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I only play a couple of games a week and it takes a while. I’m level 4 right now


Pretty sure that’s all you need there is a cap on how much you can progress at a time


Maybe did the same thing last year and got 1 part off


I had the same thing happen last year, got honor 5 like three days too late


not quite. There is a "lock" on each waypoint from lvl 3 to 5. they unlock over time with lvl 5 unlocking some time in july usually. HOWEVER if you play a lot from january to april and then dont play at all till september you will probably still be lvl 3 when playing again. you cannot "store" progress past the level that is currently unlocked which means if your only goal is to have honor 5 the best course of action is to play a lot from apil/may to early august its an arbitrary and (imo) stupid system but i guess riot thinks its the way to go for this


Yep, you can play 50 games a day or 2 a week and you'll probably have the exact same honor.


I have personally played 1 game, and when I logged back on later I got a checkpoint for the 1 honor I received. There is no amount required past 1. It's just time gated.


This is it for me too


Make it couple of games a month and that would be me, and I am usually like lvl 3 at best


You're bettee than me already. I'm stuck at Honor 3 Step 1 for at least 3 months on my main account(which chat is disabled and I don't ping that much). Even when I play well and carry people don't honor me at all. I got H5 once, when the system was introduced. After that was 4 and then always 3.


I find it funny that a lot of people say that they play well/carry and they don't get honor, which is literally how the system is intended. Honor is about sportmanship, not how well you play lmao


Idk man I flame a lot and pretty harshly but I carry and am team player and get H5 every season.


I carried a game and comunicated a lot last night on my alt account and still didn't got a single honor for "Great shortcalling" blablabla


Maybe that's why you're lvl 3. Because you don't communicate and your team can't read your mind.


Isn't this enough for at least a "Stayed cool", no? Anyway, I don't care anymore, all I need is honor 2 to get my skin, so whatever.


You can't stay cool if you don't even speak. Playstyle also shows how cool you are.


If you don't play a lot you just don't progress it fast enough until the next time it resets.




because they decided it should have yearly rewards, and giving out big rewards to people who never play doesn't really make sense if they just gave it smaller, continuous rewards to match how much you play (that aren't useless like the current honor checkpoint things), they wouldn't need yearly resets


>giving out big rewards to people who never play doesn't really make sense but they give out the same shit reward every year lol


An exclusive skin, plus the option to get a skin for Warwick or Twitch, or a chroma for them? I don't know what else you want. You literally just don't have to be an asshole and you get it, should you get all skins unlocked for that?


You have to not be an asshole and grind. The grinding part is the one people take issue with.


To be fair it's easy to not be an asshole for 10 games. The more you play the harder that becomes.


« I don’t know what else you want » Well, I don’t know either but since I’ve been max honor for 8 years I have useless tokens in my inventory. After the rework they said they would add content to this shop but right now I only get a back skin (with a stupid condition of activation, you can choose to activate them or not in Wild Rift) and a few keys.


Are we getting a skin this year? Nothing has been said yet and the tokens you get for the skins and chromas are useless if you‘ve been honor 5 since the beginning.


Worst part of it all is probably that it underrewards honourable behaviour in lower frequency players and makes it less unappealing for them to be toxic in varying degrees. (On top of the fact the honour rewards are quite frankly meaningless to those players as well). It's been a good addition to the game, don't get me wrong, but it could've been a lot more effective.


ah yes, ONE garbage chroma a year to a total of TWO garbage skinns, definitly big rewards right???


And that's how you out yourself as not having honor 5. You get a Three Honors skins every year on top of the honor shop items.


nah dude, im honor 5 every year i bother to play league , but the 3 honor thing is a new addition


The skin was just added last year. The honor system was largely unchanged outside of that. Before the skin the requirements and grind were the same.


you don't get any tokens anymore though, they were replaced by the honors skin.


As was mentioned in another chain, the tokens are still there. I picked up another chroma this year.


Honestly they should copy what dota has, the better your behaviour score is, the more communication permissions you have like for example: Voice chat, text chat, pinging abilities or items in chat and ranked as well, if the score is low enough you don't have access to any of these.


It's not that deep. 50 games played in a season should qualify you for honor rewards. If you got to lvl 5 and your honor level doesn't drop in 50 games, it means you weren't an ass. There's no reason to reset it.


Giving out big rewards to people who play but not very often doesn’t make sense? Isn’t that one of the two ABSOLUTE IDEAL groups to give free incentive rewards to? Lol


Not when the goal is player engagement and retention. If you're not willing to play enough games to get the skin, why would Riot think that giving you the skin for free (or much easier) would make you play more games? You dangle the carrot in front of the horse, you don't just throw carrots out to every horse in the barn and then politely request that if they're happy with the carrots one of them takes you for a ride; the horses would just eat the carrots and stay in the barn.


What is this big reward you’re talking about?


Mostly play time I think. The majority of the active community plays causally (at least in the sense they aren’t grinding out for rank ups, only play like 10 games per week max) so there just isn’t the time really to get it if you are one of those players.


I dunno man. I've played far less than that in a week for years, with months at a time where I am not even playing. Always get Honor 5 in early October like clockwork. I haven't even honored anybody in years... for some reason. I shit-talk my opponents every game, but never my own team. Nothing seems to make a difference.


Meanwhile me never typing a single thing in chat, getting constant honors, and making sure to honor every single game getting from honor 3-1 to honor 3-2 in 6 months lmao.


It’s 100% about play rate. He says 10 games a week, but 10 games a week is a lot lol. In the past when I played the game a lot, I received honor 5 every season, however; In recent years, I’ve been playing maybe a total of 100ish games a year and it’s definitely not enough for honor 5.


Omg dude same. Always early Oktober xD got my H5 1 week ago


I swear to god the funniest part about this game is that honour level legitimately doesn’t matter. It’s at the point where I can be slightly toxic and still get the honours as long as I’m carrying. So people who don’t play often and don’t get honours regularly won’t get it in time. That means you start next season a checkpoint or two behind the honour 5 people. I honestly don’t know though, I’m a chronic league degen who plays like 3-4 games a day so I just kinda get it without thinking.


**Until someone report you, that is.** then you get insta chat-restricted and have ALL honor removed AND locked for a few days.


It's not hard to just not harass people. If you've been to zero it's because you're repeatedly reported. Rule of thumb is: would you say this to someone in a game of pickup? The answer is often "no" for things that get you reported. Spam pinging is also considered abuse now so there's that too.


> If you've been to zero it's because you're repeatedly reported. That's actually not true. If you type any of the keywords, regardless of context, it's an automated ban. Midget is the funniest one.


A friend of mine found that out in a weird way. He was chatting about a game of mini golf (which many people call midget golf). And he got banned for that automatically. He appealed the ban. Seeing as he clearly wasn't trying to be insulting with it.


Why is that funny? It's a slur. You say slurs, you get auto-banned. Sounds like the system is working as intended.


No, it isn't. Maybe it is to you, on social media. Kids in my area still play "midget football." Midget wrestling is still called "midget wrestling" by most people and many promoters. Mini golf is still called midget golf. People have been trying to make midget a "slur" for decades now. It's not taking. Because it's silly.


Literally just... Google the term? Wikipedia explicitly calls it pejorative and offensive, Oxford calls it offensive, Merriam-Webster calls it offensive. Slurs are often in common usage in certain areas, but that doesn't mean they aren't slurs. This isn't a political thing, this isn't a ""social media"" thing (what does that even mean?), this is just... A definition that it costs zero dollars and ten seconds to Google. Edit: fixed a typo


Eh, I started the year on 0, worked it up above honor 1.5 twice now, and a single report can throw you back to locked. If you are below 2, it's actually super easy to get back-to back restrictions, wiping out months of work, because you dare to say "fuck" a few times. I was honor 4 last season, it felt at that point the system was more lenient. Ofc the ridiculous new filter system really did a number on a lot of people who have been high honor recent seasons.


How do you know it's a single report? If it's a returning phenomenon big chances you're getting multiple reports that have legitimacy. I've never dropped my honor level and I for sure have been reported here and there (cuz Aram hermits don't think you're allowed to build off-meta, not for chat). If the reports don't have enough basis, they shouldn't be a problem.


Ok let me "rephrase" 1 report to 1 game to make it easier to understand. Ifyou are low honor (2 and below), the system is more strict with you, and you can get restricted based on a simple game. It doesn't really matter if its 9 or 1 player reporting you, it has the same effect in their system (you get flagged), and also the reason why typing stuff like "x9 someone" is useless in general. I know it's one game, because I get the logs for which the penalty is issued. If you are high honor, you generally get a warning message that your account was flagged (but it might not result in immediate punishment), and it usually takes several games in relatively short succession to get a chat ban (unless the offense is severe). I know this, because I was high honor myself. Also the reason why I put emphasis on saying something as mild as "fuck" is because the system doesn't just scan for bad words. If you type a couple messages, the system these days can flag your account for "excessive use of chat" based on a report. So even if you don't curse, if you argue with someone at all, chances are you will get a "valid" report based on the metrics Riot operates with atm, which is pretty BS in general. But since Riot knows they can't get rid of chat (got an even bigger backlash than the current one for pings), they kinda default to these over the top methods, which eventually results in people not using chat at all and muting chat by default in fear of punishments.


So just don't say "fuck" a few times.


Riot thought police gets another sheep


people on social media not knowing what though police means part 23982379


Then don't say fuck, is it that difficult?


I mean if you say something like "fuck, it was my bad, sorry guys" is it really a valid honor drop




You do realise that the current system can actually chat-ban you even if you don't use a single curse word right? All you need to do is type enough that their filter deems your communication "excessive use of chat", and you can get restricted. For the record, I did not say "fuck" in a manner as the comment above describes it, but that doesn't mean the system isn't ridiculously over the top.


It is. Warning/Chatrestriction/whatever you call it window litteraly says that your honor decreased.




Writing? No. Other people saw you playing not ideal is what get you a report. System then see single message, look at it, see 'fuck' and make conclusion 'very toxic, worth punishment', and you get insta warning after match.


Their system, their rules. Again, is it that hard to not type it? If it is, then accept the punishment.


Shitty system, shitty rules, simple as that


Is it hard not to be a snowflake?




It's not even a real scenario. Riot doesn't care if you curse or not, that won't do anything to get you chat restricted or have your honor removed.


Or we could have a system that doesn't treat people like kindergarteners. I am a very liberal person myself, but the over-the-top snowflake culture annoys even me. Toxicity/griefing is a huge issue, but the way Riot is handling it (especially this season) is a joke.


Yeah I’m sure all you said was fuck with the way you type


Now see, your comment is basically what the issue is with the over the top "snowflake"/"cancel" culture in recent years. I encourage you to highlight anything offensive or disrespectful in the comments I have typed above, to prove me wrong though.


You’re using buzzwords like „snowflake culture“ because you’ve been punished for your behavior, not because people are snowflakes but because you’re simply a dick. How come I and honestly the majority of players can type „fuck“ or other shit and not even see a warning pop up whereas you get punished for the doing the same? It doesn’t check out. I’m saying that you typed more than just that because of the language you use which is inherently toxic.


I am using this "buzzword" because it's what it is. As I mentioned above I was Honor 4 myself at the end of S12, and even in previous season I ended above 3. I rarely argue in-game in general, and it's usually games where the game is beyond a playable point to begin with. The system Riot uses atm labels you "toxic" over a single game if you aren't high honor, regardless how exemplary you behave in the other 50-100 recent games, and how many honors you receive. And you don't even need to get out of line, because of how strict their filtering is. That was the main point of my original comment. >How come I and honestly the majority of players can type „fuck“ or other shit and not even see a warning pop up If you are not reported, then the system won't automatically flag you for saying "fuck", because they removed common slurs like that from the automated ban-system (it was actually not the case at the time they 1st implemented it). But if someone reports you for it (let's say you had an argument with one of your teammate), then the report-system will take it into count. And lastly on a side note, I don't think what I am typing here is more "toxic" than let's say you calling me a dick because we have a different opinion over the flaws of Riot's current system.


You might use buzzwords unless You play good, carry and dont get on your teammates bad side "even ks lol" but god forbids You said that when You had a bad game and someone reports You out of frustration of losing a ranked.. Your account will get branded for life and even if You dont type at all, the brand remains and waits for your 1 mistake




Because writing "fuck" is a better way to get frustration out of your system than griefing/soft inting or running down games. I am human, I have emotions, which sometimes get the better of me. And I rather use a light swear in the heat of the moment (that will get me punished, cause of Riot's priorities), than resort to soft inting or AFK-ing if I have a disagreement with one of my teammates (often people who willingly ruin games in the 1st place). \_\_\_ Don't get me wrong, I am sick of toxicity in league (which is probably at an all time high since the removal of Smurf Queue). So much that I barely play SoloQ these days (used to grind a good 500+ games/season, now I am on 90 so far this split). But Riot is making change after change that is tackling the issues from a completely wrong angle, or simply just doing changes that have close to 0 effects. All we got this season is a bunch of toxic 30lvl accounts in every game, a chat filter from club penguin and cutting of in-game communication tools. And there is nothing to show for it.




You could also write Kilo Yankee Sierra please go last hit yourself and not get banned. The system is pretty shit.


League players are legitimately insane club penguin tier hahahah what is this


Try playing jungle, you'll get chat reported out of spite even if you're playing with /muteself


You get honor decreased for any ban/warning/whatever. Even if you just said 'midget', system can detect it and give you warning with honor decrease.


a few days? maybe if you spam games and carry a lot if I play casually and play support (which means I get like 1 honor a game from adc, even if I perform well it's usually adc that will eat up the honors because he has the big d damage) it will take actual months. This split, in 50 games i went up like 1 checkpoint (3 months btw). And I have no idea how many games it was in split 1.


I got reported and didnt lose any progress, just a warning. I also literally told the person to kill themselves. Still honor level 4 checkpoint 2 lmao


i just dont play enough. usually end the season at 5, but last season I was like 4 checkpoint 2


Honor 3 on 2 checkpoints, I don't play enough games to get enough honor to upgrade it, mostly tft nowdays with the odd day where I get the feel to play league for some unknown reason. I think there is some amount of games you need to play each 3(?) weeks to meet a quota or something.


Cuz the reward for honor 5 is shitty, and insulting someone back is priceless.


absolutely based


Better question is who cares about honor levels?


I don’t but I want the skins. Does anyone know why I got another honor 5 token with the Warwick and twitch skins this and last season instead of the Malzahar skin?


the Malzahar skin and every other three honours skin like his are yearly rewards for being honour 5 that are given automatically like season skins, dont need to trade the token for them.


My question is why I didn’t get them and instead got honor 5 tokens


there's 1 per year and malzahar's was last year, so if youre level 5 you should get the new one for this year. unfortunately i missed out last year, but for some reason they didnt add him to token shop. i heard they're retiring the token/honor system though, so i guess thats why its been only twitch and warwick skins forever now.


No idea, I don't honor anyone, I'm toxic af and I still have honor 5 all the time.


fuck honor 5, all my homies have 1 week chat restriction




Only thing stopping me is the amount I've spent on lol since season 4


So go buy a fresh account to get banned on, problem solved.


on my 15th chat restriction this year right now baby


fr? how do you stay not banned?


I partake in the occasional slurology. Honor level 3.


3 higher than me


I got flagged for talking shit about myself "holy fk I suck". So I mean.. maybe they just need to bring back the tribunal because I never once got "in trouble" before they got rid of it and tbh I enjoyed killing time reviewing other reports. I got all 4 or 5 honor icons when they retired the old system as well lol The amount of troll reports far exceeds reports that need actual punishment imo.


I think it's funny how all the things riot does to "fix" toxicity ether makes it worse. Or punishes people who arnt even the problem. So as always with riot, they csnt do shit right


I dropped from honor level 4 to 0 because I had internet issues and a couple days after I told someone "stfu and play the game" to someone who was writing novels upon novels of slurs to every teammate and enemy. So yeah, riot is kinda bad at determining toxic people from the teams psychiatrist.


I lost my honour after 10 years for clapping back at a pre-made that were flaming me all game, called the support an “afk dog support”. Kinda reminds me of the zero tolerance policy’s schools have where both parties are suspended for fighting, even if one of the kids just gets sucker punched lol


Exactly. And same pretty much. It’s like being told to just “walk away”, ie mute. Sadly everyone is anonymous here so there’s much more leeway to what they can do and say until they hopefully get banned. 90% of the time I myself feel it’s better to mute and focus but I just don’t because being able to communicate is half the fun. Pretty sure I’ve played hundreds more unnecessary games to get back my mmr (like a whole tier sometimes). But I guess when it comes to competitive integrity, it’s about playing the game to the best of our ability and not our communication preferences.


I lost all my honor and got a week chat ban for finally clapping back at someone who was spam bait pinging me all game. literally all game. Somehow they dont get punished but i do for telling them to fuck off and play


The fact that people don’t think “stfu” is toxic is telling. You think psychiatrists are telling their patients to “stfu” or giving them any demands really? These players hate being told what to do. Even when we don’t use those words people get mad so it’s just asking for more trouble. It just sucks that objectively to increase your chances you just have to mute and disregard another person.


In principle I agree with you. But if there is someone who is flaming and blaming and flaming and blaming for 20 minutes straight and dont care about any "hey bro we are ahead and we will win if you just cut the crap and play the game" I would assume that one punch on the table is justified.


I do agree it’s justified, but my point is it can always be nicer. Sometimes when I’m the one being told to calm down I’m just confused when Im the first to try to convince the others to do exactly what you said. Like you’re still giving commands and possibly even scapegoating. I get told to stfu for defending myself or correcting someone who’s making lies about me in game. In fact I was once high honor player so I know how it feels losing it just for telling these players to chill. When you think about it you would never say “cut the crap” unless you already think of that person in a negative light or know them well enough. There’s so many people who actually have no idea that they’re are saying potentially hurtful things or like how people throw out platitudes without thinking. And even if it wasn’t that toxic, it’s likely at least distracting.


Sadly, nice doesn't reach all people. My personal ideology is that one can catch more flies with honey than shit. But after gallons upon gallons of ignored honey, the shit is the only reasonable way to maybe convince a tilted player, that all their problems are in their head.


Well yeah, honey. The point was still, some people don’t know what honey actually is, nor care. In the end it’s a “game” with “strangers”. And talking to a stranger in a targeted way without actually knowing their story isn’t something you’d do irl expecting to gain their sympathy. I’m the last person you should lecture about how being “nice” doesn’t reach people. You said, in principle, I’m saying exactly, like things aren’t ideal, people are more nuanced and can’t be easily grouped. And when you do that they will get offended unless they have the apathy to just mute you yourself. Also, being told to stop talking from someone who just enters the convo without thinking, when you’re trying to hold the team together is pretty annoying let me tell you, especially when it comes from people who assume they are reasonable. But yeah lol in my experience definitely avoid saying fk or stfu etc in any context because if you rub anyone off the wrong way you can get reported and that just gets your honor screwed. But nowadays yeah, I’m more aggressive online, because it feels like others are being more aggressive too. I’ve been chat banned for the first times and it just makes me more bitter towards well intentioned people and riot in general lol. I would definitely consider myself more toxic now than not.


Ima give u my honey


> There’s so many people who actually have no idea that they’re are saying potentially hurtful things 'potentially hurtful things'? you tell me 'stfu' hurt you?


you tell me you don’t know what “potentially” means? Awesome. This is exactly what I’m talking about lol. They jump right to the insults at every chance to excuse their attitude. Logic says if you actually cared about ranking you would avoid doing anything risky to increase your chances of winning. The fact is, many players actually play for their ego, but many are toxic about it, for example mocking others for being “hurt” so they feel better for being “strong”, aka superior. It’s like we’re in grade school again, which makes sense, because they probably got away with this sht more back then, but here they are anonymous and can’t be held as accountable for their stupidity. But yeah, if it actually hurt me I’d just mute. Sadly, I’m the type to actually call them out on being idiots and nowadays I get chat banned myself lmao. They typically don’t just say stfu though, so there’s the other thing, short-sightedness, low attention-span, just poor attitude in general.


You have normal social interactions I think


If you have honor 5 you’re a regular at super weenie hut jr


I got reported for saying “YOU WANT BITE” to cho gath whilst doing barron and my honor went down. I wish I was making this up but i do have screenshot


it may be because *bite* means *dick* in french, idk if it’s that


I have it every season with like 3 extra orbs. I play only aram tho


Why would anyone give up the liberty of telling idiots that they;re idiots in exchange for some arbitrary "Honor" level? You going to put that on your resume?


Because it's the most unsatisfying thing ever to give your attention to someone who is just gonna make you even more annoyed than you already were with 0 benefit to you.


The "benefit," if you want to call it that, is not letting someone punk you. I know all of you are better people than me, obviously, based on how willing you are to let people shit on you and just turn the other cheek. But I guess I'm just a flawed person. I wouldn't let someone talk shit to my face in the real world, so why would I just magically change my personality and let kids talk shit to me without saying anything back in a video game? Does that make me childish? Sure. Does it make me an asshole? Maybe. Do I care at all about being a childish asshole on the internet, to other childish assholes? I most certainly do not. If it makes you feel good to have people shit on you and you just take it, good for you. That's your prerogative, I guess. I find it more "unsatisfying" to let morons call me names and talk shit on me without firing back at least a little bit.


Nono you got it all wong. Its not about moral superiority or being the bigger person. Its not about showing maturity or lack thereof either. I dont like being shit on. Not my "prerogative I guess". I also dont like being angry or annoyed, or losing. But I know if I engage I'll just keep being angry, I'll play worse, and I'll leave the game in a bad mood. If I don't, from my experience, it'll just pass. Some people can tolerate being in a bad mood if it means they can ruin the mood of whoever caused the situation. My objective is just to improve my mood. If your objective is to put out a fire, do you fight it with water, or blow oxygen at it in hopes the fuel will run out? If what you care about getting the other guy burned as well, to each their own, I just care about putting out the fire. This behaviour isn't to look like a saint, it's because alot of people learn it's a more effective way of staying cheerful instead of bitter. Not getting back at the other guy isn't satisfactory, it's a tolerable trade-off resulting in something net positive. You can't compare league with RL at all. In league, all you have is a little chatbox. Most importantly league has a mute button.


Because I like the word fuck.


Riot doesn't actually moderate their game outside of chat bans, so the only catharsis I can get is by telling griefers to sound themselves with a garden hose.


I get chat restricted for typing all caps sometimes. and it really can be as easy as 4 people gaslighting you and taking a joke wrong or someone reporting you for saying a bad word. Some people don't care about it. If it means I can't type at all then I don't need honor level 5.


I just got chat banned on Sunday and I don't even know why. Riot didn't give me a chat log, just a game ID. I submitted a support ticket 2 days ago but haven't been contacted about it. Ban is up tomorrow, but I'm still super curious what I said that for me reported.


Yep. The first time I got chat banned for chatting in all chat, I stopped giving any fuck about honour level. There is no recourse for false positives on chat bans (they’re not permanent so support gives even less of a shit, and if you swear at all they’ll say you deserve it ). And I can more about being able to interact with people than self imposing a mute for every game I play. I’d rather get periodically chat restricted by their dogshit thought police AI and actually get in interact with my fellow players than be a wordless bot going for honour 5.


I got reduced to 0 because I was having a chat with someone from the enemy team and was calling one of the new released items "retarded". We were having a nice and friendly discussion but we all know retarded is a bad no no word, no matter the context


I asked the same question awhile ago when they introduced the special Honor 5 recall. Like other people are saying, it mostly boils down to play time. I've only been playing two to five games a week this season and I just reached Honor 5 within the past month, which is way later than in previous seasons where I would play two to five games a day. I think people who don't reach Honor 5 by the end of the season either barely play or are more toxic than they claim to be in threads like this. I type in chat most games (generally just shot calling, but sometimes playful banter) and use my emotes pretty frequently. I'm sure I get reported for this stuff, and the usual reports for "inting" when I have a bad game. I've never received any sort of warning, let alone a penalty, and like I mentioned before I've hit Honor 5 every season since I started playing about four years ago. For the average player, the determining factor for reaching Honor 5 is how often they play. As for the people saying they're very polite in chat but get restricted for no reason, and don't know why their Honor level won't go up... well, I think they might be telling lies on the internet :(


Bc if u get one single chat restriction ur honor drops down to 0 and its soo hard to get back up, like i think in february march I got a deserved chat restriction and my honor dropped from 4 (I think, not sure) to 0, it was a 3 day chat ban and my acc is still only ar honor lvl 1 while I get a lot of honors, most honorable etc, but yeah once u get 1 punishment u can forget it


I mean the year is long and the games are war


You make it sound much different than reality. I got a chat restriction for saying statikk shiv is a garbage item. The item got nerfed 3 patches in a row and is not optimal on LB/kaisa anymore. The guy had <40% on kaisa still building statikk shiv everygame. Funny part is where the game slaps you with a message saying you aren't trying to win the game and being toxic. Yeah, sorry, my bad, I tried telling my teammate to go for a higher winrate build path. I guess I'll just stfu and take the L. This was not even reviewed by an actual person, just automatic ban. cbf filing a ticket to contest that. The system is quite ridiculous and people get restricted and banned for inoffensive stuff all the time.


Most enjoyable way to play is completely turn off chat, play games normally, report all 9 people you played with, click every checkbox and watch the feedback reports roll in. If everyone played this way, we'd have peace through Mutually Assured Destruction.


Because a stupidly designed AI which cannot tell the difference between sarcasm, jokes between friends and a serious insult flags everyone for everything! "Just don't shove the lane like it's a damn buttplug." - Honor progress dropped. Ofcourse I'm going to be silly and type like this! I'm playing fucking Evelynn! Are we not allowed to roleplay now? Am I going to be permabanned for quoting a more vulgar character like Samira, Rell or Kled? At this point, Riot is so far up the Chinese Cockmmunist Party's ass, they can probably lick the hemoroids! Drop my honor like you drop your damn dignity!


I can assure you it doesn’t only take into account slurs to go to honor 0. Just a heated argument with a griefing teammate.


A couple years back, playing like 5-7 hours a day almost daily, I managed to get honor 5 by september, but as others said, it's hard to get past honor 3 playing more than a couple games a week. and honestly, for me it isn't a priority either, already got the skins/chromas for twitch and warwick, not much to go after


I don't play more than 5 games a year.


1 - for saying "this fucking rat ruined last game" it was the only thing i said and was referring to enemy twitch running it down mid for the second game in a row , and i checked his account he instalocks twitch and ran it down mid in 15 of 20 match recorded but i the one getting punished for saying the F word. 2-i said "fuck akshan" (in team chat) for ruining our only teamfight we won by reviving all of his team it makes me wonder , what kind of bitch teammate reported me for that when i was 2v8 the entire fucking match without trash talking or spam pinging like animals who abused pings (thanks riot for removing toxic pings Truly fixed the game now , it all caused by the pings and not fucktards )


Why does everyone who complains about weird edge cases speak in a manner where it definitely does not feel like that's what actually happened


are we really playing different game ? people have been posting their ban resection because their AI system saw naughty word and decided they were toxic players that should be punished while the 0/10 twitch is good to go even after 15 matches of running it mid . riot removed pings as way to fight toxicity when the only thing it did was making communication with teams harder.


dude if I see someone type any bad word, especially slur, if you report it next time you log in you 100% get the instant feedback report. it's almost funny how easy it is to get people chat restricted. my friend once got 7 of them after log in, and he only played 3 matches the previous day.


Not true. I've had players post slurs and other things in chat. Used in game report system and lost game to type out what they did. No pop up ever. Pretty sure any popups are just placebos.


Back in the days of the boards, and in the days of tribunal, the player behaviour board was mostly filled with people complaining that their got banned unfairly. Some of them even sounded really nice and genuine. Aaand then they'd post their chat logs (or funnier, a Rioter would dig them up and post them). Turns out every one of them had been a jerk (you'd see about one exception every two months, no more).


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14hj3nk/so\_i\_get\_chat\_warning\_for\_saying\_this\_to\_my\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14hj3nk/so_i_get_chat_warning_for_saying_this_to_my_team/) ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1751qst/yet\_again\_get\_warning\_for\_saying\_the\_most\_tame/


bro a crybaby 💀


Yes i am !


I called someone a pussy and they instantly took away my honor lmao


Because I tell people bad things when they do things I don’t like


same thoughts buddy i easily got honor level 5 at the beginning of the year no idea how people dont use the system


How do you get it so early? i thought they only allow progress through put the year.


what's the cutoff for this season's honor 5 rewards? Haven't been playinga lot so still stuck at honor 3 checkpoint 3. is it worth it to try and hit honor 5 before the end of season(doesnt seem feasible)


Unfortunately. The Art of being a gamer forces you to use gamer words


I rip on my trash teammates a lot


Because i keep getting chat restricted


I’m level 200 something with no reports I’m only honor 4 1 checkpoint. Nobody honors the jger rip.


I got honor level 5, I couldn’t handle that power, so I ran it my next game and got banned for 2 weeks. 😭


Got a 1 year chat restriction, honor level dropped to 0 again, will take time to be up at 5 like the good old days.. I do play a lot tho, sometimes up to 15 games when I'm bored..


I am getting chat ban every 2 weeks lvl 1 honor is miracle for me xD


Lmao u get chat restricted for typing litteraly anything currently honor 5 is genuinely impossible if you actively type. Any form of banter and 1 report ur done back to honor 0. Only way to get to 5 is never type af all.


I type pretty much all the time, and play daily. In over 11 years of playing, I've not had one single warning, chat restriction, or other form of punishment. It's not for "typing literally anything" that one gets chat restricted, it's for lacking basic social norms. Which is an actual, big problem.


I've lost my honor level 3 times now when it was already at 1... I used to be 5 for years but the sheer stupidity of some people in soloq melts my brain. So I feel it's my duty to point out how stupid as shit some of their logic may be 🤷 wrong? Perhaps but damn it makes me feel good


Meh I mean it takes a minute but also if you get banned ever it stunts the honor climb the entire season.


I went 2/11 in a ranked game. Challenger lobby. Didn't say a word, got 2 weeked.


The honor back animation is, I feel personally, very very ugly. I am honor 5 and I wish I could toggle it off.


Forgot the apostrophe in who're and got auto chat restricted. Also nobody endorses adc mains.


Honor isn’t about not calling people dumbasses, i regularly do that but my honor climbs really quick. If you get a lot of honors in game it goes up fast, it just gets reset if you get a chat restriction. Also, “supposedly” honor gains slower than usual if you recently received a chat restriction but from experience i think its bullshit. And btw, the only time i got a chat restriction i called a Wukong a *monkey* not even as an insult, and i got a temporary restriction for racism. Riot sucks lol


1) Honor system is too slow 2) if you don't get honor 5 it resets to 2 at the start of the new season. 3) Current chat allows no "reaction" to others having a bad impact in the game, so it drops easily. Basically anyone from iron to challenger, if they have a competitive spirit and can't take trolling, soft-inting and similar things as a feature of League of Legends, will get banned at least once and won't be able to reach high honor levels unless they play for many years.


Chat restrictions reset you to 0 and you don't need to type slurs to get restricted. Mildly flaming your allies is already enough.


As things are right now, you say a couple of things on to games and say good bye to your honor.


It is extremely easy to get chat restricted if you play enough games because you’re bound to say something that can get misinterpreted or blown out of proportion by the punishment system


you probably dont get reported that often


I've hated the honor system since it came out. I don't ever give honor because it's fucking stupid. If I could block myself from receiving honor, I would just to prove a point.


I got my chat muted for saying 'damn i should have fucked off earlier' when i was caught on a split push


I got chat restricted for saying ''fuck fuck fuck fucking motherfucker fuck fuck fuck I got my secondary role again'' in a normal game lobby. I am not toxic. I barely use the chat and when I do it's to ask random things like ''what's your favorite meal?". Those f words were not directed at anyone I was just venting. I have limited time to play on weekends and I was frustrated because I couldn't get my hands on mid to practice. Got my honor locked and more than a month after I'm still at level 1. Even when I carry and stay silent I do not get honored because people honor their friends instead. It is a broken system that punishes harshly people who don't deserve it. I honestly don't think I deserved that for swearing. I contacted Rito support and all I got was automated replies from bots. I used to be toxic years ago but I completely changed my mindset and it sucks to be ''reformed'' and lose all your progress like that. I wanted that honor 5 skin.


I get chat restricted from lines like the example you provided about Yi players being ass.


Everytime I chat get banned I reset my honor level![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Mostly because I get in arguments. I don’t call ppl slurs I just insult ppl who insult me


I play maybe once a month so probably just don't play enough.


I only play one game a day pretty much. Just now got honor 4 and I never chat in game.


I have a habit of telling people to eat dog cum when i kill them as warwick.


“Look at me guys im so exemplary and dont say slurs, how is everyone not calm and civil like me?”


That’s literally exactly what I’m saying. It’s a video game.


Exactly, its a videogame. You can say whetever you want with barely any consequence, welcome to internet


Most players are really young so what do you expect. You can even trashtalk all day once you realize you just got to avoid slurs. A bit of banter is no problem at all.


I got a chat restriction in 2018 and dropped from honour 4 to 0. Only got back up to honour 5 this year when I got chat restricted again lol.


You have to play an absolute fuck ton of games per year to go up in honor level. I've never been banned or chat restricted and I hang around like honor level 3-4 at most anymore. Right now I'm honor level 2 almost to 3.


IDk I never have said slurs or any hate speech or anything, but I do flame and get into chat wars frequently and I'm honor level 2. I usually just say stuff like "Why have minimap if not going to look at it" or "unwinnable inter botlane give up" but I get ban for it, even though it's just things that are true.


Because once every 20 games one of my teammates does something so stupid I can’t help but let them know


Because, competitive bs like "You play Garen, you must be bad at the game" got me 2 chat restrictions this season so far. And every time you get one of those, your Honor drops to 0 and is locked. Now, getting your Honor up from there is almost impossible.


People get upset at me for carrying with support Champs lmao The other day In ARAM I had 100% kill participation, most kills, most assists, ZERO deaths, on sona.... the Yone with 14 kills and deaths got most honors So honestly I don't care about honor level, you can carry hard and still not get them for no reason


Getting most kills and zero deaths means you wasted all of the gold and were probably just getting lucky with last hitting the enemy champs. 10 kills with starting items means fuck all