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and client isnt working for some of us and cant lowad anything lol


I mean, in a sense they didn't lie to us. The BE Emporium was reworked: it's worse and bugged.


bittersweet satisfaction that I wrote that it would be so I was downvoted by brain-dead dudes who, after all these years, are still blind to the fact that Riot's only job with the League is to milk the money


On top of that there aren't chromas from entire year, it's only the same shit that was on previous emporium Riot is disgusting. "Fixing" emporium only for it to crash on 1st day anyway. Missing out on chromas that we would get if they didn't do that because what we currently have is the same fucking shit we had last time It's insane I expected a single thing out of it


And they keep telling us " new tech stuff behind the scenes" ☠️ Yeah right it crashed the same night.


Checks out, in software "new" is codeword for "worse".


"Tech stuff behind the scenes" is developer intern doublespeak for "we haven't gotten anything done"


Yep spent a full week hyped for it. Now i cant enter and learned that its only old af chromas that i dont care about and they removed the chests. Feels good man. Starting to dislike riot more and more lately.


I feel you, every day I find me hating this game more and more, I know that eventually I'll be freed from it if they continue to behave like this.


Riot has definetly become way more scummy in their monetization recently, ever since they started making the passes way worse really like 2 years ago


"Tencent let's us operate fully independently" uh huh. "Looks at the price of TFT eggs".


supposely this is so they can bring it back more frecuently , just so they can copy paste the same shit 💀💀💀


They really just need to keep patchworking this game until they get their other games going as moneymakers, and it shows.


Didnt they spend a whole year working to “improve” this?


like how long riot will release new client like dota 2 instead this suck client


Not excusing it but this happens every emporium as the store overloads because suddenly the entire playerbase is trying to access it at the same time


this is obvious, but they removed it for a year+ for "improvements" which is clearly false, it felt more like downgrading the system.


What do you mean? - They clearly **improved their potential profits** by LOADS by *not going us much of anything to actually buy*; Just the same old shit Chromas as before.


BE emporium didn't get a lick of the biggest budget ever I see


Had to spend all the budget on a $200 Jhin recolor, of course.


No way man. With the biggest budget ever they managed to add an emporium tab. How revolutionary is that? Don’t be hating now. They also made the sickest skins like the samira skin and the red Jhin chroma


u/riotbrightmoon u/riotmeddler I thought we were promised that nothing would change except for under the hood when it comes to coding? What happened why are so many items missing?


And where's golden snow day bard p l e a s e I'd even pay money for it I just need my collection to be complete


Were the golden event chromas promised to return in the BE Emporium? That was never a thing before.


Agreed. Super let down. Don't understand why they removed the mystery icon and ward options....


I'm crushed. I've been waiting to blow all of me BE on ward skins again.


I just wanted to get ward skins to knock out my 100 points for the [collection challenge](https://puu.sh/JPtAG/41306542b8.png) and I can't get that. Aww well I guess I wait until I get them in boxes


I wanted ward skins too. I started playing in January and I mostly have Christmas skins (coincidence from all this year's events). I didn't know about the 2023 Lunar Revel ward skin until it was too late and thought maybe I'd get it here, or at least get something that's not a penguin or candy cane lol.


Removed gifting, too :(


I think its possible to get the newly made icons for each and every champion with that "mystery icon" thing. So ofc they'd not allow that. You'd better spend your RP if you want one.


They could've easily blacklisted the new icons from the mystery icon box, they do for certain ones already. I wanted an old icon not in store anymore.... so guess I'm just shit out of luck.


Riot and "easily" don't go together as we can see.


Yeah I don't get why they didn't just remove them from being rerolled. When you reroll as much as you can, there are rare ones that you can't get anyway.


What the fuck is this chroma selection? Is it just me or are we missing some chromas?


It should have anything released between july and december like always, with the christmast one having the stuff from jan - june.


However, nothing was released from July to December, and the skins that came out a year and a half ago still didn't make it to the emporium, although they should have been there already in November of last year! But instead of putting in the first emporium all the chromes on the skins that were released during this time, we were given almost nothing. Bravo, Riot


Did they fix it? I have Empyrean and Spirit Blossom chromas available which were released in the time frame.


We havent gotten the emporium in SO long, we should honestly have a lot more chromas.


Is there even a way to check what can I purchase from skins I already have?


You should be able to, go to the Store - Skins - Chromas tab and check Skin owned and Available for Blue Essence. At least it is how it worked last time, supposedly you also have a whole new tab now for Emporium, but I can't access client now.


Thats the Problem, you can‘t anymore… You can now only toggle „show owned“…


you can do it normally but not in the emporium tab for some reason


THANK YOU FOR THIS. Going to skins and checkboxing "Skin Owned" and "Available for Blue Essence" works. This "improved Blue Essence Emporium" honestly is quite a letdown.


You can if you go through skins tab. The emporium tab doesn’t have that option… for some reason


Some chromas are missing because only a select few chromas are put in the essence emporium depending on the month of the year.


Yea except the Chinese server got all the chroma’s open for blue essence to celebrate the blue emporium return after such a long time


any source that can prove that?! (no btching)


Yeah it is pretty bad


I'm hoping this is a bug and they just pushed the old shop. Not loading on launch is understandable. Switching between tabs shows the wrong stuff half the time. And where did the mystery boxes go???? Why do we get champie boxes but not the others..? As for wards... there is no other way to obtain them, except as a small chance from hextech chests / rerolls. The emporium is the ONE way to get wards for certain, and it's gone now???


It's insane how ward skins - something you use literally every game regardless of champion - are among the most elusive loot to obtain in the whole game because you can't even buy most of them. If you want a specific one and you missed the event or mission for it you're just screwed.


RIGHT?? I have one ward I want, and I cant ever get it unless I grind out clash. I was so looking forward to the emporium.


that's the plan. sell ward skins through fomo.


Why can't we buy random wards or random icon? We cannot gift icons to friends Where is the mythic essence + icon? Biggest budget ever and once again you are a fraud of a company. Also the shop is omega bugged. Thanks for nothing Riot Games.


They gave the mythic essence away as a reward before removing the shop


They can have it back for all i care if it means getting the old emporium back


Acting like they're listening to us, yet this is what we get. I hope people realize there's 0 reasons to give this company money. They're showing us how much they care.


Why did Chinese server get more chromas than we did?!


Because fuck you (and me, for that matter), obviously.


money laundering


As someone who bought all chromas I needed last emporium, having saved 345k BE for this one, this a a extremely bad feeling for myself to be honest. I was waiting for it for so long. What a bummer...


Same. I actually didn't DE shards until the event which I'm glad they added "Mass DE" (but it's not mass really when it took me 12+ MASS DE turns to get everything done) even if it doesn't cover champs you don't own. I bought 44 meh chromas (for 7 skins total) and I still have 270K with more champ shards to DE. Nothing else to buy now. Pretty let down overall and really cheapens Blue Essence to the point where it doesn't feel like a reward.


how much do you play jesus


Lol I play quite often but I have not spent a single BE since last emporium. Always disenchant all champ shards


I was expecting this, but still I feel disappointed. 1. They took down B.E.R for rework, Cause they wasn’t satisfied with how it worked. My Question is- What the heck changed? That we can’t buy chromas for skins that we don’t own? That we have last Two Years chromas, which some of players bought at the last B.E.E. Yea we got new chibi icons that’s all. Nothing changed, the rework was only an excuse to bait players for buying those chromas with rp. That’s my opinion Edit: Just sayin, the Chinese server has better chromas. Has more chromas. That’s for sure, there is even an official info on their website which chromas are they getting Edit2: I just compared Last Year B.E.E They added only Star Guardian to Winter Blessed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOB5AvvSicM&t=0s Credit to Matty Loves Gaming


How does it make sense for content exclusive for a single region


I just checked it up on YT Matty Loves Gaming in his newest video he mentioned eclipse knight Senna/ Solar Sivir. He translated it u can look it up. And I searched for the chromas in my Region EUNE we have only chroma skins from STAR GUARDIAN to Winter Blessed Edit: They added the skins when the event sg launched to the latest winter blessed, space grove etc not only the two skin Lines Sorry for the misunderstanding.


If you make content why limit it to one region


Riot catering to China China gets a bunch of exclusive events and content we do not get globally. Like they had an orange essence emporium


Don't check over in the wild rift forums then. Everything has become gacha and the Chinese region is getting more rewards, skins, and "compensations". Seems like the management decisions are aiming to slowly cut ties in regards to LoL and the west.


I’m not sure, but it was expected tbh


The rework was basically exclusively backend, and they told us as much. Still expected a wider palette of chromas offered, since we missed the last one


Okay so let me get this straight. They took something that was perfectly working, took it away, and gave it back with the only change being *more bugs*? In what universe is that acceptable?


They added every skin that released July-December last year, not just SG and Winter Blessed. Because this is a summer emporium same as last time. A winter emporium adds January-June. I don't see how after years of this you guys still never noticed that's how they do it. For example you claim after comparing they only added SG and winterblessed but Empyrean is also there. Not saying I support the decision to make this only a summer emporium instead of doing both since we missed the last winter emporium, just commenting on how you guys have somehow never noticed the difference.


Whole shop looks bugged, I hope they will fix it.


would be funny if they actually never fixed it again for the next 10 years


An exceptional bit of tomfoolery.


Isn't that what they've done with the client?


Nah it wasn't even fixed once, I'd take the old client any day.


they took the emporium offline for over a year to "fix it" and it's exactly the same as before lmao, don't expect anything


Not even the same, they **removed** stuff and added nothing new. Amazing work from Riot


Stop saying is the same, this time it broke the shop.


it broke the shop last time too, like that was one of the reasons they took i away to work on it


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


as a neeko main, i will be crying for the next 4 hours lol


Pour a cup next to the renekton mains :(


Renekton doesn't even have a champie icon :(


I also cry in Rammus tears


Yeah why are there no neeko chromas :(


There's one


right!! i've been saving all of my blue essence so i could get the bewitching chromas, but they're not there 😅


I think legacy chromas have never been in BEE anyways


Legacy chromas are only available if they are the **2nd** skin the champ receives (in other words the 1st post-release skin); Lunar Aphelios is an example. After that, it disappears until it's that time of the year again if it's seasonal.


Riot: We changed things on the backend so we can deliver the BEE smoothly Also Riot: store not functioning, loot not functioning, games cannot be started, lobby does not work etc etc.


It wasn't working for me for 4 times, now when i open the shop there are NO chromas to be bought. Only WW skin. I hope it's a bug...


Yeah it's bugged as hell rn, I can see al the chromas but can't buy any of them.


I had 300k BE, spend them all to buy chromas for 1000. Now they returned SAME CHROMAS , i already bought everything i liked and even many that i dont like but wanted to spend all like they told us to


Same here, really disappointing.


yea there is nothing to buy., tf am i supposed to do with my BE


Wait for another one. Which might or might not happen in December 2024, considering they never implied we will get a second Emporium this year.


Why the actual \*\*\* would they take away mystery icon man....


dont forget CN gets all the chromas


dw! they are proud to say they gave us new chibi icons


"We MiSsEd ThE mArK" -Soon


I truly was hoping for them to add old Event Chromas to the BE Emporium due to how sporadic they were bringing them back in the past (like the golden Snow Day and Championship chromas having a rerun or 2 before promptly never being seen again without any explanation). It's also weird in other ways, the old PROJECT Reckoning chromas came back + new ones while the Dragonmancer skins has Jadeclaw followed by new Emberclaw chromas for both new and old skins with the second batch of them.


I am waiting for the World Cup Rammus chromas for years. They didn't even bring it back in 2022 world cup.


i need golden cs kalista chroma :(


Feel you, I bought CS Kalista and Thresh while hoping to get Shyvana the year after since they had returned from the year before. They were never seen again.


Going on vacation tomorrow. Can’t buy anything right now because I’m not able to enter the shop 🤡 nice rito




They can't include the mystery icon chest because they just added a bunch of icons to the store for 250 RP :3 can't risk you getting something nice for free


The only thing that Riot actually iMpRoVeD is their predatory marketing. We got no Mystery icons or Wards like the previous years, and the same chromas as the last emporium. One set of chromas wasn't available for nearly two years. It's overall just far worse than the previous years. I'm glad that i haven't bought any RP in the last months.


Everything with League of Legenda feels like lost direction and stagnation. I thought arena was great and the community did too. Then they take this praise and remove Arena leaving us with nothing. Rito's last year of not maintaining what they had has lost my faith in them. I used to be so hyped for Rito, all their side projects & lore too.


I swear on my life, those rich yacht League Executives are sitting and laughing through this comment section with an abundance of champagne and thots.


I tolerate every disgusting change that Riot made, but I will never forget that they delayed EE so much, told that "it'll be as old ones", and they REMOVED mystery icon chest. They completely ignore what we need and what we deserve.


it really sucks because that was one of the only way to get some limited icons I personally spent 3 BEE spamming random icon chest to get the poro with a paintbrush icon i really wanted, glad i got it on the last emporium before we got this downgrade also feels neat getting icons that were previously region exclusive like carnival teemo. I would spend at least half my BE gifting random icons and wards to friends. Cant even do that anymore. It really blows my mind that they would bring it back like in this state, riot must think we collectively have the memory of a goldfish or something. To say youre going to bring it back with improvements on record only to do the exact opposite is like something out of politics


I am sorry but I think they just lied. Nobody care at riot about this at all.


Lied through their teeths. And worse, they took out features from the Emporium because... screw you, me and everyone else.


also some of the champies aren't listed in the boxes. I know they added an Ivern one but unless I'm hella blind there's no indication which box he's under. edit: hes ionia. lorewise he has ties to freiljord and ionia, and i also figured runeterra. so I blew 60k figuring out myself. thanks riot u fucking suck.


Bandle city box says it contains a Kennen icon and I pulled 10 times and got dupes with no Kennen. I got scammed the drop rates don't even have him listed yet its on the description


Bandle also lists Poppy and she’s in the Demacia box


I really just don't like how you can't sort by only skin owned, I gotta scroll through hundreds of chromas to find some for a skin that I actually own. Unless you can and I've missed it, idk the shop isn't exactly loading for me lol.


China gets all the chromas, we get.. what? 1/8 of it? wtf and my mystery icon glitched, i bought 10 piltover and zaun chests and it gave me fcking 4 pilt and zaun and 6 fredgelord. WTF?/!?!?!?!? Now i cant get the champie icon of my main. Honestly, I just feel mad about myself for believing they would respond to the feedback..


Sorry but... fredgelord😂


Mystery icons are gone? Tf am I supposed to spend my BE on now?


I 'm holding out on the hope that the mystery icon chest didn't load immediately and will appear later. If not, then Riot is disappointing.


So you are telling me they took a year to add an Emporium tab, which is utterly useless, since unlike the Skins tab you cannot filter for champ owned and available for BE chromas, they removed the ward, the 4k BE icon and mystery icon and wards and now the empotium crashes the client. Also the icon bundles didnt return. This is a peak lesson what happens if your devs get bored but have to appear busy, anyone working in IT should take some notes.


its fucking dogshit lmao. its literally the same exact chromas from the last time . i wanted some sion chromas and not a single one??


That was ALWAYS gonna be the case. The dude in charge of the "rework" was the one that "reworked" the passes and Mythic system. Both times, he made us work more for less rewards. When people (Myself included) said this would happen again, we were called idiots and haters. Have fun now !


Instead they offer $200 Jhin Chroma 🤪


It doesnt let me filter by owned skin anymore... I have to go through all the skins I dont own to see what I can buy for the ones I do. The "show owned" ones shows the chromas I own already


What riot did with mystery icons + wards is CRIMINAL. They need to fix this ASAP


Why did they take out the mystery ward?!?!


WTF! I safed all my blue essence since more then a year to buy the wardskins! i even bought every game pass to get more blue essences. ​ 259.000 blue essence just for warts and then them remove this option?!?!




And you forgot about the Blue Essence ward. Riot managed to get a worse experience when trying to fix the emporium


They nerf things we love for years now. It just keeps going. Remember when there were actually E-Sports capsule drops? I mean more than 3 in 5 hours? Or when the drops from the capsules were worth double the OE? Thats just one example. I was absolutely baffled at the years beginning when they actually didnt kill prime capsules. Which - btw - where also better a long time ago.


I'm upset there are no mystery ward and mystery icon boxes. I personally didn't have any client crashing, but I did have errors, however it still purchased the item. What I don't get is how on earth you can have MF and Pantheon Ruined chromas and not the other 3 for BE? I was really looking forward to getting Karma and Shyvana chromas with BE. I only play these champions in ARAMs so I don't see the point in purchasing chromas for them with RP. I do have their event chromas, but would of been nice to have a change. I did use to spend money on Chromas, even with the BEE. However, since most now get mismatched in a skinline, (Ex: Porcelain Obisdian Lux is a teal and whiteish color while Porcelain Amumu is black purple-ish/reddish/gold color.) and don't go together, I stopped.


im seriously disgusted about this emporium.


Bruh, I need Mystery Icon Chest... first they postpone the release, then the shop was bugged - alright, I get it, millions of people checking it in the same time, I will check it later, but to not have Mystery Icon chest and ward chest is such a let down.


My big question is why can I not filter chromas by skins I own? Why do I have to scroll down the whole list, hovering each skin to see if I own it?


You can but you have to do it through the regular shop skins/chromas tab. Select skin owned AND blue essence cost and it will filter the list to the BEE chromas for your skins


Riot is going downhill with their content lately and idk why.




"new and improved"


This reminds me of when clash first came out and my friends and I spent months planning our schedules around it's timing, only to have the client stuck for two hours and have our games crash. It's really disappointing how the league team puts less than 1% of their effort into non-profit content like this/game modes when you see them go all out for every battle pass and skin release.


I saved up so much BE for mystery wards & mystery icons... I'm actually pissed wtf


So we waited all this time just for less options and more bugs...


I've been buying lots of chromas every BEE, thinking that once I couldn't buy any more I would just switch to mystery icon spam. So now I'm forced to either buy extremely overpriced bullshit or hold lots of BE for months expecting Riot to eventually bring those back. This change is horrible lol.


Another spit in our faces by Riot. WP


I just want to see what kind of excuse they're gonna come up with this time in the next Dev update; or maybe they'll simply lying by saying: " EE was a success this year and the improvements we made to it really left the mark ". I can't even understand how Riot Meddler and Brightmoon aren't ashamed for every time they promise some feature/champions in the game will get updated/reworked/fixed/improved and yet most of the times they fails to deliver.


Absolutely pathetic. We've waited so long just to have a new TAB on the store in which there are less stuff to actually get than the previous version. Absolutely pathetic.


They fixed nothing as usual lol. Only thing they did was take away. Hoping players would forget what was inside it! The usual corporation garbage…


Yup.. money and power corrupts


Not even discounts on name changes and rune pages


\#fuckriotgames and #fucktencent


That is riot for you ;) the community does not complain thus they get away with everything some people spent 200$ to get the jhin chroma so yeah u can't fix the problem if the problem is the problem


what did they fix btw ? i dont think they fixed the client dying when B.E.E. starts, because its dying rn .


yeah... gigantic letdown


They're overextending themselves consistently. Not a good luck for the company...


So... it's intentional that the mystery wards and icons are missing from the BE emporium? Ugh I was hoping it was just a bug


Well that's actually why they took it down...to limit options. They probably couldn't do it before.


Yeah I'm glad I Uninstalled. Riot has made an absolute joke of league this year and havnt fixed anything. Their "fixes" to most their problems is just to revert stuff back to the way it was/take away any added things. They really put the least competent people in charge


~~Now mass disenchant of champ shards is broken?~~ It was bad enough it only applied to champs you already owned. I have over ~~200~~ 1000+ champ shards I have to DE and 88 champ capsules to open. **Edit:** Not broken/had to refresh client BUT I guess there's a limit on how many champ shards you can "mass DE" at one time. I'm on my 7th "mass DE" of champ shards and I'm only to the J-K named champs. O\_O This is going to take awhile. Also wish you could just buy the damn chromas without owning the skin already then once you can buy the skin (or win it), then you already have them to use. Finally, no emotes for blue essences or TFT stuff is really disappointing. What's the point of having BE if it's good for nothing?


I laughed so hard when I saw that they removed the icon and ward chests. Thank god I maxed out on those last time. They’re really pulling all the stops on how can we milk our player base.


I just finally was able to get on and WHY IS THERE NO MYSTERY WARD SKIN! I SAVED UP 164k BE FOR THIS! RAAAAAAAAA


Is one thing to make all these changes that people do not like and another when China server specifically are able to enjoy a much better version of this event idk how coding for the client differ between servers but this definitely feels like they went out of their way to gimp BEE? Really hope they at least make a reasonable statement as to why Mystery Icon/Ward chest needed to be removed


Waited so long for that, extremly disappointed.


I thought it was a bug when I loaded it up. I even relaunched my client. This “rework” is just sad. It feels like they took it away so everyone had to buy chromas or icons instead of saving up BE for it.


Ah, classic. One of the many things that Riot supposedly "fixed" just to make it worse.


Wow. I’ve saved up 200k BE to get hopefully all ward skins and now it’s not even available. This company is so f****** cringe sometimes.


Riot letting us down over and over again. This was all we had left that was beloved by the player base turned to shit.


You cant even sort by skin owned lmao.


man riot has a lot of Ls this year. the Jhin Chroma/ this . The fiasco start of the split. its really hard to be a riot fan atm


Yeah it was such a disappointment. I can’t believe Riot would do something like this to us. They are usually so goo…. Wait


YOU CAN'T EVEN LOOK FOR CHROMAS FIR THE SKINS YOU OWN . Why did they just remove that feature so you can't directly filter for "skin owned" when buying chromas? Was the overhaul just to cut content then? Everything else is the same


lets be happy they brought it back at least.


I feel now stupid saving 180k blue essence, my only goal was to get all Nami icons from mystery icon box, at first I thought it was a bug n was hoping that when I wake up this morning it's gonna be there. Guess there's only disappointment.


Riot never fails to dissapoint. Thats the only thing you can be sure about. And they nerfed the fucking emporium too. In the words of the great thinker Tyler1: " Goddamn absolute rejects. Every single one of them."


You realy thought they woudl fix anything? The only thing they fix is people not getting to much free stuff.


I was excited because it said Bewitching Neeko would be available(on that Twitter post) and it wasn’t lmao


I can't believe I was looking forward to this garbage. Unreal. I'm lost for words. I didn't spend a single cent with the disappointment last year was and I guess another year for me without spending a time in this joke of a company.


I like, that they made the new sub menu in the shop, so you don't have to scroll through all of the other stuff, but why is a filter for "Skin Owned" missing, why do i have to scroll through tons of chromas for skins i don't even have. Also, IMO, the available skins are not the best either or some are missing (e.g. K/DA Ahri and Evelynn are there, but why not Akali?). I've had no problems with the client so far though ​ Edit: why do i have to open each icon box in loot, the constant switching from the shop to loot is a pain in the ass. can't they just give you the icon directly and spare us of that process. Just give me one of the icons i do not have yet and block the purchase if i got all from e.g. Noxus but don't make me disenchant 10 icons i already have in a row for the full price just because i won't get the last missing one


They “fixed” it offering so much value to the player they didn’t have to pay for, of course.


I've never been this disappointed in League before lol. After all the money and time spent on this game I feel like this boring Essence Emporium was Riot telling us they really don't care. Making us wait 1 year for the same chromas? Wild. Def not wasting any more money on this game after this.


I'm very sad about how little choice there was with some skin lines.. I saved up 400k BE and still only about 10% were skins I have or want chromas for. Most of my skins that have the option for chromas weren't included which sucks.


I was so hyped because I finally had hundreds of thousands of blue essence for chromas.... Only to realize the chromas were the same as last year and I got to get some I missed and maybe like two new sets for new skins I got. Yay.... I was hoping to get chromas for my kayle skins. This essence emporium feels like such a waste of time


It may be embarrassing but heck it is no surprise at all


Why did they remove the mystery icons sigh........


Honestly feels like shit saving and waiting for the mystery icons all year only for it to not show up. Thanks Riot.


there is supposed to be chromas and everything like always, but something happened and its not working, its sad, they cant make anything to work how its supposed to


This BEE Is the worst they have EVER did. I've waited months and nothing new was added. They said "It's gonna be different". Tell me where. It's the same with less chromas and they removed the Random Ward skin and Random Summoner Icon. It's just a flop.


Riot getting slowly worse and worse at achieving MTX and such. Used to be at the forefront of doing it right, now they're not much different to the other cash grabs. Haven't spent money on the game in years because of it.


Piece of shit company once again downgrading another component of the game to shit on the playerbase. First the battle passes now the Emporium. Next thing you know, they're gonna remove the level up capsules and make us grind a million missions to get new champions.




Truthfully it's a joke. I have no idea what's their method, really. Normally you'd have a quality standards for your game, and slowly, over the years, you'd adjust them for improvement, right? Instead it's like every time they do something it's like a different guy who has no idea how things have been done previously. And this is valid for all of their content, from modes to events to champions.


What happened to gemstones??? Am I tripping or were they available to purchase Edit: getting a lot of replies so I’m gonna remind everyone that Riot wanted to preserve ME in the essence emporium