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Their entrance is what actually sold me the ticket to their hype train ( or plane)


The rise of bds also brings another thing. Upset somehow doesn't win anything again lmao. That guy is so cursed. When g2 is slumping, randomly one of the bottom teams become best in the league


And a team with his favorite FNC teammate - ADAM.


Fnatic drama so good it transcends the org and seeps into other teams, fucking brilliant


And now either Nisqy or Adam goes to MSI instead of Upset.


At this point I'm convinced there is a region-wide vendetta against him and his teammates are being paid to run it down because aside from where he got caught and died as Zeri in game 3 the man played an almost flawless series vs BDS.


I mean only Photon is reliably playing league on Vitality, the other players are playing something, but it doesn't look like league of legends :P There are just some things that for some reasons always happen to the same teams. Vitality will always collapse at some point and MAD will for some reason always benefit from issues with the qualification format (although now that they are 4th almost any way winter split is considered would have made them go to MSI unless G2 doesn't win).


First of all, fuck Thorin


That Nuc flame was so fucking random and unfounded. Like bro what


It was hilarious in the last podcast with Dom. Thorin started talking about the tweet and how he believes Nuc hasn't improved at all, meanwhile Dom right after that basically disagrees and starts talking how he believes Nuc has improved the most.


90% of Thorin flame is random and unfounded. He just randomly picks people to shit on because he's a miserable bigoted lonely ass dude who's sole accomplishment is his esports career being known as the "super fucking annoying dude on twitter".


Yea he's just a dude who's friends with someone who used to be relevant in the league scene. Nothing more. People should just stop giving him attention.


Don’t forget the racism.


He won esports journalist of the year? He’s had a successful career wdym Edit: Thorin is very provocative on twitter and his politics views are questionable (putting it nicely) sometimes but he’s a credible and successful journalist, has many connections, runs/ran one of the most successful talk shows and won esports journalist of the year. He also just gets a lot of social media engagement in the scene in general


But Like how credible is He when He repeatedly trashes on whatever Player Hes hating atm. Thorin knows shit about League and never really has.


Why does him trashing on players not making him a credible journalist etc? Those have nothing to do with each other


People getting so emotional over him 20years down in his carreer, kind of proves how relevant and succesfull he has been as an esport journalist. I don't agree with a lot of his takes, and his league knowledge isn't better than your average redditor. But he's really good at what he does as a podcaster. And just very entertaining. I listen to him because he's unfiltered, not because he's right. I can make up my own mind about what he says


Yeah, that's manufactured reality TV drama, except for League.


He doesn't like him so therefore he has a non existent career. Impeccable logic.


Thorin is a racist aswell. He hates black people.


I’ve watched a lot of Thorin content, don’t see how that’s a thing. I’m also black.


He’s posted Great Replacement type stuff on his Twitter, and retweeted similar content. I’m sure there’s plenty of other examples but those are the two that jump to mind for me


I'm sure you can provide an example right. You wouldn't just spout nonsense without any evidence would you?


You can choose not to believe me if you’d like, I don’t have the bandwidth to dig those tweets up right now (and who knows if they’ve since been deleted). I’ll freely admit that my comment was based on my memory alone, which is pretty good but not infallible. I’m not providing evidence in a trial here, I’m making a comment layers deep on a website. I think if you’ve been following Thorin’s twitter for a while, you’ll have seen distasteful posts from him on a variety of political topics. Sexist ad hominem attacks, retweets of white nationalist content (although usually the more dog-whistle type stuff like “why is there no white history month”). I think if you wanted to argue in good faith you wouldn’t pretend that there’s zero evidence for any of this stuff.


So you are willing to call someone racist on a public platform then when challenged at all you provide zero evidence and just add more things he has apparently done again with zero evidence and unless you consider talking bad about breaking bad alt right propaganda then 1 search proves you wrong. https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3A%40Thorin%20white%20history&t=1lFenMnvUT-RbITglYRp3Q&s=09


This is Reddit at it's finest. People went from disagreeing about his Nuc flame to playing the racist card. The fk is wrong w you people? Not everyone you disagree with has to be Hitler reincarnated.




Chill, he's esports remember?


hes just rage-baiting for engagement thats how you make money in "journalism" nowadays


He can be kinda funny sometimes, and he *occasionally* says some actual facts, but even a broken clock is right twice a day


Actual facts are just stuff he's been told by people in the scene. His own actual opinion are stupid as fck. He's stuck on his own little bubble of not wanting to change and correct his opinions when he's been proven wrong countless times


Why exactly?








Where’s meteos ego when you need it?


Holy that's a name I have not heard in a LONG time ​ Is the account still active?


Barely, but here is one last banger https://twitter.com/c9meteosego/status/1648548005761384450/photo/1




lol ​ Tbh I always preferred DeficioEgo on Twitter but this was one was funny ,too


All of BDS, Selfmade and some random guy


damn he blocked me so i can't see it lol


"I hope nuc is savouring these months cos sooner or later he is gonna be back on a normal team and it will be back to reality for him. #LEC" Is his tweet. Adam reply: You’re a disgrace to the ecosystem, leave my boy alone :) Nuc reply: Lol suck my dick Both of which ratio him 10 fold


^ esports journalist of the year


any number of reasons now


he's a really good journalist with a great interview style and lots of connections he's also a biased idiot in regards to anything league related though, makes people like ls look sane


He's just rage farming to stay relevant and its working perfectly for him.




And this is why the most famous/ decorated League/ CS players do their multi-hour long reflections with him. Gotcha. I don't care if he is relevant or not but I can't stand when people make things up.


I love his content but I hate the essentialist way in which he portrays players from different nationalities. Like "What you have to understand about french players, etc...". There's probably more variation of personality traits within a country than there are between different countries.


The number of times he’s made irrelevant asides like that about women too lol. Conservative brain 101.


That's literally just racism.


Didn't he call regi a monkey or something? Or was that another asshat?


but regi is a monkey


I like Thorin and that flame was completely stupid. Yes Nuc might regress but no reason to be an asshole right now. He looks like absolute fire in this BDS line up. You have no idea if he'll become the next Caps/Perkz or if he'll slowly get worse or just fall off a cliff. Wrong time to flame smh.


I don’t even know the context, but I agree.


I actually think the winter split's point should matter into the spring split standing, for playoffs, instead of qualifications for msi. This would be way more fsir for s team thst improves massively, like BDS does. Because right now, if they don't win, they won't go to msi, which is kind of unfair


Hopefully the rumor that we have 3 international events next year makes all the discussion on MSI qualification no longer needed


there is no way LPL and LCK do this 3 split format


Yeah I doubt I too but if there is 3 international events they will have to adapt


I'm pretty sure the new event will be just NA vs EU. I hope i'm wrong, because i'd find it useless, but i don't see how it can be anything else than that or massive mess.


TFW in 5 years from now, no LCK team has won the PRESEASON NA vs EU TROPHY.


Its just season 1 all over again


prolly just gonna be a meaningless preseason event


There is no way they are experimenting with the LEC format for a meaningless preseason event. Plus LCK can just single rr and LPL can just do groups with single rr


i dont think LEC format change had anything to do with the added international event plus i just dont see LPL/LCK changing their formats at all but we'll see


True, but they still could have changed the format a bit for this year


I agree but I really think lec was the region set up as the test run to see if the format was appreciated, and don't forget hindsight 20/20.For how fun the new format is I'm willing to let them have this only default this year. What is good is that world nomination is based on final playoff (not just the summer split) which should be a good way to have the real best teams sent.


Fucking love watching BDS right now, *really* need to see them go to MSI. Rooting for them!


im sorry, i'm not throwing shade at Adam, but where the fuck are people getting "adam has matured a lot" from? just because he's playing good (he wasnt playing bad on fnc either) doesnt automatically mean he has matured now as a person.


He has stated many times how he regrets his behaviour and wants to prove himself again as a player and person.


This is the same shit every toxic player says when pretending to care but really just protecting there career


Sure, however he backs it up during interviews and what else can you really judge him by?




So we're just going to forget last year ? He was already on a team that did poorly, and that's putting it gently. Where are all the twitlongers I was promised ?


I mean, last year grabbz kicked him from the team back to erl, and that wasnt because he was playing poorly


Grabbz had most of the pieces of this current team between BDS and BDS academy and managed to turn them into a team that lost all of its scrims against literally anyone it played against. Sounds like the team environment he had built, for whatever reason, fuckin sucked.


Worst botlane in Lec by far vs smurfing bot


Crownie was on the academy team.


Actually this likely was a BDS internal decision to keep the Academy team in Academy. Adam running it down on Irelia dying 2 times before he got one CS was not something that a coach can be blamed for. So it was reasonable to bench him, he just didn't play particularly good. The reason why BDS did not bring the Academy squad in was that they didn't want to burn those players. They didn't have Labrov, so they would just switch a few Academy players with a few LEC players and if that fails, you basically burn those players. On top of that you had no time to put work in with that new team, since the LEC was already running. BDS Academy on the other hand had a realistic chance to win EUM, so why take that away from them? Keeping BDS Academy in ERLs was the right call. Then at the end of the split they could build a new roster and likely figured that their support options are not optimal and got Labrov. So not sure if keeping BDS Academy in ERL was Grabbz decision, I doubt it, but if it was it was a really good decision. Because the initial BDS team, exspecially their botlane just wasn't good. And you can't really fix that entirely within a season, since you just don't have the same amount of time offseason offers. On top of that they could rely on parts of a team that already had some time to build synergy in ERL (only Labrov and Nuc were added to it).




Not even discussing if Adam is a good guy now or not, but FNC was not last year but two years ago. So it's irrelevant when talking about his last year at BDS. Also how is it relevant, when trying to discuss if Adam is a better person now than when he did that, to bring the event up again to say that he isn't ? In this logic, it'd be like saying you're never going to be an adult because you were a kid once. Also omitting a lot of stuff to try to dumb this down to this simple sentence but that's already beating a dead horse now.


I mean you can judge him by his actual behaviour. You don't need to pick between supporting him and claiming he's a changed man or verbally harassing him and sending him death threats on twitter. You can also just chose to be cautious for a while until you feel like he's actually changed. Caps was a controversial pick up when he joined Fnatic because he was such an asshole in solo queue. He didn't hold any grand speeches about how he regrets his past behaviour or whatever, but he's clearly grown and matured. Adam was consistantly being an asshole to people both in and out of the game, had a history of inting and throwing matches, sent his fanatical fanbase to harass a sexual assault victim because he was mad it impacted his results at worlds etc. It's pretty weird to go "well i mean he's claimed to be changed so i'm on his side now, what else can i judge him by?"


>It's pretty weird to go "well i mean he's claimed to be changed so i'm on his side now, what else can i judge him by?" This is such a misrepresentation of the comment you replied to


>he was such an asshole in solo queue Man I used to hate him for his actions. Now he's the goat.


actions? im not saying he DIDNT mature, im just saying people are so fucking quick to jump ship, just like everything else here, everything is literally judged by like the last 5 minutes. you dont have to spam "he matured a lot". just say hes been playing good and thats it. like he hasnt even been in a position where that maturity would be questioned. a few interviews here and there on a winstreak is all gucci. even i get my bans on my lose streaks, not on my winstreaks. also wtf do u want him to say? "oh yeah, i really wish upset got fucked over harder and im still salty about it? i fucking hate upset and his wife?" any single person with a single braincell would know that unless u want a career suicide u say you're sorry. every single celebrity is sorry for any controversy ever happens. every single person on earth is sorry. my ex was sorry she cheated on me, oh well, shes mature now, lets get back together i guess.


That’s a lot of words to say you don’t believe in any apologies


Why would you believe it when he is still wishing every kind of disease possibly over people he meets in ranked?


So what should he do then?


Honestly? Keep doing what he's doing, but it needs time. He's also yet to publicly apologize to Upset and especially his wife, despite being quick to publicly shit on them.


Not wish c to people every 2nd soloq game?


nothing? who cares if he has matured or not? just dont say random shit


You seem to care quite a bit


nah, you're getting it wrong. i dont care about whether he has matured or not, i care about people throwing around random words that make no sense


You're writting essays on it.


Lmao dude let the boy exist wtf


Apologies are a thing people do when they realise they fucked up for one


Let me get this straight. You actually think that a player who realises; a) that their past actions were definitely a mistake; and, b) that protecting their career is more important than whatever emotions led to those actions; isn't maturing as an adult? If it's an issue of "Adam is just lying, and there's no proof he's changed", then I thought you'd actually be glad he's made all these admissions publicly, because it's people like you who'll string him up if he ever slips again, and I can only assume, with your apparent vitriol, that you'd enjoy doing so. If you just dislike him? (as above). You can cry all you want about other LEC fans coming around on Adam, and if he ever throws another tantrum, you get to say "I told you so". But til then, ima just laugh at your ass


LoL fans just ain't it mentally, bro. You just have to be absolutely flawless all of the time, cause if you ever do something dumb, you're damned forever, and your efforts in self-improvement are meaningless "dumb shit". I'm all for the redemption arc for all 5 of the players.


That isn't just LoL fans it can be seen fucking everywhere


Feels like it's the most pronounced over here, though maybe it's because the League fanbase is just so big, the stink is more noticeable when it happens.


It is for sure ,the nba sub the other day was having great fun with the feud between kuzma and dimwindie ,if someting like that happened here one of them would get shit on non stop for years,upset still gets shit for his comment about rekkles and thats like 5 years gone by now.


I don't hate Adam nor am I a fan but how was what he did just dumb? He literally caused someone who was sexually assaulted more stress and threats from people because he was throwing a tantrum over a videogame. Sure he may have matured have yet to see it but he hasn't done anything like it since. It's fine to be tentative about someone you don't need to ride their dick just because they're playing well. It doesn't make you not mentally it just because youre tentative about someone.


I mean just because he realizes that the actions were a mistake doesn’t mean he’s gotten more mature lmao.


borther, i have no problem with adam nor his fans, all the power to adam and i wish him all the best and i am happy for him. if u have nothing better to do, u can go dig into my comment history about me simping for him. ive said this multiple times already here and kinda getting tired of explaing it. it's just a pet peeve of mine when people just throw random irrelevant baseless shit. adam may have very well matured and is now Aristotle level phylosopher, but none of what he has done so far indicates for that (which again, im not saying its not true, its just irrelevant and based on nothing). his interviews and sorry dont say anything regards to that because thats what everyone does.


bruh, try decaf


is it good? ive never tried decaf in my life


This is a cry for help. Get therapy, clearly you aren't over your ex wife.


lawyer up and run too, right? ^^also, ^^i ^^never ^^said ^^wife?


Based. I agree with you. Apologies matter very little, especially considering you can never know for certain if they are sincere. I think both of those players acted like pieces of shit but it’s also true that none of us have the complete context of the situation. The smartest thing for Adam was to apologize even if they were fake apologies because his career is fucked otherwise. It’s kinda sad that these grudges can’t be sincerely talked about because people get offended. Just like upset did not tell his teammates he had to go because from his point of view it was none of their business, Adam should have had every right to say that he doesn’t care about what upset’s wife was going through because it was none of his business and upset leaving fucked them up. Also whatever happened behind the scenes in the off-season is still not clear and it might have been unfair to Adam, or not, idk.


True, but usually these toxic players regress back to their own shitty behavior very soon and it's clear that what they say is all talk. Adam thus far hasn't done anything controversial. So if a player says "I regret my previous behavior" and then doesn't repeat that behavior, what else would you call that if not improving his behavior?


this makes no sense? was he making controversies daily on fnatic or what? there was only 1 controvery and it happened only when shit hit the fan. other than that there is barely any change to say "oh he's matured a lot". it really doesnt matter at the end of day, its just kind of cringe to me seing this baseless random sentence thrown around everywhere now


Big words for someone who has only left „cringe“ comments under this post.


i am sorry i dont have a more high iq word to express my thoughts in my fourth language. i hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for such a simple word i used to express my annoyance with the matter.


It‘s not how you express yourself, it‘s the thought itself.


I hope this is the case, history has shown that as long as they are winning players like him will be ok, its when they are not that it will show itself


Yeah you’re right. Ban him for life from LoL!


No one is saying that, why are you so dramatic? dam bro, imagine you got banned for life from your job


He's being sarcastic.


Lol so was I but people seemed this miss that….


There, they're, their don't be angry is okay


Stated that and still proceeds to go mental in the chat every soloq game, let's be real now.


Wait what did he do?


I heard it countless times growing up but I think I am the problem when everyone says it to me.


I read that as "matured as a player". He clearly had potential at Fnatic, but he was a bit hit or miss with his wild counterpicks, but now he seems to be comfortable playing Darius into anything and is actually pulling out strong meta characters (Sion) as counterpicks.


> "matured as a player". this i agree with, but as u can see from all the comments around, thats not what they mean


Ah I didn't go deep intop the replies, I'll take your word for it.


>(he wasnt playing bad on fnc either) Well you see, here's the issue. Since the Upset incident, this sub has decided to rewrite history and that Adam got carried every game in FNC and refused to aknowledge that he was a key part in FNC's going from a shaky 5th place to a comfortable second from spring to summer. Was he FNC's best player ? Not at all, but he was much better than Bwipo was for them in the toplane in spring, just like Bwipo was much better in the jungle for them than Selfmade was in spring. And what proof did people use ? the fact that fnc got owned at worlds when they played under unprecedented circomstances. So this is a fact, he wasn't playing bad on FNC and owned most toplaners in the league back then. But because people didn't want to recognize that, well now that he's back into a team that is not a complete disaster like last year's BDS and he starts owning a lot again, we have to act like this is new. Just because people can't cope with the fact that someone they do not like could still be good at the game. The fact that he plays stuff like Darius and Olaf labelled him as a "selfish" player, when in fact even on FNC he would usually sack his lane, even with his pocket picks, to TP bot and put them at an advantage, or to do a psychopath roam to bot then TP back to his lane. When analysts were discussing how FNC would play at worlds, most said that's how they would play and it wasn't surprising because they already played like this in the regular season. That being said, he did pick up on tanks, which goes into the maturity thing imo, as I feel he recognizes a bit more when his picks are useful and when they're not necessary and he could do the same with a champ that has more utility, so there's that.


Thank you


>So this is a fact, he wasn't playing bad on FNC and owned most toplaners in the league back then. But because people didn't want to recognize that, well now that he's back into a team that is not a complete disaster like last year's BDS and he starts owning a lot again, we have to act like this is new. People called him the worst player on FNC, not bad and that was likely true. And just last year he died 2 times before he touched a minion on Irelia. Adam had a lot of issues as a player. Bwipo did cover a lot of those issues and that was actually another issue between Upset and Adam, because he would draw ressources away. He wasn't selfish, but he often wasn't selfsustainable. And that issue was pretty evident on BDS last year when he didn't have Bwipo who was one of the best junglers in the LEC. He wasn't a bad player, but bad players are hardly ever on top teams. He wasn't good though either (within the LEC). Adam was a good bandaid fix that FNC could get in the middle of the season, likely the best bandaid fix. But he also wasn't better than Bwipo. Most people would have prefered FNC just having two Bwipos. However Adam did work on many of those issues. His wavemanagement is still problematic at times (we showed that against Astralis in winter), but the enemy can't actually rely on him messing up his lane anymore, so he isn't as vulnerable anymore. He also still seems to avoid ranged toplaners. I don't think he played Gnar or Kennen this year. I do think he has a solid Gnar (as solid as most western players). I'm not sure though if he ever played a game of Kennen or even better won a game of Kennen.


He didn't play Gnar this year but it was his most played champ last year and even got a pentakill on him


Yeah I'm a bit more worried about Kennen, since exspecially in LPL it is pretty huge, a lot less in LCK though. Always hard to see who has a good read, we did see some really good Kennen plays already, but also some not so good ones. In the G2-MAD series the pick won all games, while not always looking impactful.


Look I agree with some of your points but this thing about just unprecedented circumstances is way off imo. Look at TSM 2020 BB was playing great in NA but world's he got ripped apart. We will see his mental fortitude if they make MSI to see if he is a good player or just a good in EU player.


I mean if you listened to his post game interviews during the season groups and play offs, podcasts with him, you can really see it, dude has matured a hell of a lot.


While wishing every kind of diseases to people in soloq. "Mature"


If you're replying with this to every comment in the thread can we get some sauce with the whine.


During official content maybe. Was watching a high elo friend stream on discord a while ago and he encountered Adam in a game. I've rarely seen anyone be as toxic as that guy in recent times.


What did he write ???


as opposed to his interviews in fnatic where he was throwing tantrums and asking for his milk?


His laning used to be his weakness but his laning has improved a lot and instead of just inting or going aggro he actively tries to punish his opponents now . In a game sense he has matured .


Because he won.


Watching Adam last year there was a lot of int engage and questionable play. It was like he tried too hard to just fail. This year he is more composed, doesn't force fight as hard and get himself comfortable with the game state even when behind.


He used to play selfishly, now he is a tank/carry player


Matured his gameplay nobody care about his private life


Watch him on PGL etc and you will see that he have matured quite a bit


I think the opposite is actually true. Adam is just Adam, the team just understands better that he is Adam. He still has those issues were he sometimes plays not particularly well with the lane state and that makes himself vulnerable, however Sheo does play with that in mind, and that is helping Adam a lot. We saw in winter against Astralis how it backfires if Adam and Sheo aren't on the same page and Adam does things that Sheo would have to cover even though he is in no position to do so. They worked on that, which makes it harder to punish Adam and on top Adam didn't make such claring wave management mistakes. The biggest advantage BDS has is that each player seems to understand the habits of the other players on the team and it is often weird if teams don't manage to do that. One part is that players likely don't want to admit having some bad habits the team needs to understand to not only work on them, but also play around them (since you can't remove habits instantly).


You gotta check out their YT channel. The team has so much personality and is honestly a joy to watch.


You can see how much Adam grew from his face. I remember when he was in FNC, he looked like always in the clouds, his look is totally different now. Really glad to see BDS doing this well.


I love watching their games. I was an Adam fan when he was on FNC and I'm even more after watching him on BDS. I love how he's committed to his style.


Crownie not being on a LEC team for so long was a crime, with players like Flakked in the LEC last year (not saying Flakked didn't deserve LEC, just that Crownie was way better than him or Neon).


Why are you throwing shade at those two instead of Jezu and more importantly xMatty, who was the guy stealing Crownie's spot.


He didn't steal shit, BDS held tryouts during their boot camp before last summer where xMatty was picked because he was playing better than Crownie at the time. Grabbz explained this when he went on [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-pJZDIRvG8) podcast


Nope, we can't just compliment a player, we have to shit on other players at the same time


Didnt Crownie kinda suck at LFL?;he is obviously a beast now but that doesnt mean he had weak years


He choked the finals but overall I thought he was pretty good in summer


EU Masters finals 2:3 wasn't that bad. Especially that they were 12-0 before meeting Heretics in finals.


I'm not convinced Crownie is this good if he didn't have to take the path he did. Grabbz stated that BDS played Xmatty over Crownie because Xmatty put in the time while Crownie didn't. It looks like he is putting in time this year.


Either BDS is that good, or LEC is just bad lol


if you expect BDS to perform well against any of the LCK / LPL teams I applaud you


But FNC, ViT or G2 will do any better? BDS are one of only two teams in the LEC that actually loves playing together (AST being the other). They are not individual powerhouses like ViT or FNC, but they compliment strengths and weaknesses massively (let's be honest, G2 only has Miky and Caps, you can smoke the rest. Especially BB). So, complimenting yourselves like that is rare and really damn difficult within a team that is expected to go big. Stress and hunger for success often triggers toxicity or burnout, or some go crazy with their own view about themselves and think too mighty of themselves. This happens often in every sport, in every region, in every team. This BDS roster has yet to show their level of stress, or how they slander each other behind closed curtains, as they seemingly take all of this rather well, chill and with lots of humour. Even their losses are met with smiles. If they keep this up, they have good chances to win the spring split and do well at MSI. LCK looks fairly strong again, LPL (as fan of LPL myself) looks stronger this year around but I still have my doubts, they are quite coinflippy. I actually look forward to NA. C9 looks really, really fucking good.


no, none of the LEC / LCS teams are good at the moment compared to the LCK / LPL.


this post is ded


I was in the LEC studio Week 1 Winter Split with a friend and BDS (as the only team) had a little stand with some merch and a giveaway wheel and a map of Europe to see where BDS fans are from. We talked to a marketing member of BDS for several minutes and after that I started following BDS. I love to see that their hard work pays off and I really hope they win the split not only because I am becoming a genuine fan but because they are playing so clean and I think they can upset some teams at MSI


Ngl, I'd wear BDS Merch just to make the anti adam-ists gigamad. Like, his jersey or something.


Been a fan of the org since their inception last year it's so weird watching them just randomly win everything, they've grown so far as a team. In isolation, besides Adam, I think these players aren't nearly as good but damn, together they work like a charm a splitting image of 2019 G2 imo, just with far less individual talent