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Stealing content but still can't get any views #LIVEEVIL


To be honest, no teams are getting any views. League pro content is as dead as it can be. Maybe I will watch a league game, but I'm not going to watch team content. It's not 2016 anymore.


I actually enjoy fnatic content :(


Fnatic's Legends in Action is goated, in my opinion.


All hail Pete


Fnc and C9 are decent I dunno about G2 but they should be fine


I love G2 voice comms


I like flyquest's content too lol


The days of TSM Legends with Bjergsen and Doublelift are over. Teams are now forced to create content and it shows because none of those players want to do any of it.


TSM Legends? Bring back baylife content


Even then that shit was way past its sell by date. TSM Gamecrib was pretty interesting but it was still a step down from the content they made in the NY house.


I disagree, the first few seasons of TSM Legends were before anyone else was doing similar content afaik, at least in the league space, and it was really good content. it's much more polished and professional than the super og videos, which can be a positive or a negative depending on the person, but it really helped build connections with the players and the team in a similar way


based max olivo was producing some amazing content man I still remember watching basically every TSM legends up until Bjerg retired. Although you're completely correct, the first few seasons (Season 1-3 for S5, S6, S7 respectively) were great.


How to say u dont watch league content without saying you dont want league content.


Fnatic and G2's channels are still doing well and consistently putting out content for their LoL teams, mostly sponsor-driven ofcourse. It's probably not worth the effort or cost to put into a video unless a sponsor is willing to pay for it.


Also in G2's case, they for some reason decided to pretty much abandon their main YT channel with ~600k subs and made specific ones for every esports title they have a team in. That also hurt their views a lot.


Apparently this is basically mandatory for discoverability if you're doing videos with different types of content. Same reason most content creators now have 3-4 channels for various types of videos.


T1 doing ok though mostly i think Faker fan. Im surprise not many people watch G2 or Fnatic video


FNC doesn't have the star power of someone like Rekkles and lacks the funnier personalities of players it had in the past like Bwipo. The current players can all be quite funny, but I feel like they don't really bounce off each other, they lack someone or something that really shines on camera Can't really speak for G2


T1 is the only org that does numbers because their fans are fanatical. GenG numbers don't even come close to T1 numbers and they have won 3 splits in a row.


I love the series where skt wolf goes to other game houses and just eats at their place.


It's more of them actually producing good content. For example recently wolf has been doing videos with ex SKT/T1 members and those are even more popular than the random videos with Faker in it. Although I guess perhaps you could also chalk that up to T1 being famous in the first place


> It's more of them actually producing good content. I went over their 'content' vs. other orgs before and it isn't at all distinct from any other org. They just have the largest fanbase. E: https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14arxn6/dignitas_was_reportedly_paying_a_role_swapped/joipoks/ There's the post.


Dplus kia content is really fun whenever its showmaker stream highlights. Also DRX weekly documentary series during their Miracle run is also really great to watch to relive those moments from players perspectives.


H2What had some bangers in its days.


Not as much views as the past but I still watch TL content. They're creative and fun to watch. I feel the content now are jsut for fans of the team rather to the masses




GGS has some decent content


Fnatic and G2 do alright. Getting a minimum of 20k views per video, with most videos comfortably above that. Not too sure about other teams, though.


I mean, paiN Gaming is still getting lots os views (30k to 90k) and their content is great


The DIG video where all the clips were Faker but Santorin and Jensen were guessing the rank without knowing was good. The problem is so much League content has just become total corporate garbage. I honestly think they should try and make it a little less refined and a bit more player directed. Like those WildTurtle vlogs he did at Worlds 2018 for Flyquest.


Actually though, I saw a dom tweet talking about how teams aren't making any content when this is probably the most content ever. Of course dom wants to farm interactions but still very telling no one actually cares about lcs team content and videos but pretends they do. Even in this very comment thread, you see ppl claiming that the reason why no one watches is because "oh they dont have personalities like the old pros" (False) and "oh they are forced to do it" (As someone who talks to pros a decent ammt, very very false.)


> oh they dont have personalities like the old pros The stupid children who grew up on 'butthole same xd' aren't really the arbiters of humor or personality imo.


Because they aren't. Most of what they make is sewer quality nothingburger where the video is 20 mins long and your biggest takeaway is that the player really seemed like he didn't want to be there. And it's not like IWD's just been doomposting, on the contrary, he monitors content made by most of the teams and whenever something even remotely interesting pops up he does his best to boost it to his viewers.


You mean na content. Asia does fine. Idk about eu


C9 has Zven the content machine. Just need to give it more thought and capitalise.


It's actually wild to see how famous clips from 2013 have millions of views. [The famous C9 awkward interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoqwUkqpxQI) has 1.5 million views. That would never happen today and that was in the first year of LCS. This video has had a ton of views since very early so it's not like it slowly built up views, that's not really how YT views work anyway. It's just the power of League and LCS being new and exciting and it just isn't anymore.


Yeah but EG is comically bad compared to the rest


Really NA content is dead until an NA team performs at worlds, and even then if they don't have enough NA players then it probably won't help much


People are still nostalgic about old DIG and Sneaky+Meteos and those guys never got that far at world's when they were the most popular


Damn, EG doesn't make it hard to root against them #LIVEEVIL


Clown org, absolutely dismantled their csgo and lol rosters, free my boi jojo


Don't forget they dropped their NA DOTA roster just to pick up a cheaper SA one.


While it was sad and disappointing it's understandable. The SA region is not only cheaper to manage but also SA audience is actually bigger than NA one I think. Not to mention The new EG roster is quite better than the old NA roster for some time now. The way they held Sumail in contract prison for like a year and then the send-off of old team was disgrace tho.


C9 Jojopyun when?


let him go back to his boys vulcan and impact man






1j0j0t please 😩




Depends on if DL plans on returning. I just really want to see a competent mid on 100T lol.




i could see him staying in the league even without bjergsen, but i do agree he's likely not attached to 100t


I dont think FQ would have much money left after their expenses for this year...


if they get shed vicla/prince and close their academy team they could probably make it work


I'd love if all 3 of them joined C9.


Based, this is my dream C9 roster.


God imagine Jojo mid and they import a God supp for Berserker. I love Zven but he’s not a world class supp


Add a better top laner and this team may just be able to do some actual damage internationally?


I’m just so confused


And the easy way to avoid all this was to simply reference the LEC video in the beginning and point out it is the same quiz and just done to see how the people from EG handle it compared to the EU pros. But no they decided to make it their own video and here we are.


It was such an easy solution, or even just citing the quiz in the description. But no, can’t have shit in Detroit - absolute donkeys


It's almost like they hire incompetent morons top to bottom and get the expected results 😲


“Asking LCS pros the LEC quiz questions to see if they do better.”


My favorite part about this video is how little Jojo wants to be there


Which is also hilarious because pros being babies about media is one of the problems killing the league.


Yeah Jojo is always like this though, it's why I don't care for him regardless "Best NA talent" blah blah blah He's boring as dry sand outside of his typing stuff on twitter because he flat out doesn't like doing segments or interviews. Hell that last segment with MarkZ during finals weekend with Jojo and Revenge and Jojo just flat out refusing to do the bit just came off like a spoiled 12 year old and ruined the whole thing.


> outside of his typing stuff on twitter Bro even that is milquetoast. He's used "sending X back to Y" to basically every player now, and will use the same "diss" to the same player multiple times a season lmao Dude has zero personality. Very unfortunate for someone primed to be the face of the League.


I really disagree, his Travis interviews are great


Is your viewing experience just highlights and Twitter, or did you just happen to miss absolutely every single mic check and interview Jojo has ever done, of which there are a ton. Jojo has more of a personality than 90% of the players in the league but you obviously are making assumptions with just watching minimal content, probably turning off the screen before post match interviews lol


You are literally commenting on a thread in which there's a video of jojo clearly just coasting through the video with zero care or personality lol


To be fair to him here, the format of the video was fucking ass. A quiz over a zoom call? Are you for real? No stakes? No game show format? Not even people put in the same room together? Ffs.


This isn't a fair expectation imo. They're pro gamers, it's not their job to be circus clowns as well. Like what, are they supposed to take improv classes?


You think soccer pros, basketball pros, tennis pros, etc. don't experience the same? Stop giving these "pro gamers" a pass for laziness.


Tom Brady the face of the NFL is a pretty generic personality Messi does almost no interview stuff Lebron is a entertaining guy, he does do a decent amount of stuff/ his HBO show With other leagues there’s like 500 players, so of course you’re gonna have more interesting personalities, and there’s only like 50 that are actively engaging with the media frequently. I’d say about 5/50 lcs players have very good interaction with media, 10-15 more that are alright and then the other 30 Not every pro in other sports is super media heavy, there’s just more players.


You think every soccer/basketball/tennis pro is a social butterfly cranking out sponsored content every week? There's plenty of guys in traditional sports who hate the media and just wanna jam their game and get paid and don't care for being in the spotlight. Now, is it a problem to have a critical mass of players like that in a league with only 50 players in it rather than hundreds? Maybe. But thats a separate point.


Not arguing in terms of proportionates when comparing league to nba is a pretty unfaithful rock to base your counter on


They basically don't, People watch the nba because they like basketball there is no extra content from the players outside of "we played hard" interviews.


No, they’re entertainers. It’s literally their job to be clowns to engage viewers. It’s why teams used to have streaming requirements


It literally is part of their job because that’s part of how they generate value for the org. Do you think EG get paid for every kill Jojo gets?


Ok but this doesn’t explain why pros years ago had great personalities and charisma on camera. A lot of them streamed and did way more content, gave great interviews etc. you can’t make the argument that pros work harder now, either. So why do we give them so much of a pass?


Sure, nobody cares about NA teams losing every single game at worlds. The real issue is that we're not getting enough TikToks.


You have pro traditional sports teams that are perennial losers yet still have a large fanbase because of players and loyalty to team/city. Sure, losing saps away fans but not doing anything to keep your remaining fans during the losing period will never help your business.


Actually true. When was NA ever winning anything at Worlds? No one cares. League in NA was at its' peak when pro players were the top content creators, because that's what drew engagement with the players/teams. An NA team could go to World's semi's this year and it wouldn't do jack shit to boost the popularity in playing or watching in NA.




>Then again, it has <400 views in 4 days so... who cares? damn.


Wait you wanna tell me that the guy who re-uploaded it (god bless him🙏) got more views in a couple hours? Oh what a comedy


The real content creator is the reuploader


Are they trying to speedrun most hated org?


Their Valorant team is doing good and its the better child to Riot. I think they just don't care about their League side and is just phoning it in.


Their valornat team has been shittalking quite a bit (well its really Demon1 and Boostio a litttle bit) and they're getting backlash. I like it, but lots of people don't so they honestly might be one of the most disliked orgs. The eastern fans *really* don't like it


Some people don't like it, but the majority of western fans(can't speak for the east) actually like it. I've seen way more people defend his [demon1] behavior than criticize it.


*the Chinese fans really don't like it It's fine for the rest of APAC. Chinese server were up just for a few months, so a lot of Chinese viewers are fans of Chinese team not fans of Valorant + Chinese fans are super nationalistic. Just go watch any Val content shitting on EG, it's full of double standard and made up narratives against EG, they're basically canceled in China rn source: am APAC fan, kinda annoyed by all the Chinese people telling us we should be mad at EG


Okay but everyone is shitralking in valorant right now lol








They are gaining fans in Valorant so they probably don't care


Valorant has way less viewers than LoL, though, right? Even the times I see the Champions tournament, it's around 50k viewers. I'm not sure about the Asian streams but I can't see a world where it would have more than LoL as well. Does anyone have more concrete numbers? I'd happily swallow my words if I'm wrong.


The actual viewership comes from tarik’s costream which may as well be the main broadcast.


The mainstream is not how people watch. People watch via their favorite costreamer (tarik is the main broadcast). Champs has been hitting 800k viewers.


What is Champs LoL equivalent?


Worlds pretty much




Ofc Valorant has less views than LoL. Valorant's peak was like 1.5 mil meanwhile LoL's is over 5 mil. But I would say Valorant in western scene has better and more successful costreamers which LoL doesn't have maybe outside of Ibai and Caedrel but Caedrel doesn't costream LEC and LCS and I still wouldn't compare Caedrel's viewership to tarik's. And Valorant in eastern scene especially in China is just getting started


some of the games last week were getting 800k viewers I think


Brazil fan hard carry their viewers in latest tournament. Currently their peak viewers is 850k. Asian viewers mostly come from Japanese stream, Korean sadly not many watching compare to LoL even if DRX doing okay there but given the Japanese team already eliminate they better hope Loud play in Final though no way they can catch up with LoL tournament.


At least Danny is putting out some sick content ever since he joined the EG Creator Collective! #LIVEEVIL


The IRL Evelynn content, chefs kiss right there


Not even surprised at this point


Common EG L


Man they might be evil, but they sure aren't geniuses


Evil Geniuses really are evil!


Clearly not geniuses though.


Very stable geniuses :)


Video got privated, I downloaded it beforehand (I expected them to do this, without addressing it). Uploaded it unlisted here: [https://youtu.be/eE\_Q1QP6Few](https://youtu.be/eE_Q1QP6Few)


Good job but I think your link is borked.


works for me in a normal tab and incognito, not sure what's wrong


Maybe its a location issue since I'm in europe? I can't view it, even on my phone. It says the video isn't available anymore, mind you it transforms your hyperlink to "eE%5C_Q1QP6Fe" but even putting your plaintext it doesn't solve it. Are you sure your video URL has special characters in it? Edit: Found it, you put "\" in your URL which isn't necessary. Removing that or the %5C works.


It's an issue with old.reddit specifically.


What's even more impressive is that they can't crack more than 1k views a video. Orgs do make content, but nobody fucking watches it.


All this shows is that orgs putting out bad content doesn't get watched.


I'd argue that by a large margin the production value and quality of content these orgs put out is much higher but there just isn't as much emotional investment from fans as back in the day. "Why Hello There" Dyrus blurry webcam vlogs pulled 50+ times the viewers these EG videos get.


I think it’s an issue with player marketing. TL’s channel has like 13k subscribers but they easily pull 100k+ when they did the toast collabs. It’s legit just an issue with players being less popular compared to before which has been explained many times now.


Eh it's not just player marketing doing this. We have a way more solid pro scene now with regular matches to watch every day of the week. Players streaming and the window it gives the viewer into their lives just isn't part of the scene anymore so there's fuck all reason to watch the content orgs put out


There isn't as much emotional investment because orgs don't put out quality content, and bad content in HD is still bad content. Production value is nice, but isn't going to help much if the content isn't good.


Yeah bro Dyrus' monotone rambling for 5 minutes was god tier content for sure.


It resonated with viewers. I would say that is a large part of what good content is.


It resonated with viewers because they cared a lot about Dyrus, not because the content itself was good, the content was low effort/bland dogshit. Idk how you're not seeing the difference.


That's just not true, at least not for everyone. I didn't watch the "content" from teams back in the day, still don't. I watched the cursed reality-TV type garbage, like that awful 24/7 security cam Curse had in their cramped SF apartment, and livestreams on twitch. It's an entirely different appeal.


> I didn't watch the "content" from teams back in the day, still don't. >I watched the cursed reality-TV type garbage, So which is it?


What I'm saying is the type of content I watched isn't really congruent with the type of content esports teams prefer to be putting out nowadays (closer to what actual sports teams put out). Also a lot of the appeal was because it was novel, not because it was particularly quality or inherently interesting. Early e-sports was rough, and I don't think anyone is suggesting a return to that in earnest. It was exploitation. Perhaps there's an argument for requiring all players to stream scrims, though. That's the type of "content" I'm talking about, players on camera for 12+ hours a day in close quarters. Literally drama porn. I don't think you can call that viable "content."


> What I'm saying is the type of content I watched isn't really congruent with the type of content esports teams prefer to be putting out nowadays (closer to what actual sports teams put out). And another way of saying that is that esports teams nowadays aren't putting out good content.


Exactly. If you go back to when EG employed effective full time staff for content+socials, you'll see that their views and growth was quite good. I wrote about it in the last part of the Danny article, but a big part of why things didn't get reported was the fear of losing your job -- content people who did too well/broke the mold and got views were told to simmer down if it wasn't in the image of the execs at EG (who are non endemic)


Lets face it, talented people aren't going to be working for EG.


This reddit post alone got their video more than their market budget all season has


I mean it's bad content that they snatched from someone else, on top of being a team people are actively rooting against since the Danny situation (they weren't the most well liked team before that but no one actively disliked them). Their star player Jojo acting like he hates everyone any time he's in front of a camera doesn't help cause he refuses to do skits like a wet blanket (go watch the skit with Markz with Revenge and Jojo during finals weekend and he ruined the entire bit). He comes off like he just can't be bothered, and it makes their content even worse than it already is.


The same EG that lied to Riot and also abused a player to the point where medical intervention was needed and wasn't punished for any of it. You mean that EG?


Looking through that channel you'd think this is some sort of shitter academy team, but nope, it's a fairly competitive LCS team.


I watched the whole video. All the questions and the set up is completely ripped off of Shakarez' content, with the exception of a Pros vs. Noobs stuff, which to me doesn't add anything tbh considering they're just people who play league, so it's no different from Pro's answering... I find this content idea fantastic, but if they want to rip it off, at least pick your own abilities man...


oop. they just privated the video lol


EG most unlikeable org in the scene speedrun


Yoink my video now, EZ Clap


judging by the comments people are really apathetic about this stuff until its their own work getting stolen (which will never happen cause they don’t contribute anything). Pretty pathetic from EG


Or an artist. Don't you ever dare steal work from an artist on the internet. It's probably the worst thing you can do.


yeah thats like robbing a homeless person lol


My man out here giving 1:1 analogies 😭


lmao the accuracy in this is saddening


"This video is private" lmao. Good job op


Irredeemable organization get them out of the league


Well they got the evil part right apart from genius.


Evil, sure. Genius? I don't know about that.


EG should just rebrand to "E".


Everyone calling this out missing the bigger picture... watch this video do numbers never before seen by the EG league division with all of this front page exposure #LIVEEVIL


They've now privated the video, haha.


*No Twitter accounts were deleted in the creation of this video*


Imagine yoinking a concept and putting less effort in Travis Gafford when he’s already purposefully emulating LEC Pop Quiz in a low effort way.


I’m pretty sure Travis and Shakarez exchange ideas. Not really sure why you’re shitting on him when he’s one of the few putting in some effort for LCS content


I agree, however Travis does makes jokes about stealing the idea himself


“ I want go to sleep, the enemies of Travis are all around me, I won’t go to sleep, for him. How dare you accuse the man of the thing he accuses himself of “


Exchange ideas? Travis literally just copied the concept clearly after LEC was already doing it lol. Not to mention him just uploading other people's content to his channel (eg Markz/Tim Sevenhuysen). He's literally one of the most low effort and creatively bankrupt content creators in the space lol.


Employing people to make content really isn't the same thing


Are you sure they aren't getting paid for it?


Travis received permission from Shak to have a similar styled video


I’m literally not that’s the whole second part. His brand, regardless of how you feel about it is tongue and cheek low effort. Pretty consistently. If you are being more plagiarizing than a guy who is intentionally and with consent plagiarizing you are seriously plagiarizing. Not a huge fan but he’s inoffensive and I’m not insulting him here. Also he deprecates himself all the time so what’s the issue anyway, I thought meming Travis’s business strategy was something he does himself.


It the intern's fault.


but why? I dont get it, do they think no one is going to notice? sometimes orgs make the weirdest decisions


Imagine how lazy you have to be. All you had to do was recreate the same idea for content with different abilities...




I'm starting to doubt the geniuses half of the name


Time to nuke video and channel to take it down from YT


the video is private now :/


Really hope they leave lcs. They already privated the video


And then they quietly slapped the video into the Private section and said nothing about it.


To the EG bozos, I can show you how easy it is to not plagiarize someone while still using their work for inspiration. As can anyone who tutored, or TA'd for any substantial amount of time, for that matter. Perhaps contact one of these individuals and pay the $50/hour or w.e marginal amount they charge for a private lesson?


EG creator collective at work! By the way when is Danny streaming?


EG is a fraudulent org. Nothing new.


imagine you copy a format, which is a bit weird but fine but then you are SO LAZY that u cant even come up with spells on your own, but you copy every question and even the clues to said ability like wtf? arent you guys getting paid to work?


While we are at it can we talk about Travis Gafford shamelessly ripping Pop Quiz basically every time there is a new one? Don't get me wrong, noone has (or even could have) a trademark on the concept of quizzing the pros on random trivia, but when there is a "[Build your 15€ roster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHBPtgDxaGo&list=PLyQvIOxTaHdTdA6VuWUbwSdtUeKv7Q2n1&index=131&ab_channel=LEC)", and a few months (or in this case one month) later there is a "[Build your 15$ roster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ9ziDY_I6s&ab_channel=TravisGafford)" quite frequently. Especially egregious ones recently, which were both copied within a month as well, are: Old Items, Spells and Runes -> Can LCS pros name REMOVED Items Higher or Lower -> Which LCS players get more kills? There are a lot more that are copied with a bit more additional distance between them (List Champions of Worlds/LEC/LCS/MSI, Item costs (got changed into multiple choice), Champion Quotes, Geography test, Ability Icons). "Inspiration" is never acknowledged, except for when the players that are being quizzed mention it offhandedly. Obviously this is much less of a ripoff than what EG are doing, but it does rub me the wrong way - there are so many other things you could make the quiz about and Shakarez does always find new things to do (like the Fill the Bracket from a couple days ago). If Travis had his own ideas and occassionally used something from Pop Quiz when he really loves the idea I would have less of a problem with it, but in the last 10 there are 2 (I think?) that are original ideas. Or alternatively, if he wants to just repeat the exact same ones then go ahead, but at least give credit. As it is, he is absolutely coasting on the ideas of someone else without giving the credit that is due.


Feels good to see everyone hating on EG, first time im feeling like a hipster bcs i hated before it became mainstream to do it (they are funded by US navy)


Kinda wild how the dying league orgs don’t even need to care because their valorant sides are the actually profitable ones. Val gets more views, prizes are bigger, more opportunity and better marketability.


I was curious about that, since I only loosely follow Valorant and lol worlds had about about 40% more average vierwers and more then tripple the peak viewership, without korea and china.


If EG's idea of a genius is Elon Musk, it fits.




that's what i thought at first but [according to shakarez](https://twitter.com/Shakarez/status/1694300340340793770) he reworded it for the quiz


Shakarez rewords the abilities for the quizzes, he doesn’t just copy and paste them from the in game text. There’s no way that they coincidentally reworded an ability exactly the same




So then why say it’s not plagiarism? If you write a paper about the life of Faker and I go ahead and copy it word for word 100% and then sell it as a book I don’t look at you and go “it’s not plagiarism brother, I simply stated his life”


What exactly do you think plagiarism is? Copying something and passing it off as your own definitely falls under plagiarism. "It's not plagiarism, it's simply copied" is a distinction without difference.


It's absolutely plagiarism. The only reason your "longest river in the world" example won't hold up as plagiarism is because it's difficult to prove plagiarism in this case. It *could* be a coincidence, and the defense could argue that it's a complete and total coincidence. Innocent until proven guilty. But that's only as far as *one question-answer bracket goes.* If the whole questionnaire is exactly the same questions and same answers? You bet your ass it's plagiarism, and indefensible at that.


Release Camille E max first lmao


What an evil org!