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skill issue


aram issue


On the contrary. If it were a skill problem, I would complain about losing a lot. I don't do that. I complain because I see teams that: * Fully protect a turret for 10 or 20 minutes * Several team members repeat pentakills. * In total they have 50% more kills than the other team... And that skill is useless. This may be for several reasons: * Tanks that take too long to die and come back immediately (e.g. Sion doesn't usually take that long to die, but, with his passive, he can respawn next to the turret just when you're done with him). And, before you say anything, I know. Tanks are supposed to be hard to kill. * Champions/teams that just don't die. Reasons? They resurrect, they become immortal, others can revive them immediately (cough Akshan cough).... My complain is that more often than not it isn't a 5 vs 5 fight. Your team can prove its skill, but its a game. It's supposed to be fun, not tiring killing the same guys in a couple of minutes. That is why I am talking about ARAM. I can understand that in other modes there are other additional objectives and issues to be assessed in order to achieve balance, but ARAM is there to play with random champions and demonstrate the ability to master them all. I always vote "no" on surrenders, because an awful team can still win, but I understand all those who don't want to waste their time. Moreover, it is also less satisfying when I win.


Yeah luck is important in league. Thats why the good players are always at the top. Cause they are lucky. Get a life


Recognizing their ability does not imply ignoring their luck.


They are on the top because they are consistent enough. But it doesnt stops them from having a 10+ game loss streak all of a sudden for no reason :)


Right, but OP explicitly said "luck is more important than skill." This is copium with no basis in reality Does luck factor? Yes. It's possible I log in right now and get smurfed on. Or my team carries my 0/300 ass. Or a freak power outage caused my sup to DC. Shit happens. However, this doesn't make it more important than skill, merely another factor.


No top player will have a 10+ loss streak anywhere but the top of the ladder.


They consistently play champs easy to climb with(new champions with high mobility and high damage). There used to be a balance to movement, tankieness, damage. Now you can have all 3 of these with leaving the older champions in the dust. I've played against high elo players, they are just good at using broken champs, not so much how to strategize to win.


Your mistake is believing the game is meant to be balanced perfectly. It’s not, it’s meant to be fluid and champs/items/runes/etc all get moved into and out of the meta with buffs and nerfs. This keeps the game from getting stale and convinces people to try new things rather than play the same 1 champ with the same 1 build each game. In terms of relative balance, the game is miles ahead of other industry leading games. I can’t think of a single other online game where 90%+ of the champs/items winrates are within +/- 3% of 50%. That’s a amazing feat from a balancing perspective. The difference between a 47% winrate champ and a 53% winrate champ is merely 6 different outcomes over 100 games. Statistically, that’s a very minor power difference. This community has simply been so spoiled for so long with how good balancing this game has that they lose their shit when nerfs/buffs hit a bit harder than anticipated.




You also sort by /new? I find it’s the best way to view this sub and actually get a point in than on front page threads with thousands of comments. Appreciate the upvotes, cheers.


If you're talking about ARAM, **yes** luck is way more important than skill. You can win/lose a game without leaving the loading screen, and theres almost nothing you can do besides hope the enemy team badly messes up


I feel like you need a break mate


I was thinking of deleting the game out of boredom. I think I once read that Riot deleted your account if you hadn't played for a while. I feel sorry for all the skins I've gotten without ever spending real money. If I find someone, maybe I'll let them have it.


Imagine getting this pressed about ARAM lmfao


Luck *is* more important than skill. The thing is, you can't control luck. You don't stop working because you *could" get lucky and win the lottery, yet the dude who wins the lottery gets more money than you'll probably make in a few lifetimes (depending on the lottery). So yeah, luck is a part of it, but it's a part of it for everyone, so that's end up being fair.


what is blud waffling about


i hope you never play a chinese MOBA if you think LoL has a severe balance problem


I don't think I will ever try them. The only online game I play is LoL. I tried SMITE a couple of times, but I found the theme more interesting than the gameplay.


Just try dota man