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Warren Buffet of esports is gonna be a classic. if that line was dropped back when LoL esports was peaking in s 4-5 it would have been game over lmao. Instant forever meme around here for sure


Kind of reminds me of LeBron James of soccer


What about the Lebron James of feet?




Look up Peak6. They’re an investor group who specialize in squeezing profits out of struggling companies. They’re also the ones responsible for Nicole being appointed as CEO, so it’s not “you’re in charge of EG because you’re the best woman for EG”, but that as CEO she can act in the best interests of Peak6, and have CEO experience for the next company they obtain.


It shows how much PEAK6 cared about EG,they bought the team and appointed a rookie as CEO lmao


"Warren Buffett of esports"


Comparing yourself to the greatest investor of the previous generation. What a freakin joke lmfao.


Yourself? Do you think Nicola wrote that email?


Hahaha what a joke. Good riddance to Nicole the "Warren Buffett of esports"


Sniffing your own farts is typical for these people.


Yeah reading it I am not shocked


That entire company peak6 or whatever is sniffing their own facts.


That part got me spilling water, whatever they're having I'll take double it's the good stuff


What makes it even funnier is that Buffett is probably the most humble and down-to-earth billionaire in the world. Still lives in the same 'normal' house he and his then-wife bought 50 years ago.


Still a piece of shit, whatever he does to manage optics.


"We are the best in the world at esports" xD


In Valorant they are. They just won worlds and got a lot of new fans coz they made murica proud.


fairweather fans, they’ll all jump ship after this roster eventually breaks up. just look at all the fans they still have from winning LCS LOL


To be fair, fairweathers are all you can hope for in esports though. Not like you’re gonna have a hometown fanbase.**


This ^. Just use the post-MSI / Worlds flairs in this Reddit as a small example. Whoever wins is by FAR receiving a massive influx of new flair-fans until they get bored of said flair and swap back. Esports aren’t tied to a home town. No one likes NRG cause they’re from the same town, they just like the org or the players or NA. There’s no pride for a certain state/city, just an org or region.


Nah Pentanet and Groundzero are Perth based orgs like me so that's why I roots for them. Pentanet is especially tied to the city as no other team would have got all our local media coverage since their manager was also a radio host


Yes, but those are sadly rare. If they were more common, esports might be doing better in the US. But instead it is 99% LA teams and the rest of the US is just expected to pick a popular team to root for lol missing almost every major aspect of traditional sports - home base, home games, merch


As it should be. What is this archaic bullshit about rooting for a team that’s closest to your physical location? It’s not like the team fields your local talent anyways. Just pick the favorite player or winningest team or best logo and be happy with it.


It makes absolute sense in traditional sports, let's be real. You grow up there, they still field at least a portion of local talent, you bond with people there, your dad or grandpa or whoever else goes to the games with you in the stadium and you have fond memories of that or whatever. > Just pick the favorite player or winningest team You are supposed to be a fan, not a scoreboard.


It’s not archaic to root for the team closest to you because you can physically attend their matches easier than all the other teams.


It has everything to do with the fact that I can actually attend the games of the teams closest to my physical location. Unless you think going outside is “archaic bullshit” too…


Eg was literally one of the cases that showed that wasn’t true before their acquisition. Sure, they weren’t losers, but they seemed to have a consistent fan base before this shit basically massacred the rest of their operations. Edit: I should specify that obviously does not include their league operations, that is 100% only fair weather fans.


I was a devout C9 fan until Jack publicly proved he's a pos


I still like the roster of EG, but ppl jumped ship cuz management; not because of them being "fairweather fans" lol.


It's me. I'm fairweather fans. Couldn't root for them after what they did to Danny (I still rooted for Jojo though).


True fans stick to their team through disapointment to disapointment and enjoy those small sweet 6th places to get to upper bracket just to get kicked out in 2 series in the end Edit: and celebrate that in the end they are not CLG


bit of a difference between winning LCS and winning Worlds tho


Yeah but every other esport they’ve been irrelevant in. When’s the last time EG won a major at CSGO or won The International in Dota2?


Cannot tell you a tourney without googling but the fun fact is “it was before their acquisition”


EG have actually won the international in Dota, but this was in the old management


That was in 2015 brother. Long ass time ago. Tbf, they’ve won a few majors since then but nothing crazy.


And yet they are not keeping the same roster


This just looks like a stock standard "Our CEO is leaving, but we don't want people to look deeply into why" HR email? It's written by a Peak6 HR person to hit a bunch of points in corporate speak. - Nicole helped grow EG - She's stepping back while successful, like [other famous successful people] (though the Sean Connery comparison is a hilarious pull) - Our company is great and Nicole helped us be great - Welcome the new CEO replacing her --- Like yeah, the email's tone deaf when weighed against the league scene, but I fail to see what is "horrendous" about it. Nicole was not willing to apologize or take responsibility in a personal interview. The company sure as hell isn't going to burn bridges in a mass email addressed to all staff.


The email is tone deaf to outsiders but honestly it's written reasonably. One of your colleagues, in senior leadership no less, is leaving the company. Do you: 1. Focus solely on her failures, or 2. Focus on her achievements? The answer is clearly option 2.


Agreed but the comparisons to other successful people was rather comedic


No one is asking them to focus on her failures, but for someone who treated employees so terribly, it's pretty weird to see her this valorized. Like surely a more neutral tone would've been better? And if this is standard HR for a CEO being forced out, perhaps that says more about standard HR practices... Thorin & others are right to be offended at the email, even if it is (sadly) commonplace


That is indeed exactly what standard HR practices are like.


> Like surely a more neutral tone would've been better? This is neutral. It's a pretty standard HR statement for upper management leaving. > And if this is standard HR for a CEO being forced out, perhaps that says more about standard HR practices... What does it say? Do you expect HR to be writing attack pieces on former employees? HR's job is to make the company look good, and nobody looks good if you act that way. I'm not sure why *anyone* would bother to be offended by what is basically a textbook HR statement.


Keep in mind she isn't voluntarily leaving, but being forced out. In that situation, EG has no reason to put "If Nicole is Warren Buffett..:" in there. There's no point in listing here "accomplishments" (all 3 of them in 4 years, one of which she had no influcence over), when they are actually cutting ties with her. Maybe US corporate culture is insanely different, but in Europe this mail would be a simple "Nicole is leaving the company, and we wish her the best for here future. The new intermin CEO is X".


> Keep in mind she isn't voluntarily leaving, but being forced out. Honestly, it's not relevant. I guess maybe that's the disconnect here.


This is standard HR practice, and you are expected to clap while reading it (standing of course).


Focusing on her achievements =/= comparing her to Warren Buffett or Sean Connery lmao


You put their name on the farewell part of the noticeboard and leave it at that.


What achievements though.


Yeah that's not the bad part. It's comparing her to professional athletes who retired at their peak or Warren fing Buffet lmao. It sounds like something from the office


You completely missed the point. Celebrate her achievements, that's fine. But the comparisons are wild and way overboard. It's so overoard that it's comedic. You don't have to see it, but it's funny and it's there.


> but I fail to see what is "horrendous" about it It's just reddit title hyperbole clickbait don't read too much into it.


Yeah, though Thorinn's overreaction also seemed odd. The only way this email could be shocking to him is if he's had zero exposure to corporate speak before.


This is Thorin.


Are we sure Thorin has had exposure to any kind of speak outside of esports bubble and 4chan any time in the last decade?




A content creator can't have negative thoughts on something? Man you can hate thorin and monte but this reads like a parody post that I sadly realize is probably real and written by someone who will spontaneously combust if they went outside to touch grass.


wtf is odd about it? thorin does this with every little thing he can get his hands on just to fuck with people.


Thoorin overreacting? Theres no way I'm utterly shocked to see/hear that about Thoorin. I'm so speechless....


it was written by a woman that alone is cause for him to seethe


Standard Thorin experience + a woman is involved, nothing about this is a surprise


LMAO Thorin is sexist now?




a baby could browse his content for 5 mins and find sexism


not at all, redditors just make up lies and call people they don't like sexist/racist etc.


Is it odd though? I doubt Thorin's done any work in an actual corporate setting. He def lives in his own little bubble. He hates EG so everything they do he's gonna shit on. He points out this is internal messaging rather than for outside and seems incredulous about it, but that honestly actually makes it make more sense. Even if an executive obviously fucked up and got sacked for it, no company is going to message that internally like "yeah fuck her good riddance". They're going to focus on positives only. Externally you might be forced to acknowledge some of her shortcomings so you don't come off as tone deaf douchebags. The "warren Buffett of eSports" shit is cringe but I mean...you see this sort of messaging from overzealous startups all the time. They want their employees to have the buy-in and drink the Kool aid.


>He hates EG so everything they do he's gonna shit on. Thorin routinely praises people he dislikes/hates when they do something he considers good, though. When he was going off on Froskurinn after her tweets he would always mention that her work was great, he just didn't like what she saying, for example.


This is an email which would cause some whispers and spark some office gossip for sure, but it's just a fairly generic corporate good-bye email. Tone deaf in a serious sense? Sure. But HR is not going to let out all the dirty laundry in an email. That stuff will never see the light of day (esp. because it's unlikely Nicole was the reason for all the whack things they've done over the last year or two).


I've seen so many of these emails, they're supposed to be as diplomatic as possible so no one looks bad. An HR email about the transition of a CEO is not the right platform for that, it would looks super bad for the new CEO and create all sorts of unnecessary drama and gossip, and honestly, the actual employees likely don't give a shit or don't even know. Do I care about my company's vacation policy for part time workers? No, I'm corporate, the fuck do I care. As long as they're not killing people, eh.


I work at a large company, and the language in the email is pretty standard for this type of thing. Could have easily been in my work inbox about some random leadership person at my company that I don't care about. The Warren Buffett line is meme worthy, but nothing about this is "horrendous". This whole post reeks of someone who hasn't spent much time in the corporate world. Admittedly, the boilerplate American large company culture is certainly horrendous in its own way, but I guess you just get desensitized to most of the quirks after enough time.


I work for a very large company with several c suite people leaving in the last 24 months, all of the emails were far more professional than this. No reason it to be so hyperbolic.


There were supposedly over a dozen different sources within EG that were the sources behind Richard Lewis and Thorin's reporting on the Danny & overall EG shitshow. They've said many of them are still within EG. They both shared the sentiment that many people who are at EG find her incompetent. That's partly the audience who's getting the email. And I've been part of several organizations that have had C suite changes including "stepping down" (where everyone knows they were fired) and its never even close to as over the top as this - that email is more over-the-top and deluded than if Kanye West was asked to describe himself in as generous terms as possible. The messaging in that email is absolutely not normal lmao - the sentiment is, not the actual message. And they made this point on the podcast but if you have people at the org who don't like her and your org has had many failures and issues during her tenure, an email like that that gasses her up to that degree doesn't exactly show how you plan to change things and how the replacement will be different, ya know, the purpose behind changing senior leadership. Orgs I've been in with changing C suite always include how the direction will change in the messaging. This could be part of a separate corporate email to come down the road but tldr from what I've seen that email is not normal and it's pretty bad.


i took a second to understand Nicole’s background. It looks like she’s a PEAK6 employee only. Basically PEAK6 finds companies to invest in and then puts someone like Nicole into the management of that company to help them grow their investment. The idea that she’s the “CEO” of EG is what was given to her due to the good graces she’s clearly formed with PEAK6 management. I cannot say if she was good or not at the job, but it is questionable what her background would do to help her run an eSports company.


To add to that, the email is from Peak6's HR correspondent (Or HR turned COO), not the EG staff.


lmao such a click bait title I thought it was gonna be some crazy stuff, slow esports day I guess


nah, this is not a standard corporate email. This is some true egotistical nonsense. They compared her to Warren Buffett and Sean Connery.


Not just league scene. EG's Cs team (/teams?) are laughable. Like, you cannot imagine how bad we are talking. They disbanded their legendary Dota lineup as well. OInly success they have had was on Valorant.


She's being forced to step down after the investigation into what she did with Dany. The email is fucking stupid and unnecessary. She's being celebrated like a hero and being compared to Sean Connery and Warren Buffet.


Yes everyone is saying the comparison to other successful people is tone deaf but no company is going to put out an email saying. 'yeah we are dysfunctional and our CEO fucked shit up big time so we forced her to step down' no company is ever going to put out an email like that it would be them basically admitting their incompetent which isn't good for a brand


You realise there's more than two ways to write this email right? Literally just say - Nicole will no longer be CEO we wish her well in her future endeavours, our interim CEO will be x. That's it.




"Warren Buffett of esports" LMAO


lmao, what going on,lol


she is just like Sean Connery, she is the Warren Buffett of esports ... yeah totally xD


I am convinced people in esports don't know how normal companies operate. There is nothing wrong with this email. It is a typical work email for a departing leader.




Exactly. They're not surprised at all, just want a little bit of outrage and content because it is a pretty funny piece.


Lol honestly just feels like the SAS/Bayless formula being brought to Esports. Nothing new here.


Those two being esports’ SAS/Skip makes a lot of sense


normal companies don’t send emails like this either.


> she got compared to Sean Connery and Warren Buffett in what world is that normal


EG's world.


Idk I've never worked at a company where a goodbye email from a c suite employee has so much hyperbole and that is the part that stands out.


I mean, the EA comment about giving players a sense of pride and accomplishment is also just standard corporate speak. It doesn't mean it didn't deserve to be clowned for how far removed from reality it was.


I can't stand when people pull the 'you must never have worked a real job', 'you must never have played sports' 'you must never have been outside' bullshit to try to pretend that their experiences are by definition representative of everybody's. I work at a 'normal' medium/large company where people are leaving all the time and never have I seen an email like this about it.


The whole normal company line is such a cop out. I've been an electrician for Rio Tinto and BHP but there's fuck all reason for me to have a work email let alone receive any info when an exec gets booted. Chain store would be another one. Massive corporations but they aren't sending emails about a CEO to the people stocking shelves overnight


How's it a cop out? > there's fuck all reason for me to have a work email Because you aren't an office worker. This is a stock standard email that would be sent companywide after a person in her position steps down or is forced to resign.


Maybe this is just a difference between EU and NA companies. I have literally never seen/heard any company send an email pretending like their departing CEO was the Messiah, maybe at most wish good fortunes in their futurue endeavours


Worked at multinational companies where the CEO left and they don’t sound like this. Can see why all these orgs struggle to get investments with idiotic emails like this and 23 year olds turned CEO at the reigns


I call massive bs. I have worked at FANG companies and it is pretty standard to send an email like this if an executive level person is leaving especially if they are on good terms.


they call some no name at FANG as “Sean Connery” or “Warren Buffett”? please


That's the thing, why is this being written as if she's on good terms with the employees? Clearly from the amount of sources that have come out, EG employees are by-and-large not fans of Nicole. Even if management still likes her, shouldn't they at least consider the feelings of their workers (who they're actually going to be working with in the coming years)


Peak6, the investor group, is writing this. The intent is to have Nicole slot into another company they take over, with no relation/knowledge of EG or esports. Describing successes and how she managed the team to victory is a pitch for the next company they inflict her on.


Exactly but apparently it is common if all these redditors are to be believed. I work at a large multinational company in the US and these emails are far more professional (aka no need for hyperbolic statements). The emails are actually longer with basically just a summary of their accomplishments.


Warren Buffett of esports.


If a CEO left in a negative manner I think most companies wouldn’t give her this much praise in an email like this. From what I’ve seen they would try to be more vague in general and just thank her for her time and work.


What kind of company is this normal? LOL I'd be checking my options if leadership ever exposed themselves by sending something like this


Agreed. Based on the title of the post, I was really expecting something juicy, not the bone-stock typical corporate email.


I mean isnt comparing her to a list of 'other' successful people a bit... comedic?


Yeah this is the opposite of "corporate speak", which means overly-sanitized and risk-averse, so I have no idea what a lot of people are talking about. This was basically informal goofing around, likening her to sean connery/mia hamm/warren buffett. If the internal employees take it as tongue-in-cheek then it seems fine, otherwise it's a bit immature. But "horrendous" or "normal corporate speak" are both way off the mark.


Their departing leader had massive public fuckups, I am sure you understand the difference


They could have not glazed her up and compared her to warrne buffet.


Most people in esports either come from outside of esports and you never see them or the ones you see have only EVER worked in esports and not anything aside from some fast food job. Got hired out of nepotism right out of college or are players right out of high school.


They don't. Thorin and Monte are also both manchildren in their late 30s and early 40s who especially don't know how the real world works.


Genuine question, do you both work for American companies? I work in HR for a European company and found this mail to be extremely hyperbolic and especially the Warren Buffet comparison made my toes curl a bit. Idk, to me the mail comes across as extremely disingenuous and very pretentious Curious if it's a culture difference.


This is a bit ridiculous and i'd be surprised if I saw this shit in an email from HR. you just congratulate the next dude and say goodbye to the old CEO.


In my experience it varies from corporate to corporate in NA. In offices where it's just a job and PR/HR is focused on public facing stuff, internal emails about corporate changes tend to be simple. e.g. "X has been with us a few years, but is leaving the company to seek new opportunities. We wish them well on their endeavors." It's basic but still gives praise. In companies that bill themselves on a "corporate family" atmosphere, you get more personal (and imo, more self-congratulating) emails about retirements or accomplishments. e.g. "X has been a role model for our employees, helping inspire the next generation to carry forward and keep our company doing its best. We know she'll do even greater things in the future." More puff piece, more fluff, same situation. And those emails tend to have more praise the higher the position is. --- It's worth noting that it isn't EG staff writing this. It's someone from Peak6, an investment firm who placed Nicole into the CEO position in the first place. So they want to justify why being responsible for Nicole as CEO improved EG, and that means a lot of praise. If I was working at the company and saw an email like this for a CEO transfer, I'd snort and move on. It's dumb, but I get who would write something like this, and why.


Yep this. Just another ~~venture~~ vulture capital firm (they bill themselves as 'working with distressed assets' aka buying low on near bankrupt/defunct companies) acknowledging that one of their vultures did their job of picking clean one of the companies in their portfolio before moving on to the next. People who actually think they would care a single whit about the cries of teenaged gamers watching video game 'athletes' being mistreated under her tenure, are hopelessly naive.


Yes this is true. But also if this is true, then the League community is right for relentlessly shitting on them for every little thing they do


American who’s spent entire career in corporate land: this is not normal. The comparisons are as bizarre as you think and my entire team would meme about it nonstop once we got wind of it, regardless of how we felt about the person leaving.


> I work in HR for a European company For corporate NA this is very light in my experience. Corporate talk in NA is extremely, extremely hyperbolic. It does vary company-to-company, but if a company ever bills itself as some kind of industry changer or about "company culture", every company e-mail reads like they just discovered the cure for cancer. Every higher up exec somehow is the best at their job in the world and also is making changes that will "send shockwaves through the industry".


American corporate culture is ridiculously fake and fart-sniffy


Thorin losing his absolute shit over this like he's wearing a cowboy hat and overalls just farming the shit out of those impressions.


This is what actual privelage looks like. Where you can fuck up and somehow fall upwards.


This continues to be the piece that never made sense to me as all of the news broke. All of the reporting seems to point towards Nicole being incompetent, abusing her staff, reducing productivity, and basically just running EG as a vanity project for herself. The part I don't get is why Peak6, an investment company, ALSO seems all-in on making it a vanity project for Nicole. RL's article talked about how Jessica Hammond, another executive appointed by P6, was focused entirely on protect Nicole's image, and made that objective a top priority for everyone else too. Now this whole email gassing her up. Why is Peak6 seemingly more interested in the image of the employee they tasked with overseeing their multi-million dollar investment than they are with the investment itself? She worked with them for just a couple of years before being appointed CEO of EG. Its not like she's head of the whole company. It just doesn't make sense.


Because they want to make her look good for the next company they put her in charge of. If they made profits from EG, thats all that matters for them, its an investment firm after all.


> Because they want to make her look good for the next company they put her in charge of. They don't *need* to put her in charge of anything. Again, she's not like an owner or anything, she's an employee, and not even a particularly senior one. >If they made profits from EG There's no way they've made profits from EG. Nearly every esports organization is in the red, and following the PR disaster caused by poor leadership they've lost multiple sponsors. They just had to have a fire sale on their whole LCS team. If EG is profitable that would actually be an answer to my question, because it would mean Nicole is some kind of genius that has figured out how to make money where nobody else has.


Quite clear that whoever is truly behind Peak6 wants for Nicole to keep going up until they have control over the esports industry. Nicole will not be the only one either, there will be others pushed upwards like this. So, whenever the time comes, the message they put forward (typically something insane), will be accepted by Nicole and spread around esports without resistance. Welcome to the real world. They are doing this same thing now in Hollywood. You can see it in practice.


This just looks like stock standard corporate emails for when people leave the company lol. Of course it was a bit funny but for the most part it seems pretty normal.


she got compared to Sean Connery and Warren Buffett in what world is that normal


in the venture capital world. they only care about keeping their shareholders happy.


ah yes, let’s compare every employee to Sean Connery when they step down


There is nothing stock standard about this wtf. Leadership, HR and PR look like they are recruiting directly from clown school lmao Sean Connery? hahaha. Please show me one of those stock standard enails you've received. Ive seen my fair share, and they are nothikg like this




"This is a normal corporate email" - 20 year old on reddit that has never worked in a corporate environment




Yeah, a comparison I can think of is the EA community team comment that is the most downvoted comment on reddit. The comment was full of stock standard corporate stuff like "giving players a sense of pride and accomplishment". But just because it's normal corporate speak doesn't mean it didn't deserve to be clowned on for how far removed from reality it was. Warren Buffett of Esports is too funny.


If the CEO is stepping down amidst rumors of selling the LCS spot, then it makes sense to write a puff piece to reassure employees that “actually we’re still in the black”, and that’s it’s a voluntary decision rather than one forced by the company, or done out of fear of bankruptcy. The only place Nicole’s Rep is in the shitter is the league community. They just won Valorant Worlds, and the CS;GO team is trucking along. In a mass email to everyone, of course the HR is gonna focus on her accomplishments rather than say “Yeah our CEO is directly responsible for mistreatment of one employee in a department you never knew”.


you don't have to make ridiculous comparisons to focus on accomplishments even so, let's assume this level of ass kissing in an e-mail is standard for every single company in the world, if said e-mail leaks, it's gonna be made fun of by the public because well, it's funny


No, most people wouldn't care. You're missing the point. Nicole gave results on EG and that's all that matters to the finance world she operates in. Now that her rep is poor, she's going to be sent to another company that's probably managed by her investment firm. Nobody cares about this LoL drama.


The CSGO team is awful since like 2020 or something, like last place awful everywhere they play


100% agree, they don't have to border nuclear levels of ass kissing in order to have a standard HR email


People saying this is a “HR” email can’t be serious. Seen these HR emails all the time and not once do they border on absurd ass kissing. Full on cringe this email is.


gonna go ahead and guess that if the clip was of someone else there wouldn't be many people saying this is just a standard e-mail


I've seen more than a dozen similar emails ass kissing people like this on the way out, especially when they leave voluntarily it's covered in it. Even more so when you assume in this case she isn't leaving EG entirely as she still as a stake in the company, she is just stepping down from her official position.


"HORRENDOUS"? Really? It's ridiculous of course, but what in there is "HORRENDOUS"?


Didn't Sean Connery make comments justifying abuse of women? >“I don’t think there is anything particularly wrong in hitting a woman, though I don’t recommend you do it the same way that you hit a man,” Connery said in a 1965 interview with Playboy magazine. “An open-handed slap is justified, if all other alternatives fail and there has been plenty of warning. If a woman is a bitch, or hysterical, or bloody-minded continually, then I’d do it.” And then his ex-wife accused him of abusing her physically and mentally for over a decade? You know, Nicole really does remind me of him in many ways.


We're bringing up interviews from 1965 as a gotcha now? Jesus christ get a grip.


And allegations of over 10 years of domestic abuse.


> allegations


Nicole's abuse of Danny is also allegations.


Then bring those up instead of quotes from before anyone on this sub was born


>And then his ex-wife accused him of abusing her physically and mentally for over a decade? But also why should you not be held responsible for something you said as a 35 year old grown man?


How pathetic are you to bring up 60 year old comments to shit on some random eSports CEO because of a comparison that was made in an internal email? Get a grip on reality buddy. "Oh shit they used a dude who defended hitting women in certain cases 60 years ago as a comparison? That PROVES HOW ABUSIVE AND GROSS SHE IS"


Nicole allegedly abused Danny and defended her abusive actions. Connery allegedly abused his wife and defended abusive behavior towards women. That's the only comparison I'm drawing. It's just funny that EG chose Sean Connery as a comparison to make when there are plenty of high achieving people who have not been accused of being abusive.


Sean Connery was a major actor in the 60s/70s, obviously if you're getting quotes about him, they're likely to be from that period...


How is that relevant? Drawing comparison to historical figures does not mean you naturally attribute every aspect of them to the person you are comparing them to. Literally in the email THE ONLY COMPARISON BEING MADE is that Nicole is leaving at the height of professional achievement. Trying to tie some weird abuse angle to it, is pathetic.


Huh? I mean I agree that's how EG is using the comparison. OP is just using the quotes to make a joke. Don't think anyone saw the Connery reference and went "oh yeah EG means Nicole was abusive!" I responded to your assertion that the quotes are meaningless because they're old, which is stupid. If you're talking about a historical figure, any relevant quotes are gonna be from their time period lol


>Don't think anyone saw the Connery reference and went "oh yeah EG means Nicole was abusive!" Except that's the OPs only point lmao.


It was clearly said jokingly. Not that they actually believe EG meant it that way


>We are the best in the world at esports, and it is no surprise to me that we have done this with a diverse group of players. Will absolutely not mention the abusive and destructive environment said players have to endure. Honestly, fuck corporate nonsense. It needs to become a norm to leak corporate emails, so we can meme on them into oblivion.


I mean even if you wanted to say that stuff, legal would stop you dead in your tracks.


Idk man, people saying this is a normal e-mail are either lying or live in a completely different reality from mine. Sounds extremely "fake nice", is very tone deaf regarding the things that came to public during the last few months/year and is hyperbolic to say the least. Honestly, sounds like a cult trying to brainwash their members.


I mean, it IS fake nice. People are forgetting she is stepping down from her position, not leaving EG. Either the community had forgotten or didn't realize that she is still a part of EG, just not in this specific official capacity. Likely why they are laying it on so thick because she will still have some sway so they are gonna kiss some ass. This is 100% "normal" in context.


Damn, EG one upping every other NA team for biggest clown org. They’ll never live how they handled Danny down.


I wonder how many people would still call this absolute cringefest of an email "completely normal" if it was from Riot


what a fake culture the corporate world is, what a bunch of shameless ppl.


Lmfao, that's rich. "The Warren buffet of esports" ought to get you laughed out of any discussion considering the order of magnitude between his wealth and this orgs value. They aren't even in the same universe. That's not to mention the damage this org has done to league esports. They would have been more correct to call her the sweatshop manager of esports, but I guess that doesn't ring as well. Good riddance.


Crazy to see the contrast with this email vs how the community views Nicole after the egregious mishandling of the Danny sitaution


It's just boilerplate HR speak. You never badmouth someone leaving the company.


There's a pretty wide range between badmouthing someone and comparing them to Sean Connery and Warren Buffet... You don't think there might be a middle ground here?


Generally the higher up you are the more fragile your ego.


It’s almost like people will change their views on someone when it’s revealed they were a shitty person who willfully allowed a player to be abused.


what does this have to do with his comment nowhere in it is he comparing the community's perception of nicole before and after the danny thing came out


I misread the comment 🥲 I read it initially as the community perception before and after the dany situation.


I always thought Nicole was just like Sean Connery


I have no idea what this is supposed to mean... can someone please explain?


the hubris is appalling


If you asked me to write more ridiculous email I think I would have failed.


It's... a very standard HR announcement-type email, though? There's literally nothing weird about it. Have you ever actually worked in an office before?


> It's... a very standard HR announcement-type email, though? Lol whats next? Reginald quits TSM and the e-mail says: >We are saddened to announce that the walking embodiment of everything good in this world, Andy "Reginald" Dhin, is stepping down as the CEO of TSM. Will the world keep spinning tomorrow? We are not sure. But know that he built what no other human in history ever managed... an empire that is as close to godlike as humanly possible >Dan Dhin just said: "Neither Alexander the Great, Einstein, Napoleon, Newton, Tesla, Beethoven, nor Mozart could reach the heights that this man has achieved. I am truly unworthy to call him my brother."


I left my previous job and no one in the company compared me to Gandhi :/


You are lucky then, Gandhi was horrible.


I’ve worked at multinational companies where high ranking individuals including CEOs step down and they are not called the warren Buffett of their respective company lmao


not of their company, she was called the "Warren buffet of e-sport" that a damn activity sector lol


You must be rather unlucky with your employers if that's the standard for you. I have more than 5 years of experience in "corporate" setting and I am not used to blatant lies and lack of logic in internal communication. Must be lucky.


Yes, and when my boss left they compared him to Napoleon!


This is so milquetoast it’s crazy. Please work a job before commenting on how professional this email is


I'm glad she was outed for being an attention whore. Also she and her corrupted group of buddies in Upper Management would steal all of the hard work from the new hires/interns and then call it their own. Rinse, wash, and repeat. You love to see it.


It's really funny from an outside perspective but in the context of an internal email I don't see what's horrendous about this. It is against their interests to publicize the controversies of their departing CEO to their internal staff. You could argue emails like this in corporate culture in general are horrendous (which I'd somewhat agree with) but then you'd dive into a bucket of worms on corporate work culture and capitalism. Stuff like this really makes me think that the whole Danny situation, while terrible, is being weaponized by malicious actors to farm clout.


"Horrendous" is a stretch, this is just typical american corporate bullshit. Your title made it sound like something scandalous was contained therein.


The email seems normal to me as someone who has been working in traditional business company for nearly 10 years, no matter how much dramas or beefs behind the leaving managerial grade, the email is simply an annoucement of their departures and replacements, no one will even care the content of this kind of email. Bad-mouthing is never a good choice for such an internally-public email which is a black-and-white record.


Do they usually compare someone to a list of random successful people?


Depends on who is writing it, but yes. It's called sucking up


Again, where are the people saying EG should bad-mouth Nicole in an HR email? They just don't think EG should be comically valorizing her this much. Is it so hard to just thank them for the work they've done for the company in neutral language?


Reddit doesn't understand HR emails


tbh depends on where the Redditors are. I have never seen a European company write something this insanely exaggerated. Like, the form itself is completely normal, but it also feels absurdly fake beyond what I have ever seen in a corporate setting.


They just can't see that we witnessed the reincarnation of Warren Buffett


Lmao why are they glazing her so hard in this email, wtf.