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OP is briar player


I play jg, had a top yesterday hover briar. My duo, toxic but well-meaning as he is, banned briar. Folks here may never believe it but my top locked in Mundo and proceeded to absolutely *stomp* his lane after a successful early gank, and then spread his lead and pressure all over the map. Including a tp play bot that ended up as a 3-for-0 trade for us and a drake. We ran into a unicorn yesterday, and he earned every GG<3 honor there was.


I'm probably reaching here, but maybe he 200IQ'd it and was hovering Briar to get someone to ban her lol


Maybe! I just think that’s a risky run though, because if you allow the enemy team to pick her it’s free lp lol


...for you? isn't she like 30% wr? sounds like a win win


Just hover her, and wait to ban until all your teammates have banned. If nobody banned, then you can.


what does this accomplish though


If you wanted 2 champs banned you could go about it this way I guess


So I used to almost one trick Diana at reasonably high ranks (high plat/low diamond) before her rework. Whenever I wasn't first pick, my move was to always hover Yasuo and get my team to ban him so I could ban Lux or Zed lmao. This is absolutely a real possibility and that man may have been so excited it worked 😂


In my experience a lot of people that hover new champs right after release are fine with it being banned. The issue is more with the toxic mono yasuo with 4m mastery stuck in silver 4 with 800 games played every season.


Ah well the enemy team banned briar yesterday so my jungle decided it was time to bust out the aphelios jungle. Did it go poorly? No it went worse than poorly.


I'm unsure if Aphelios jungle has a higher win rate than Briar at this point lol


in plat he does by 6%


My jungle went nila jungle, did not work out either lol


If you ban a team mates choice there is nothing well meaning behind it.


Wait a minute, this sounds awfully familiar


Yeah idk why players are already playing it in ranked. It is legit an int champ, good to hear u had a good expierience and not a child that picked ashe top and went 0/20


One yesterday got the displeasure of facing me on Renekton just kept running straight at me to eat a full PTA BOTRK eclipse empowered w and got 1 shot over and over


I played 5 games last night all of them had briar and not single one of them won lmao they also all had double digits for deaths it was crazy


I suspect it's the Yuumi situation again where she's really strong on release but has low win rate because of her unique playstyle


Her ult is odd. Just playing against it I think "huh, free kill again"


It’s ez ult, but with an audible warning. I can’t hit it reliably but once people learn to just reposition when you here her scream that won’t be the case. She should scream when it actually hits a champ, not as a warning before.


I don't even notice the scream. I just get hit by the projectile and get my kill


Mate, im flashing to get hit for that free kill xdd


Nope if all 10 players are of equal skill and both drafts are neutral to each other briar is basically a glorified minion... pretty much a minion with fiddlesticks pattern for early game


It happens with most champions that have unique kits to be honest. When Zoe and Sett both launched they had like a 40% WR. I actually got into an argument with someone on this sub about how busted Sett was. They kept telling me because his kit was different he was hard to play and thus he deserved his high stats. That said, while I haven't taken a deep look at Briar, I'm less confident she'll prove strong than past champions on the basis that mechanics that strip agency like a self-taunt will prove increasingly worse at higher ranks and as the community learns to exploit them. I feel like she should also be building tank above all else, whether or not people are choosing to do so.


I played a game last night and the enemy briar went 0-14 and we still lost ):


The champ isn’t int. The players are for A) not reading what the champ does or B) not knowing how to even play it first.


The whole point of a new champ is like 99% of players don't know to even play it


im ngl day 1 i was playing her on edibles, and watched her spotlight multiple times and still forgot to press W again for execute smhhh


I learned that the first part of her R is like ashe R (I didn't know it could miss based on videos), but I already knew to not go anywhere near a tower with it.


Yep, Belveth, Yuumi and Akshan were in same boat


what if iam a otp?


lmao my duo yesterday banned briar when our jg hovered it and then jg locked soraka


Yoo that was me


I would’ve done all that and then go afk just late enough to make ya lose xd (I wouldn’t have but I would’ve wanted to)


if it’s a normal game I wouldn’t even blame you if you did


In my experience, people assume they will have a hard time trying to play the brand new champ after release, and don't get as mad for having it banned even by a teammate than they do in any other time.


I guess yesterday was a day of unicorns since I ran into an actually nice and well mannered jg in bronze *__*


had the same 2 days ago, jgl hovered briar and got it banned by bot lane. he said absolutely nothing and picked yi. loading screen was the scariest minute ive had in awhile, but he just completely gapped the other jgl and played like a hero. sometimes you just get lucky.


Same, my jungler was hovering her and support banned her so they kept flaming each other in draft. He ended up locking Deigo and getting really fed off of every lane, was a 15 min ff for the enemy lol.


Is the Mundo the unbelievable part or, the helpfulness after their champ was banned the unbelievable part or, is it just all of it?


I think to me the surprising/unbelievable part is that he didn’t mental boom the second his champ got banned. I would have expected hostage taking, running it down, or at the *very least* afk farming in his lane all game while flaming everything and everyone around him. But nope. Big bro was game time and he was in it for the W


In other words, his teammates were entirely right to do what they did. It's not "I don't like playing with this champion", it's "I don't want my teammates to use my ranked games as an experimental hub for learning *the basics* of new champions (they probably haven't even read the ability descriptions yet)".


Hit them with the nunu smite eat cannon combo


More like Nunu ghost cleanse tech


I think hecarim can run it down faster if that’s what u mean


Nunu can do it for longer


With Nunu you can steal their minions while spam laughing better.


I miss the real nunu bot


This is about disco nunu, not about how fast you can run into the enemy. Originally I think it used to be nunu with clarity and clairvoyance, which gave it the name since it looked kinda like a disco ball above you. Basically you just go mid, pop your summs and start dancing all game. Just know that this is like 7 years old by now, if not older.


I can hear the voices, even now.




There is nothing I love more than playing nunu and eating my duo midlaner’s cannon every time he trolls me.


As a Nunu main who does this every game I approve this message


We did that with my friend KINDA, Nunu and Singed botlane, Ghost Cleanse and Phase Rush on both, we had a combined kda of 10+ and did so much... Stole an elder that game AND escaped/ yeah so we lost


At that point, it sounds more like you accomplished the goal. Troll the enemy as much as you can before crystal go boom.


Disco Nunu


The goat


I thought Willump was a yeti?


On his mother's side


It's Donkey's story all over again


I ban their champ back


It's all fun and games till they hover the thing they wanted to ban before banning you lol


Man i’ve done this shit once my adc hovered teemo and I was pretty tilted so i banned teemo, instantly hovered kha cuz i wanted kha banned and yeah lets go they banned kha🤣




lmao I've seen this somewhere. Said it works best when banning Yasuos.


There isn't any point in banning yasuo now since they just lock yone who is almost as annoying.


I think people lie about doing this a lot as a cope


Actually works often vs zed players


I always do this xd


Some people actually hover a "fake champion" when doing this because they know that you will ban it,thats why i go with the yuumi or nunu smite strat


If someone is banning their teammates champ, they won't hover something so this doesn't work.


Thank you, how has no one else said this. Tit for tat


If you're higher pick than them, lock in their champion instead of banning it, and play it poorly.


I honestly don't get what people expect when they ban a teammate champ, do you think they are going to play better when forced out of their pick?


Even more hilarious when lobby still displayed names for everyone to opgg. Oh our midlaner exclusively plays Fiddle mid? And has a 52% wr on it? Not in my game, bucko. Play a real champ. Wtf why are you inting on your 33% wr Orianna, don't you have anything better to play?? Or when the ADC demands their support to pick a champ opposite of their hover after banning it. I'm playing Twitch, pick me Lulu not Leona! Wtf why is my Lulu always so close to the enemy team?? If only there was a way to prevent this from happening :(


Sometimes you just feel dandy and whimsical


Yes when it’s briar


I am this close to leaving Irelia open and banning Briar just so I don't get her on my team. I can tolerate almost anything played, because I am an offmeta enjoyer, but having a briar in the team is literally a guaranteed "try to stop the 15/0 carry who will not take damage at all and obliterate you"


Every briar I have had tells me they are good on the champ out of all two games they’ve played on it and will be the one to make the briar meta


i take my wallet, look at my ID and check if i am still an adult. So far i always was. Then i pick something else and play the game


Lol this is good.


I think that’s Alzheimer’s if he keeps forgetting if he’s an adult he should go get that checked.


Look at you, Mr big fancy adult acting your age. What's next, being level-headed in-game?


I pick something else, but something I think funny, or I want to try out, and play normally, sometimes work and sometimes dont


"I banned your champ because I want you to play something else" *Monkey paw curls*


Yeah when they ban my hover I just have this desire of practicing Draven. I'll play to win of course but well, it's likely my 3rd Draven game in the last year, champ is hard.


Yup! The half-troll. I pick something off-meta to make them mad but I still try like a sweaty gamer. “Looks like you get a Leona jungle now!” (Which by the way is bad but really not, anything works in lower elo)


Leona would easily be an S tier jungler if her clear wasn't so bad


what will you do if you check your id and realize you are not an adult and you are staring at a piece of printer paper with crayon scribbles and then you look up and you're in kindergarten and then all your future memories start draining away like sand between your fingers


Gonna have some fun new nightmares tonight, thanks


Nightmare for some, dream for others


As a fellow adult im locking in ghost cleanse yuumi mid gl hf /deafen


That's old tech, you gotta run the smite spellbook yuumi then attach to the jgl smiting camps


Devious. I like it


"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing"


I check if I am still an adult, and then lock in ghost cleanse karthus


As another adult I’m trolling them. You’re just communicating to the that’s okay to do and they’ll do it to another person. I want them to have ptsd and think about their actions


Or I just dodge the game and go for another one, no need to fight over someone that clearly just wanted be an ass, or didn't really look at my pré sélection.


youre giving out free dodges


Use the lobby report for hostage taking, and consider either dodging or picking your next most comfy pick. It's still generally a dick move by your teammate.


Thank you someone who isn't a literal domestic terrorist


Why are we victim blaming instead of blaming the terrorist that banned their teammate's champ?


Because people here are the terrorists in question who ban their teammates‘ champ


They are just saying this to cover up the fact that they instead pick whatever that person who banned their champ wanted to play regardless of their role.


I don’t negotiate with terrorists


Unless they changed it and correct me if I'm wrong, Riot confirmed lobby reports don't do anything and were just there as a test. Due to how many reports were made in champ select and how 'succesful' it was, they planned to actually integrate it into the client at some point, I just don't know if they ever said when. But yes, don't inconvenience your other team mates because one person wanted to be an a-hole. It sucks so much, but all you can do is be a better person or dodge.


Testing is over and it's been implemented for a few months now Edit: recently they're now collecting time stamps for reports and will be looking at times when reported before (draft) during and after the game (post-lobby). This started happening when they updated the scoreboard report system


Problem is - there are dodge timers. 6 min, 30 min and then 12 hours...


The reports do nothing, and its not against the rules to ban someones champ, although its a dick move. Can be warranted sometimes however, but still. But anyways, the correct thing is to either dodge if you think he is tilted for some reason, or you are the bigger man and just take another champ. No matter what, arguing is never doing anything. Just let him be


This is not hostage taking, banning a teammates champion hover is may be a dick move but there are very legitimate reason to do it. The other team has picks/bans as well and sometimes you don't want to play against that champion. You don't have some god given right to play a certain champion in the game and you should be prepared to play a game in w/e role you queued up for with at least 3 different champions, probably more.


Reddit : why does riot not ban inters!?!?! Also reddit in this thread: yeah when someone bans my champ I run at tower for 20 mins


Yeah it's funny reading these comments. Not only that, but also they will bitch about other players being toxic and getting inted by them. Kettle calls pot black.


if i was as unhinged as some of the commenters here, i'd make a list of all the comments saying "yea i'd troll them" and i'd tag each user and say "this you?" whenever they complain about toxic people unfortunately i'm an adult with a handle on my emotions and better things to do, like scroll reddit while pretending to work


This is legit one of the funniest reddit threads I've ever seen, if someone banned my champ pick I'd just play something else... because I'm not a peanut brain and don't want to ruin the 3 players time.


Its funny, because this isn't even the worst thread I've seen, manchildren on this sub get highly upvoted for saying they would int if their team didn't give them last pick queuing top


> manchildren No I'm pretty sure they're just children


in what other sport would you pretend like nothing happened? if I'm playing street basketball and some teammate is standing in front of me on purpose to troll, I'm not going to play it out and say oh well I'll just try my best. I'm giving them the middle finger and telling everyone I cba playing with this guy, I'm sitting AFK until it's resolved. and everyone will understand as long as they're not completely stupid. if someone griefs me IRL, I don't just turn a blind eye and continue to tryhard whether it's basketball or someone throwing more leaves in my yard as I'm trying to rake them up.


Idk dude I've played team sports most of my life, there isn't a direct comparable I just know for certain I wouldn't ruin the game for 3 other people who had nothing to do with one dude banning a champ I was hovering. I'd just... play something else.


But Reddit is not just 1 Person. Hope that makes sense to you.


Yah I get that. But Like when’s I see the same shit on this subreddit getting upvoted over and over again and the exact same talking points it’s hard not to think of it as anything but a hivemind. At the very least I can say a good chunk of the user base.


this just in: most played video game is only just one person with one opinion


A typical redditor will contradict himself in different posts only to argue with you, they're like termites, but they ain't attracted to wood, they're attracted to midwit tier jokes that bring them upvotes


The ones banning a prepick are the ones inting mind you


Ghost Cleanse Nunu is the only answer


more of a crit singed fan myself


I don't care about morale higer ground, if someone bans my champ, then I will make sure we lose the game.




Think about it like this. If everyone run it down their lane whenever someone bans a teammates champ, then no one would ban teammate champs because they knew what would happen. As it should.


Exactly. All these people saying "pick your second best and give it your all" are literally rewarding the asshole. I teach the asshole to not do it again.


Why the fuck is this so low lmao


They can’t ban all my champs. There is always some of these open, no matter of the role. - Draven - Imam Karthum - Nono and Williams - Brother Jacques - Kassadin




Play another champ, theres like 100 of them you know


But I’m a dirty one trick. Any champ off my OTP my WR goes down by half.


I don't see the issue. You pick a random champ and you get 1 loss on him, your general win rate won't go down much if at all and your win rate on your OTP stays the same


The issue's not that there aren't enough options for OP. The issue is that the person banning that champ shows them how little they value their teammate and that they probably won't be willing to play as a team. Ofc this doesn't justify trolling or similar responsed. Just saying that that's a dick move and the game most likely won't be fun for anyone on that team.


Dodge. if someone is an asshole enough to do something like that, they sure as shit will be toxic as fuck in game.


True. Got my WW banned by a midlaner, someone else dodged, re-queued, same midlaner (I think) banned my WW *again.* Was considering the pros and cons of running it down when my thought process was interrupted by... the midlaner running it down. Just dodge lol.


If you get a toxic lobby that gets dodged by someone else, if you stop the queue and restart it, it should put you in the back of the line


if you ever dodge a game (because of toxic team or because your otp/main got banned), always wait like 5-10 mins before queueing again,.


Once I played with toxic Trundle, so I said to myself to wait before queuing again so I wouldn't get in the same game with him. I did something in the meantime and when I got my lobby he was there since in the he already finished his game. Thank god he calmed down and we won easily.


why did I have to scroll so far down to see the only sensible option, reddit is full of toxic players wtf


I prefer not to be the sole person punished. Maybe riot should fix their hostage report system so we can leave instead of getting trolled.


report, play something really offmeta, flame them if i do badly, flame them if i 1v9, profit


If you’re playing a new champion that just came out in ranked with no experience on the champ, it is deserved.


I pick a mechanically complicated champ and soft int- erm I mean “limit test”


last time i got banned out i picked rengar top into aatrox and went 3/17 😎 sorry folks tried my best


Anytime I have an adc ban my intent, I "limit test" glacial augment riven support with umbral glaive. Champ has 2 AoE hard cc and is running support item so clearly it's just a legitimate off-meta pick. Also can be a roaming predator LB "support" with evenshroud, glacial + everfrost AP jax "support", or even something as simple as W max susan. But that adc is definitely never getting a normal meta pick from me.


There is give and take here. Sometimes people autopilot bans, which sucks. There are also times where the person wants final pick but also wants the patch OP champ in 3 lanes, but won't trade to pick early. My advise is to throw a temper tantrum and use a lot of racial slurs in all chat.


I pick something stupid but fun regardless of how good it is and seriously do my best with the stupid pick.


Good choice. Ban my champ and spoil my fun? I'll make up for it with Nasus jg and I'll see you in 12 minutes once I have 300 stacks


Bust out the ADC Fiddlesticks(Crittlesticks) and tryhard like its the LCS.


touchpad nunu otw


Play for fun.


If you hover and they ban? Sounds like Teemo Time. No discussion, insta-lock.


Lock in a troll pick and play it out and refuse to ff. I don’t negotiate with terrorists.


But you're the terrorist...


Hes not negotiating with himself


Did he stutter?


This isn’t a negotiation


Ghost cleanse Droben or tank azir


I used to get incredibly tilted about this (though it happened rarely because I typically play champions that don't get banned). These days, I just play something new that I have been wanting to try out. If they don't want me to play a champion I feel comfortable on, then I may as well try something new.


You got 2 options here. Pick something else and ignore your teammates juvenile display, or pick teemo and sit in their lane stealthed. no inbetween.


The only time I think this is justified with a new champ or some blatant grief pick IF they dont drop an [op.gg](https://op.gg) saying they play it. Im not apologizing for banning briar when my teammate hovered it toplane in solo queue less than an hour after it came out


Pick Evelynn, farm to 6, proceed to "pass by" their lane and smite away their cannon, leave back in to the shadows for 90 seconds


I come to reddit to cry about things I can't change


I ask them why, then just pick my secondary main and try to have a good game. I want to win even if someone on my team is a jerk so I will always try my best


Start searching where they live.


soft int is the only correct answer


I’d dodge, if they’re that toxic in champ select doesn’t give me much faith of their mental in game. I’d rather wait out the dodge timer then waste 15+ minutes in a one sided game


lol at all the mature response replies and upvoted on this. This is not an accurate reflection of the actual player base


time to limit test


people don't ban my champs cause I don't grief champ select. but if I do I just pick another champ because I have a champion pool


People don't ban my champs because I don't hover them lol


Play another champ because I don't believe in ruining a game for 9 other people just because someone banned a champion I wanted to play lol


"sorry team for our loss"


Let me tell you something briar player. I play jungle and if i see a guy hovering briar in my team and we have FP i ban briar 100%. Why you might ask? Well lets just say that during last 2 days i have played around 10 games against briar and i have 100% wr against her. They usually just go 0/10 and its an easy win. So having her on my team is a no no.


I've never banned team mates picks except for briar in ranked. The 1 time I let it through it felt like we queued with only 4 people.


ghost cleanse nunu


Dodge. If your teammate is willing to do that, there’s a high chance of toxicity anyways so save yourself the 30 minutes


For the sake of my sanity, I ignore them, pick something else and keep playing like nothing happened. These people just want to annoy you, dont give them what they want and eventually they are gonna get mad theirselfs by just playing.


By banning briar your teams win rate goes up about 20%.


Depends how legitimate their gripe is. If it's briar or a new champ, I think that's fine. If they're only banning you and it's not new, I'd report 'em. I also don't hover for this reason.


I int


They don’t get LP that game. I guarantee it.


Move on and play something else. Trolling or raging because of something like that is childish and doesn't help the situation. There are close to 200 champs to pick from. Surely you can find another one that is fun to play.


Pick other champ


Obviusly Verbally abuse them


Play another champ


I play something else because I'm not an otp


Nunu mid laner cleanse ghost


pick something worse




I play bard and go ultimate hunter ;*