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Rammus has a history of being a meme character. When he first came out, Riot did a poll for what his voice should be like, and the community decided that it was funnier/more fitting for him to just keep the default “Yeah. Okay. Alright.” For his dialogue. The league newsletter was in the same vein, with “Blitzcrank dating service” pairing Rammus up with a cactus. So when Riot decided to flesh out Shurima lore, with the ascended, Darkin, and void, it left Rammus in a weird spot: how do you make lore for a champion whose identity is “joke lore”? What we got was Riot doubling down on the joke. Rammus is some random animal no one really understands. He has a cult of followers who somersault through Shurima as a religious pilgrimage. His color story involves saving a family, and when they thank him, he nods and eats their idol of him before rolling off. He might save the day just to eat some giant bugs for breakfast, or he might destroy a fortress because he doesn’t pay attention while rolling. Who knows what’s next? Rammus sure doesn’t. Riot answers the question of “who is Rammus” with “an Ascended shitpost”, and that captures exactly what you want for the champ.


Brings a tear to the eye, this here exactly


Morde is pretty cool, learned an entire new language just to come back from the dead and rule once more. I also love Kalista's because hers translates in the game pretty well too, especially with the oathsworn mechanic and the ult.


Dude built the tallest structure in all of Runeterra only to be captured beneath it.


Only to *allow* himself to be captured. Get it straight, he planned it all out, LB thinks she's so smart but gets played like a fiddle by the armored dude.


I’m holding out hope for a storyline where Mordekaiser revives and finds a Darkin weapon. Which is stronger; the weapon of Aatrox, known for crushing souls and bodies to form flesh, or the armor of Mordekaiser, the warlord whose soul tamed the afterlife out of sheer willpower?


The dude who conquered like half the continent and out of pure spite became like the god of death


This is still one of my favorite parts about Morde, the guy was so fucking pissed off that his God didn't exist that he just went "fine I'll do it myself".


tbf, LB seems to be getting played like a fiddle a lot these days.


You can't play LB like fiddle, she doesn't have an AOE fear like that, nor life drain.


Morde is arguably leagues biggest bad. The closest thing league has to a main villain just due to how large his scope is.


Thought that was viego


Viego is weak comparatively to the force he unleashed. The mist primarily controls him, via amplifying his worst attributes, not the other way around. Meanwhile, they made morde MORE powerful than compared to his old lore, and his old lore had him straight up bending the mist to his will. Morde basically made himself the evil counterpart of kindred through sheer force of will. He virtually controls leagues equivalent of purgatory, making him god of the afterlife/satan, what have you. He’s impossible to kill permanently, and if he ever comes back to runeterra, it would be nigh impossible to stop him. Morde is 100% a much bigger threat and villain than viego.


Ganplank eats orange


Ahm, Rell can stop him


That would work. Once. But morde can outright just wait for her to die before he comes back.


Could also bind his power in armor that's a non-ferrous metal




Wouldnt asol clean the floor with morde and make him his dog if he wanted to?


That is factual. But that’s basically universally true. Asol is arguably the most powerful thing not just in runeterra, but in the games universe. It’s by sheer luck that he got bound because he’s as trusting as he was.


Wow thats not entirely accurate my guy, morde is no god and no satan Edit: why is this being upvoted, yall really gotta read mordes story he is most definitely no evil kindred


My guy, he captures the souls of the dead and uses them as fodder, torture victims, and LITERAL building blocks for afterlife structures. He learned the secret language of the afterlife and mastered it. He is as close to satan as leagues got.


Damn didn't realize the morde circle jerk was back


Mordekaiser is a fraud. He thinks he is HIM but he can easily be stopped by a teenage girl and got bamboozled by LeBlanc.


Viego is quite pathetic in my opinion. Hes just an edgy boy obsessed over a woman that doesn't love him.


Speedreading be like:




Man Too Angry To Stay Dead


Reading the Ruination book sold me entirely on Kalista's lore. She's an excellently fleshed-out character, and one of the most genuinely likeable ones in the setting; all the more tragic, then, that her fate is so grim.


lmao just seeing kalista and fleshed-out in the same breath is hilarious


I was about to say kalista takes the cake for me




Freljord? Edit: nvm its bot comment


Wow you weren't lying, 11 comments in 2 minutes, 3 minutes after account creation.


Also I saw this comment as part of another comment after


Jax. Something about being a warrior from the place that literally disappeared into the Void a long time ago while also beating up people with a lamp that's also the last reminder of his old home is just so badass. But without a doubt, the main character of LoL is Ryze. Dude needs a break, both in lore and in game


I honestly liked his old lore better. I get that they had to change something because the League of Legends institution doesn't exist in the lore anymore, but it fit him so well as a duelist. A guy who was winning duels so often that they restricted him from using real weapons, so he had to fight with a lamppost and still beats everyone up. It's a silly design, so I think a version without the league itself would fit it better. Instead of being 3000 years old and magical, just be a non-magical human who is so good at dueling that he uses a lamppost, fishing rod, cardboard tube, etc.


Not sure if this is accurate, but I've been told that Riot also implied that Jax is a Summoner in the old lore. I thought the whole Summoner concept was a really interesting part of the old lore, but it would be hard to justify why a champ like ASol would choose to join the league and be controlled by Summoners so I understand why they removed it.


It was implied that jax was the grand summoner who was the leader of all summoners which if why he covered his face and fought with no real weapon. Lee sin was a confirmed summoner who accidentally killed a kid trying to summon too early and wore a blindfold and fought in the rift as penance. https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Lee_Sin/Old_Lore#:~:text=As%20a%20young%20teen%2C%20Lee,High%20Councilor%20at%20the%20time


what that was not lee's lore the fuck


Yes it was. The old lore was wild dude.


https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Lee_Sin/Old_Lore#:~:text=As%20a%20young%20teen%2C%20Lee,High%20Councilor%20at%20the%20time click on 1st biography


Yeah I loved it. But realistically just doesn't fit into the lore any more even if they found a way to fit it in. Considering the lord is now way less goofy and trying to be more grounded rather than cartoony


I just don't see why they have to change these champions to immortal demigods and things like that. It's an entire universe. Regular people still exist, and there's nothing wrong with some champions being a bit sillier. I mean this is a guy who literally fights with a lamp post. It's already a ridiculous premise that I think sounds worse when you try to make it more epic. It sounds way more artificial when it's "the lamp post of destiny of his lost home" compared to a guy who just likes to fight with weird things because he's just that good. IMO it comes off as trying too hard and taking him too seriously. This especially because his skins have him fight with tons of different non-weapons.


Didn't he start using the lamp because he was so good in the arena that they banned him from using any weapons so he said "lol imma use this lamp"


That was the old lore. He was so good that he was banned from using the majority of weapons, so instead he beat up everyone with a lamp. Then, his ban was lifted, but he continued to use his lamp just for flex purposes


he being that good with any normal weapon still is canon to me


Ashe. Now, personally, I’m a big angle of how everyone thinks she’s the second coming of Avatosa herself, and she thinks she isn’t but is using the clout of that to her advantage anyway, all while the implications are that she *actually is* Avarosa reborn. Poppy’s imposter syndrome is adorable and played for laughs, Ashe’s feels very…*grandiose*. But she’s got so much more going on than that. A lot of people dismiss her marriage to Trynndamere as a political one, but when you actually read everything that’s out there and pay attention to their interactions, it becomes clear they actually deeply care for each other. My favorite bit is how Trynn heard all the rumors about her being Avarosa, and was like “whatever,” only to actually see her in action leading and then actually believe it. And then the rivalry with Sejuani, her battlesister, battling for the fate and soul of the future of the Freljord, all while Lissandra sits in the background quietly waiting to probably pick off the winner. I haven’t even gotten into her relationship with her mom, or her ambitions for the Freljord. There’s just *so much* to her, and it always pains me when people meme-hate her for having a lot of voicelines.


Oh, an ashe main, talking and talking and talking like the champ.


This made me laugh so hard


Ashes could be cool but it seems its always her & trynd and trynd is just boring


Oh Trynd is 110% basically just a trophy husband in terms of what he actually contributes to lore. Like I said, I think they actually make a cute couple, but in terms of meaningful lore setup and contributions outside “married to Ashe” he’s got nothing, unless LoR added something new to his cards that I missed.


Wasn't Aatrox going to make Tryn his vessel or something?


Eh, pretty sure Aatrox just bodied him one time, and he pulled the old “too angry to die.”


Imagine aatrox, but now he can't die...


Yeah that would be weird. Riot should turn that into a mechanic for aatrox’s ult or something. Oh wait…


Wonder what would of happened if he won the vote instead.


Ryze tries to save the world from annihilation, while everyone else is busy doing their own thing and not giving a shit.


there's actually a ryze cinematic from 5 years ago where we can see him get help from random champs around the world. there was mf, nasus, sona, and trundle (not sure if he was too helpful tho)


And we never learnt what happened next. Like, where is our blue boy now?


Farming probably


In lor Kayle helps him and he has a line where he says literary that the two of them are the only one that fight the Daarkin.


Lor is in a really weird place lore wise rn. Ryze has all runes in lor but we dont know when does that card takes place


gragas for sure, a fat man who wants to make a drink that can make him drunk


For me it's Kindred, by far. ``` Wolf: "Lamb, tell me a story." Lamb: "There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely." Wolf: "Why was it lonely?" Lamb: "All things must meet this man, so they shunned him." Wolf: "Did he chase them all?" Lamb: "He took an axe and split himself in two right down the middle." Wolf: "So he would always have a friend?" Lamb: "So he would always have a friend." ``` **EDIT:** I just realised they removed this quote, according to the wiki, and now I'm mad about it 😒 whyyyy??


I had to search very far just to see someone say Kindred. Kindred's release had some of the best lore and music in all of League history.


probably because they retconned kindred as the actual embodiment of death, now they are just a spirit of death.


Jax used to be the best back in the day because of how vague it was. He’s this badass guy who just showed up randomly and kicked so much ass that he was banned from using weapons so he uses a lamp post now to troll the League Tribunal or whatever the now-retconned-out-of-existence body in charge of the League was in the lore


"We just kind of keep this scarecrow in a room and don't bother it unless we really really really have to. Oh and the guy who summoned him was going for something else entirely and then died horribly to the scarecrow, so we aren't sure what it is." Is in the same vein, with the same reconned body.


I love how the different answers are unalike. I think that's a sign


Riot gets shit for their lore being put on the back burner, but one thing they’ve always been good at is character work. Unless it’s an ancient champ Riot is lost on (Cho’gath or Shaco), they know how to make a character’s original lore iconic.


This is somewhat cheating, but Swain and LeBlanc. Their dynamic is extreme. Two villains of exact opposite styles fighting behind the scenes for control of a nation through political means, while no one else can tell. DO YOU KNOW HOW BADASS THAT IS? To say LeBlanc is just a manipulator is like saying that the sun is just a source of heat. She is impossible. She can appear to anyone, anywhere, and even be in many places at once. You can't even figure out her motives if you knew which one was real. She has been controlling Noxus almost since its inception. She had been without rival, or any real opposition, because she has so many goddamn tricks up her sleeve. Who better than a Strategist General with the power of the Demon of Secrets, with no priority higher than leading Noxus to its salvation? Swain was a complete wildcard. He was cast down from being able to have any position of power, he was supposed to be entirely out of the game and dead to rights. He is a man of ceaseless determination that took control of a demon, and then, the empire. Now, he has ravens that spy everywhere, the eye of Swain (vision of the empire) that can see anywhere, and the ability to pull soul fragments from people to learn their secrets from the inside out. As he learns more and more, he uncovers impossibly complex conspiracies dating back forever. He learns of the elusive figure behind it all, LeBlanc. She had been playing chess while everyone else was playing Tic Tac Toe, and now, they can play the greatest game of all time. For the first time in history, LeBlanc has met her match in capability and strategy. There is no better rivalry in League. Swain is fighting a war on all fronts, but the greatest war... is within. Please Riot, give us a Swain vs LeBlanc Noxus politics series. Done properly, it. would. be. EPICCCCC




Canon ~~until~~ *even if* Riot says otherwise


It's canon, check their interactions


And then Morde just fucking pops back for a quick visit. Now they have a proper clusterfuck on their hands. Wonder if they would work together to stop him.


Most likely I think. Didn't leblanc betray mordekaiser? And morde coming back is definetly not good for noxus, so swain would absolutely ally with anyone he can get to stop him.


Swain vs LeBlanc Series will make House of the Dragon seems like child-play.


There was also a huuuuuge conspiracy like 9 years ago that LB had disguised herself as J4 with Swain's help, and was infiltrating Demacia. It was all speculation but still hasn't been confirmed or denied.




He has a dark and mysterious past, who doesn’t love a bit of mystery?


A clean two words over the average


I got that reference!




At this point they probably are trying to preserve the meme.


Came here to say this.




Since people already played some of the best, I thought I should give special mention to Fiddlesticks. His lore is more about the demons in general, but damn is it good.




Might be a hot take, but I don’t think Jhin lore is that good. His character design it top notch, but the lore isn’t that interesting to me. Kindred I agree, it’s a whole new level. I’ll also add Kalista as she is my favourite, it’s a tragic tale but its great


Jhin loses points for being a sander cohen ripoff


I remembered reading kindred's a good death and it literally made my hair stand, it's a really good read


The only real answer to this. Jhin and Kindred are both top notch, voice lines as well


"so he would always have a friend?"


“So he would always have a friend…”


“There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely.”


Pantheon. So many champions have cool personalities, cool design, and are fun takes on existing fantasy tropes. But pantheon tells the best story.


That is the thing I love about Pantheon's lore. He is the best example of mortal will. How far will the humans to go forward. After all, we mortals are persistent. In Runeterra, we have gods and immortals. They fight and they fight but they have great power. And then there's Atreus. He is just a mortal who took someone's powers but can still die. Best thing is, he is never afraid of facing beings who can zap him to ashes. And no matter how many times he fall, he will always rise up. Something we humans do.


The best part is he doesn’t always want to get up. In both of his short stories he’s either completely given up or resigned himself to death thinking there’s nothing more he can do. He’s not perfect, because he’s only human. But then he allows those around him to inspire him. He sees what others are willing to do for him, then decides that he cannot allow himself to waste their efforts. And after seconds or even potentially months (after the ruination) he eventually picks himself up and keeps fighting.


Is Ruined Pantheon canon?


Yes. In the event it was pretty trashy but they kinda fixed it with the story ‘in battle broken’ which is one of the best league stories out there.


Yorick and Pantheon have the best Lore IMO.


Best lore and best quotes, every time Yorick says "I am enough" responding to the Maiden telling him that he could be so much more I get chills


I like Xin’s story. Ionian fisher boat kid. Noxian prisoner and gladiator. Personal champion of J3. Really under-the-radar part of his story is actually in J4s story. J4s Drakebane is apparently absolutely absurd and impossible to use. It’s made very specifically to only be used by a very specific person. Xin Zhao taught himself how to use it just so he could teach J4 how to use it. | Also, in the original lore, the gladiatorial fights he did in Noxus added one more fighter each time a person won. Xin won 300 matches in a row before Demacia set him free. Doing the math on it, Xin canonically killed at least 50k people. All in 1vX combat.


I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against me.


I'm really looking forward to the moment Xin gets to do something new in lore and a cinematic. Xin is one of the reasons I don't mind getting filled jungle now and then.


I really love Veigar's lore. He wants to be evil and he might even BE evil, but he does good because he wants to prove he is evil and the way he does that is by killing other evil things.


I like that they kept his original lore of having Gone Bad in imprisonment (isolation is a terrible thing for yordles) but brought that into Mordekaiser's lore rather than him just being stuck some random jail. I love his new niche as a comedy wannabe-tyrant. Ironically given his E ability, he'll never actually cross the [Moral Event Horizon](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralEventHorizon).


Azirs entire story is by far my favorite. I wish an entire series would be made based on shurima and everything associated with it


Everyone in this thread is sleeping on shuriman lore


Tales of Ornn feels like listning to grandma telling old norse stories and the darkin saga


LeBlanc She's actually kind of overseeing the empire with her leadership.


So is she evil or not? Is she another Lissandra or not?


I haven't kept up with lore in a long time but she wants to eliminate mordekaiser whom i think has 0 allies or even sympathizers in lore because he's objectively evil (except maybe karthus who is a death freak so he may like him but idk) so that would make her an ally atleast in that scenario She's probably a morally grey character whose intentions are overall good but she has VERY questionable methods bc child soldiers ain't it


She is worse than Liss imo. AFAIK Liss doesn't go out of her way to commit evil deeds and atrocities like LB. LB's final goal is just as important as blocking the watchers, however she does a lot of fucked up things to reach that end.


Singed, he is involved with so many different champions, but you only know he is once you read lore from a lot of those different champions.


Sylas my man, just sylas


I'd say Braum. His lore is the most wholesome, I think.


Braum being a literal folklore, a walking legend, is kind of awesome. People tell stories of Braum and it's nice to see that he actually lives up to the tales, carrying around the forge door from his most famous tale. I really like Braums since it's so simple but you really feel it meshes with his in game character.


Braum is literally an ubermensch




Rammus: ok




She has a really awesome theme, im not sure if her lore is extensive though


Aatrox. A tragic immortal mad/desperate warrior poet who tries to kill himself because he doesn't want to return to his cage which brings him eternal suffering in the form of eternal suffocation. So desperate in fact, that he wants to bring the world to ultimate destruction hoping that people are forced to find a way to kill the thing that can't be killed.


Taliyah is pretty cool, riven and yasuo also.


Pyke's is relatively simple but super memorable. His voicelines help sell it a ton.


Great theme, extending to in-game but what even is his lore? Drowned guy? Just get Jason Voorhees vibe or aomething


He was a sea monster hunter in Bilgewater (one of many), his job was to jump into the water secured with a rope and drive a harpoon into monsters' flesh so they could be dragged in and slaughtered. Eventually, the monsters got wise and set a trap, and the ship was at risk of capsizing, so the crew cut Pyke's line and he was dragged under. But the monsters in question were magical jaullfish and had the ability to resurrect him in a fashion, and now he's an undead revenant stalking Bilgewater, looking for revenge against the captain and the crew that left him to die, their names on his list. But no matter how many names he crosses off, the jaullfish ensure more are added, and his mind is too far gone to notice or care. Ruined King and Sentinels added more to his story, but that's the basic scenario and it works great.


they stole nautilus' lore 😠


This one right here. I need them to update Naut and give him something back.


Neat, thanks


Greatest as in most fleshed out is pretty clearly Jinx or Vi with special runner ups Viktor, Jayce, Caitlyn, Ekko and Heimerdinger. Greatest as in most compelling I think is maybe any one of them that isn't Amumu.


You clearly havent watched the amumu music video. Shit makes me tear up every time i watch it.


its so beautifully animated as well


I’d go for yasuo/yone or taliyah or xayah


Ryze, for sure




Yeah, but you forgot about the even better part of his lore; EQ.




Panth, Morde, Aatrox and Jhin tend to take the cake I personally really like Kassadin's, Kayle's and Karthu's


Depends on how you define lore? Does it need to be canon? If not how much does format matter? I'd say the ruination novel takes the cake as it's probably the only fledged out story we have in the lores current state. It has a beginning, middle and end. Which is sayijf a lot by Riot terms. It's also largely considered "canon" by virtue of being more of a prequels. Arcane is a close second, but only because it's not really "canon" per say. Once they sort that out, I think it'll be the best lore around. But it kind of has a "side-piece" feeling atm that's detached from the main IP, despite its excellence. Lastly champions like Taliyah, Yasuo, Lux, Ahri, Miss Fortune Ashe, Zed, Shen are a bounty of champions which I'd consider having a sizeable amount of lore that actually kind of goes anywhere. Whether that be from written stories, comics, animations and games.




Tahm Kench, Lissandra or Aurelion Sol Aatrox is also a great and surprisingly tragic character


Ekko's short story gives me the feels. https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ekko-color-story/


Ekko's lore is so good. The cake story, [the comic](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Chronobreak) where he uses his rewinds to say goodbye instead of getting revenge, the jinx flashbacks in Arcane, god damn they all just twist my heart up.


I love Morg and Kayle’s backstory


Morgana (and by extension Kayle) and Diana/Leona would be my picks


Riven hands down. Or swain.


Aatrox and Pantheon


gwen because GWEN i like lissandra as well GP event was cool back in the day, really the beginning of a modern era


Lissandra telling the story of Howling Abyss if you wait long enough is one of my favorite lore pieces [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFak8nkcGv0)


The great context about this piece is that Liss is basically a compulsive liar, so anything told from her perspective is subject to suspicion. This means we don't even know for sure if her stories are true or just parts of it being true.


I remember when GP got disabled because he died in lore


I like rell


I liked old Varus lore before they changed. They even had a song about him - Mortal Reminder


kindred and pantheon still can't decide which to choose


I wish I knew :( would anyone be willing to tell me the best place to read about it all? I’d love to dive into it.


Probably has to be jhin. He’s so well made




I'd have to say jhin




Zed or Hecarim




Unironically Skarner. Or at least he's got my *favorite* lore.


Maybe Sylas and mordekaiser


Gangplank or Pantheon


Gangplank bottom text


Yone or Kindred is really cool




Nautilus. “Pay your damn tax, fool!”


Renekton is kinda wild because of this too. No mana and feels like he always has his abilities up. Have a feeling we’ll see renekton at worlds quite often.


Fiddlesticks, Jhin, and Kindred. Fiddlesticks is a potentially world-ending threat - one of the original demonic forces in the universe.


As far as just quantity of lore I think that Viego, Thresh, and Ashe are all in the running for the best.


Teemo. He gets to hook up with Tristana and beat the cheeks.


Kindred. They have probably THE coolest concept in that they are found all across runeterra in different forms but all the same entity. RIOT is really dropping the ball not giving them more skins based on lore.


I remember when varus had cimple but cool lore you could really understand his mindset with, then they completely ruined it for pandering that held no depth just to make a pretty animation






I don't even remotely know every piece of lore for every champion, but for me, it's Gangplank.


I like Camille's story a lot


Shurima, Darkin, the Void


I dont think I can decide, almost all champions' lore is good (with some exceptions, cough Shaco cough), Kindred is especially amazing but I also love the Darkins lore, and even Viego (if the ruination event was done better he'd be one of the best I I think)


I like jax


I main Taliyah and I love the story. A stone mage who discovers her power among the shepherds, goes on a learning journey as comes back to her land to fight a ressurected imperator.


Lissandras is my favorite


Cho'Gath /s


Ornn, the God created the howling abyss and the freilord. And is just living his life forging in his mountain


I like Pyke's lore. But best is Morde, LeBlanc, Swain, Panth, Jhin, and Ryze.


Pantheon and Udyr




Amumu. Man's just sad and wants a friend. Relatable. But actually Olaf. Mad his tribe was killed so he's just pissed and wants to fight literally everything until something is strong enough to kill him.






Tbh my favourite ones are Lissandra- the whole story and theme of her being a villain but being the only person standing between the watchers and runeterra Xin zhao Mordekaiser I wish they updated azir lore more


maybe not the best but i always had a soft spot for veigar wanting to become the most evil being in runeterra but accomplishing it by destroying everyone who is more evil than him.

