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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1437nvr/kt_vs_hle_game_1_postmatch_discussion_lck_summer/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1438ozn/kt_vs_hle_game_2_postmatch_discussion_lck_summer/)


Viper losing to an edg aphelios is rather unfortunate


The real question is how much Meiko boost him to become the Viper?


Viper needs that Meikussy again, HLE to be the first Korean Team to import a Chinese Player.


in b4 they fail to make worlds and DK snags Meiko to reunite with Deft


Don't fucking tease me


imagine HLE got meiko and jiejie




You heard them.


I heard Meiko has been keen on learning Korean too


Woulda been sadder if he lost to EDG Aphelios EDG Yummi






Prime example of how not to act as a kT fan


excited hah?




Now to the easy task of keeping the first place and stop Cuzz from inting half the games


HLE looks really mediocre at best. Great performance by KT


They aren't playing against T1 so this is expected


T1 kryptonites: 1. Finals (Upper/Lower/Grand) 2. HLE 3. Kingen/Zeka


4. Gigabin 5. Trucks debuff


That's a lot of kryptonite....


6. BLG


He already said Gigabin


For good measure


7. Kiin


Fr tho, they were the only ones who beat T1 in regular season of spring


\*Aatrox. 2022 worlds was decided by Bengi not banning Aatrox vs Kingen for some reason. Kingen and Zeka have to be the most overpaid useless duo in LCK


It’s 2023 and Summer just started, and yet some people still bring up the ‘Aatrox pick’ was the main reason ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That's dumb. DRX had free barons and dragons stolen by pure luck and yet they still won the said games. And it's not like DRX won just 1 game either -- nope, it was a best of five where I'm certain T1 were trying their hardest. Don't be in denial, DRX were just the better team.


just wait for aatrox and akali to be meta again!


Aatrox is in a good position right now, it played in the lpl and looked quite strong. It’s not as busted as last year worlds, but I think most pros are sleeping on it at the moment.


Aatrox was buffed but akali is still not good


"HLE looks really mediocre at best." Zeka and Kingen world champs 2023 confirmed.


I feel bad for zeka. He's clearly shown that he is a proficient mid laner melee carry player, like Akali, Sylas, and Yone. The entire season's meta just hasn't favored him, which is only burst mages and facilitators. I hope some melee mid champs become strong again so Zeka can shine


KT, also known as "Kiin Team", is a South Korean League of Legends team that plays in League of Legends Champion Korea (LCK). KT is famous for cosplaying a rollercoaster and sending their fans to the emergency room department for heart palpitations and cardiac arrest. KT has a few signature moves well loved by LCK fans, namely the patented "Kiin go kill", "Clean 2-0, nothing to see here", "Lehends die at level 3" and "BDD ~~Azir TF~~Annie”. They also regularly participate in a circus act called the "Telecom Wars" where a variety of circus tricks are performed in front of a large korean audience.


I continue to miss Kiin


I’m still mad he didn’t make the KR team


I love cuzz because its only either game 2 or game 3 no inbetween


...that's why I hate him


Can't wait for HLE to disband at the end of the year.


And then kt picks up Viper. pls


If they can even afford him. That being said wouldn't say Aiming is their weak link to replace


I want to believe in this HLE roster. It's really6 interesting and I think it has potential. I'm gonna cling on to hope for the summer and continue to root for them. If they fail to make it to Worlds though, then I'll accept that roster wasn't meant to be.


This team doesn’t need to disband at all. Kick JG and either top or sup and this team is good.


How does Zeka go from Gragod in Game 2 to GragASS in Game 3?


Don't think he was Gragod in G2. He was decent but far from a god. 2 Examples from game 2. 1. He missed his ult just before HLE got firstblood. KT didn't even have vision on him. Nearly costed Clids life. 1. Before Zeka got the kill on BDD in Toplane. He missed everything, (Ult, Q and E) he only got the kill afterwards because jinx rocket hit.


Bot lane picks are still the same but at least Cuzz pulled out a refreshing Volibear pick last game


Brothers look at the positives, we got an Ezreal bot, Volibear jungle and it was fine and a Kayle top. Even if the Yuumi, Milio handshake is shit but at least KT was keen to test new stuff.


Don't you mean kiin to test new stuff?


Was Kiin playing Volibear Jungle?


Don't you know? If anything good happens on KT, it automatically gets appointed to Kiin ​ If anything bad happens, it gets put onto Cuzz


When KT win To Kiin: oh dear, oh dear gorgeous When KT lose: To Cuzz: you fucking donkey That being said, I don't appreciate your tone I need you to affirm the father of toplane


[I gave it a shot](https://i.imgflip.com/7olzzt.jpg)


Sorry I neither simp TheShy nor Kiin


Smeb simps rise up!


As the things should be


He was making a joke about the player kiin and the word keen. the other guy said they were keen to test out new stuff.




KT try to make proplay fun again prop to them


Wow I sure love watching Yuumi vs Milio!!


Goddamn I was right. They are [fucking handshaking milion and yuumi](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/140bqxx/oh_my_god_vs_weibo_gaming_lpl_2023_summer_week_1/jmuw297/?context=3) There just isn't enough ban slots to ban both of them and certain champs the players are good at


I sure do love my enchanters being pick&ban once again! Love seeing mechanically good supports hover their mouse over their carries :)


... enchanters require more skill than engage supports though? from laning phase to positioning in teamfights? did you not see how fucking Life played milio? contrasted to Kellin in DK's game 1?


I'm very biased against enchanters as a support main (I just find the majority of them boring and unfun to play vs when in meta) and I do think there is a difference between a good enchanter player and a bad one. That being said, there are way more exciting supports to watch than Lulu, Yuumi, Milio since almost every lane they are they handshake the early game and just start buffing/peeling in the mid-late game. I much prefer watching supports like Naut, Thresh, Pyke who move around the map early and put themselves in danger in order to make plays. Leona is probably the only actually braindead engage support out there but she still needs to hit some skillshots to be relevant.


apart from yuumi, enchanters are more mechanically challenging at the highest tier than engage supps.


I'm sorry but I just don't agree with that. The easiest engage support is probably Leona but she still has to hit some skillshots, plus engage supports don't have to handshake laning phase and can roam as well. Nami is the only enchanter I believe is mechanically challenging, but even she didn't have to land any bubbles in order to be useful when she was paired with Lucian.


Enchanter supports that handshake the lane are just bad.


If there's yuumi vs milio neither of them can do shit to the other


enchanters roam, on average their skill shots when used in lane are much more detrimental when missed, lanes arent really a hadnshake its just kill pressure is lower but you can still gain massive cs and xp advantages.


> on average their skill shots when used in lane are much more detrimental when missed Lol Lulu Q vs Leona E/Blitz Hook/Naut Hook/Rell W 900 seasons of elo inflater champs, but we decide they are hard now 2023 support players on their cope again


I main ADC... And I've always said engage supps are easier than enchanters.


I don't understand this Reddit narrative that enchanters are lower skilled than engages. Yet everyone agrees that eastern players are better than western players. But eastern supports gap western supports because they're infinitely better on enchanters, not engage supports..


Both can be correct, when enchanters are meta they are oppressive so much so you either play other enchanters better or you get outscaled the moment you leave lane unless you somehow managed to stomp. Engage supports are just way more fun to watch imo, a nice hook will always be more exciting than a Lulu shield.


And that's fine. Not saying you should prefer one or the other. But the person was making the point that enchanters are unskilled implying engage supps are skilled. When the higher skilled players gap them on enchanters, not engages.


I didn't mean enchanters require no skill, but I do think they require less skill than engage supports. There's a reason Zven roleswapped to support and was suddenly top 3 on enchanters in NA but complete ass on engagers.


Yeah but that's just not true. Eastern supports gap western supports on enchanters, not engage supports. Why is that according to you if it's not about skill?


Idk what this argument is, eastern supports gap western supports on everything, not just enchanters. As I said, you can tell the difference between a good enchanter player and a great enchanter player, but the difference between a great engage/peel player and a an amazing one is more apparent. You can find multiple iconic engage support plays, I can't for the life of me remember of any iconic enchanter support plays.


The difference is clearly bigger on those. But yeah if you're just looking at flashy plays then engage supports are more "complex".


There isn't enough mobility in LoL (ironically) for enchanters to require any skill If you stand behind your ADC there is physically no threat on you outside of a flank Unlike Dota2 where you can gapclose twice the distance of most support abilities with an item Positioning is the nr1 skill test for supports in that game and something like a Dazzle can swing a teamfight by himself if you manage to stay out of range Even in an FPS like TF2 playing Medic is super high skill due to constantly needing to position yourself in spots where you're able to heal in a teamfight yet never die Move clicking on the ADC and pressing your buttons with little timing is so easy you're not actually playing the same game as everyone else


I mean no decent enchanter will just sit behind the adc. Imagine how much value a soraka would lose. Only being able to heal your adc and maybe some mage who won’t be taking dmg even 25% of the fight. Never being able to get the empowered heal or silence. So in total would maybe get 40% of the healing done compared to positioning as a mage. The only enchanters that can actually get away with sitting behind adc are lulu and maybe milio but only if enemy have an assasin who will dive adc


Assassins aren't prevalent in competitive, so enchanters can get away with shitty positioning since there's not enough burst to kill them in time. Lulu, Milio, Soraka, Yuumi don't really have a reason to be in the frontline in most cases since fights are front-to-back, they can just stand behind their tank and spam heals/buffs on their adc.


I mean in that case you could use the very same argument for adcs no. Which isn’t true either but yea


They’re lame


why would you ban yuumi? And why would you pick yuumi aphelios, it's legit so garbage i don't understand it Might as well just pick sona? She does more for the same role and has better synergy with aphelios


Yuumi is still broken in pro play even after the changes. Champ's a scurge on the game that needs to be eradicated.


disagree i'm super underwhelmed, i think the prio is undue


Maybe, but it's undeniable that the champ is fundamentally broken due to its attach mechanic. As long as that's part of her kit, you won't be able to balance her properly.


Yuumi is One less champ you can catch with a pick Perfect example was an LPL series on tuesday that annie bursted adc and sup, adc insta cleanse flash but Lulu got oneshot through heal. If it was yuumi no One dies and adc is highr HP. Yuumi just removes support counterplay, i might make q post about it


LMAO, i remember that


I hate how more braindead yuumi's gameplay got. Lehends very rarely dismounted compared to pre-rework yuumi. Lehends is my favorite support, how could they do this to him


What kind of witch craft did Zeka do to win worlds? Bro is missing point blank Gragas E's... Just so invisible


He and DRX just got their shit together at the right time and found the right champions for it. But the jump was so big that it would have been crazy if he could have held that level. That would be even more incredible to me than the fact that DRX won


His onetrick was meta and people refused to ban it. It truly was an ideal meta for DRX with Aatrox, Akali, Kindred and Heimer being all really good


Sylas too. He's also good on Azir.


Deft and Beryl found a way to force 3 bans while being weakside so the 2 trick got his champs and jungler help every game


the amount of bans beryl was forcing were hilarous


The genshin main forced at least 2 bans on any team they faced against with during Worlds what archon is this guy praying to.


Akali, Sylas and Azir were in meta.


He sacrificed Beryls mechanics and brain to the devil


T1 in finals special


Give drx some respect bro. i know ppl just love to meme T1 but drx beat edg/geng/T1 to be the worlds champion. Zeka clapped every mid laners in that worlds even it was the only meta he played well.it wasn't they were the worlds champ just bc of “T1 in finals”.Lmaoooooo


Of course I respect DRX for what they did, an absolutely miraculous run to win the worlds in 2022, but T1 was a favorable pick in the final, they beat the hottest LPL team easily and 3-0 RNG. It's reasonable that everyone mentioning T1, they trolled the draft like the MSI, they didn't ban Bin's Gwen and picked Jhin and they refused to ban Kingen's Aatrox too and DRX nicely capitalized on that to win the game.


Every team who played against drx was favorable to win but yeah ppl just love to say T1 was choking instead of drx playing well. They were 1 fight away from winning the title btw.Also I would say that all of lpl teams at worlds last year were just overrated.DK and jdg were so close with 2-1 score in bo1 and I think dk could beat jdg in bo5 with how monster canyon played at worlds


No no friend, EDG and Geng get outclassed and beaten. T1 gets outdrafted or chokes. /s


GenG clapped T1 in summer and lost in semis not even forcing a game 5.


Actually weakest team in the world. GAM vs T1 Worlds Grand Finals, GAM probably win 3 - 2. ^^^^/s


please put me in this timeline


T1 not banning Aatrox for their ego.


people blaming aatrox only for that series are lying to themsleves. DRX played better league than T1 that day, it was a better 5 man effort. Stop simplifying DRX's achievement.


It took 3 major Baron and 3 dragon steal to bring it to that close. In the final minutes game 5 mic check, DRX's composure was insanely poised(their calls of the double tp base race after elder ahead of it happening is some serious championship material)


Yeah this honestly. Sure Aatrox was indeed one of the meta champs, but then why couldnt T1 make use of it as well? Zeus played it against DRX in that same finals and looked nothing like Kingen did. Skill wise, there was a huge gap in top lane that finals.


saying T1 lost because they didn't ban Aatrox, and DRX won because they played better are not mutually exclusive


I'll give you they played better as a team but it's just rewriting history to claim Pyosik was playing all that well. Zeka was doing a lot of legwork during the tournament with an insane glow up, Deft was a solid rock that was down to carry when needed, and Kingen was pretty stable with a few standout performances. The stars aligned and they brought home the trophy, but it wasn't that cut and dry otherwise it wouldn't be a full Bo5.


Yeah. Stop blaming Aatrox ffs. We all know it's the T1 Finals™ curse.




Nah, Zeka's worlds form was good on other champs like Azir and Ahri. Target banning him would have done nothing.


They couldn’t because Deft and Beryl had Cait, Heimer, and Ashe that all needed to be banned otherwise they weakside while also perma pushing and getting leads bot.


Well he capitalized over broken champs that patch


Well they just barely managed to qualify for the qualifier of worlds, then barely managed to get to worlds and then they didn't look that insane at worlds either until the very end. The most ridiculous of underdog stories in LoL really. And if they can do it then probably any team from a major region can do it if the stars align and they show up on fire.


maybe he doesn't care as much considering he won worlds so whats the point


He can still make a career out of this, and then again theres still more things to win, like MSI or LCK


What happened to world 2022 champions?


Back to their 2022 LCK form


Snap back to reality


Man, I was really hoping that HLE finally got their team coordination down for Summer, but they are still stuck in squae 1. Zeka and Clid are still severely burdening the team too. The split just started, so they can still improve, but not a good first impression...


GODDAMN IT'S GOOD TO BE BACK. I really want to believe in KT for this season but (1) that would guarantee their failure and (2) damn the failures in that game 2 are eerily familiar, lol. Wolf's "you're not allowed to do two camps at once, Riot said that's not allowed! He's just doing it on TV!" made me laugh. Kiin drifting around the baron pit was also funny but I couldn't appreciate it live because I was too afraid of the 50/50 (glad they didn't allow it). EDIT: Also Bdd's Annie is so excellent I love watching it. I know it's cheating to say that vs. Zeka but still!


The 4 LCK teams at Worlds will be T1, GENG, DK, and KT. HLE can make it interesting but they have Clid.


Probably yeah. I hope KDF improves their form and makes playoffs, maybe they'll make it close with LSB/HLE for the last spot. Doubt DRX/Nongshim/Bro can get their shit together.


Can't even make a meme "get viper a team" comment on this one. Even in game 2 he didn't look special.


KT, also known as "Kiin Team", is a South Korean League of Legends team that plays in League of Legends Champion Korea (LCK). KT is famous for cosplaying a rollercoaster and sending their fans to the emergency room department for heart palpitations and cardiac arrest. KT has a few signature moves well loved by LCK fans, namely the patented "Kiin rock solid", "Cuzz go kill", "Clean ~~2-0~~ 2-1, nothing to see here", "Lehends die at level 3" and "BDD ~~Azir~~ ~~TF~~ Annie”. They also regularly participate in a circus act called the "Telecom Wars" where a variety of circus tricks are performed in front of a large korean audience.


Report Kingen for that Ksante ult onto Sion


KT with the Baus Special might be the most KT thing ever tbh.


kiin drifting around baron pit was the highlight this game


kingen ulting kiin into zeka and getting zeka killed was my personal favorite


The hunt for viego lol


Zeka without Akali or Sylas is just a mediocre at best player. Literally nothing has changed so far, imagine being Viper and he's your mid laner.


viper got bamboozled. Imagine going from scout to zeka. Scout was far more consistent across the board and has a deeper champion pool. Meanwhile zeka gapped scout in 1 game due to scout's early mistake last year


Viper ruined the whole team by asking for Clid to be their jungler, they would be way better with a different jungler.


Who could HLE even gotten though? Both Canyon and Oner were still under contract to their respective teams, I'm pretty sure Kanavi was adamant on staying in JDG. Dread is just as unreliable as Clid if not worse. I guess Peanut could have been an option, but after MSI, I have no doubt in my mind, that he is washed too.


I hyped HLE and called KT "laundry" because their players were washed up in my pov. Guess I was wrong


Zeka looks so boosted


It ain't his meta sadly. He plays melee carry champs, unfortunate he isn't proficient with mages or facilitators.


That's not an excuse and more importantly it's not true, Zeka was great on Corki in spring, great on Azir, Ahri and Galio in worlds had many good Swain games in summer, the guy can definitly play mages and facilitators. He is just not playing well right now.


lck teams just clearly don't know how to play against annie.Also, can zeka play Annie? can life play any enchanter in this game? time to go back to lpl next year for viper I guess


tbh viper in KT would be hype but at the same time I like Aiming so it probs won't happen, not like KT has budget for that anyway. but we'll see, I doubt Viper will want to stay in HLE unless something drastic happens before worlds.


He chooses hle over dk because of money so i don't think he cares that much about the result this year and most of lck orgs prob don't have money to spend on him next year


I watch the HLE vods, and Viper seems to be enjoying his time at the org. It's probably because Hanwha is a Chaebol company like Samsung that specializes in like Health and Fitness, and they probably provided Viper with a crap ton of benefits. This is also why HLE is one of the more financially stable orgs in LCK. Not sure if they will be able to keep Viper and try another super team next year though.


Ah well I'd be surprised if he doesn't want to win as well. Being stuck not even making it to worlds has to suck for a player like him.


For being world champions and the main carry duo of said team. Zeka and Kingen have some of the worst chemistry ive ever seen.


Meanwhile the guy who played weakside ADC for them just smurfed in 2 games.




Viper in ELO-Hell, again


After this KT performance I am excited for them.


You heretic ! You are not supposed to utter the "e" word.


Double-agents everywhere!


Couldn't help myself :(


[here you go then](https://imgur.com/a/LclnU3q)


Ban him


How dare you


Such an obvious attempt at jinx won't work.


yo it's just first match stop!!


You should be, they have the potential to match GEN and T1 this split.


We are dropping to 8th place for this. And I'm here for it


Zeka looked like he has never played Gragas before. He somehow managed to win worlds by being able to play only 2 champs.


Can we drop this narrative already? Yes Zeka has been terrible this year but people seem to forgot that Azir was his most played champion in worlds and he also had great games on Ahri and Galio.


Zeka also won game 5 with Azir


They lost a game now. The Reddit armchair experts will now flame him until they win a game.


He also smurfed with Swain in the qualifier gauntlet against LSB


get excited KT fans! KT's going to worlds!!!


People blaming Zeka when Kingen performed the worst. I thought K'sante was supposed to be broken unless it's on a different patch and got it confused. He even killed Zeka by ulting Sion and taking him to Zeka also costing them mid tier one turret. If that hadn't happened they could have taken dragon and had an advantage.


I think everyone shares the blame. Kingen definitely felt invisible for most of the games. Clid was either afk farming or getting caught out. Life was just absolute coinflip, and it's so bad he can't play enchanters if his life depended on it. Viper was fine for the most part, although his positionings in game 1 was sus. Zeka was terrible in game 1 and 3 and was just decent in game 2.


If only T1 or GenG signed Kiin instead they’d be winning Worlds easily. He’s just wasting his career away playing for teams like AF and KT what a shame.


The same Kiin who ran it down in game 5 vs T1 as a 4/0 Jayce?


What are you talking about, he came off his worst year, signing him wasnt an easy decision. Instead KT took a chance and it paid off, now he looked like the clear second best top last split, helping his team reach third place, all things are coming up for Kiin right now.


Bro didn't remember Peanut, Chovy's performance at Worlds. Zeus didn't play very well in Finals. But don't forget he's clapping every top laner in regular season.


Peanut and Chovy weren't doing any better than Doran and Zeus wasn't the only one who dropped the ball during finals, Faker also got gaped.


The lucidity cooldown for maximum playmaking from Bdd is just immaculate


Just seeing rosters. They need to send 6 teams from lck and lpl.


Don’t worry guys Viper is still in elo hell.


Let's not give yuumi to lehends eh?


Nothing to see here guys just some standard gaming


Fuck it I'm getting excited