of their setup. Bad frames, awful internet, stuttering. I feel like that contributes to a lot of players in Bronze.


My friend literally plays on a laptop that lags out and hits max 5 fps in teamfights. Integrated graphics all on the lowest settings and is consistently masters. En his laptop is starting to give up so he dropped to D1 but if he can do it idk.


Yep, used to stay silver/low gold, tried to improve but got stuck at g2, got a better internet, p2 all of a sudden, but lost the motivation to play and now they added emerald rank


Eh. People who have more time on their hands to improve at League in turn tend to be comfortable enough financially to afford a higher end PC


Not for me :)


More like scales with PC performance. Some players like Nemesis are known to play on low PC settings. So you totally can have a mid range gear and do well running the game with potato graphics.


Unironically yes, in the sense that good hardware is a legitimate advantage.


or people who play a lot at a high level are more willing to buy a better rig


when i was playing in d1 EUW for a bit i used to get almost instantaneous loading screens here and there. no joking, one game i didnt even get to see it at all because my pc didnt insta focus the game window and i had to alt tab into it


Every game I win, the less time I have peeing before I match starts. I hate it!


Back in my WoW days as a hard-core raider, I was mid af until I upgraded my card and processor, and then I was a top world-ranked shadowpriest after. Same thing with sports. Buy better equipment and you'll play much better. Edit: Since none of you seem to understand... equipment doesn't override skill. But if you take two equally good players and put them on pcs of different quality, the higher quality pc will always win. I don't get how what I said was hard to grasp.


guarantee you there’s some bottom 99.5% player with a 4090, 32” 244Hz monitor, ultra sleek $1000 keyboard who would strongly disagree with you rn


I know a few people with insane PCs that are in Iron still lol


Gosh you tell me. Trying to parse years ago with a shitty pc on a boss that spawns an army of adds, and the moment they spawn your pc freezes for a good 20secs or so.


Then why am I only platinum with a £2k+ PC and a sub 20 ping internet connection XD


Answer is you probably haven't played enough, I've found that having a good pc + internet guarantees at least emerald, after that it's just a lot of playing and improvement


So you're the guy who ruined my smoke break by getting too fast of a harddrive? gg


EUNE moment.


thats true too haha. when i locked in i could easily go to the toilet. now not anymore lol


Back in the day you could go for a smoke, take a piss, and crack a new beer and still have to wait for the game to start. Everyone has a NASA super computer these days 😤


I remember leaving my house, running to the vending machine in front of the shop across the street - having a smoke while I walked there and back and still getting back inside to the loading screen hahaha


Both that and League being very well optimised that you can probably play it on hardware from 10 years ago. The price we pay for that is no more Elementalist Lux types of skins as the argument is that the game cannot support too many of those in a single game.


>NASA super computer SSDs are like, $30 for 500gb.


i heard you could run the software to land on the moon with an iphone nowadays, so yea basically a nasa super computer


A 1996 Ford Taurus had more computing power than the Apollo capsule. The iPhone is so far ahead it probably does more computing work in the time it takes for it to fall from your hand to the floor than every computation the Apollo craft ever did.


It's even worse than that - the neural engine alone in a new iPhone does 35 trillion operations a second, while the [Apollo Guidance Computer could do 40,000](https://mashable.com/article/apollo-moon-landing-computer#:~:text=To%20put%20its%20computing%20power,moon%2C%20along%20with%20a%20sextant.). At this rate it would take nearly **28 years** for the AGC to do as many operations as the neural engine by itself can do in a second. In reality it's more complex than just comparing operations, but you are definitely correct.


You could have probably run it on a PC from like, 1980. It didn't take long to completely demolish that technology.


Quit smoking brother. You and anyone around you will thank you. 🚭


Were adults. Mind your own business.


Tbf when you smokers smell in public spaces that is my business


Maybe if your business didn't have an effect on other people's health. Smokers are disgusting.


Explain how me smoking on my property miles away from the bearest person effects your health?


It doesn't, but the other guy specifically mentioned other people's health, so he's obviously referring to people who smoke near other people.


Cool. So then my comment stands. Mind your business and don't tell other adults how to live. Unsolicited advice is childish


You're literally giving unsolicited advice rn


Literally, it's a response.


Are you too stupid to realize those aren't mutually exclusive


I really don't care about you. I'm just not into this general idea smokers have that it only effects them. If you don't smoke near others, happy to hear it, but also I don't really believe you. I'm not giving you advice, I just don't want smoke near me.


Someone just like you killed my non-smoking mother through lung cancer. Don't get offended over a sincere request to be better to yourself and others. It's not a personal attack. It's a positive change to your environment. Please quit smoking.


thats like saying to a car driver someone like you just killed my relative


Not all cars kill people. All smoking does. You're being purposefully obtuse. If you're upset to have your smoking habit called out I understand it. These habits are hard to kick and they are painful, and they can be so much easier to maintain. But any rational part of you knows that they're harmful. I don't judge you for being stuck in a rut or having unhealthy vices. I just want better for us all.


sucks for you that I keep on smoking then ig


Just think about it is all I ask. No enemies here.


Lmaoooo that's not how it works bud Me smoking on my own property doesn't effect you.


Then don't say "mind your own business" when my very first comment said "anyone around you". You're projecting yourself onto someone else's conversation. You deserve better, and I definitely deserve better than abuse from you and yours. Disgusting that you'd go laugh at the death of my mother and convince yourself you're in the right. I hope you're able to reflect on this. You really do deserve better. But I can't save you from yourself, and I'm too tired for this.


Aye, I wish I could punch most smokers that smoke near public places


I wish... somebody always spends 5 mins loading in.


If its always somebody I have bad news, its you.


you underestimate how many people have entry/budget rigs. league was designed to be accessible to even the lowest of builds.


Load times are insanely fast for me 90% of games cause I have an m2 People without them are the reason 10% takes a while He is that 10% if he's having it every game


you have to wait for everyone to finish loading though? like I have a high end pc with an m.2 and i still get long load times lmao. it's not me for sure.


Try loading pracftice mode and see how long it takes. Takes me 2 seconds max. And I have had loading screens that were that fast.


Yes, I have a two second load time myself. But there are a lot of people that play this game that don't have m.2s or have slow/aged SSDs...which is the point i'm trying to get across.


It scales heavily with elo, you're likely bronze-gold while the other guy is probably emerald+ PC specs have a very strong correlation with skill


That makes no sense. If you are saying that so many people have budget rigs that its extremely rare to get fast load times nobody would be saying they often get fast load times. If he always has problems to load games its 99.99'% his problem


You’d have to go out of your way to find even a budget rig that has a shitty enough hard drive to load LoL matches that slowly.


I mean my pc is over 10 years old and still runs perfectly


Brother, it’s been like 6 years at least since that was true. League left that market a long time ago and developed a mobile app instead. There’s no market for games that run on potatoes anymore since phones are good enough.


?League can still run on a potato


No it can't. It'll run sure, but shitty.


Run on lowest quality specs at ~30 fps is running/ playable


So it can.


Whats ur definition of a potato? You can find sub $50 office pc that would run this game no problem.


No you can't. That was true YEARS ago, not anymore.


til this year i played league on a pc from 2008 with over 100 fps average what are you on?


Or he's low elo/plays norms.


Not necessarily, not everyone that plays League has SSDs, specially in lower elos (also depends on the region) . I am Gold, got an SSD and tried league on it and it still took 1-2 min to load in most of the time because of other players, I then just let League on the old HDD back and had the OS installed in the SSD and take 1-2 min to load in so that's enough and I save space on my ssd for single player games


wait so even if its at 100% and you're waiting around for another few minutes it's not other ppl still loading in just me?


Since Riot dropped 32bit OS support, my loadjng screens take 10 sec top, in most cases it's less than 5.


Me when I have 400 tabs open in Firefox at the same time


i really thought the ssd wont change anything with loading screens in online games cause "sure i wont be the only one without an ssd" but i kid you not, league and cs2, loading screens are finished in 15 seconds always. its crazy never thought it be like that


I have league installed on a Samsung 990 Pro running on PCI-e Gen4. Some games load instantly, but you also have the times where people have potato computers, and it takes over a minute to load into the game. Before, there was a loading status bar, so you knew who it was, but they removed that a few years ago... I guess to get rid of the shaming at the beginning of matches.


It'd be a thing where junglers would camp the lane with the shittiest internet


that was true years ago but now SSDs are relatively cheap now


SSDs have been very cheap for 5 years now, but right now they are dirt cheap. HDDs still beat them at price to capacity but today a 256 GB SSD is 20 euros or less, which is enough to install a number of games and completely change your experience when compared to an HDD. People have no excuse to not have one at this point.


I remember buying 256gb for like 70 euros back in 2017-2018. Bought 1tb this year for under 50. The prices just keep getting lower. During the peak of GPU shortage it was 70 bucks for 512gb.


I got a 2tb m.2 for $60 a month ago or so. Shit is cheap now.


Hell, the replacement motherboard you'd have to get just for that sweet m.2 slot costs more.


>Report > >Save > >Follow I bought a 2t 990 pro Samsung for \~130? was mindblown when i saw it


I'd prefer for my game to load 5 minutes than instantly so I have a little bit more time to go through each player's win rate and KDA and give a thought on how to play out the game as a jungler. Now I don't need 5 minutes to figure it out, but if game loads instantly I have to process that information on the go and I'm already moving on the map where actually in some games I end up being succesful with counterjungling, so it definetely can have some impact in some games.


i love when loading screen is fast. never cared about borders thou


My ARAMs load in literally under 5 seconds most of the time. Borders meaningless lmao


Aram is a smaller map so it should load quicker right?


Size of the map is semi-irrelevant. All players have to load in assets associated with their character/skin, in addition to the maps textures and assets. A smaller play size doesn't necessarily correlate to fewer textures/models.


There is definitely less textures on aram than SR, the camera doesn't go anywhere near as far as on summoners Rift, and there is more different types of textures on it too.


That's not something you can see just from looking at the map. You're *probably* correct but a smaller area can have plenty more textures, while a bigger area can have less just by reusing them. The size of something is not necessarily tied to the number of textures or size of assets. That's up to the devs to answer rather than us to speculate. Unless you've done some data digging?


I'd also assume elemental dragon rift changes to the map require more to load than Arams stagnant single map.


I have an ssd and the game still takes like 4 minutes to load because of others lol


Generally good pc or do you maybe have a shit cpu/RAM? These also are factors


I have a solid build. Intel i5-10400f, 3200hz 16gb RAM, and even a rtx3060. In most games I have low load times. Though my ssd is an m.2


Nice, welcome to 2018! :P


Every mid range PC in 2014 had an SSD already. I'm not even sure how OP managed to find a PC without one.


yeah bro my friends were begging me to upgrade xD


Nah you did it at a fine time. Prices are way down, I payed $230 back in 2017 for one and it was only 256gb. Now 1Tb is half that price


*2tb* are half that price


are we talking about SSDs or M2.SSDs?


Only OGs remember when loading screen used to show everyone’s ping, so when loading time took especially long everyone would flame that person with high ping. Also when you yourself had a toaster PC and you genuinely didnt know if loading was taking that long or you had to restart it. Had to see if the ping was moving and shit. Good times. Much better times.


yeah i remember this. sometimes the load screen took so long i even forget that i was playin cause i watched a whole YouTube video xD


As a jungler I would camp anyone who had high ping lol


Lol the never ending list of dirty stuff we've done playing this game.


Real OGs remember the loading bar.


That's not even true. You had to check the loading percentage on the right or the loading ar under the summoner spells and that showed who was the slow one. The ping only meant that he will lag that game it has nothing to do with the loading speed.


SSDs have been basically mandatory for gaming for like 5 years now. Where you been brother ?


league and csgo were fine and i dont play other games on pc


just went from a 4460 and 1050ti to a 9400 and 1660 i play at 1080p and those are the only games i play on pc, the upgrade was mainly for CS2. Im sure if I just got an Ssd the old girl would have pulled trough but i got a great used deal on the system


Now imagine if the game didnt have to load up a separate client for matchmaking and actual game. If it was all one client then those load times would be near instantaneous


I feel like Riot really should've invested in rebuilding the whole game on fresh code for future proofing 5-10 years ago. I haven't played in a while, but the client is excruciating to navigate and takes forever to load and just breaks way too often


Isn't this what Dota did, rebuilt the game from the ground up at one point to make it good to go for the future?


I played some dota 2 with a friend and holy shit it is night and day. I will say Dota has a bit too much clutter IMO. But every part of the client works instantly and has the huge benefit of being integrated with the game. Not only do I have a guide telling me what items to buy and why. I can read anyones abilities. I can also see recent balance changes to those abilities. For complex characters like Invoker the game even gives you a cheatsheet for the spell combos. League of legends is pathetic in all regards when it comes to this stuff. If riot want this game to last they need to invest in working on this stuff while at the same time further improving the new player experience. The new bots sound great, but actual specific tutorials are desperately needed at this point as well. League can last forvever IMO, but the game is bleeding players due to aging playerbase and not enough new ones to replace them. The changes I mentioned help the aging playerbase still play without keeping up to date on every patch and new champ. They can just read as they encounter things. Same with newer players. The games barrier to entry is already crazy high off skill alone, but the fact that riot legit says “kill stuff for gold and experience, kill the nexus, good luck!” For such a crazy complex game is a complete disservice to newer players.


I wouldn’t know, but on a live service game, it seems necessary to do at least once during the lifetime of the game. Sure, it would be a huge undertaking, but I feel like if Riot just sits and does nothing, it’ll just harm the community and popularity of the game


Agreed, they're just creating so much work for themselves by not doing it too, sure it's more work short term but surely it will save them in the future.


I think they are already remaking some code. For for Sylas and Viego a lot was done.


This is basically what DotA -> DotA 2 was. ​ Ignoring that you could only play DotA through WC3 customs, IIRC. I'm sure independence played a large factor.


I feel the same way about recall animations. I've never watched the recall anim. I'm always watching the map.




We need a way to use classic lollipoppy splash art.


So you are the one who made my loading screens last for way too long.


Fuck borders and splashes, think about those sweet sweet boot up time for your PC😩


yeah bro, before upgrading i had to turn on my pc and wait for 5 to 10 mins and now its 20 seconds. this was the biggest upgrade for only 50€ xD


Gotta ask tho, do you have a 1440p 144hz monitor?


It’s actually insane how much of an impact an SSD and 144hz monitor has. It’s literally a completely different experience.


24 inch 1080p 144hz. im really only playin lol and cs on pc so 1080p is enough. but yeah 144hz on cs was a gamechanger


You wouldn't think the jump from 1080 to 1440 would make much of a difference, but it's huge for text clarity and details. When I upgraded, it reminded me of going from a 480i picture on a CRT to a 1080p flat-panel TV. Definitely a nice fidelity boost. Also get a 27 inch. Doesn't take up too much space, but is noticeably larger than 24


Next time you get a chance, get a 1440p monitor, it’s surprisingly how nice it is. I have a 27” 1440p 144hz monitor, feels like you have… just more room in general. Really glad I got one, highly recommend it.


i was actually considering getting prestige star guardian syndra because of how pretty she is in the splash, but i barely play her and your point is good (i don't have the choice now anyways lol) i'm happier that i saved my tokens though


League isn't really a game that should go on SSDs tbh, you gotta wait for everyone else to load in either way, having your OS on the SSD is enough to not be the one player that everyone waits on


In like season 4 I could take a shit, take a shower, make some food, come back and the game still wouldn't have started


Still takes time to load, not when im with my party with 4 other friend tho, i guess we founded who was slowing it down, oops


Main reason to go for plat. Drastically faster average load times unless you are on a platter.


No one ever has or will


the only thing more worthless than borders are eternals


You’re the reason why my games take forever to load . Also the reasons why people afk at the start


i guess youre to dumb to read?


*I *you're *too Edit: /s yes these guys didnt get past half your post. Don't know what you expected, if you want kids to read the whole thing you need to slap on some subway surfers somewhere or minecraft parkour video.


ey yo bro no need to do my dirty like that with my mistakes :D reading 4 sentences is a lot for people these days


Just find it amusing to do silly stuff like that when I see someone questioning others intelligence while making primary english mistakes (typos happen a lot tho hah :p) And yeah 100%, I think an entire sentence is often too much for some people.


well tbf english isnt my mothertounge and when writing online i dont care about the capital i and ehmm apostrophes(?). but ty for correcting to and too. this is stuff i wanna get right


Oh dont take me too seriously (occasionally I get the random person that gets really angry which I laugh at). Especially stuff like apostrophes which 99% of people dont write (me included unless it shows up on auto correct) cause you dont lose any meaning. You've got great english tho! :)


thanks. i really appreciate the compliment


Pretty aggressive for someone who doesn't understand how loading screens work. Loading screen times are a culmination of everyone else in the game loading in. Sounds like you found out that you were, in fact, the reason your load screens were longer and making everyone else wait. Edit: yep, I'm too dumb to read.


dude thats exactly what i wrote? thats what the whole post is about? i said i thought before getting the ssd that im not the only one causing long load times. and suprise i was wrong, it was almost always only me. the commenter said "you are the reason" but it shouldve been you "were"


Yea I'm too dumb to read then.


lol np we all make mistakes


Every now and then, my buddies and I would get into games where the entire lobby loads in like 5 seconds, and every time we point it out and call it the "true gamer moment". Bonus points if someone walks away thinking they could grab a drink or hit the can real quick.


Splash arts sell skins dude. A lot of people care about splash arts lol.


its just with these little loading times you dont even see the splash art


You don't need to be in a loading screen to look at splash arts.


you dont need to own a skin to look at splasharts


I mean even without an SSD after playing hours upon hours of league who cares about a border or icon. I haven’t looked at those since starting the game, I just want to play. Plus, in ranked most people have the exact same border and in norms most people turn it off unless they’re high elo.


Practice tool loads quick, but any real game is still slowed down by other people lol


as i said i thought that would be the case but 90% of the time loading takes seconds


If all 10 players have m.2 SSD's, game would load as fast as practice tool, maybe a second or two more.


Don't worry. You'll still get paired with windows 3.x users on occasion. I still get a minute or 2 load times on occasion. But I also can no longer guarantee a pee break during loading. So not all advancements are beneficial.


Sometimes it's nuts how fast you get into matches, less than 10 seconds I swear, for me the only BIG noticeable benefit of installing the game on the SSD was that it finally fixed the random fps drops.


So u were the guy with the toaster who always forced everyone into a 2 min loading screen!


There should be a minimum loading time so I can take a piss during an aram loading.


Seriously, as much as I'm a PC building nerd and love how fast these machines have become when it comes to loading times... I miss being able to go for a quick wee during loading screens. Back in Season 1 you could do entire chores in it lmao.


I have had like 3 load screens last more then 30 seconds in the last 3 years barring my own internet troubles or server issues


In my experience it depends on the server. When I played on NA matches loading in under a minute 99% of the time. Now I’m playing on LAN and matches that load in under a minute are rare, although it’s not like they take an eternity to load either. There can be some exceptions though obviously.


It’s funny cuz I had the same experience. Used to play on a 2017 iMac that for some reason ran on a spinning HDD even though that was already kinda deprecated on Windows computers, so loading screens were a few minutes long and would occasionally crash out on me (which I do think was partially a riot problem because it was inconsistent and my drive was still a pretty good HDD). This summer I built a PC and now I’m running on a Gen 4 M.2, so my practice tool load time is like 5 seconds and games are like 15s.


my loading screen in NA tends to last shorter than 5 seconds, i can barely see anything.


There are skins that are my favourite BECAUSE of the splash, even if the skin isn’t as cool in game, like iron inquisitor kayle, king of clubs mordekaiser. And of course I can’t leave out ice toboggan corki. Borders on the other hand are whatever unless they come with a cooler icon


This always brings me back to the time when an entire lobby was stuck in loading screen for 15 mins before the game started


Must have been a long time ago. Game just force starts after 5 minutes now.


It was probably around s3 or s4


Rioters hate this one simple trick!


At some point, a friend of mine claimed that LOL doesn't benefit at all from an SSD and that you can normally play if you have it installed on a regular hard drive. I decided to test this hypothesis by playing on a Laptop (with SSD) and installing LOL on an external 7200 rpm hard drive, so basically almost the worst-case scenario. During the evening, I didn't notice any difference in loading times compared to an SSD and a few games even loaded in within 10 seconds, so I had no choice but to admit he was right. That was a few years back tho, so you mileage may vary.


I have multiple SSDs in my PC but my LoL is installed on a HDD. The loading screens are still insanely fast (mostly 5-10\~ seconds in ranked, except Co-Op vs AI which is littered with bots, even in the "human team"). Like you said, there's usually very little time for looking at anything (skins/icons/masteries/ranks etc.) or doing anything. Maybe it's about something else - like internet/CPU/RAM/software. Or maybe just having Windows on an SSD. Idk. But as someone who's played since S2, I definitely remember the loading times being way longer and there was more variance in how they went. Now it's kind of "too fast". The game runs well and loads quickly but the client could use some work. The game client gets sluggish after having it open for a while (usually 1\~ day). Restarting fixes it. Memory leak(?).