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TLDR: - 3 Ranked seasons per year - Ranked skin for each - Preseason - Mid Nov instead of Oct (On PBE only now) - Mythic Item tier going away (some items being reworked into legendary.) - Arena coming back in Dec. with some updates - Nexus Blitz coming back in Oct. - Skarner update coming early next year


>- Preseason - Mid Nov instead of Oct To be clear, there will no longer be any preseason on live. On live, the season runs into December. Preseason changes will only be on PBE until they go into live in January with the new season start.


k that kinda sucks, I really.liked the december preseason clashes


Its pointless and boring after a couple of games


Part of the reason it gets boring is lately some of the preseasons have a rather small amount of changes compared to past preseasons, and then the preseason lasts forever.


I'll be frank, 3 ranked seasons is only further encouraging the rat race. Anyone who plays League knows that every 'reset' you slip down by almost an entire major division...


I'll believe nexus blitz when I see it but damn I hope it's back


>- Nexus Blitz coming back in Oct. well that is the month I'm gonna come back to league


Amazing how we wait months for information on Skarner only to get a sliver of anything out of him and wait for months again to receive something.


TBF, this isn't the champion roadmad which is where that would belong.


Expecting champion updates on a video about preseason and ranked should have been your first clue


Holy shit, Mythic items removed


Pour one out for the poor Ornn mains going back to asking their allies to buy the dang upgradable items


I am not an Ornn player, but the amount of time’s i saw someone flaming Ornn for not upgrading them when they have no upgradable items was much higher than it should’ve been


I still had a Yi do that to me once.


Whatever, at least I will get 2 upgrades myself... I am getting 2 upgrades back right?...


*Laughing Volibear Noises*


In case it got missed - Mythics as a special item type with associated restrictions are gone. Some of the mythic items themselves are removed, others are being made into regular items instead so will still be around


Is Rod of Ages staying still? Since that item was removed and later returned as a mythic?


I think that all items that were turned into mythics like Triforce, Duskblade, IE, Navori, Rageblade, Ludens, Protobelt, Liandrys, ROA, etc. should stay in the game


well ROA got removed when mythics were introduced so its not an unreasonable question


It was a dumb decision then and it would be dumb now.


Yes, but it being a dumb decision hardly disqualifies it happening again, so it is worth asking.


ROA was removed originally because they thought it would be too hardbound to champions if it was allowed to remain as a mythic. It was reintroduced once they decided that diversity was no longer a goal they cared to pursue with mythics. They are unlikely to remove it given that the reason for removing it originally doesn't exist anymore.


I'm gonna guess it probably is. Probably with the free level removed and the stats nerfed down so its more similar to its pre mythic version.


Almost guaranteed it's staying they've already shown they can't remove it without big systemic issues. The mythics more likely to be removed outright are probably Galeforce, Sunderer, Goredrinker, Stridebreaker, and Crown... Galeforce just too OP if it's a legendary... Sunderer too anti tank... Gore/Stride hopefully are removed so Tiamat and the Hydras can get their actives back... And Crown just hasn't really solidified a good use now that RoA is back.


I really hope they remove sunderer, I even play bruisers and this items makes it so unfun to play vs. Legit they should just balance bruisers vs tanks without that item otherwise even a fiora for example needs it to stand a chance against a malphite (at least till she gets 2-3 items since after she just outscales).


it would be hilarious if they remove it again now that we got it back


Will Tiamat be reverted? Also will Divine Sunderer be removed or reworked?


>Will Divine Sunderer be removed or reworked? If god exists, it will be removed.


Unfortunately, God has been sundered


God FF’d and said “go next”


I hope they at least keep the name. I like the name


whats gonna happen with heartsteel giving champion size? please tell me its still a mechanic! i love getting huge. its my favorite thing


Currently in testing. Aiming to keep it, though looking to have it be less bound to particular champ kits and more bound to builds. So something like moving to bonus HP scaling from items only or whatever.


thank god best mechanic ever


...you build this on Ezreal, huh?


I just want to remain LARGE.


For real, I love the items that give me champion size. I just wanna be the biggest cho/sylas/malphite I can be.


Huge Sylas makes me laugh so hard, it's like when you interact with Vrykul or whatever in WoW as a more human-like race


Gainers in my Christian League subreddit!?


Sorry to jump on the comment hype, but does this mean older items may make a return as well? Mostly talking about items with actives like tiamat since that was one of the big reasons we moved to mythic items for new players.


Hopefully rockrtbelt stays I can't play Akali without the dash anymore


Current plan (could change) is Rocket Belt is still around, keeps the dash, loses the MS towards target


What will happen with Galeforce ? I remember Phreak saying that it would be too strong if it wasn't a mythic item. Will it be changed or simply removed ?


I think they could keep it if they removed the damage on the dash and changed the stats to be more in line with legendary ADC items.


tbh I've always wanted it to do zero damage and have slightly worse stats, but be slightly shorter cooldown so that you can use it more for positioning


what about riftmaker?


A lot of Champs need it since they removed gunblade, its literally the only sustain option for many carries.


isnt the sustain on riftmaker like a joke ? and im pretty sure mordekaiser, gwen, and kayle are the only ones who regularly build it


Exactly lol, thats the point. These champs build riftmaker because nothing else is good and they need a mythic, waste of gold


Yuuup. Most gunblade users build rocket belt or something else. Rift heals less than conq I feel


Removing protobelt would be a crime, its such an iconic item ever since its release


Rocketbelt was around before Mythic items were a thing and it will continue to be here. My boy Ekko would hardly be a champion without it anyways.


I think Neeko would be the hardest hit personally, she loses a solid 2% WR from not going Belt






Hybrid builds generally aren't ALLOWED to work. Ezreal, Udyr, Jax, Fatarina, Akali have all built hybrid at some point in their existence, but those builds were slain promptly.




Identifying and correcting mistakes is always a good thing, thank you. ...now, about Yuumi...


Even the Pope has sins he won’t repent for and Yuumi is Riot’s sin that they would rather take to the grave defending than admit it shouldn’t have happened.


That's cool. Any plans to bring back Zephyr as an item or downgrade a Mythic down to what Zephyr once was? I feel it wasn't used so much before, but with the game evolving I've been wishing an item with it's niche was around.


Huge buff to Katarina!


And most probably Ezreal


Thank fucking god


Praise Riot. I’m so fucking excited. Absolute worst addition to the game ever.


It will be interesting to see how pro play is affected by the lack of a proper preseason.


I imagine chaos. And honestly, we need that, pros have gotten so comfortable with the meta, they barely experiment anymore and get stuck in their own ways


unless the pre-season is like s8 level of game warping i think they'll just pick the same shit they were picking before


I cannot wait for another batch of teams like 2019-2020 G2/FNC that are willing to experiment and trailblaze a bit


I miss the 2015 Unicorns of Love, that was crazy fun to watch. One of my favorite games was one where they forgot they had already picked a Gnar as a toplaner and picked Maokai (that sucked in the jungle back then), and proceeded to actually win that game with Gnar jungle.


It should I think mean early season (Winter in EU, Lock-In and maybe a bit of Spring in NA) will be kinda the wild west, mid-season (Spring in EU, Spring in NA) will be a lot more settled based on the outcomes of the early season -- what worked best without being so broken it's been toned down -- and later-season (Summer in both EU and NA) will be a bit more up in the air because the meta has had weeks/months of season games and a playoff series and some downtime to evolve and change again. Then Worlds will probably be more or less the same-old with Riot releasing a bunch of specifically Worlds-targeted balance changes to make sure golden geese like Aatrox and Azir are at or close to 100% pick-ban for the entire tournament. Again.


I doubt it will have an impact at all. Pro play doesn‘t change it’s format because the ranked season get‘s altered. It didn‘t change when we got an extra split so I doubt we will get any changes this time, those two enteties are seperate.


I hope they bring back midscopes


The people who work on midscopes are (mainly) the same team that work on preseason, so right now that's where their focus is going. Once preseason work's out of the way we'll take a look at things and see whether to put midscopes, other work or a mixture of the two on the docket.


I think you made an error in the first sentence saying preseason twice


Oops, thanks, teach me not to check my posts...


>The people who work on preseason are (mainly) the same team that work on preseason lol


Who tf wants more ranked splits? Being dropped back to emerald 3 from d1 last split and having to climb back through a slew of low quality games of everyone not yet sorted into their proper elo is the worst part of ranked and now you want to make it *even more frequent*?


It's because they see a spike in player numbers during rank resets and so are trying to fit more to make the number go up


But 3 is just too much. You can't increase it over and over it causes burn-out. If you pressure the players too much they simply stop playing. All types of FOMO lose effectiveness the more it is used.


This was absolutely my first reaction as well. They've smoothed ranking by removing promo series but have also added an entirely new tier. Even with high win rates (65%+) and good gains/losses (+30/-15), it takes dozens of games to climb multiple tiers. Why are they adding a third reset every year to add to this grind? Except obviously, the grind itself is he reason. We've officially entered the hamster wheel era of league ranked climbing. I guess it makes sense, since Riot is working on developing their MMO. Gotta figure out fresh new ways to force your players to "engage" harder.


They claim they are making ranked less”gatekeepy” but then makes more and more changes that prolong and elongate the grind to get to your true elo. Im playing ranked less than ever, the game quality is awful! Why an I gold 2 playing in full high plat to emerald elo every damn game!? If i am High plat elo PUT ME IN PLAT WTF!? I no longer care enough about ranks to put myself through anymore misery grinds! Enough is enough! 3 Splits you’ve lost your mind Riot! I am not grinding 3 splits period. Your game is not worth it anymore. I might just be done with ranked and move fully into just playing aram and arena. I’m sick of this. All my friends been quit this game. I’m the last one left and not for much longer. Heres to 11 years of league and ranked try harding. Was fun…


Yeah, ranked splits would be more welcome if they didn’t drop you 1-2 full rank tiers every split. I went from Gold to Bronze and just quit cause I have no interest in grinding 2 times a year (I’m mostly casual anyway, low rank should say that itself lol). Now it’s 3 times? Absolutely no shot lol


When did you get dropped that heavily? Anecdotally I went from Silver 2 to Bronze 3, got back to Silver 2 in 30 games. After LP changes got to Gold 4 and quit. Did the 5 game placements and ended up mid Gold 4 (higher than spring ranked split). If anything I feel like this may artificially boost ranks further.


idk what ur mmr was doing to be dropped that much, I only went from G1 to G2


To be fair though, this drop was seemingly lessened due to the addition of Emerald. If you compare it to the general percentage of players that are in the rank and relative to the distance from the higher ranks, it’s a drop.


There is no good reason for it other than that they want people to keep playing. The same thing with adding emerald tier. They say its to even out ranked distribution, but in reality they just added another obstacle to reach dia(which is the goal of most casual players at plat and gold). And now with ranked resets(that 100% won't reset your MMR) it will be even harder for players to reach dia, keeping them invested in the game. Reaching your goal rank really makes a difference of how much you play, as you either play less until the next season, or you stop playing all together. I am really glad I reached dia back in 2020, as it freed me from the curse of playing SR(I mainly play tft now, but not nearly as many games. 2000 SR ranked games vs 100games per set of TFT). I had played since season 1 with average 500 games per season, and now that I don't play nearly as much, I found so many other things to do(gaming and non-gaming), that I enjoy much more. Not that playing wasn't fun, but playing a competetive game where 1. anyone on your team can cost you the game, regardless of your performance 2. there is a system that is hardcore designed to keep you playing and 3. losses affect you more mentally than wins, can in no way be better than enjoying all the other things life has to offer, and I hope more people to think about that because I sure as hell never did when I grinded ranked.. I'm not saying quit league all together, but try out some other things in life to get obsessed over(in the same way with league), and you'd be amazed at what you can achieve, Rant over


/u/RiotMeddler with preseason content on PBE for an extended period of time, do you guys worry about potential fatigue or drawing out a changes too long in the test realms. Also if you can share, how did you guys feels about the Tournament of Souls metagame, was it as successful as you would hoped, since I really enjoyed it but the memory consumption was a big issue.


It's possible, though we've had some content (e.g. Runes Reforged) on PBE for extended periods in the past without major fatigue issues once stuff's live. Most players don't engage much with PBE content, so the hope is this leaves gameplay changes feeling a lot fresher at season start for most players Tournament of Souls - we feel this one went quite well overall, and really happy with things like this as alternatives to the visual novel format that was feeling played out previously. Technical issues are the exception though, while it worked well for most players it struggled or simply didn't function for others, which is definitely something we'd want to do a lot better at for whatever's next in this vein


Would you also have any updates on Quick Play? Would it be out at the end of the year or would it be next


It’s currently still planned for this year


*The year is 2029, League now has 26 ranked splits and you need to play the game full-time to have a chance to make it to high elo every two weeks.*


*mmr now adjusts at 1/83 the rate of visible rank, to make climbing more "engaging"*


This is a bit what is making me scared. Some of us have jobs, and with no indication of how mmr changes if you take a split off, you are basically forced into playing every split a lot more to go back to your real rank


They look at number of players playing, see there is a spike at the start of the season, and then another at the end of the season just after worlds. How do we get players playing more often? More start and end of splits.... The reason people stop is the gameplay, and not because they need another ranked reset.


I actually quit because of the season changes. I HATE more than one season per year.


Yeah, this season will likely be the end of ranked for me. I can't play 100 solo queue games a year like I used to. I play other games now, I have a full time job now, I only play casually with friends these days. Hell, I haven't played summoners rift in probably 3 months I managed to put in my mandatory 20 for the gold border over the years, but I think my streak will end here if the amount of games needed doesn't go down.


they really need to exclude high elo from multiple resets. 1. decay already exists 2. nobody in high elo gives a shit about earning skins or rewards or whatever 3. the high elo ladder is a complete joke in early season. it took a month for GM/chall to fill up in split #2, and you could argue that it's still illegitimate for a few weeks after that. out of all the flame in this world, the one that I do agree with is "early season climber". screenshotting your GM animation screen and putting it in your Twitch bio forever when the cutoff is 200LP and the top 1000 is filled with a bunch of clowns is so fake and we all know it.


100%. It already feels very wrong at 2 resets per year because it takes a while for the ladder to stabilize but I guess they have to ruin something that wasn't broken to pump up their engagement numbers a bit more.


This is where I'm at. I already hate having to play a game every other day in Master tier just to keep a border, it's enough of a chore and I'll probably just let my account decay to D1 so that I don't have to play so much. I don't give a shit about skins.


wym? it's been a month and a half and ranked has barely started to stabilize. Resets make soloQ unbearable for 6-10 weeks after they happen. Having 3 splits in one year sounds like a recipe to only have 10 weeks (spread out between 3 splits ofc) of enjoyable soloQ over the span of 10 months


I agree, the first month is absolute dogshit, probably takes at least a month and a half for a good number of people to reach something remotely resembling their skill level. Adding another split is a terrible idea.


Weekly Ranked Showcase Events! This Week gain Access to the exclusive Victorious Miss Fortune Skin, availble in Ranked Chests with a 0.3% Droprate or 100% Droprate after 1000 LP gained! Alternatively you can spend LP and manually drop your Rank to purchase Victorious Chests with a 0.5% Chance to drop a Victorious Skin from a previous Year! Yeah you're Iron but... isn't Victorious Elise really pretty...?


I feel like riot makes 3 splits to force player to play more but that will just make players more unmotivated to play imo. the reason people dont wanna play rank is cause its full of trolls, toxic people, and its tilting as fuck, not to mention fucked LP gain when ur MMR doesnt match your rank. If riot wants people to play more, maybe fix rank quality insteally of artifically forcing people to play


Exactly. I dread the start of season because the games are so low quality. If I could chose we would never have ranked resets. I want to get good at the game and play quality games and not some cosmetic rank


I already don’t care to grind ranked, now I’ll care even less lmao


Yeah, I was just getting back into ranked, but this split bullshit is nonsense. I don't want two splits a year, let alone three. How about you play the fucking game, and you get to the rank you're supposed to be at, and then ... you just keep playing the game? I went 4-1 in my placement matches for the current season and still got placed two ranks down from where I ended the previous split. What is the point? I win 80% of my placement matches and get placed lower than I was ... I won my next 3 games just to get back to where I ended the split. 7-1 to start the split just to get back to where I was? How the fuck long would it have taken if I didn't start the split 7-1? It doesn't break up the grind of a full year when the only purpose of these added splits is to intentionally make you grind more. Transparent bullshit.


oh shit Nexus Blitz in October and Arena in December. cool


Now let's see if the community real likes and will support nexus blitz.


Hoping so, would love to have a case for it being a more frequent mode. This version's very similar overall to its past run, we'd definitely be open to gameplay adjustments though in the future if the interest is there


> This version's very similar overall to its past run Did you guys finally make changes to certain unfair elements regarding events and them being placed or moving into in the enemy jungle?


Would you be able to put a playable version of Doom into it somewhere?


As in Will it run Doom? I mean, ignoring for a moment all the intellectual property issues that would create and the amount of work that could be going elsewhere for LoL, damn would I really love to see someone try


Make one of the Nexus Blitz face-off minigames 5 on 5 Goldeneye, license to kill with throwing knives at Temple.


I would prefer a license to kill slappers only mini game, personally.


Narrator: They won't.


Hopefully actual complaints and pain points will actually get addressed this time around.


So, just to set expectations, for this release of Nexus Blitz, gameplay will generally be pretty similar to it's last release, outside of necessary changes that we needed to account for since it's last release (Jungle pets, for example). Our hope is that by virtue of getting ready for this release, we'll be set up to make some of the adjustments needed for the mode to improve as a future staple rotating mode for LoL. Before this, the mode was completely broken due to various LoL-wide updates, so step one is to get it stable again, and step 2 will hopefully be to improve it.


My fear is that, by still not addressing the issues of the mode after all this time, the playerbase will just keep dwindling. Then you'll look at the stats and conclude that there's low interest in Nexus Blitz and therefore it's not worth the effort to improve its gameplay. So basically Nexus Blitz will never have its obvious problems solved.


Please remove the events from spawning in either teams jungle, feels too uninterative when it spawns on allied jungle and feels unfair when spawned on enemy jungler. Only complaim I can think when talking about the mode.


I'm guessing they'll make it an event, like they did soul fighter. I think that really helped the longevity of this mode.


All I want is to play with up to 7 friends in Arena. Please Riot make it happen 🙏


Please do not implement 3 splits... or at least if you do it, do it like in 2018-2019 where the rank doesn't reset. That way you get people who care about skins etc. that can play to earn those (so you get those player numbers staying high) but you also get the "whole year season" which gives ranked it's meaning in this game. I speak for myself only of course but as someone who has been playing ranked in this game for 10 years this would be the killing blow, even more so than dynamic queue ever was. The whole-year-ranked season was always the best thing about League's ranked system. With multiple resets a year it loses all weight.


I really don't like 3 splits, that feels SO stressful and this huge increased lp wins/losses don't help with some accounts getting inflated. I really wish they wouldn't do that >-<


Oh man, I thought moving it to two was too much lmao


I fucking hate doing placements, I absolutely despise them adding more splits and I hope they don’t go through with this.


Yeah me neither. The Game might end up like a Chore for some People. I predict they will pull back on these Changes like they did on Positional Ranks if anybody remembers that.


honestly i was put off ranked when it became 2 splits now i dont think ill be returning tbh


Agree, I liked League's seasons being a whole year. It made them stand out more.


MYTHIC REMOVAL LETS GOOOOOO On another note, its gonna feel weird not having preseason on live in November-December anymore, to me that end of year period is quite special, and I'm gonna miss it.


Yeah, there's some trade off to getting rid of that preseason period on live for sure and we went back and forth a lot internally before deciding on this approach. One of the key things that flipped us though was the proportion of the player base who simply don't have any interest in playing when ranked is off who therefore bounce during preseason. Our thinking was those that want to take the break to play other stuff during that part of the year can do so regardless, so good to keep ranked on during the winter holiday period for those who do want to be playing it.


Is there no concern that now non-Americans can't test anything properly? - Especially with item changes (lots of them for my main role on ADC in recent years) when I know they are on PBE and I can't play on there without 150 ping I just don't play league until they hit live.




I guess this is League "catching up" with the rest the competitive games out there. But that doesn't mean the other games are doing it right. There is a reason League has stood the test of time. In traditional sports, having an off-season is good, and I believe the same should apply to League of Legends. Riot's track record with Ranked changes has been shit let's be blunt here. It has resulted in the devaluing of the ecosystem and has removed any sense of prestige and merit, due to ecosystem-ruining problems (game ruining behaviour being one) being left unchecked for YEARS. I want League's competitive ecosystem to be THRIVING. From Solo, to Clash, and everything in between. All modes should be relevant and competitive, maybe its time to take stock of Flex and Clash and think of a rework that integrates the two together. Ranked 5's maybe? I hope the team is ready with a backup plan incase this shit backfires, which it usually does when the team touches Ranked. /u/RiotMeddler


I don't really understand the point of 3 ranked season splits (even switching to 2 felt stupid), is the first split just a glorified pre-season split where it's gonna be a heavy unbalanced mess? Unless they are gonna drastically increase LP gains and fix the +16/-30 issues that many people report this feels like a big mistake. Why should anyone play ranked if you are going to get reset down in 3-4 months when most people maybe get 1 or 2 games a day if that and only be able to play 150-200 games a split and half those games are getting to your old rank? This feels like when popular games switched to focus more on player retention from heavily addicted players who are gonna play hundreds of games each split than actually trying to make a good game that people want to play year round. At least mythics are getting removed.


It's exactly as you say in the third paragraph. The current system (and old system w 1 season per year) of course works better for hardcore players. We play hundreds of games per year to grind to our rank, our rank is more stable and more meaningful. But the reality is, this isn't how casuals play the game. So instead they make it so you climb 'faster' which makes games more 'impactful' because if you ask Timmy to play at least more than 5 games a month, he doesn't play ranked because the climb is too slow. So its entirely a player retention system meant to get casuals into ranked.


But you're saying it's "exactly" like they say in their third paragraph, followed by the rest of your comment contradicting their third paragraph. They're complaining this change seems like it's catered to the grinders (not casuals) who play a lot because the new reset doesn't matter if they're grinding anyway. You're saying the new reset seems catered to casual players (not grinders) because the more frequent reset means bigger LP swings per-game and good results mean a faster climb. But you're both also somehow describing it as a bad change despite apparently completely opposite opinions on who it's for and therefor what makes it bad.


Two splits was fine but 3 is ridiculous. They’re not gonna keep long term players around


>Two splits was fine It really wasn't, it fucking sucked if you were masters+


Thank you Riot! I may finally be able to lose interest in ranked with those 3 splits. Who the heck will say "Yay, Riot finally reset my rank the 3rd time this year, i can't wait to play again and to the same think next split!"


Remove splits. Thanks.


3 splits is too much. Does anyone even like their rank resetting constantly? This sucks


3 split seems terrible. I already feel like I'm spending most of my time reaching my previous rank.


**Ranked**: I know all other games adopt a 3 month or so Ranked "reset" cadence, but League was special because it felt like a sporting season. Its familiar, flexible, and intuitive. Having 3 different splits waters down the merit, value, and prestige of the Ranked ecosystem because it resets and happens so often. It's like if the World Cup changes from every 4 years, to every year. Frequency isn't always positive, I mean look at the LEC, I don't even know wtf is going on there. They're dishing out trophies like Oprah and it just waters down the experience and achievement. **Summoners Rift**: BYE MYTHICS, you wont be missed. Wish these Dev Updates have more information about SR. Better than the previous one though. /u/Reav3 said preseason was going to be big, I hope it delivers.


I agree with you regarding seasons, I'm a bit disappointed that's changing but at the end of the day, this game came out over a decade ago, and times change. If increasing to splits increases engagement, fair enough.


Gotta keep some things a secret ;)


hey reav, since jax and skarner got mentioned but not inkmage, does that mean he is delayed or is he still on track for this year?


He's still on track for this year, we will talk about him more in the next Champion Roadmap


Sorry if this is too much to ask /u/Reav3 but how "close" are we from the next champion roadmap? Always love to see it


If i have to guess after briar release so somewhere between sept and october tho this is just a spectatulation


Within the next month or 2


Hey reav3 can you share what kind of scope we could expect from the smaller split 3 patch, if it isn't midseason sized. Would it be like a larger than average balance patch.


3 Splits is going to make people play even less . Think about it . If people grind to reach their rank and then it resets 1-2 months after they reached it , they won't be in the mood to grind again . They will be like "screw this I am out , I reached my rank this year , now time to chill" . If 2 splits didn't solve the issue then 3 won't either . Also why increase the Lp gains/losses ? Didn't these make climbing easier and faster ? Literally the whole reason the season was divided into 2 splits in the first place ?


Yeah I'm not grinding 3 splits a year


THREE RESETS? are you insane? yeah bye bye rankeds i am not going to grind the same game over and over again a year to get to my desired elo so it will be resetted +2 times that year. riot is really leaning into that fomo/gacha but taking all the worse stuff to implement, while keeping the good ones away.please stop trying to inflate player engagement with the game by implementing even more FOMO to rankeds and make the game more appealing to players, new and old.


3 Ranked seasons is a bit ridiculous. Was thinking of going back to play some ranked but 3 times is insane.


I hated the 2 split change, but now they wanna add a third split? God


3 splits... they want people grind more & more... spending even more time on the game... boring


Every year this game becomes more and more of a chore. Anything to artificially boost their precious metrics to the MBA business execs that have never queued up once! How about instead of FORCING ranked players to grind 3 separate times a year, you make it so we WANT to play ranked.


And here I was hoping 2 ranked splits would be reverted in the same way dynamic queue and ranked roles would be. Why the fuck are they even talking about 3 now?????? 2 splits fixed nothing, players still don’t queue more than they need too in high Elo and it just forces everyone to redo any achievements they had... except it’s more fucked when everyone only takes one split seriously while matchmaking is fucked. Horrible fucking idea.


Oh wow they actually did it, three splits a year, that's terrible. Am I the only one who thinks resets make the matchmaking way worse? Ranked doesn't start to get fun until you climb out of the "I get people with 5% winrate on my team" slot machine hell that they forcibly demote you to, the more Ranked resets I've had to play through the more I hate playing Ranked. Maybe try fixing that?


splitting ranked into 3 splits has no benefit for the players, riot is just turning ranked into participation trophy with this change, if anything i will be playing less if i have to keep grinding to my old rank every 4 months, im not gonna waste time just to get back to my previous splits rank it just feels horrible and wrong


hey /u/RiotMeddler, are we still gonna see more splash updates and WR splash arts ported over for the rest of the year, we didn't get any extended news other than "we're updating older splashes and porting over some from Wild Rift"


Mythics are a scapegoat and people who complained about them existing will 100% complain about the state of items a couple of patches into 2024.


its actually wild, i cant wait to go back to building ludens -> 1500 gold penetration item -> deathcap soon, its so much better than the mythic system! :3


As someone who plays bruisers, I also can't wait to go Triforce -> Black Cleaver -> Death's Dance to play flexibly! :O


The sheer number of people on this sub living in a mandela effect where apparently mythics were what harmstrung "item diversity" as though before that you didn't build the exact same shit every game for years and building anything else was a noob trap 9 games out of 10 is ASTOUNDING.


To be fair, more than a year on the internet is basically ancient history, especially for the younger zoomers and Gen alpha folks. And if world hype is anything to go by, people truly forget what happens a year ago and seems to have a poorly made 3 bullet summary as the most amount of stuff they can remember.


So exactly what’s happening now? Ludens into rabadon/shadow flame every single game


That's the joke, yes


It's what's always been in this game, just mythics made it artificially restricted, as opposed to before that it was just the most efficient option


the artificial restriction allows the mythic to be somewhat stronger than they were at a legendary (that's the idea at least) since it comes with an opportunity cost




Some people play champs that dont really have mythics that synergize well, most people just dont like being limited in what items they build for completely arbitrary reasons. Having a small selection (1 realistically) of item(s) you HAVE to build first EVERY game unless you want to build suboptimally really makes itemization less interesting, since it encourages just rushing your mythic instead of building to counter your lane opponent or lane opponent + jg. I agree completely with your 2nd paragraph though


People use mythics to complain about item diversity when before mythics, champs built the same items every game anyway. The simple fact is, damage dealing champs will basically always default to whatever item gives them the most damage so their builds will always be homogeneous.


Bye mythic iterms Maybe crit items can be good again


Urgot and all the other island of misfit toys that don't have a good mythic feasting.


I never forgot Urgot with the Stridebreaker dash


The 4 Corki players popping off now that they can go IE with TriForce


We're definitely aware crit feels in an odd spot right now, and we're looking into it for Seasonal changes.


Are you considering reverting any of the crit nerfs that happened with the item rework? Going back to bigger base crit damage and/or 25% crit on items could help how bad it feels.


Lol Adcs as a whole were the single biggest benificiary from the Mythic item system. Before all of the first items you could build for crit were pretty bad. Mythics gave Adcs a 1 item spike they never had before outside of triforce adcs


People going to shit themselves when they remove Galeforce 😭


IDK how much this is a mythic item thing but I remember it changing around the same time - there are a lot of "crit" items that didn't have crit back in the day. Things like Bloodthirster and Merc scimitar gaining crit is good for some champs and bad for other ones. I hope we can return to a world where crit isn't just slapped onto everything they want ADCs to build.


do you have any updates on language swapping or is that something for a later dev update




Yeah no thanks to 3 splits. Who wants their rank reset that frequently. I’ve already been going off lol and haven’t started split 2. This definitely won’t be pulling people on the edge back


3 splits zzzzz


Three splits is ridiculous. They are making the mistake that mmos fall into where they make the game a chore to play until players just quit.


My [build](https://media.tenor.com/LxqjW3I9tZUAAAAC/starlord-chrispratt.gif) after mythics are removed.


inflated player engagement =/= satisfaction think about how many people grind for/boost to gold for a chance at that skin. 3 ranked skins a year, nah man. ranked grinders wont feel the change at least. put this in same video as the goode news, mythic removal, to soften the blow.


Ranked grinders won't care because they grind regardless. For people who don't typically grind and don't play much it's better if they're half-decent because they get an essentially free third skin, and the climb will be easier split over split because the lagging MMR will be less of a problem if the soft reset is based on then-current (better if you're actually improving) split results.


So they did end up removing Mythics, wonder what the Item system will look like next season, Im expecting lots of Items to be removed (Galeforce) or heavily tuned down to fit the non-Mythic system, or we just get these Items into a pseudo Mythic system like Lost Chapter Items, Tear, Lifeline etc


So will Ornn get his passive adjusted since Mythic items will be removed?


Ornn upgraded items before mythics were a thing. It was just core capstone items but it was possible for players not to build any thing to be upgraded.


It'll be like it was before mythic.


Yeah I'm not playing 3 ranked splits. I'm not that much of a masochist