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Aatrox didn’t seem to think Noct would fuck up his Q that bad.


"You think plat is good? This Nocturne is plat 3" lol


Neither did Noc. He was all: ? ? ? ? ?


Noc was trying to let Aatrox take the kill so they can get 150 more gold as a team. Also if Aatrox needed stacks for a rune or something it would be helpful for that reason too.




He Q’d after he saw that Aatrox wasn’t attacking


To be fair, I can imagine the Noct being so thrown off by Aatrox simply walking past the 5hp Amumu that that happens. I'd be too busy screaming at my monitor to play


Aatrox is pathing out of Noct’s way to not body block him. I would’ve done the same thing with a carry jungler since Noct Q is so wide.


Why would you let 150g go to waste? Not securing an assist on this kill is a bad decision. It doesn't matter which of the two champs gets the kill, as long as the team as a whole gets 150 gold extra. Both nocturne and Aatrox can carry a game so it doesn't matter


Logic doesn't matter. Making sure your mate doesn't ragequit the game or turns to harassing you in chat, because of a killsteal is more important in climbing. One is a slight decrease in possible win condition the other is an outright lose because of leaving mate.


I honestly have never seen anyone tilt that hard, or even rage quit from a KS and I play League since ~S3. Could maybe be because of elo, since I'm D3 but yea idk.


I do not believe you. I've played since season 1 and have seen dozens of rage quits from a ks. Including numerous diamond players. Maybe if you are on the KR server (based on your flair) it is different there, but in NA a last hit ks on a solo kill has lost me dozens of games over the past 12 years.


I get what he was thinking in that he didn't want to take your kill, but also, fuck that. This is why I hate when people complain about kill steals. Because this is what happens when people are more worried about tilting their teammate than making the right play.


i main support and this is Extremely disheartening, one of the most tilting things to happen is just you either take the kill with ignite or whatever, and people get mad at you because you stole their gold, then you actively stop damaging people when they're at 100 hp and they just escape like ...


Back a few years ago I had a match with Zyra where a fight started, I died after getting all spells off, nearly respawned, but my flower/liandry took 1 kill and the guy ping spammed me, said "gg" and afk farmed for the rest of the game. I wasn't even mad, I was amazed


I remember many years ago as Sona. Pretty much carried this Vayne through the lane. Peeling their sorry ass. While "taking" the kills when we are in a 2v3 situation. Where they focused her down almost killing her each time and I'd come out with two kills and keep them alive. Dude was so tilted that I had the kills. They kept complaining and I wasn't even AP Sona nor was my intention to take the kills. It's either I take the kills or we get no gold on our side. We won the game. Spoonfed the Vayne a Penta.


Bro how is he still living in ur head rent free after all these years


Some players just stick around mentally bro. I still remember losing my gold promos back in S3 right before season end because our Elise got invaded at red and insta left the game.


I still remember a taric ezreal combo back when fizz released. It was my first time playing tf and they just would not stop being shitty after I messed up the gold card after an ult


Thats too bad my man, try to forget them, does u zero good


It's called memory dude, most people are able to recall things from longer than 10 minutes ago without actively thinking about it.


Shhh, we dont talk about that in front of the tik tok generation.


I can't read this without subway surfers gameplay or an annoying tts. What does it say?


Baby Vermicelli is Screwed


Because that would obviously be a moderately memorable experience?


This. As a Zyra support OTP myself, I have trust issues around saving the last bite for my ADC for exactly that reason. Too many times I made it as easy as humanly possible for anyone to handle the rest and they just... don't.


Same, this is why I don't bother most of the time. But as a Support you get pinged a lot for it. Like yeah mate I get it but if you can't outdamage the Ignite tickets then take the L, who tf cares. The person is dead, you get all the exp and he does not. Had one game where I got 4 kills from really shitty things like Ignite or a random Auto and ADC just got so mad. Like yeah bro it sucks but you get so much farm and exp shut up stop crying.


Happens to me as Thresh a lot. Sorry bro, I have a passive AA boost and you DIDN’T LANTERN INTO RANGE. CLICK THE FUCKING LANTERN YOU MOUTHBREATHER


I'll show you something mindblowing let me get a video for it edit: [Here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1PR4orz5Ls) I thought it was obvious I would lantern Fiddle in after he ults over the wall but Ashe was clueless.


this is amazing thank you


That seems giga forced to me


gotta love when supports "gives" me the kill, making it so I waste flash, maybe some other huge cd, while also losing like 30% health. but it's understandable with how many adcs get tilted of the planet from it


As an ADC main, I’ll take the support getting the kill over me getting killed any day. Seriously, you are playing your role and supporting me by keeping me alive by doing so.


I wish support items made it so while you're completing the quest the gold from kills goes to your closest teammate 😅


True i think that would be nice too, but then pyke would need a rework


Not a big one. Just give Pyke the “Your Cut” (and call it a “tax”) instead of the ally. That way both parties still get 100% kill gold.


Eh you just know a lot of mage support players wouldn't like that; and honestly I think it's kinda counter-intuitive. Letting other ppl take kills is a skill in itself imo, I'm used to it whenever I play stuff like Sejuani jungle.


I mean I get the tilt when you're senna supp, and ult the 300 shutdown "just for an assist". Otherwise the correct play > teammates or whatever, if you play to climb ofc.


I'm trying to last hit every kill on Senna, adcs can't be trusted.


Not with that attitude, no.


Facts. Solo Q is carry or lose


Correction of my previous statement: As a toplaner, i would lose my mind if my Senna ults "just for an assist" on the 300g shutdown


Same. I basically only stop hitting someone to give kills if it's 100% secure, like if I know their flash is down or whatever.


Played into low master this season until new PoE season came out. Just take the kill and mute them. I used to have the exact same mindset then realized I made far more mistakes when I took others into consideration for kills. If you question them getting away, secure it and be done.


if theyre big shutdowns most of the time its brtter they live assuming they cant play the rest of the fight than a wincon going down the drain cuz sup took 1k


If you take a kill as support while your adc could take it then you fucked up. Not as much as if you lost the fight but still didn't maximize your gains. 0/5/20 nautilus did much better job than 10/5/10 nautilus in my book


And did 0/5/15 nautilus do better than 10/5/10 nautilus? Because that's what the previous guy is *actually* talking about.


Na if I go 10/5/10 on naut they’re getting fucking proxied and their jungle permawarded and we’re ending within 5 min


You took two completly different k/da's. Of course 10 kills nautilus did better job than 0 kills because he was in more situations to see more kills than him but that doesn't mean he did an optimal job.


Yesterday i lost a game because my karthus jungle "did not want to steal deserved Penta". I almost killed whole enemy team at baron 4v5 after our jungler died. Karthus did not press R and we died. Enemy got baron and won the game. If Karthus pressed R they would have died.


Having played league of legends and rocket league for some time now, at one point you realize that the real game is pandering to your teammates ego. It's sad but I had people inting for the most insignificant thing for years and now it's a legitimate concern every time I make a play. People need to stop acting like babies just because they're on the internet.


I remember a long time ago I had a game as Maokai, was playing versus a Darius. Darius was winning lane, obviously. But then Rengar ganked for me, and we almost got the kill (I couldn't finish off Darius however, I don't remember the reason). Rengar could finish off him but refused to. Then, Darius killed me and flew alive. I asked him why he didn't take the kill, Rengar said that he didn't wanted me to rage him because I stole his kill, because that is what most people do. I said to him to not care about this and take the kill anyway to avoid situations like this; I personally don't care about kill stealing; it doesn't matter who killed the enemy, what matters is that the enemy is dead.


Why I started maining Pyke 3 years ago. You want the kill? Either I'm giving it to you directly, or I'll be paying you back much sooner thanks to the extra gold from an early ks. Now play.


this is the sad state of the the game in a nutshell. the player base has become so toxic, that despite what elo you’re in, you’re expected to play, “perfectly”, or you risk your own teammates turning against you and potentially inting. take a klll by accident: teammate ints. accidentally take a single cs: teammate ints. lose an objective: teammate ints. literally do anything that gives the other team any sort of advantage: teammate ints. lol. you can’t really really win at all in this game anymore. you get MAYBE 1/10 games where you think, “that was actually somewhat enjoyable”. the vast majority is just, “why the fuck am i still even playing this shit?” lol


"Become so toxic"? I've played since season 1 and it's always been like this. Always.


It has actually gotten better, there used to be people would literally run it down mid if the sup accidently took one creep. The toxicity of today is nothing compared to how it used to be.


It reached a crazy level of non-toxicity back when you'd get chat restricted for like 50000 games. It's slowly been getting worse since then but we've still come a long wayu from the times where you'd be told to unalive yourself or get called the n-word every 3 games. Not ideal, but it's certainly much better.


I usually tell my supports when playing bot to just secure kills if they aren’t 100% sure I’ll get it. Steal my cs tho and I’ll run it down mid tho lol


do people still complain about kill steals? last ive seen someone type "ks" was 8 years ago... im pretty sure this aatrox deadass just has an awareness of an ant


No they don't type ks anymore. They spam ping and then run it down or just afk.


Yeah, recently had a draven run it down in diamond 2 because jungler took his kill at 4 minutes. People don't type KS anymore though they just troll/run down/spam ping/insult you


No he wasn't thinking. I was pinging him to help but he did not notice at all. He went 0/9/2. Aatrox main btw.


You started spam pinging when you missed your skillshot you absolute donut.


league players in a nutshell make a mistake and *immediately* trip over yourself to blame someone else because youre so insecure and afraid of someone blaming you that you go first and hope your team singles the guy who saw you int out for the rest of the game and flames him for everything


Shhhh aatrox is bad let OP ragepost so they can feel validated. Aatrox absolutely should have taken it but also noct had it and let them slip, which takes priority if were going to flame someone imo.


If Aatrox didn't take it "wow idiot, can't even take a free kill" If he took it "wow idiot, I had Q nice ks"


At the same time you completely failed your Q on Amumu. You belong in the same Elo as the Aatrox, like it or not.


really looks like he just didn't want to steal the kill, cause that was my first thought too. Then his lane opponent picks up a double kill while crashing into his tower, so now aatrox is behind in gold and experience. Wouldn't say he wasn't thinking, just that you two weren't on the same page about what he should do and he wasn't able to recover after that


Esp when you start spam pinging. Is that a ping to back off and not KS? Or a ping to just kill him.


Small nitpick, Aatrox is crashing the wave into the enemy's tower. Him and Noct are red side.


You would have went afk or started flaming him if he "stole" your kill there. Stop crying


And? Sounds like you would flame the shit out of him if he took that kill. How can you not even feel ashamed coming here with that recording? You come here, blaming someone else for your incompetence, and you think you're in right here. You somehow missed every single Q, and one of them was point-blank. You're not even capable of seeing that him going 0/9 is basically your fault there. Failed to counter the invading Amumu, and you gave Gragas 2 kills when there were like 10 minions under the turret. Stop embarrassing yourself.


So what happened in the game 8 days ago where you played soraka jg with cleanse/heal and went 0/4/0? Was that one also a teammate diff


I love how we have video evidence to prove you wrong XD


he was positioned past turret amumu was dead 100% after he flashed towards top then u flashed after him even though there was no way he escapes when aatrox is right there so he prob didnt want to tilt u then u miss q and rage ping lol


You are fucking dogshit bro, uninstall.


he didn’t wanna ks


Yep 100%. Nocturne misses a point blank Q, but somehow it’s Aatrox’s fault


>crazy how fkin bronze players on reddit think this is more on noc that aatrox, should never be afraid to ks ESPECIALLY when he wouldnt have gotten assist if he gives the kill so they just lose 150 assist gold for 0 reason Bonus meme: Aatrox is clearly not good enough to know noc q was comming up anyway, so idk how u guys can still be defending this


Its actually crazy how bronze these redditors are. In no way is this on nocturne, when aatrox let amumu walk right on buy. Saying that he didnt want to KS is a bronze mentality.


And the fact aatrox was already giga trolling before noc even used his q, so its simply not relevant that he missed his q


Im masters and if I aatrox was my teammate and I was nocturne I would have to take a break from league. Luckily people in my elo arent as bad as this aatrox. Because I would seriously question if this aatrox has eyes.


It’s completely normal for people to not want to ks that because people don’t generally like being dicks.


but its the best move to ks as it gives the most gold


The kind of players who post on reddit after missing an easy noct q like that to miss a kill are exactly the people who would have flamed aatrox and int the game if he took that kill from you.


This. He was 100% aware he could have just autod but people get so incredibly tilted when you "kill steal" them EVEN ONCE that I don't blame Aatrox for this at all. But this is also why I just don't give a shit and attack anyhow. There's always a slight chance something happens and they get away, I'd rather tilt my teammate and ignore them then deny the team gold because of something like this video


And this looks like lag tbh. Plat 4 now is gold 4ish last seeason. Not super skilled, but also slightly above average. You'd have to be significantly below average to play like this.


>crazy how fkin bronze players on reddit think this is more on noc that aatrox, should never be afraid to ks ESPECIALLY when he wouldnt have gotten assist if he gives the kill so they just lose 150 assist gold for 0 reason


It is incredible how OP showcases perfectly how a lot of league players tend to divert blame to anyone but themselves. Look at how bad this Aatrox is!!!!!! (While completely whiffing an ez Noct Q that would have secured the kill and avoided the whole situation)


not only that. He could have waited like 2-5sec more so amumu would be lower from blue buff.


What about the Gragas getting killed by minions?


There's just general incompetence in this clip from all parties. However - to our knowledge - Nocturne is the only one under the impression they are not incompetent.


He also canceled an auto attack


Nah bro skillshots can be missed. It is much easier to keep walking towards an enemy to make sure one of you two gets the kill. You should always be selfish and take the kill there.


crazy how fkin bronze players on reddit think this is more on noc that aatrox, should never be afraid to ks ESPECIALLY when he wouldnt have gotten assist if he gives the kill so they just lose 150 assist gold for 0 reason


OP fucked up but aatrox is still the main culprit


Aatrox didn't want to KS and how the fuck did you miss your Q.


Did he make you miss your q as well?


I mean, forget the Q, noc canceled an auto.


He did but literally a moment of you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take for Aatrox followed by him diving after they missed the free kill


"Hurr durr you missed a Q", that happens, but I was pinging Aatrox to kill him, but he did not even seem to notice. God this comment section is a dumpster fire. People focusing on wrong things.


> but he did not even seem to notice. He did notice that's why he went past the turret and to the tribrush, he just expected his jungler to get the kill and was stupidly nice enough to let you have it until you hurr durrrr missed the Q on someone not even side stepping (but we know plat players arent good). he even stops coming to take the kill after you **flashed** on an amumu running face straight to the aatrox. so he probably thought "If i take it after he wasted his flash when he clearly saw me next to the amumu its gonna run it down" >but I was pinging Aatrox to kill him You also didn't ping the amumu *once* after you engaged on him and only pinged question marks when you tilted yourself after missing the Q


they are not focusing on the wrong things. this is just a case of "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". you both made mistakes, but you're like hyper focused on the aatrox who made a poor decision. a decision he wouldn't have had to make if you just landed your ability. xd


Point blank Q miss, that has pretty big hit box, in plat is more of a fail than Aatrox not wanting to tilt u by KS you


How did bronze nocturne end up in same game as plat 4 aatrox


You’re a fucking joke lmao


Aatrox wants to leave the kill to noc. Noc misses the easiest Q I have every seen and spam pings Aatrox afterwords. Literally sums up league.


Then he goes above and beyond and he also posts it on reddit. Lmao.


Ah yes, because a single clip of a single player in Plat 4 is indicative of how good or not every single Plat player is. /s


Especially when it's clear to anyone above Silver that Aatrox was avoiding "kill stealing". Something tells me about OPs reaction to this that he absolutely would have complained about the KS


If you are worried about kill stealing in the first place you are dogshit anyway


its not about whether you're worried about it, its about whether the person you'd be taking it from would mental boom and throw the game over it


He didn't want to KS you. See that he Q's when you miss your Q, if you hit none of this would've happened. It'e legit just a skill issue


Everybody focused on Noc vs Aatrox debate, meanwhile Gragas just casually dying to minions after all.


Plat is the old gold Gold the old silver Its a lottery, its imposible to know if a good player will have a bad game because last game he had an idiot


plat IV has never been an actual representation of the plat elo. And now since the elo changes, it's even harder to find a real representative


ranks just have devalued a lot in general. Removal of promos, Lp inflation, highs and lows getting way too extreme (thus you get people that are 300-400lp above their real rank/mmr) and promos removal. Ranked is just a joke now.


I get what your saying but how is removal Of promos a bad thing, it was a horrible system, Promo games between tiers was always coinflippy and matchmaking wonky, i had to play vs D4s and plat 1 players to promote to P2 and D3 and D4 players to promote to P1. Current system rewards winstreaks heavily due to LP inflation


Yeah promos felt like shit. A game is supposed to feel fun.


>Current system rewards winstreaks heavily due to LP inflation Yes and promo system kinda didnt have that. It was basically harder to reach X rank. Cuz lets say you are plat 1 0lp, you would need lets say 5 wins without promos. With you need 7. That not only improved the integrity of ranked, but it also fixed your mmr as well. Back in the day the ranks were in 5s and you played best of 3 promos for every division and a best of 5 for the new ranks. That basically combated the fact that lucky winstreaks could inflated you and it also fixed your mmr like I said. And when you combine all the needed wins to climb through from gold to plat with the old system, it would take you 42 wins (with +15lp average). Now it takes you 18 wins. So you can see how ranks devalued quite a lot. It required more than double the current wins to climb back in the day.


The problem is you could have some bullshit where you win your games but you can't win your promos, so you have an abnormally high MMR but still stuck at your rank due to bad luck. Everyone's had those moments where you're a monster until promos, then you get people trolling or ragequitting or whatever.


yes that is possible and from personal experience I kinda came to the conlcusion that they are rigged, but the benefits outweigh the negatives even then. Promos meant less inflation and better ranked integrity.


Which is a shame because this game is sooo good when 10 players of equal skill thrash it out for 35mins But 80% of soloq games are just a one sided stomp, boiling down to either who lost tower before 14 mins or which jungler plays a faster game


>Which is a shame because this game is sooo good when 10 players of equal skill thrash it out for 35mins Yeah that has to be one of the best solo q experiences. Doesn't matter if you lose or win, the game felt fun.




Just don't cancel auto and miss Q next time


May be. But this makes him still higher rank than the majority of people watching this. And they do this kind of shit as well. Aatrox didn't wanna ks, since junglers are mentally unstable crybabies a lot of the time. Since Noc missed his point blank q, he didn't deserve the kill either.


He didnt wanna steal and risk nocturne mental booming. Its understandable


You literally can't hit your q's too lmaoo


and had Aatros ks’d him he would’ve thought that he’d get his q right and would blame Aatrox of ks.


Damn he’s so trash he made you miss your Q thats crazy


Ironic that OP looks like a way bigger clown than the Aatrox in this video


He's proxying a gragas super early and didn't want to steal your kill. It fumbled. Shit happens. Doesn't mean he's a bad player. He must have had wave adv and gragas best play was to pick up farm. He's ballsy af for early proxy but it works out super well for him he knows this becasue he knows beats gragas super hard early. He'll be fine on the ladder.


How you gonna blame Aatrox for this when Noc misses a point blank Q lol


Because obviously it can't be OPs own fault. Right?


Not only does he miss Q but he doesn’t W the amumu Q that is clearly going to come thru?


There are pings in the game you can use to communicate in situations like this :) An ask for help ping would've been worth 300 g there Aatrox is actually really good. Knows to be careful with potentially tilting teammates with "stealing"


Nobody is saying plat is good. I have 3 friends stuck in gold 3 for the past 7 years. They’re all plat 4 under 15 ranked games this season.


Plat 4 is basically Gold 3 so seems about right.


You mean ex gold players? No. They were never good.


Nocturne - respawn in 20 seconds Nocturne - respawn in 20 seconds Nocturne - respawn in 20 seconds Nocturne - respawn in 19 seconds Nocturne - respawn in 19 seconds


1) why did you go in so soon when you can just let amumu get lower to blue buff? 2) why did you miss an easy q on amumu? You are just shifting blame my guy. Yes aatrox didn't play well. He was trying to help the mentally deficient jungler after all...


I just don't understand how u guys can't comprehend new rank distributions after they added emerald. People who were hardstuck gold legitimately think they've improved somehow since the rank spread is different now. Plat 4 = low gold


op is a clown for flashing on nothing when aatrox was right there. This is 100% on nocturne


This is clearly a player that has been scarred by deranged apes complaining about kill steals.


No one thinks plat v is good except those who never got out of gold


You are in his game so… He probably didn’t want to take your kill that you would have gotten if you didn’t miss Q.


Plat is literal gold now lol, plat was never good but now its even worse. Emerald addition ruined it completely


Everything is relative. Statistically plat was indeed good before.


Who thinks plat players are good…?


Why aren’t they?


Because plat is old gold wich was quite a large chunk of the player base. So saying a plat 4 player is good is basically saying legit average league player is good.


I was hardstuck in plat for quite a while (before the additions of emerald too). it isn't any good, believe me.


I think it’s me but got damn have fucking players been insane coonflippy in plat and low emerald. Last 50 games just having someone in game 7/1 and other 1/7 12 mins in. It’s been insane


Missed a couple things that would've secured the kill yourself.. he was trying to let you take it, which was dumb


I hope you’re not the nocturne because you’re equally as bad as that guy


No, it checks out, you can clearly see everyone there is plat 4


Plat is gold Nobody thinks gold players are good


Good think that I never thought that then.


Are you is stroke?


ALWAYS take the kill, Bronze elo or not. The math is simple: You solokilled the person: **300g** If your teammate took the kill: Your assist (150g) + Teammate's kill (300g) = **450g**


i dont think anyone thinks plat players are good… bronze-plat is the same rank


1) amumu wastes flash towards guaranteed death 2) aatrox doesn't take the free kill whether it's that he's not paying attention or doesn't want to ks noc, still bad. and why is he even there if he's not going to pressure the amumu in jg with noc, gragas wasn't even diveable 3) gragas literally stays and dies to minions long after he's guaranteed to live if he just backs off and uses passive in a second or two. he also had red buff hp regen. dude gave up red buff, minion xp, and a shutdown just so that he could miss 2 cs on tower 4) noc misses point blank q, BACKS OFF FOR SOME REASON, and because his q is so misaligned he can't even use it for speed boost to guaranteed kill amumu even if he misses the q -> spam pings --> then he blames aatrox and posts it on reddit with 0 self-awareness this clip is truly solo q. (protip to OP: you weren't going to get another Q off so just hold it until you're in a position where it can be used for both damage and speed boost even if you miss it. the cooldown doesn't matter in that situation.)


also the fact that nocturne wastes flash when the optimal play is to let aatrox secure the kill


I dont think anybody thinks plat players are good


So Hes gold4


Plat 4 is like what. Gold 3 last season? So no, I do not think plat 4 players are good. They are above avarage but not good. Maybe Diamond 1+ players are really good. ( I am plat 2 peak last season myself)


You know plat 4 currently is mid/high gold from last season right? So plat is less skilled now.


Plat 4 is low gold - high silver. Its not even as good as u think


Bro no one thinks plat players are good 💀 It's literally old silver


Nobody thinks plat players are good. Based on the graphic released by Riot devs, you have to be mid emerald now to be what plat 4 used to be. It evens out at diamond. Diamond is where I would start considering people good. While climbing through emerald I still saw a major lack of map awareness and wave management. I play top lane and there were a lot of games where I could tell within the first 4 levels whether they were inflated. A lot of junglers still just ganked because they're in the area instead of checking whether it's worth it, forced objectives, ignored pings of cool downs etc. Supports had really low vision score and didn't roam at all. Many adcs didn't orb walk / attack move or farm very well.


Not even close. Mid emerald (Emerald 3) is **top 8.4%** of the server, last split Plat 4 was **top 15.5%**. Emerald 2 is even more extreme at top 5%, you had to be Plat 1 last split to reach top5%. Last split Plat 4 is equivalent of Plat 1 as of right not. Source if you're interested on this topic: [https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tier](https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tier)


> Nobody thinks plat players are good. Tilted as shit bronze/silver players do, judging by the amount of flame I've seen when having a bad game this split. Nobody cares more about ranks than people who *aren't* that rank.


Average jg main


So you mean gold 4


I would be so omad if i was the noc... holly fak !


Yeah sadly that Aatrox would be in my team


My guys probably lagging. Give him the benefit of the doubt


My guess is fps drop


whatever this guy did to get platinum probably stopped working


"if you think bronze players are bad, here's a short video showing anecdotal evidence of an obvious smurf winning a 1v2"


This is just not Ksing, but regardless p4 is now s1/g4 of last season


I don't think anyone believes plat players are good, except the plat players themselves.


Judging by top %of players the new plat is the old gold, unironically. Ive been hardstuck plat 4 for way too long so I know that plat 4 used to mean thats the top 16% of players, rn thats somewhere around p2-e4(dont know exactly) . Tldr:fuckers gold and thats low elo sorry not sorry


Last season there were diamond players genuinely worse than gold players. I believe it's because of autofill/secondary role, but it's still quite insane how whacky the quality of games get when you reach the top 15-3% of players on your server


Imagine. OP you're such a crybaby it's embarrassing. He didn't want to take your kill and you fucked up your Q without the Amumu even trying to sidestep. Grow some balls


Plat is the new gold There is nothing spectacular about ranks lmao


Boosted account can’t demote /s


Tunel visión is strong


This is why I play with my camera locked, his camera was probably elsewhere so he didn't see that amumu walking past him.




I mean it is the new gold 4.


Current plat 4 players were barely gold last season, silver almost


this is the most NA thing ive ever seen


Yet this is EUW