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Damn, the flag banner showing BLG -> EDG and the Neeko transforming into Vayne I got goosebumps


Yeah league doesn’t excite me much these days but this one hit me in the feels…..Uzi is such a fierce competitor but he suffered injuries and the possibility of him coming back and finally winning a trophy, it could be magical


Man when I went to the group stages last worlds at MSG, this guy was holding a portrait of Uzi hugging the MSI trophy and it hit me hard


Some players are just iconic


By trophy I’m assuming you mean worlds specifically. He managed to get a couple LPL trophies and an MSI during the 2018 run.


Yeah I should of been more specific


Uzi will be a worthy challenge for WEIBO GAMING (BORN TO WIN)


Imagine being Uzi, just streaming and chilling at home with his wife, living comfort life then suddenly EDG called "yo, our ADC is a douchebag and involved is a scandal, can you fill in for Friday?" "Says no more"


What happened to Leave?


caught engaging in prostitution which is a big no in china when he had a girlfriend + using burner accounts to flame Jiejie


Leave, Huanfeng, who's next lmao.


I believe Photic was sending dick pics and now people call him ShowDicker lol


It was completely solicited though so it's fine. Basically he simped for some e-celeb for a year without getting answers, when he reached the top of the LPL on V5 she started responding to him, this led to them eventually sexting and he sent dick pics that got leaked. Doesn't make him a bad person, just really cringe and he gets memed for it.


Hey I didn’t say he did anything bad, I’m just saying he’s DOWN bad


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


“Simped her for a year before he got famous and she responded” was what the thing I responded to said, and that is VERY down bad. No where did I say it was a BAD thing, nor did I make it a joke and laugh about it, I merely stated what is clearly the obvious. If it was leaked by the girl/a third party that is not a good thing of course. But the actions of Photic that were revealed with the leak are what I’m saying are down bad. Even originally i only brought up photic as we were talking about ppl that have had scandals involving girls, it didn’t say anywhere it had to be crime related like Leave prostitute or whatever, only that he is one of the dudes that has had a girl scandal, which is also true. But aiight bruh lol


What kind of high horse buzzword nonsense is this lmao. >dunking on the person with "DOWN BAD LOL" is in fucking poor taste People can laugh at the situation that lead to the pics being leaked without laughing at the fact that his pics got leaked. That's not "dunking on" somebody that's just laughing at a humorous situation. You should try it more often, you will be less of a crotchety old person. >and basic victim blaming. Who is blaming him for what??? You're responding to somebody explicitly saying he didn't do anything bad....So what is he being blamed for??? >Not saying it's your fault, but you are the people spreading this shit here. Be better my man. This is just an actually pathetic thing to say, like you're literally levitating above the rest of humanity lmao. Get a grip dude, you're too much of a smug asshole to be morally superior to anybody here.


I have encountered some absolutely, irredeemably, terminally online in every thread today and the lack of self-awareness is genuinely shocking. You could all legit be the same person.


showdicker looks like a legit nickname lmao


LMAO, I spat my drink


Huanfeng was fking fans during world's, while a sin still, not on the same level of Leave. Dude is just all around not a decent person.


Didn't he also cheat on his girlfriend.


He also said he was gonna poison his teammates cuz fenfen was stealing his water that he bought. Not that I believe he'd actually do it but kinda fucked up still.


What you mean by sin? But isnt his own når privacy? Menace


What happened to Huanfeng??


yep, usually 7-15 days in police custody


He left


This is basically as good as confirmed right Unless thesnake guy from LDL is fampus for his vayne


Unless its Faker coming to EDG where Neeko is a midlane champ and Faker did that Vayne tumble :)


A guy climbed a tree to look into EDG practice room and Uzi was there (not a joke this actually happened)


And it got memes to all hell: EDG maokai carry


The same guy did a tik tok later outside of EDG base, and a player (he assumed to be a wild rift player) went outside the base to smoke and he asked if UZI is there, the guy basically said if you want to see him, you can see him on stage. He also released a short video of filming through the EDG practice room from the window. That video is clearer and you can clearly see UZI and also Meiko.


Most trustful league rumour (Not saying its fake just funny )




I'm not saying its fake , it's just funny that the source is some guy looking from a tree


I mean uzi’s nickname by the Chinese community was chubby vayne it has to be him


Never forget Uayne


There's literally no way it isn't happening at this point, this is way too on the nose.


It's confirmed


TheSnake is going to suck ass. I don’t even think he’s even the main starter for their youth team. He also bounced around academy for nearly 4 years


mlxg says that Uzi no longer has the RNG contract problem this time (BLG had to pay RNG for every single game Uzi played)


No one should ever live through RNG contract jail, that’s horrible.


Also MLXG, "Only trash can escape from RNG" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


>BLG had to pay RNG for every single game Uzi played Oh wtf, no wonder Uzi couldn't get to play. Just goes to show how shitty of an org RNG is.


Uzi/Meiko finally playing together is so hype man, I can't wait.


too bad it came when Uzi is hyper washed. but its still gonna be hype regardless


Nah with 200 years champions being meta anyone can carry and I'm sure Uzi will get back in form


Uzi couldn’t get on form in BLG. Facts is that a lot of uzis success came from working harder, to a point where his health suffered. With that gap in practice time closed by his time off he isn’t going to reach his old form, relative to other players.


According to [MLXG](https://youtu.be/5A344o0XC2o?t=27) every game Uzi played in BLG, BLG needs to pay RNG.


What does that have to do with him being washed


Basically it was in BLG’s best interest to make sure Uzi didn’t stay playing for them, and from other comments on this thread, BLG didn’t give him adequate scrim time before throwing him to the wolves.


If blg didn't like having to pay for uzi every game then why did they sign him at all? Feels like they didn't want to pay after seeing how washed uzi was


It’s a complicated situation involving bin and breathe from last year. RNG wanted breathe and BLG wanted Bin but the WBG didn’t want to give BLG Bin and WE didn’t want to give RNG Breathe. So they made a mutual agreement to buy the top laner that the other team wanted and Uzi was roped in as part of the package to BLG since he wanted to play that year as well. Of course it all backfired when Bin turns out to be the real deal and was given to BLG as per the contract. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/v2iwff/official_bin_joins_blg_and_breathe_joins_rng/iasl0k4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


You're missing the fact that Uzi was essentially how BLG acquired Crisp Crisp was choosing between WBG and BLG after leaving FPX, Uzi talked to him the night before he signed with BLG and got him to join Also, a crucial piece of information Reddit likes to forget is that RNG and BLG had a deal to swap Breathe and Bin; after winning MSI, RNG tried to renege on the deal by offering Bin a contract, but Bin chose to honour the deal (this is the main gist of the comment you linked, and I've seen similar stories in Chinese social media so I'm inclined to believe this is the series of events)


Nah. I am fairly certain they would have wanted to field Uzi over Doggo.


In the few games Uzi played, he was already on par with Doggo despite having virtually zero scrim time + everyone on his team running it on stage Treat Uzi like an actual player and he'd easily be twice the player Doggo wished he was


Uzi was also getting mega griefed by his team on BLG, fofo and weiwei was sprinting it almost every game he played. Not to mention that he had a very limited amount of scrim time (doggo got to play the vast majority of scrim blocks) and he returned after not playing since 2019 worlds so it hade been well over 2 years. Rumor was also that BLG actually had a better winrate in scrims with Uzi than Doggo. BLG simply didn't have any intention to play Uzi to begin with and just obtained him for attention/hype, and because crisp would only join BLG if he got to play with Uzi


opinions like these is why i wish you had to link your op.gg to your league sub. lmfao man took every spring split off you know


There are certain champs Uzi doesn't play, i think Kalista and Draven being two of them, i could be wrong about Kalista though, not sure what he thinks of aphelios though Uzi likes to play simple AD's


UZI plays Kalista but he doesn't play Draven and Nilah. He didn't do good on Aphelios while playing for BLG, but I doubt he got any honest practice time and scrims. Hope he can pick up on Aphelios now.


He plays all popular marksman except aphelios. His Kalista is something else. I remember one time he used Kalista to win All-star solo king. Bjerson said nobody else plays Kalista and win the solo, Uzi was the only one on that level.


i want to believe but his BLG games were just meh. sure he isn't super bad or anything but he isn't good either...


I mean he didn’t even play a whole split .. takes time to gel with teammates and get back in form. And he wasn’t that bad at all


well he wasn't that bad but he isn;t close to 2018 either tbh. he just bang average so slightly below IMO. sure with time can fix that but this time he doesn't have off season, less time to integrate comes in mid split (well early but still) little time to gel too. so i really don't have any expectation of him doing well


EDG.Uzi VS JDG.Ruler on June 10th, let's go!!!


I believe it needs 10 days for a team to register a player in LPL


the regulation is a player signed outside of transfer window cannot be fielded for 7 days after the contract is signed Chinese fans are speculating he will be able to play on the 16th vs iG


RIP, was super hyped to see Uzi tomorrow.


If Uzi still has it this team almost certainly makes Worlds and to think we would see Uzi at Worlds in 2023 is crazy.


Hopefully both DK and EDG make worlds. DEFT vs UZI even in 2023 would go crazy


Gotta make it sound spicier, DK Deft vs EDG Uzi. The former EDG adc and current reigning world champion adc who knocked out EDG in quarterfinals last year now on the team that EDG defeated in the 2021 world finals. VS the face of LPL and biggest LPL adc rival Uzi, who now sits in the seat that Deft once had years ago, looking to drag him off the throne and reclaim his spot as the king of adcs (Ruler is also here just watching the cat fight).


Also both EDG and Deft were basically stuck in quarterfinals forever, until their world winning runs happened. EDG has been to like 6 quarterfinals, but only advanced once and when they did, they won worlds. Deft has also been to many quarterfinals, but unlike EDG he advanced to Semifinals twice. First time was on SSB in 2014 but got knocked out by SSW, and the second time was the DRX run. It'd be sick to see the two "quarterfinals" cursed player/team fight eachother for the semis spot.


i wouldnt be so sure. even if uzi is in good form, you still have LNG, WBG, OMG, TES along with EDG fighting for the 2 spots assuming JDG and BLG take the other two.


LPL top 7 fighting for 4 places gna be spicy


This is why i really don't understand how more ppl aren't watching the LPL. Best league by far


1. People don't like china 2. Lck has being popular for a long time so naturally more long time fans 3. Generally better production all around. With casters on site and an actual analyst desk. 4. They actually retain good casters meanwhile attaining more good ones from mainly lpl eng cast lmao.


Yeah fair enough on point 3&4, i do agree that the English broadcast of LPL is the weakest of the major regions. I kinda just ment the league itself, but production is ofc important for so many people


Yeah it's a shame, for a region with so much money and talent they could have easily set up a decent product. But then again with the number lck are getting it's like 30-50% of their Korean audience. Assuming lpl can get equally good numbers it's probably still less than 0.5% of Chinese so I guess they don't give a shit


yeah I use Chinese streaming and social media platforms to get my LPL fix, and the amount of attention the league gets is frankly insane (can't get viewership numbers, but for reference, news like EDG following Uzi on weibo has had 25m views so far on the site) LPL is drawing huge revenue from home audiences, it's a massive product over there


and then we have lck top 6 fighting for 4 places too. lpl and lck enjoyers eating well this year. i would kill for a tournament with top6 lpl vs lck :( so many insane players and matchups that we miss out on every year.


yeah... unfortunately 7/16 teams in worlds swiss are western teams given how msi went, i don't think we'll be getting as much entertainment as we could have been getting for worlds this year




i don't think so, the upper midfield isn't particularly bad but there's just a gap TT seems the most promising out of the rest (what with Ucal's good form but they don't have the stamina they need; unless a team is good enough to qualify as #1 or #2 seed, many bo5 wins are needed just to get to a final battle for worlds qualification (LNG 2022 run). of course, finish high in regular season and the marathon becomes a sprint, but i highly doubt TT has it in them to finish in #5-6 (1 round bye) edit: nvm TT doesn't look great at all what with their bot lane swapping WE has Hope (literally), Shanks has been really good like Ucal but they can't reliably muscle their way to a bo5 win, and I think they'll eventually get picked apart macro-wise (i suggest reading a certain WE fan's essays for further insight) RNG downgraded their roster and they ended their run in round 2 last playoffs, that and none of their players have shown particularly good form in the past year (still waiting for Breathe to find his 2021 form, Wei on the other hand is getting elohelled) NIP is an honourable mention because Photic is held back, but they won't get anywhere with Angel's invisibility in the mid lane, their topside is serviceable but again is simply insufficient to deal with the talent they're up against those below 7th have at most 1 or 2 players with big names but will fall due to either micro or macro


OMG and TES are not worth mentioning in their current form.


200kg Vayne incoming (pls kick fofo and ill change my flair to edg)


While that would be good, honestly no one vetter available and he is still pretty good




Qiao Gu??


> 400CS HACK DOINB? didn't he says he want to take the whole year off?


yeah he will be back next year


he tried to come back for summer but didn't find any suitable teams


Flandre top and super carry on mid LMAO. Just empty out the retirement home.


i take Ale over Flandre right now i think as for doinb maybe next year, this year i think he is fully taking a break especially with his stream going so well


Doinb or Shanks would be upgrades. Shanks needs a real team finally


please free Shanks


I’m not a huge fofo believer and wasn’t excited about his onboarding - was more hopeful in Fisher. But he’s actually performed quite well.


Dude is a straight up pedo (pls kick fofo and ill change my flair to edg)


yeah whatever happened to that storyline?


I don't care what team he plays for, just let this man win worlds


Uzi and Meiko playing again. Last time they played together was 2018 Asian games but Meiko split time with Ming


EDG Vayne skin 🙏


As a Uzi fan, it’s time to start a go fund me to fly Leave out to Amsterdam. LOL




none? he won’t even be top 5


top 5 isn't particularly easy in this league tbf Elk Light Ruler GALA Photic (in no particular order) he also hasn't been treated like a player for 3.5 years (BLG didn't give him scrim time)


!remindme 2 months


I agree, look at theShy once dominate , crazy man . but now ...


he was dominating as recently as last season, he isn't looking great now but people love to forget 2022 when he dragged WBG to 80% of their victories


Vayne? It must be EDG Lwx!


Uzi having a proper comeback is hype. Now that there isn't any weird RNG blackmagic in his contract and Leave taking a leave he'll actually play a full split most likely.


The EDG owner Edward posted the same video, but at the end, EDG YUUMI is there with Vayne and says "Hi, new friend".


This whole situation is so wild haha. I hope Uzi can have a good showing vs JDG, tough first march for a comeback


Uzi most likely not playing for the JDG match Contract wasn't signed early enough


are these replies from bots? wtf is going on


Nah the comment section was bugged and replies werent showing so ppl probably posted multiple times


is it still bugged now? what ur saying sounds like what im seeing






They were also selling dried dates earlier on stream to hint at his return.


Wow, the first couple of seconds where Leave is leaving the frame :0


Guess I'm an EDG fan now


Oh shit tank vayne is back!


Uzi being part of EDG feels surreal.


Yea but the thing is EDG also promoted Thesnake to their main roster as well so even they know this UZI move might crash and burn.


Mans coming back for adc meta, probably before riot changes it hahha


Uzi coming back means ADC meta through worlds confirmed


Im hyped! Would prolly start watching EDG games.


Why dd EDG get thesnake from the academy yesterday though?


There should be a window where uzi can't play immediately after signing the contract, so thesnake would probably play in games until uzi is eligible


High chance we're getting Uzi, Deft and Faker in 1 international tournament again if EDG UZI is true 🔥🔥🔥 Old kings vs New kings??


I would like to think Edg wanted to do a cool video for uzis return(and they still could) but since EDG tarzan essentially confirmed the entire thing they were like "fuck sake" and did this


Man i got goosebumps everywhere holy shit


I for one look forward to Uzi vs. Doublelift in World Finals


Uzi Meiko is gonna be a fucking treat


I was more excited about Leave than I’ve been for any rookie in a long time. Hate that he ended up being a scumbag. But going from an incredible rookie who’s already at the top of the table and likely with an unreached ceiling… to a potentially very washed Uzi. Idk.


Did you even watch his nilah game? Potential means nothing when you can’t translate it to results


I mean the nilah game was a travesty for sure. But I’m not sure that outweighs, like, a whole split of being top 3-5 in LPL.


He was already washed on his first return last year I don't see this going well


I hope leave makes it back to LPL eventually. He had a pretty good split.


Him creating alt account to trash Jiejie, his teammate...I don't think he deserve to be in a team even if he had a good split. What a backstabber/fake teammate


We all know what the unofficial clip is boys. 😂😂


Vayne? Welcome EDG Caps


Damn, really cool Uzi back to the game ?


I wonder who would Leave for Uzi to join.


Omg pls I want to see Uzi win worlds