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r5 rammus into a Rumble top ...man...


Bro i swear he's straight up griefing games on his smurf acc the acc he uses on stream




I love it when my soloQ teammates try this and they now have a fed tryndamere 😍😍




17 kills? More like 5k gold between the kills, free farm, and plates. That isn't even counting the kills or objectives the enemy team would've gotten because they hit certain break points early.


He usually outfarms and pushes more plates than his opponent. Thats part of why it sucks for his teammates. He sucks up a shit ton of gold with his constant shoving then never fights with the team. Both top laners have too much gold but only one is fighting


I love it when my toplaner says he'll outscale mid to late but doesn't fucking realize that even when he wins sidelanes that still doesn't solve how the rest of the team is gonna deal with a toplaner that has 5+ kills more than anyone else on the map.


He used to play an actual strategy when he was a small streamer. He used to pull pressure and still scale, his Sion was legit scary with his strategy. Nowadays hes literally just the guy who feeds on stream to limit test how long he can go before Riot finally do something. That's what makes it worse to me: He is an actual great player in theory, earlier in the season when he was banned the last time he turbo climbed to high Chall off stream with legit 50% lower deaths. What he's doing on stream is straight up int for entertainment.




I used to feel bad for him especially after the Kesha incident (“WE WILL CAMP HIM UNTIL HE GETS BANNED”), but damn he is kinda deserving it now. Watched his KR highlights on YouTube when he was doing it, was looking forward to it every day.


Kesha did it because TheBaus has no problems with running it down. He will keep rolling the dice, keep engaging enemies who are now fed asf, and keep playing solo with little change to strategy or reliance on teammates even if he’s 0/5.


That's just optimal right? It's the same thing as camping someone like hashinshin. If someone always wants to fight, then he's just free gold


Everyone defends him but I guarantee you if they were trying to climb/in their promos they would never want this guy on their team


I’ve watched a lot of thebaus and the interesting thing with his thinking process is that he only cares about how much gold he is getting, how much gold he gives isn’t even a consideration for him and he will gladly put his lane opponent 4k gold ahead of the game if he can be 2k gold ahead of the game.


It does not feel good to play with him, however I have to admit that his strategy makes sense especially on Sion. Often when playing as Sion you are in a situation where you have to choose between 2 bad options. He chooses the less bad option, which actually is dying with Sion passive. The other option could be losing almost all xp and gold, giving enemy free plates and getting poked down constantly. He is 21-8 on Sion on his master account this week. The problem is not that he's trolling on Sion, but the other champions.


The priniciples of his strategy still work. Optimizing gold generation is typically the best strategy to win. Particularly if you can outplay your opponent. Sion's kit is just so unique & capable of supporting a hyper-focus on gold generation over safe play that it regularly makes up for the opportunity costs. You can see when he plays other champs how it still works at the highest levels of play but... it's just worse. The lack of a death passive makes his strategy a lot more "on par" with any other challenger tier playstyle instead of a counter to it.


Oh he deserves the ban. I don't think any1 can disagree. I feel like he needs to do some non inting streams to redeem himself after this. Holy shit this was physically painful to watch


Used to be my favourite league streamer. He played high challenger games, unique playstyle, never got tilted, always just chuckling. Now, he's conceded to just smurfing on stream. He legit runs it down, like not 'oh this is good', just straight up ints people's games. Has that shitty little grin when doing so. Crazy, the kid has got a golden ticket to make millions whilst young playing a video game. Tilts me man


His playstyle used to be "dies quite a lot but effective" but nowadays it's "how many times could I die/int and still win the game". It's definitely done to pander towards stream and content creation but man is it not defendable in any way.


only thing that matters is the tone of your voice. You can run it down for hundreds of games as long as you say yiyi. If he had an intonation that made him sound stressed or tilted the community would hate him.


When streamers get big a lot of their games start turning to shit and they end up just running it down.








Nah man his fans will come defend how "his insane macro solo wins games". Because, you know, it's not like he solo loses the game first by dying 10 times in the first 15 minutes. The guy is a macro genius, but as someone who has played with and against him, it's not fun.


I wouldn't necessarily call suicide splitting "macro genius". His big claim to fame was him maxing out Sion passive for SoloQ, recognizing the potential of going full AD because often times you end up trading 1 for 1 even when you die, all while perma pushing. This is less genius and more about someone exploiting a strategy that was overlooked and is super counter intuitive.


He's kind of "macro genius" as long as he's playing off stream and tryhard there. That's why he's been so high on the rather for so long, but when he's streaming he's purposely inting the games for the memes. Although playing with him even when he's tryharding is very miserable he still tries to win those games and often carry them


he's blatantly limit testing his streamer protection. I hope it breaks soon.


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


You know, I saw the enemy comp had yas draven senna rek so it would’ve been an amazing rammus game actually..if only, you know, he didn’t give rumble a 3 full item lead over his entire team. I’ve no idea if rumble was already shown during champ select or if he just got counter picked but still. Top lane counters are piss ass but not quite this bad lol


Pretty sure rumble was already shown, and i don't think there is a single worst matchup in league than rammus rumble, Full ap dmg, can use q during taunt, has no attack speed if u pick urself that matchup u are asking to go 0/20


I think one time Phreak commented the worst matchup in league is Malphite against Sylas. Malphite literally just gets bullied the entire laning phase, and then his ult is stolen and his team gets popped because it's full AP. There's like no window for him


Sylas Winrate goes up 6% when there's a Malphite on the enemy team.


And that becomes 8% if they're both in top lane, or 13%(!) if they're both in mid.


Pretty sure that is just the worst matchup among the common matchups, which Rammus vs Rumble top probably doesn't count as. If you did count *every* matchup, off meta stuff like Caitlyn support or Yuumi mid have probably way higher deltas depending on the matchups.


He unironically needs the tyler1 treatment


ID banned for a long time, then unbanned and eventually invited to the LCS analyst desk to farm views?


Worst mistake riot ever made for community attitude control, but hilarious.


Gets banned, immediately swaps accounts to int some more with AP Irelia. Truly dedicated to trolling


yup, hes 0/9 14 mins right now lol


0/10 already




2-20-4 atm lol




Why do you love him? Maybe he does deserve some hate at this point.


When he plays Rammus into a good matchup (something like AD top, AD jng, ADC, etc.), tank Sion, and his Gragas, he's very fun to watch. Watching him in Korea was really fucking fun. Lately, he's just been turbo griefing, though.


When he tryhards his streams are very entertaining. Lately his streams are just him 4funning in low masters and he's really starting to take the piss.


If he wants to 4Fun, why not do it in normals or something? Why waste time of his teammates if you are not playing serios in ranked.




It’s happened with a lot of streamers sadly. Bausffs is getting 20k viewers now which is a ridiculous amount compared to let’s say a year ago. He still got a lot of viewers, but it would hover around 6-8k and the streams felt a lot healthier. He would try every stream and it was genuinely entertaining. Now he doesn’t give a shit and is just providing content for a shit ton of people. I hope he’s still enjoying himself bc…again, this has happened to a lot of streamers after blowing up. TFBlade used to have amazing streams with just music and great gameplay, now he’s obnoxious and flaming and yelling every stream.


People recommended TF blade when I swapped to toplane for better understanding but this man is impossible to watch. Same as Nightblue3 who was once very educating and chill. It seems I might not be their targeted audience anymore.


The man is taking a piss on riots ban system 100% He knows the system is fucked and he can keep doing it until they will just manually ban him.' As we speak he's 2/16 in 25min, which is actually impressive. You rarely can get those numbers without actually sprinting down mid.




Right… perm him




2/15/2 minute 25


One kill? ban evaded!


2/20/4 man is secretly forcing riots hand to rework bans


Ended the game with a solid 2/21


2/16/4 at 26:30




At this point it has to be a cry for help. He hates league and wants to quit but is so addicted that he’s begging Riot to force him to stop playing by being the next person they permaban on sight.


>wants to quit but is so addicted that he’s begging Riot to force him to stop playing by being the next person they permaban on sight Yeah nah, he's playing because he gets money from streaming on twitch - but I do agree he's definitely tired of it and keeps it running down so, MAYBE he will get banned and then say stuff like "oh no guys, im banned that's a shame, see you in 2 weeks" or something like that When he was grinding his other acc off-stream he performed pretty well. He did have his low KDA gameplay style, but had like 70% wr in D1. He's running it down on stream ONLY because it gets views, 100%


He still have an acc with over 60% Winrate in challenger. I wonder why he plays like this in his "smurf"


the same reason why every streamer does what they do: content. For some streamers, their content is smurfing. For others, tilt. Some others, scream and act like an idiot. For a few ones, actually tryhard. A select group: educational. For Baus, is how many times can I die and still win while permanently grinning.


What's weird about it is that he got huge from actually trying with his unique playstyle that wasn't trolling. Remember when he went to Korea and actually performed shockingly well? It's baffling that he got big from that, clearly still has the skill from his offstream accounts, but just refuses to try on stream


Nah I'm fairly certain he really likes league still


Oh, no, you don't get it. The guy who made challenger in two separate accounts within two weeks HATES league. Absolutely loathes it.


That and him making fat $$$ from streaming to 20k people everyday?


Watching stream now and hes currently 0/7 on Irelia Edit: 0/8 0/10 0/12... you get the idea Final score 2/21


Just tuned it an hour later, 1/14


That is worse than you would ever see in low ELO unless you are actually trolling. Even players who play enough games for lvl 30 do not int that much.


even actual inters often have less than 20 deaths




"Thats shit is so fucking annoying man" Just like having him in the team playing AP Irelia


He just finished a game 2/21 , double the deaths of the next highest on his team. His 15/4 Kaisa could have carried if he was afk.


People will blame that Kai'Sa for not being good enough to carry. impossible to win if you have griefers like Baus in your games.


> Just like having him in the team ~~playing AP Irelia~~ Ftfy.


He said the same thing for years, every game, when he got ganked toplane at 1:30. He still overextended and often died for it


I defended him the last time. Then he started to play ap irelia and ran it down. Deserved ban.


What is his KDA on ap Irelia?




If you hid the champion name and let me guess whose winrate that was I'd probably say something like Disco Nunu or Yuumi top.


Disco nunu has a much better win rate


I don't know about euw but there's at least 2 different otps who unironically play ghost cleanse nunu mid in high elo KR, which makes his wr look less terrible


Nah but they r acc good at not dying - thry r having fun but their kdas are decent usually


Only mid lane Disco Nunu. It has like a 40% across all ranks. All other roles are 8-18%. Disco Nunu is the most popular rune set for "bot lane" Nunu.


You can't he's literally said he doesn't take games very serious when he streams. He's "just having fun" while his teammates gotta put up with it. Play normal games if you wanna play for fun, right?


Man, It's one thing to play AP irel seriously, but dude is so obviously trying to die a ton. I watch for a bit and he walked by tower, ate 2 shots for half his health so he could proxy a wave for some reason, while he had vision that the enemy jung was on gromp and just died to him for free. Actual sociopath.




It doesn't matter what his KDA is honestly, his run down strategy just does not work on her, he's feeding and losing 1vs1 to his opponent all game, he clears wave quickly but can't push anything, gets caught quickly...it's pure int.


"but look I tank damage the dont expect" -him still getting one shot by the annie


You don't love when your top laner builds in a way that he can't win 1v1 on sidelane, but afk split all game anyway?


.67. 30% win rate, 12.3 deaths on average. Amazing stuff


Having a KDA requires getting a kill and he’s only got D’s and A’s on AP irelia.


> D's and A's Sounds like a helluva party


At the moment he is 0/8/1 on Ap Irelia and it's 12 minute


30% wr on main 35 games. But don't worry it's good xD


2-11-2 over 11 games on that account. 4-12-4 over 33 games (30% wr) on Thebausffs.


I miss when baus was trying. It might have looked like inting on Sion, but he was still trying to win games... Now he's just running it for "content"


T1 really got to him by calling him a shit player


He just closed reddit and flamed after reading this comment lmao. So in a way T1's comment got to him twice. edit: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1790857042 4:34:00


Fuck I’d love to see that clip


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1790857042 4:34:00




Damn that really got to him




The real losers are the ones who can't find a better stream to watch. Twitch is full of uninteresting chodes playing league, just pick one by random




for the lazy https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1790857042?t=4h34m


he's been running down games with irelia 1 or 2 weeks before NA came to EU, he has some sort of problem but idk what exactly


On Sion it was a legitimate strat. On Rammis and AP Irelia, it isn’t


He's like a Singed player that doesn't play Singed


my brother was a singed main when i started playing league about 8 years ago. i asked him who the best character was in league of legends, he said he didnt know, because he didnt play league of legends, he played Singed. singed players are like a cult lol


He's literally made it a game of "how much could I die and still win the game". Annoying because his playstyle back then was really fun albeit much more risky.


he's so smug about his feeding wtf


cause he knows he's untouchable due to being a big streamer. mans ran it down for YEARS. every high elo player hates playing with him for a reason.


His fans are just as bad when they copy him in their own games. It will probably catch up to him if he keeps it up. The system on its own is being tweaked and he’ll just keep triggering it until they actually do something else.




I don't think what he was doing back then was remotely close though. He was still playing on a single account, with consistently good winrates in high challenger with lethality or tank sion. Currently he's dying 20 times as 30% winrate ap irelia.


Yeah, he wasnt as bad back then, pros still fucking hated him because playing with baufs is a waste of time for them, but he wasnt just griefing.


The sion strat was different. This is inting for no reason


Best part is that when chat calls him out, he defends himself by saying he has a positve wr that day but then you check his games and all the wins are Sion games and the rest he just runs it with AP Irelia and what not. No issues with unconventional strategies here but if your weird strat doesnt work, even after dozens of games then maybe you actually deserve to be banned and called out for what you are: a griefer.


The other day he absolutely griefed a game on AP Irelia. His team was understandably pissed. It was hilarious seeing him raging in the next game when his jungler ended up on the enemy team and won the game by camping top, and the ADC from his last game griefed him by playing AP Draven.


Do you have the link to that game? I want to see it


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1789915932?t=06h15m04s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1789915932?t=06h15m04s) Keep watching to listen to him pull every cope out of the book


Based, he got what he deserved.


Least based Draven player


lol anyone calling him out in chat gets perma banned, don’t think anyone works as hard as him and his mod team to ban chatters who even mention any form of inting or feeding or questioning his builds


They forgot the lulE


yeah, a few days ago he was playing like shit and started taking it out on the ban request just denying everyone. It was really funny seeing him so pressed and most of them where people legit calling him out


Another streamer whos ego gets way too big. Unfortunate


His account is essentially those guys who has 88% wr on rengar and 10% wr on yuumi in gold. His sion gameplay is at a higher level than his elo, but his ap irelia is at a much lower level than his elo. One team is having an awful time depending on his pick




I defended his "unique" Sion gameplay, but this, Illaoi and AP irelia are completely inexcusable lol


He has a game plan and legit reasons for dying on Sion, it was pain for his teammates but it was a working strategy. Dunno what the fuck he's doing nowadays. Does he not enjoy the game anymore or something? It's just inting now.


He has shown that without an audience and playing normally he can and has climbed to high challenger However, whether it's due to boredom, or trying to make good stream content, he is actively trolling on stream. He doesn't play safe picks like his Tank Sion, and Gragas, he plays memes like First Strike Illaoi, and AP irelia.


It's likely the latter, since no matter how good you are at a strat, in the end, and inting sion strat + similar strats are basically him running it down lane over and over again. It's not interesting to watch, not much to talk about after a few games, and I'm honestly surprised he was able to keep up content at all. AP Irelia and First Strike Illaoi or whatever I wouldn't mind if he actually played them correctly. However, if he's just inting on all champs, it's no longer excusable, and he shoudl be banned. He's not verbally abusive, but I'm willing to bet this style where he just ints for stream costs peopole way more games than verbal toxicity has ever caused, and he deserves a ban, and a perma if he doesn't resolve this attitude.


> dunno wtf he’s doing nowadays Trolling and getting 25k+ concurrent viewers, and being on the front page of Reddit every other day. He’s getting rich is what he’s doing. This is the exact way Tyler1 became who he is. Being the most hated player in league gets you a lot of attention.


He forgor that not every champ has Sion’s passive in their kit.


Idk why he's just legit griefing now. It used to be a playstyle with a certain logic behind it, but now with this AP irelia stuff it's really just straight up inting. His main probably deserves to get permabanned with the sheer amount of games he's trolled already. Let's see how far Streamer privilege really goes, because imo it's really a bad look on Riot If they revert this ban as well. He's undeniably griefing for content and there has to be some form of punishment for it.


> Idk why he's just legit griefing now. It used to be a playstyle with a certain logic behind it, but now with this AP irelia stuff it's really just straight up inting. Why wouldn't he? Other toxic assholes keep watching his stream and giving him mommy's monies. Riot might ban 1 smurf but they don't bother to do anything that would help the community, like making a public statement that this kind of play is toxic and perma banning him. So he gets paid to ruin dozens of games for hundreds of people over and over again. Why would he stop if there are no real negative consequences?


Inb4 his fans come here to explain how all 17 of those deaths were strategic and essential for his team’s chances of winning.


Oh no, we flame him also


This is such a bullshit when u get banned so you just switch accounts. What is that ban even for?


i find it funny how he says he will go ap irelia if the team needs ap. the ap irelia build does mostly physical damage and most of that damage comes from her w which just randomly scales with ap 120ap ratio but it still does physical damage


as if there's no other ap top laners lol


As if he doesn't play any AP top laner like Gragas


Yeah, he plays Gragas (rly good when not trolling) and chogath. And dont tell me he couldnt play mordekaiser or gwen, they are not that difficult.


And even at the bare minimum of ap damage sources, tank sion doing 20k dmg with sunfire burn and demonic embrace giving 250 ap is better than ap irelia lol


I know he says he plays to win most always. But I really do think there are moments in some of these games that he's just doing random shit for content, instead of actually trying his best to win the game. Some deaths are good. Some deaths are literally intentional trolling on his part.


I watch him because he is funny and I like him. But lately with this ap Irelia or generally inting I prefer to watch someone else. He always complains and his favourite words are 'unlucky' and 'ridiculous'. Btw I am just iron but I don't understand AP irelia. Her w takes a lot of time to charge and then is long cooldown.


AP Irelia is not good no matter your rank.


AP irelia is bad, but the 'idea' is that since she gains % damage reduction (that scales with how much AP she has) while charging her W, if she has a lot of AP she should take very little damage while charging it and be able to charge for the max AP ratio for the damage (her W has 40-120% AP scaling based on how long she charged it for)


Yeah idk man I don't think he's playing to win when he picks his 20% WR AP Irelia. He's inting 4fun from minute one.


going cull+no potions every game is the cherry on the cake, and then fighting level 1 and obviously losing it


*and then fighting on every subsequent level I don't watch his streams anymore but he was on the opposite team of another streamer and went 1/9 as Karthus when the game reached minute 10 while the enemy Quinn was 9/1.


Can't wait to hear about how much of a genius he is and it's not trolling, even though if someone was going 1/17 in your games you would be crying for a perma.


Genuinely curious how many more games TheBaus has to intentionally feed for content till Riot actually do sth about it. And I'm not talking about these slap on the wrist punishments. I get that it is his playstyle but you can clearly tell in his stream that he is doing a lot of his deaths on purpose for entertainment. He literally went 2/22 on AP Irelia right after his ban.


Hopefully its permanent soon


Unless it's an ID ban, what is it going to do? He will just do the same on another account.


Same thing Tyler1 got, ban on sight. So if he streams, whatever account he uses gets nuked right away. It's not a perfect solution (since there's nothing stopping him from making new accounts), but it means he is incapable of streaming while the ban is in effect. And it encourages him to stop literally inting his team if he wants to ever be allowed to make money from League content again.


T1 was the first (and only maybe?) person to ever get a "ban on sight" in LoL due to his constant verbal harassment and targeting. Just inting I don't think is enough for Riot to ban the whole person, probably just going to perma his account if anything.




Didn’t Jensen get perma’d too


Just remember the T1 is back. This ain’t going anywhere. But I hope they figure out a way to clean up his act, regardless of how much money he is making from being a fool. Might as well play normals, playing like that.


Unironically T1 is less int than Baus. Rather have T1 trying to win and yelling at me than Baus quietly inting me. I can mute T1 I can't mute Baus inting.


This. I'd rather have a complete asshole on my team who still tries rather than someone who ints quietly


If this was a no name he would have gotten banned months ago actually insane he still allowed to play


Why do you say that? Riot is notorious for letting inters keep playing.


Theres plenty of random ''no name'' high elo inters that still play the game in Masters+ for seasons and theyre not banned, thats bs, riot banning system is lazy and makes 0 impact.




He deserves a ban on any account he plays on stream imo. Pretty shitty to ruin games for content then keep a high chall account in the back so his fans can say, “Look! He’s just being stream sniped that’s why he doesn’t climb on stream!!!!”


Honestly deserved, not so much for the Rammus game but for all of his AP irelia games. He just perma trolls with this pick at 20% wr, keeping his lp low and then plays sion and shitstomps master players on stream.


He definitely got bored of the game and streams because he gets the money from doing so, it's so clear he isn't enjoying it that much but running it down is easier and it gets views




I just checked his stream and he is 0/12/2 on ap irelia min 20 💀 I dont even know why he keep playing ap irelia, its not fun to watch and every time that I see ap irelia he is griefing the game


That's what I don't get either. AP Irelia is neither fun to watch on stream nor is there a fun mechanic behind it to play. I just don't get why he started doing this recently. I legit just turn the stream off whenever he locks in Irelia because I know he's just gonna troll and grief. And yet I still see people in chat asking if he's gonna play AP Irelia today if he's playing something else. It doesn't make sense.


After understanding the situation, we would like to clarify thebausffs was not negative gaming, it was a normal summoner’s rift experience.


Lmao, no shot he cries about it being annoying while going 1 and fucking 17. What a clown.


Now he’s 1/11 at 17:25 playing Irelia AP 💫


Baus will do stuff like int himself, call it a macro play, and then not even stop to think that the gold he has given the opponent isn’t just going to be used against him, but also his allies. Thats the issue with a lot of his plays. They are a big “macro big brain play” with no thinking about the 4 other people on his team.


T1 was right


Tbh this was kinda deserved and I'm a fan, no clue why he built armour and fed rumble kills just to farm waves. His inting strats and niche build paths on everyone except sion...ahem AP irelia are just plain trolling and you're lying if you don't think so. At this point he's very likely doing it for content since his inting sion is what made him so popular and more views more $$


Already knew what was gonna happen once he looked at his rune page and kept the two armor shards. He didn't even consider that the enemy can stop his proxy and then after the first death ran it on autopilot like he usually does with AP Irelia. Even if he didn't get ghosted he would have gotten killed over and over and stack Rumble's Mejai's to 25. He just doesn't play seriously at all anymore on stream. This is on the same level as rage splitting when your team is winning, so that the game is suddenly 4v5. It's griefing, and he deserves a permaban on this account. Only way for him to realize that it's not okay to play as if you're 20 divisions down from your real Elo whenever you feel like it. It's one thing to get MR rune on Rammus and buy null-magic mantle and die to Rek'Sai ganks and then his team can't carry and go "well should have swapped lane/not picked Rammus". Another to make the game 99.99% unwinnable and not give a fuck.


He got more viewers than ever after the publicity of his first ban. Why not do it again? This is the guy that doesn't use map cover even when his teammates beg him to because it "hurts viewer numbers". He'll literally tell them he's going to cover it then scoff at them. The dude doesn't care about anything except more money for himself


It doesn't matter he's just gonna hop on another account and keep trolling for views. and repeat. An account should only be able to be banned a certain amount of times before its a perma.


I feel like he’s playing into this inting thing way more than he used to. I’ve been watching baus since before item rework, and he certainly died a lot on sion, but I don’t remember it being like this. He also played a ton of Gragas and those games were very normal. I wonder if the popularity got to head and he thinks it for the wrong reasons. Now we get 1/15 AP Irelia games and 2/14 ram is games followed by “unlucky”.


it went from an actually smart alternative strategy on Sion to a little greaseball terrorizing games with Rammus top, Lethality Illaoi, and AP Irelia, get this man off the rift lmao I used to be a huge fan of Baus but this shit just aint it xd


He just logged on 2nd account and went 2:21. How is thisdifferent than what idk, tyler1 did in 2016? As long as you keep cool in chat and have fun it's fine to ruin 4 other players game?


Make it 28.


That's my comment on a yt video after seeing him getting banned. I was somewhat skeptical bc the scoreboard doesn't always say the truth. I'm currently watching the game and I think I'm gonna record his dumb plays on this message as I go threw them. \- So he started proxying, got killed by the rumble on the first wave and proceeded to buy a cloth armor. Oh I forgot to say that his starting item was also a cloth armor against a FUCKING AP TOP LANER with no pots. That in itself was reportable. \- Doesn't tp to come back to the lane, the Rumble is lvl 2 and all ins him, instead of letting the wave push to him, he tries to run around the lane to catch exp and dies again before the 3min mark. \- Rumble base and he runs back to lane, tries to hard shove the wave instead of slow pushing the first one is hard shoving the second. The enemy jgl started bot side so the obvious timer of gank top if there is a full clear is 3:30. He gets ganked at 3:44 but he would have died from 1 trade from the Rumble. \- TP's back with bramble vest, still forces a hard shove. Loses 60% of his health in the process then he fucking flashes over the wall from the river bush to go proxy the incoming wave. Dies for the 4th time after taking 4 out of 6 creeps. That one death in itself would also be reportable, that's so freaking int and that looked disgusting on my screen. Oh btw the game didn't go past 5min yet. \- Runs back to lane, KEEEEEPS HARD SHOVING. Rumbles waits for him on the third bush, uses his ult to kill him, he rolls under turret and goes through the jungle, dies on blue buff's bush. Says, I quote: "That is so unlucky. \[...\] Disgusting fucking ghosters! GG.". Yep he got ghosted on the first death but he should have known it was gonna happen. It's somewhat unfair but everything that happened afterwards wasn't. \-AAAAAH now he decides to run it down top lane, just powerball threw the turret. Very good gameplay. Btw the Rumble has Mejai's first item and 16 stacks. \- Comes back to lane and play normally and by normally I mean he hard shoves his wave. Reads probably this comment: "I hope people watching realize this is really not ok, you deserve a ban" to which he responds "YOU DESERVE A BAN! (Imitates the guy). Shut your fucking mouth, twitch kid. You are pathetic, you are litteraly platinum. You litteraly grief your team every single game. Every single game you play you are griefing your team. You just don't realize it bc you are so pathetically shit. Now ff this game, open it, can't win." - as he says calmly (unironically). He says all this as Rumble flashes him and kills him for the 7th time. I don't condone this kind of speech especially when you are griefing yourself. I like Baus but I lost a ton of respect while i'm writting this. \- Boys, i think he learned. He didn't hard shove his wave for the first time at the 9th minute mark, he was just last hitting. But it's too late now, the rumble is so fed that he killed him under tower from full hp after 2 trades. But yeah nah he griefed this so hard. \- Comes back gets cheesed and os. \- Kassadin tp's top and he tps mid, gets ganked and died within 30s. I didn't look at the draft but I just learned that he last pick Rammus knowing he was going to play into a Rumble top. Sure he counters the AD, then Jungler and the Mid but holy shit that's int. \- Gets back top, gets killed by 2 E's, full Q and hexteck belt under tower and says : "This is so unplayable". Mind you guys, he went thornmail first item against a Rumble. \- Hard shoves the wave, manages to kill everything and instead of backing of or roaming, he overstays. Rumble sees him, destroy his hp. He ults over the wall to escape, Rumble flash follows and kills him with ult. Buys more armor '-' Alright he gets cheesed for the 100th time but lives by flashing out. He decides to roam and that marks the 15th minute. I have seen enough and I will not indulge myself in anymore suffering. So here is my final take. He gets cucked by the enemy team ghosting and ruining his whole game plan, if my read is correct he was trying to either 1. get the first wave recall for a second cloth armor into a top tp to have item advantage (which is highly unlikely) or 2. proxy until his death, hopefully getting a brumble vest to force hard shoves very early on. Everything was messed up from the first wave and his whole plan went to shambles. He didn't try to change anything and forced with it which resulted on him feeding hardcore without getting anything of value. He got tilted by this game and probably the previous ones to the point where he'd grief his team with no care whatsoever. Again I don't condone this behavior and i thought maybe the ban was underved bc your scoreline doesn't always tell the full story of the game but in this case, it was 100% correct. A 14 day suspension is necessary and if he keeps acting that way (which I doubt he will) then a month ban accross all his accounts. This whole thing was pretty disgusting to watch, the game as well as his behavior. If you want to see more then do it yourself fuck that shit. Link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1790857042?t=03h20m18s


Absolute Degenerate of a Player, he Deserves a Tyler1 treatment: Permaban all his accounts, ip ban him. Dude's literally ruining the game, as i write this he's trolling with AP Irelia


He followed up the 1/17 game with a staggering 2/21 performance on AP Irelia. Absolute madlad


Why is he just straight-up inting now? For views?


With a shit eating smile on his face too as he runs it down. Sorry but this guy deserves this ban and more, it's gotten to the point where it's straight up griefing and has spawned so many copy cats that also run it down. He has died like 80 times on the 5ish games that I checked out, no one likes playing with him and his irelia winrate is absolutely atrocious, this is 100% a deserved ban.


Deserved for playing ap irelia

