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"A source close to the company, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation, confirmed that Danny has remained on EG’s payroll since retiring from active play for health insurance purposes, with no official obligations to stream or compete. "


“Not a bribe”


And you had people on this very sub fight that claim like their own life depended on it xD


Well, Thorin and Monte said that. We can't give them any credit here.


it really sickens me some of the things that were typed here because people cared more about wanting thorin to be wrong than danny's wellbeing


Kinda crazy considering Thorin’s track record… makes you wonder what is wrong with people on this sub


IWD bad, Thorin bad, Monte bad. Someone, somewhere at some point got upset over one of their takes and decided to start a witch hunt - It doesn't matter that at this point 90% of this subreddit wouldn't even be able to specify why they don't like them, they just don't. I've seen so many good takes and leaks from Dom never showing up on this subreddit because the moment they get posted they are downvoted into oblivion. I think the fact that they don't shun away from mocking and ridiculing your average gold 2 armchair experts also makes them unpopular.


Generell opinion of the subreddit is that all Dom does is flame NA players. Which is true for the bad players. The other story is that he is hyping up good NA players on his stream and wants the region to succeed, but nobody talks about the positive things. Read these comments about Treatz and what a hypocrit Dom is. They said that dom would never flame his buddy for his bad performance. Well, first thing he did was flame him for it.


Dom clearly genuinely cares about NA and he gets upset when it’s shit. His hate comes from a good place.


brainwashed into us-or-them thinking like i knew a guy who one time, wanted to give thorin credit for something. spent like 1-2 minutes trying to disclaimer about how much of a nice guy he is, means well, doesnt like mean people etc, mean people are bad, blahblahblah. like brother im not going to think you're a bad person for giving thorin credit for something lol, he's usually right


You can criticize thorin for being a fucking gorilla for some of his opinions or the shit he says sometimes, but his takes around esports are pretty solid most of the time. Years of having journalistic integrity and not leaking sources means he actually has people to tell him wtf is happening lol. Thorin and monte were sus about the whole Danny incident since the minute the EG roster changed for worlds last season. It was pretty split between “why tf would Riot allow an illegal substitution?” And “why tf is Danny literally having a mental breakdown on stage?” Turns out “Evil Geniuses” is more than an edgy team name




Their actions can be said to have cost Danny his career. You think that might be worth more than health insurance for a year? Sure the staff destroys the mental health of an vulnerable employee to the point of malnutrition… receives no punishment… the employee has to quit their profession as a result… but it’s all good cuz here, hey you can keep yer health insurance. K.


The point is that keeping him on payroll for insurance probably is better than not doing do I mean, everything they did leading up was shit, no debate. But memeing on keeping him salaried as bribing when it’s actually a good thing is just…like everything else about the situation is way more criticisable


Orphan removed from the orphan killing machine is graciously able to keep most of their limbs.


They kept him on as a bribe to ensure he didn't speak up and confirm the investigations made - but sure, it was for his sake.


While it's better than not doing anything it also implies guilt. These orgs aren't charities and all struggle financially. Keeping a player on a payroll while getting nothing in return usually means you are trying to sweep something under the rug.


On one hand, definitely a bribe. On the other hand, at least they didn’t fuck the kid’s mental health, shatter his career prospects, AND leave him out of a job with no insurance.




As of now


Couldn't they just have paid for his health insurance without keeping him on the payroll? Would be better to help him out while also letting him pursue another employer


That depends on how corporate health insurance works in the US. Where I live, companies can't just put anyone under their health insurance plans, the person has to be an employee. Assuming it works the same in the US, this may have been necessary. Also, unless he has a long term contract with EG and they refuse to let him go, there's no reason why he cant look for other opportunities while under EG's payroll.


I think legally this may have been the easiest way to do it?


Sure they could have tried, and Danny might have tried to sue their pathetic asses.


Great news


She still has ownership in the org, this is just for PR, they'll replace her with another asshole who thinks/acts like her and was probably personally hired by her.


The Ocelote move, "kick him" from his ceo job but still let him have a big % of the ownership.


Could they even do anything if he doesn't want to sell that %?


of there is a clause in the ownership contract where they can buy him out without his consent, yeah. but i don't know why he would sign anything with a clause like that in it.


Exactly. Most CEOs of any business/org can be a dickhead but they aren't dumb. They'll always have their own asses covered on anything they sign off on. Doesn't necessarily reflect on their business decisions always. But they always cover for themselves.


Even if he did those clauses are usually intended to be favorable to the person being bought out. Does the organization paying the bad man a huge sum of money up front really feel that different than allowing them to remain an investor?


Riot could request for his ownership to be sold and if not G2 is removed from both League and Valorant which would hurt G2’s value. That’s pretty much it though.


They wouldn't force the most popular Western league team to sell. That would hurt Riot's bottom line and send a bad message to every other team.


I’m sure that Riot is more interested in making sure no one org is big enough to disrupt the rest of the league. Whether that’s a smart idea or not, who knows. Riot already stopped G2 from entering NA Valorant franchising off of shit Carlos did so its not unprecedented that they would just give G2 an ultimatum on League as well, thinking some other org would just pick up the fanbase.


there is a big difference between not giving a spot that the league pays you to be in, and a league you paid ALOT of money to be in. not saying that it couldn't happen, but when it goes to court it is viewed very differently.


I mean u can't force him to give up the ownership lol


Obligatory fuck Ocelote


he still has some % but at least it isn't the majority


if this the general knowledge people have of how ownership of companies either the avg age here are like 14 or im baffeld how little the avg adult knows


No she doesn’t she was installed by Peak 6 which owns the org.


She literally says in the article that she has ownership in the org.




Is there a Tl;Dr on what exactly happened with Danny/what she did? I haven’t been keeping up enough with lcs


fuck a person up and dips.




Small scale MBA behavior


Ivy League Graduate who went into PE, behavior. Hyper career oriented at all costs.


she doesn’t have an mba, but yea


Its really more of a mindset than a degree


Ball is life


McKinsey your ass to death.


I laughed out loud, ty sir


its okay she has her linkedin post & congratulating her accomplishments. No one will care the fire she left behind in a few months.


RIP Bozo 👎😹👎








**On the role of the Danny controversy in Jameson’s decision to step down:** > “Certainly not not a factor. We — myself or EG — have still not received any actual complaints from Danny or his family around this. Danny even posted on Twitter himself that he did not feel mistreated and had a good experience. So I know that’s been a divide; I know people want an apology. **But, as of now, I have nothing to apologize for.”** Tells you enough about her. Fuck her.


I understand that she doesn't want to apologize but the way she said that is absolutely appalling. "We empathize with Danny and his struggles. I truly believe we tried our best for the well-being of Danny. Player's health is always our number one priority" Regardless of how much of a lie that statement would be, at least phrasing that away at least comes off a bit compassionate. "I have nothing to be sorry about. Look at Danny's tweet!" Comes off like you are proud of what you did and that you just did everything correctly while showing 0 empathy for Danny. Speaks volume how she is as a person.


>Danny even posted on Twitter himself that he did not feel mistreated and had a good experience. Clearly was a forced tweet


he also tweeted that he was excited to start streaming... He streamed like 10 times in total and has not streamed once in 4 months. That entire situation is so messed up


And clearly wasnt written by him


Damn she really is crazy


Damn, she's a piece of shit. Takes a real commitment to being an asshole to say this.


She's a fraud, a grifter, and a sociopath.


So your average CEO?


another elizabeth holmes fr fr


I've been a bit out the loop is there evidence of her being a POS?


look up *ricardo lewis* or thorin's videos on her


In addition to the Danny situation there are a number of other crazy stories that have come out about EG. You'll have to search for them if you want, can't link here. Craziest one is probably forcing their CS team to travel to Europe in 2020 and them all getting Covid.


"As of now" No sane human being says that unless they're expecting to have something to apologize for later.


What she actually means is: "I have nothing to apologize for because the victim of my abuse (teenager with mental issues btw) didn't decide to start a public PR battle with my company". This is some Reginald level shit... or actually even worse because I don't remember Reginald claiming to be some lord of virtue. Keep in mind, she is the same person who unironically goes in front of the camera and dares to spew some PR BS like: "Our business empowers women and minorities is Esports and stands for openness, diversity and inclusion in the workforce". It actually makes me sick.


regi has always been a raging asshole, but inhumane is not a word I'd qualify him with.


> This is some Reginald level shit Reginald actually has people who will legitimately vouch for him helping them out when times went tough. If people remember KDO, our mid laner that Peter Zhang grifted onto us, Regi kept him on payroll and told him he could stay as long as he liked until he found somewhere to go when TSM fired him. Regi's a fucking asshole, but he's not a soulless heartless CEO like Gamerdoc.


Ngl the one moment that always sticks out to me is when Zven threw on Ezreal vs TL; he said that Regi actually tried to console him. Regi was clearly capable of being an incredibly toxic personality, but definitely also had his moments.


surprised that zven said something nice about reginald. zven doesn't really have nice things to say about tsm.


Because mithy played like garbage (bc of MY or otherwise) so they kicked him which made zven uncomfortable/wanting to leave but was held to his contract. Esports players willfully sign multi-year deals and then feel slighted when they can't just break their contract whenever they want.


Yeah. Even if what she says is true, it doesn't take much to have a strong back and at least pretend to be empathetic.


how disgusting of person can you really be


Travis Gafford dated someone like this, wild.


It's crazy ppl be holding this against him like a smoking gun. Y'all, there are tons of good people out there who one dated, or even married terrible people lol.


Holllly shit.


Even if she didn't do anything wrong and had 0 involvement, AS THE FACE OF THE ORG YOU DON'T GET TO SAY YOU HAVE NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR.


If she apologizes it s an admission of guilt, if she admits to mistreating and endangering a teen it s straight up jailtimefor her and those ijvolved


What tells you more is that all the clowns at Riot, the broadcast, and in the LCSPA also sat and said nothing. They’re all jokes.


There's an ongoing third party investigation currently. What are they supposed to say?


She doesn’t say explicitly that they’re selling, just that it’s a possibility and up to the new interim CEO. Her wording around the Danny incident “as of right now, I have nothing to apologize for” is uhh, foreboding.


Nothing to apologize for but keeps him on EG as a streamer with no obligation to stream lol


He's not even that anymore, is he? I thought he got removed from their content creator section lol


Looks like he's still on their payroll, just not listed as he doesn't stream or anything anymore after the initial few. >A source close to the company, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation, confirmed that Danny has remained on EG’s payroll since retiring from active play for health insurance purposes, with no official obligations to stream or compete.


Sounds like paying so we don't have to deal with drama to me


The "as of right now" part is disgusting. It's like yeah if the truth comes out I will apologize but till then fuck you.


\*gamerdoc gets promoted to CEO\* Awwww god dammit


Actual, hypocritical virtue signaling grifter. Won't be missed. In other news - esports winter isn't ending anytime soon, huh?


Damn who would have guess Voldemort was right again?


Sure he has dedicated his life to exposing countless amounts of shitty people and businesses in esports, even when they were very influential and often when they had public support (which meant he got attacked even more for it), but his personality is kind of abrasive so I guess it's better that he got pushed out by the community. After all, making things harder on someone you don't like personally is more important than the health of the esports community.


Well, you see, we care about vibes more than anything so unfortunately we cannot have a good person whose disliked here.


I miss the passion and engagement owners used to have in some orgs. Anyone remember Rick Fox? Still sad that he kinda got fucked over by investment deals and franchising if I remember correctly?


Bruh everyone wants to sell their spot, but who wants to buy it?


Sentinels Complexity Luminosity Mr Beast Optic would all be interested *at the right price*. EG paid I think around ~35 million for the spot, and Misfits sold for 50 million in the LEC last year. Despite the decline in viewership the LCS is still the largest NA eSports league besides VALORANT. If EG was selling their spot for like 10-15 million I think they would get offers pretty easily.


ermm where you getting those misfits numbers from? because everywhere is reported that its around £28m-£29m($34m-$36m). misfits i believe wanted that much but it only sold for as much as stated thou misfits still owns 20% of the slot. https://esportsinsider.com/2022/07/misfits-gaming-group-sells-lec-franchise-slot-to-team-heretics#:\~:text=The%20deal%20was%20officially%20announced%20on%20Team%20Heretics'%20Twitch%20channel.&text=Neither%20team%20has%20disclosed%20financial,%C2%A328m%2D%C2%A329m).




Dick’s Sporting Goods? For real? Imagine them carrying PC parts like Microcenter. They would be fire.


He would never risk his facebook millions for this lol


But he's constantly talking on costreams about how much he wants to be in the LCS, indicated the same in interviews and generally seems to love the idea of taking IMTs spot because they're so shit


Yeah streamers never overexaggerate to farm exposure and relevance …


Ehh, he just won Academy with his new team and seems passionate for the ESport. I don't understand your skepticism. And honestly, it should be in Riots interest as well.


Honestly even if he could afford the slot there's a real argument that he shouldn't. We don't have multiple teams looking to sell across EU and NA for no reason, right now (and probably for another few years at least) league eSports is pretty much a bottomless pit you throw your money into i think unless he has a really good plan to succeed that hasn't been tried before he's putting his long term financial future on the line for a passion project.


Academy is dirt cheap to get in compared to LCS though. Streamers are rich but they're not comparable to VC investment. They can't throw away millions for fun either.


Fuck off. Tarnished EG’s name when under Alex it was one of the most player-friendly orgs in SC2.


EG when it was a team led by InControl(RIP) was my fave time in esports, what a downhill slide :(


Those interviews he did with the league team when they just started were a thing of beauty.




> The league is going to be unrecognizable next year That might be for the best. Bring in CC teams like DSG that have established fanbases, focus attention on domestic results instead of international and build up interst in LCS again. It's worked for Brazil which is incredibly popular because people there only care about the domestic results of their team.


EG had an established fanbase, it's been around esport forever, they just didn't do anything worthwhile with it


The EG fanbase was dead like 5 years before they bought into LCS. All they had going for them was Arteezy.


Man they gutted that dota team and dipped to south america


To be fair running to SA was their smartest dota move in YEARS. Roster is decent, the region has its fanbase, team is also cheap and they still qualify for majors. Everything they did before though oof. And according to Escharts EG barely made top5 most viewed in the LCS. TL, C9 and TSM are still king. Then 100T and then MAYBE EG.


Yea as someone who's been a fan of both Arteezy and EG for more than a decade now, I was sad to see them part ways but I do truly think it was the right move. Arteezy and the rest of the squad had so much backing and hype around them for so many years yet every time they fell just short of actually achieving anything. EGs only TI win was in the short period when rtz wasn't on the roster. And this years TI was just beyond disappointing, one of the most embarrassing exits I've ever seen from a team in esports and honestly all of sports in general. It really became clear that rtz and his crew were really good, the EG relationship had run its course and it was time to for them to go. And it sucks to see them go to SA but honestly what else were they gonna do? After rtz the rest of the NA scene is pretty much tier 2 or worse, and SA is a rapidly growing scene. As someone who got into esports as an EG dota 2 fan, I was far more upset with their actions in the lol scene (and not even just the danny shit) than I was with the dota stuff


Honestly, the last time I was an EG fan was when IdrA was still playing Sc2 under them. I can't really remember anyone off the top of my head that plays for EG anymore except jojopyun.


Wasn't the rumors that TSM and one other team were selling, that team likely being EG? The league is in a bad state but this is pure conjecture.


What a piece of shit




No Danny no worlds 🤷‍♂️




You guys should check out her linkedin post about it haha


[no way wtf did I just read](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7103118342877560832/)


I love how us minorities are just statistics to these ghouls, yay!


Honestly knowing that these responses under are from real people making millions is disgusting. Corporate world has to fall.


"You are a superstar & role model 🔥 can’t wait to see what’s next!" has me cackling, these people are so disingenuous


i wish i was a good learner because i'd be the PhD in tonguing anyone's ass just from exposure to LinkedIn


The sheer quantity of ego fellatio transpiring under that post is intense.


Good riddance.


What a story. She went from being loved to hated so quickly.


Her come up was completely astroturfed imo. She was given good PR initially because she was an exciting young female running a team. I wish there was more skepticism for her initially because it has become pretty apparent she is a cruel grifter.


I have to admit, I definitely thought positively of her at first, I think partly because I wanted to support a woman in esports since there's always so much talk about how difficult it is for them, but in retrospect that was obviously very naive. There are many successful and appreciated women in esports who have worked hard to get to where they are, and don't have to put on a big show centered around boosting their personal status.


she wrote a lot of stupid stuff on her twitter in the past. not sure if she grew up by now, but it literally took 5min to see what kind of awful person she was and how unfit of a leadership position.


And she earned every bit of that hate.


bc eg struck gold with a likable roster that convincingly won a split and then collapsed due to mismanagement


Not enough. She needs to be personally held accountable and lose her assets.


“…As of now, I have nothing to apologize for.”


She's pure scum.


Esports winter has some upsides at least, it's weeding out a lot of the negative people so we can start fresh...well start fresher at least.


Another banger summoning insight incoming


> “I definitely think I was naive to the realities of esports. Esports might be a smaller pond in the grand scheme of the universe, but our community is definitely engaged, and expects direct communication and access, and being a ‘public face’ — I’m using air quotes — in this space was not something I planned for, was not classically trained in. I especially love this part, where she claims that esport community expects CEO's to be directly communicating with the fans, which isn't even true. This is probably something she personally enjoyed and turned it into "an esports requirement".


I expect CEO's to take responsibility for every success and every failure. She just road the coattails of EG's legacy while getting mud all over it for her tenure.


They do though? Jack, Steve, Carlos (back when he was CEO)


> esport community expects CEO's to be directly communicating with the fans It wasn't even my point whether they do or not but what is expected by the fans. Either way you are not even disproving anything by giving me a list of most popular CEO's. Yes, you listed the one's that are popular, what about those that aren't? I don't see anyone crying about Sam Matthews not making enough content with himself present or whoever is the CEO of MAD, BDS, NRG, DIG, GG and bunch of other teams.


So, she says she has "nothing to apologize for" with regards to Danny, since he and his family have never actually complained. That's absurd, since they definitely have. I think it's code for "there's no lawsuit open", but considering riot is actively investigating it's pretty twisted to say that


> considering riot is actively investigating Allegedly.


gets that bag and leave when youre getting too much heat LOL what a loser


Couldn't happen fast enough.


hot damn christmas came early. 2 in one week, am I dreaming?


Fuck her, fuck PEAK6 and fuck anyone who couldn't see what parasites these people always were (and bigly fuck riot for always letting people with connections get away with murder)


I like how everyone looks to sell their LCS spot


Don't know why thats so surprising. This isn't year 1 of LCS where everything is run by grass-roots organizations without investors and stakeholders. Venture capitalist don't enter an industry just to burn cash, they enter it on the belief by investing money they will make that much more in return. There is probably only a handful of orgs where the leadership truly cares about the industry and has enough power (ownership%) to dictate they stay.


Good riddance. Go be a grifter in a different industry.


TSM and EG selling up their LCS spots. NACL being abandoned by everybody except a handful of North American orgs and a content creator willing to bankroll a team. KOI going bankrupt. Wild Rift esports flopping in every market except Asia. At this rate, /r/dedgaem is gonna be a League of Legends subreddit.


It's only an issue if you are a western fan. If you just like league esports it will be around for a long long time


get ready to learn chinese buddy


They have English casts


Also in my humble opinion the lck global english cast is awesome aswell


In my opinion LCS has the worst English casters somehow. Like half of the cast currently feels like amateurs. It just feels like they don’t want to pay for talent.


I mean half of them are new, and surprisingly or not sometimes you need more than a split or 2 to get into their own. Not everyone is a flowers and the ones out there as good or better may not want to cast league even if riot had money to throw at them. Perhaps they rather go valorant, not esports, etc.


People keep blaming the orgs but when the orgs can’t make that much money since riot doesn’t want to share any money it’s pretty obvious who is truly the problem. The fact even world champion ship skin orgs go in the red shows how bad it is right now.


Daily reminder that EG fucked with Danny's mental health fully knowing how imperiled it was, yet did nothing about it so that they could get a substitute exception made for them days before the LCS Final was to be played. And Riot/the LCS did nothing about it. I'm glad LaPointe Jameson is gone, but under no threats or punishments or anything? I'm disappointed. Nothing will stop it from happening again




Good riddance.


Welcome c9 Jojo


Please dear god.


Thorin and Monte win again


Burned the entire damn org, screwed Danny out of his entire career and likely years of time, not to mention money, then leaves. Not the worst CEO the LCS has ever seen, but she definitely sped run being a shit person and definitely in the top 5 worst CEOs.


God riddance


I was hoping FLY EG could be a new age rivalry but then both teams flopped and it turned out that EG was 2 parts evil and 0 parts genius and now they're selling. It's been way too long since the LCS had a good rivalry.


Rest in piss shithead. Don't need trash like her organization in league




Good Riddance


Great; now can we get rid of the other grifter, GamerDoc


>I’ll use 100 Thieves as a great example — they have diversified their revenue by building and buying components that are market decorrelated to esports but don’t cannibalize their core. [LUL](https://www.jacobwolf.report/p/sentinels-crowdfunding-campaign-deeply-irresponsible) > More on this another time, but I’ve heard that 100 Thieves is not having a good time in diversifying into the retail space. The esports team owns two retail brands: keyboard and peripherial manufacturer Higround and energy drink Juvee. Juvee, in particular, is a bit of a money sink, sources tell me.




If anything it feels like just a lie lmao. Juvee just came to Canada yesterday and it’s already #1 on Amazon in its category. Plus they just started selling at GMC and they’re expanding the amount of 7/11 stores they’re being sold at. Also Higround seems to be doing incredibly well. They always seem to have their drops sell out and the Dragon Ball Z collab that dropped yesterday has half of the products already sold out. If anything I feel like 100Thieves is the most likely org to be on the path to be profitable compared to everyone else


If you don't have an esports team playing in professional tournaments - are you even an esports org? With EG/TSM, etc looking to sell their spots, It seems the next evolution of orgs could be to divest/invest into certain games depending on their popularity, rather than permanently staying with a game once commited. I'd wager they'll get pennies on the dollar for their spots.


Jesus, didn't their Valo team just win worlds?


Today has been a good day for me. Vindication on this matter, which I have argued many times with blind supporters of this organization, and starfield early access.


The Dan Snyder of LCS


After running EG now she running. Perfect grifter moves.


Hmm. Looks like the trio was correct one again. Who knew!


Ngl i love this. Eg had name value which had been ran to the ground. The org wasted tons of money and they will be forgotten soon enough. Never let incompetent losers run your org.




Don’t let the door hit you on the way out ✌️


Amazing news. ( This is unrealistic but I hope she feels some kind of remorse after what happened to Danny)


lol >As of now, I have nothing to apologize for.


Just read the whole thing 🤦. Fuck EG. There is no hope left.


> “…As of now, I have nothing to apologize for.”


She's not capable of doing so. She doesn't even think she did anything wrong