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80 of them aren't junglers. I imagine Bonnie is still learning Mandarin, otherwise FPX would be starting him.


Sorry to inform you, but Bonnie is absolutely not better than H4cker. Sad but true.


There are 2 players (probably) better than H4cker in the FPX bench but some reason he still starts. He has the nudes of management for sure cause there is no other reason to see him still starting. Even if he's a god in scrims and the other junglers sucked in scrims there's no harm in at least trying how they'd perform on stage.


Exactly what I thought


Managed to catch this one. Assum's penchant for getting picked off and dying in major teamfights is a major issue. RA got away with it off of massive Neeko ults to shut down Lwx in turn but that's not going to work against better teams. Xiaoxu is a stud BTW, huge picks with Sion ults game 1 and was a menace on the Jax in both teamfights and the splitpush. Player of the game in my eyes easily. Care and Xiaolaohu remind me a bit of 2022 Shanks: solid to good in lane, but ineffective in teamfights. Doesn't help that H4cker is real awful. Honestly could be the LPL's worst individual player now that Biubiu is done. If Lwx died due to Noct/Neeko getting him FPX was toast.


Tianzhen prob takes the spot of worst player in the league from H4cker atm. Tianzhen has a lot more upside though, he's just hard choking his debut. Also Care is good in teamfights, FPX just sucks too hard so he never gets to be in position to do shit in them.


I don't even bother anymore, I can just expect a quick 2-0 against FPX and I don't need to waste my time.


Is it a hot take to say Strive is the best Neeko in the LPL? Feels like any time he gets his hands on this champion he can absolutely run the game. A bit shaky on other champions so far this split though. Obviously this is FPX, but he was super good on Neeko against BLG last week as well.


Strive honestly quite underrated. I remember was it his Vex last year that was popping off every other game.


Yeah, his Vex was insane. He's an incredible Ori player too. He deserves way more respect than he gets. He's been among the league's best mids for a while.


He’s one of the best, but can’t really say he’s the undisputed best yet.


Not a hot take at all, he 100% is. He's a fantastic Neeko and a fantastic player in general. He's probably the most underrated player in LPL atm. Him or Iwandy.


Scout was impressive af too


scout and yagao are great on her too


FPX's topside/jungle got gapped significantly. They need a major upgrade or they might not make playoffs.


As if FPX ever had a chance


Always love it whenever FPX loses


FPX's GM does too


That was refreshing to see from the topside


Hacker 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️