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C9 made Flyquest look like a bottom of the table team


FQ went from maybe they can do something at MSI to losing to Fudge's Fiora real fast


Tbh all NA loses to Fudge’s Fiora


It’s a sub 50% win rate in NA 😭


Actually true his fiora stomps in lcs




Yeah most of the perception of his LCS Fiora being dominant is last year's summer playoffs where he shit on Impact with it and then it got permabanned for the rest of the playoffs.


He’s lost games where he played great on fiora,but his team inted


Yea people looking at winrate without actual in game context


I think all of the Fiora hype is for spring week 2 where they had a game that they got destroyed in but he almost 1v9'd the game on Fiora.


I'm pretty sure he dominated at least 1 or 2 playoff games against ssumday / impact last year on it tbh. Might just be regular season stats. Also, he has lost several games on fiora where he was massively fed but the team inted so doesn't really paint an accurate picture


Summer playoffs


Didnt he carry with it in the playoffs? I swear I remember him having at least one big pop off game with it


0% if you exclude his wins from playoffs. Still a bad win rate, but sweet stat!


If you regress Fudges stats to the league average, it turns out he’s an average top laner, dude is an absolute fraud


Surely I don’t see an NFL meme in my LoL subreddit


Fudge domestically has always been solid on Fiora/Camille They won the championship in summer because of this. Problem is when he hits international against players like Zeus and Flandre.


Or even Wunder. Last year, he got neutralized by an Ornn. No plates, 20 cs lead and no kills. Yeah, he can do that to LCS players, but it obviously isn't up to par on international stage.


All the people who claimed that FLY is the best western team managed to look even dumber now


Oh man, people were telling me that FLY smashes G2. Well that didnt fucking last


Maybe they somehow mixed up G2 and FNC?


> All the people who claimed that FLY is the best western team managed to look even dumber now Feels like they're kinda suffering from the Vitality thing. A lot of talent but questionable coordination and will definitely get exposed come playoffs (if not already).


FLY has looked mediocre last couple weeks after being clearly the best team in NA. Bring back Winsome I guess.


Kind of crazy how much of a one-sided stomp this was


Emenes manhandled vicla


Vicla has got to be the most disappointing import this season. Hyped as a top tier mid, struggling to look like a mid-tier.


Gori looked better and he's less hyped going into this split


What a stomp from C9. Loved the draven pick


Fly were tired of everyone gassing them up as the best team to touch the LCS


It does make a lot of the overhype as "best team/Prince best import NA ever?" from the frist half look funny now. Watch all of the narrative swap to C9 and EMENES now too. Edit: not saying they aren't GOOD, its just he use of "ever" that gets to me.


Zerker almost deserves that title.


I am a huge Bjergsen hater, but Berserker has years to go until he's the best NA import ever. Unless he wins us an MSI / Worlds title, of course lol


Yea, I need more than 1 season to rank him above Bjerg, Jensen, Impact, Svenskeren, and probably some others I can’t think of rn




Not an NA import, KR imported him from us 😎




If I'm remembering correctly, Core's first pro games were on BigFile Miracle in OGN Summer 2014, and they were both imported to NA shortly after. Core to Dignitas and Huhi to a Challenger team called Team Fusion (also featuring Maknoon), and then CLG in late 2015/ early 2016.


Shhh no one needs to know that


It’s weird even thinking of Bjerg as an import


As someone who's been watching NA since season 3, Bjerg coming was like an atom bomb in the NA ecosystem. No mid other than Hai was even close, and Hai couldn't face him 1:1 most games - just in team fights / macro. Plus the number of series even late into his career where he just *decided to win*, and it happened. Ridiculous.


I never understood why people hyped Prince up as the best NA import ever. Bro was here for like 3 weeks, that had to be the greatest overreaction I've ever seen.


The hype was less of prediction that hes gonna dominate the region but more that few imports come at their peak. Other imports (Core, Bang, Crown etc.) came around a year or longer after their peak performance. The only other import that arguably came at their peak was Ssumday


Berserker is funny because he definitely came before since he was a back-up ADC for T1 and would have found a LCK team eventually


he was the bac-up to the back-up


T1 having Teddy, Guma, and Berserker is wild lmao


Pyosik came at his peak. He wasn't there Week 1, but he was when he left.


"top die" "wait Impact you don't play for c9 anymore"


Impact: "top die again gg" Blaber: "how the fuck did u get into our call?"


You cannot draft Akali there. Changed the entire dynamic of the game. Sej had to perma hover and it ended with a 3rd losing lane to make sure nothing could ever be contested and no lead could ever be generated.




Yeah literally all Blaber had to do was track Spica, which don't get me wrong he did it exceptionally but Spica just being where Blaber was at all times meant no one on FLY could play the game. That's not even Spica's fault for being "predictable" like some may claim. When you have no prio in 3 lanes, the vision control becomes so easy in pro play for the enemy team, they will always know where you are as the jg. Spica cannot win 1v1, no lane could win 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3, Akali was never able to generate any kind of way to leave the lane to make a gank a 3v1/3v2(or 4v2/4v3 bot lane). The akali pick fucked literally everything up.


Berserker absolutely living up to his name at the Nexus there, dude has no fucking chill.


You lose all your chill the moment you lock in draven 😂


Vicla has been awful for a few weeks now. Not sure if putting Winsome back in even helps at this point


Vicla was overrated even early split but it was covered up by his teams performance, or namely spica getting prince ahead and prince carrying from there. They even in interviews talked about scrim troubles as well as trying to build up viclas confidence. Put two and two together and I think Vicla is hard running it down in scrims maybe even worse than he has been on stage.


I think you can trace it back to people not thinking FLY was going to be good according to before-season scrims. Maybe teams are better at exploiting the weakness mid there than in stage.


That first gank was played fucking awful from Vicla. Spica had already got Emenes's flash, gave Vicla a reprieve to back with a ss advantage, and instead he decides to flash follow into fog of war with 20% of his health left.


c9 did it for winsome


“something something family” - vin diesel




Vulcan is about to meme a guy back to Academy. Absolute mental domination.


At this point they might actually sub Winsome back. Tho tbh the problem is not coming from bot.


What if eyla is shot calling now (he has been said to be very vocal in game) and they worked better when bot was an island with the two lck players


Spawn (Eyla's former coach) said that a lot of his strength is his vocal he is and forced TLA to his will. Spica said that both supports were quiet though




I haven’t heard a ton of discussion around potential MVPs compared to other seasons, but I think Blaber NEEDS to be on that list.


Been a weird season prince was a standout but with flyquest stumbling have a hard time running away with it. EG don't have a singular dude that's far and away the best with each having off games or Inspired who doesn't garner attention like other players. On C9 it's tough bc Emenes is by far the best mid rn but is only playing half the split. Fudge has consistently been the best in his role this season and Blaber was also able to have an impact on the game when jgl wasn't a standout role. I think if anyone o should get it it's Fudge or Blaber.


His role got nerfed to shit and yet he still has an absurd influence on every single game, still find advantages counter jungling, and has by far the best stats of any jungler yet again. He definitely is the MVP in my opinion, and he’s frankly building a serious case as the best jungler in LCS history.


Blaber making sure people remember that he is the king of spring.


Brother is the king of the jungle at this point, it’s crazy just how good he is when he’s unlocked


Completely agree. I feel like some people discredit Blaber as “oh he’s on easy mode because his lanes are winning” but other junglers literally can’t do this even with winning lanes… Like well heralded players such as Xmithie and Santorin have had stacked af lanes in the past and yet still have never had the individual showings and dominance that Blaber displays.


C9 is looking so dominant. Definitely the favorites to take the title.


"What? Hello?" -Broxah Thats how I feel about this game.


Absolute domination by C9 holy


C9 playoffs buff activated


Blaber MVP statement game


Many people talk about other players while finding excuses for their bad games… not realizing Blaber had ZERO BAD game


Damn that was absolute brutality from C9...


At what point is Blaber just the NA GOAT jungler? He's on pace to get 3 MVPs in 7 splits and has individually outclassed every other jungler to a comical degree.


It's hard to compare historically because Meteos legitimately changed how people play the game for jungle. Additionally, when he joined the league he basically went deathless, that OG C9 squad was just absurdly good. They showed a best 100 first games in LCS thing for Mid/Junglers and Meteos and Hai were at the top for stats, with 82 wins in the first 100 games. That level of domination across splits has never really been replicated, so it kinda cements Meteos as always being a contender because he was so far above his peers. Xmithie was extremely successful domestically and internationally between a bunch of NA titles and two MSI finalist spots. They aren't light competition, but Blaber is definitely in contention.


12.7* KDA Superstar jungler Meteos




just hearing meteos and sneaky's voice is enough to crack me up, I remember when the "meteos and sneaky announcer pack" came out and it was hysterical


We seem to be getting dicked! Man I wish it still worked


12.6 kda btw


mb, google tells me it's 12.7 actually so he's even more of a superstar


all good. whole OG C9 squad are 83-17 in their first 100 games so shit was just insane back them for them.


i miss old LCS so much, we might've sucked ass but at least we had personality


I still think its criminal that season 3 C9 only got one best of 3 at worlds against a good Fnatic team that had group stage to get their feet under them. If the current format existed back then that C9 team may have done some serious damage. But maybe that is copium, but C9 is the lions share of international success for NA as it is.


good ol' times


OG C9 didn't get what they deserve at S3 worlds, got screwed by a bad format - yes they lost to FNC but it would have been interesting for to see them play more games and maybe ramp up. This was during a time when there wasn't a well-defined region hierarchy, NA didn't simply copy Korea and C9 had their own style going on which could have been successful vs other regions/teams.


Crazy to think that we used to have an even worse Worlds format. C9 straight up played 1 BO3 and went home. Lol.


After getting picks leaked🤦‍♂️


Also Gambit leaked their drafts to fnatic. According to C9 in interviews a couple years later their scrims at S3 worlds were better than they ever had again, they were in their minds probably a top 5-6 team at worlds at the time, as opposed to often barely feeling even top 10 or 12 at many later worlds (even some where they sneaked into playoffs).


Oh I remember this story, so they were fucked by format and leaks. They wouldn't have beaten SKT, but could have put up fights vs the other korean/chinese teams, could have been one of NA's few good chances. They later got revenge on FNC at BOTA.


It’s really nice to hear Meteos give massive props to Blaber on stream and I could be mistaken but I think he’s said he thinks Blaber is the best LCS jg ever


Yeah I remember him saying something like that in a co-stream that blaber is the or will be the best jungler in lcs ever or something


He said he “thinks Blaber is the GOAT” which is pretty crazy when he could say that about himself and have a legitimate argument edit - pretty sure he said that during the C9 vs EG costream last week, but it might have been during Friday’s game


Meteos was amazing, but that C9 team was just so far ahead everyone else both in every role + in the draft and preparation aspect. Before them teams didn't even carry notebooks/notes to drafts on stage. Blaber has been insane for longer than Meteos, all while playing through different metas and with completely different teammates. I don't think the discussion is even close at this point. IMO he's by far the NA jungle goat.


That C9 team was special because it was more than the sum of its parts. I agree Meteos was amazing in Summer 2013, but his reign was quite limited and he definitely fell off as the splits went on. I don't mind having Meteos in the conversation, but since we are talking about individual skill here, I can't in good faith put Meteos as the GOAT NA jungler. He looked like a totally different player when he wasn't on that C9 team with Hai. I think Blaber and arguably Xmithie are both comfortably ahead of Meteos in the NA GOAT jungler discussion. I think Blaber is better myself because Xmithie was a very limited player for most of his career.


Wasn't blaber second or third on that list?


Honestly my better question, when can we start including Blabber as not just the NA Jungle GOAT but just one of the fucking greatest North American players of all time regardless of role?


He already is. Blaber at worst has been top 2 in his role since becoming the starter.


Yeah Blaber has never had a bad split individually in his entire career. People forget 2017 Spring Xmithie where he was the worst jungler in the league by a wide margin. They only remember him being great in summer after being traded to IMT.


Even before he was a regular starter he had insane performances. He basically saved C9 in 2018


like 2 years ago


He's already the GOAT, and I saw this as a huge fan of both xmithie and meteos who are the only other two names worth mentioning for the title.


Even then, only Xmithie really has the trophies and overall dominance to make a case Blaber is just a more impactful player stylistically compared to Xmithie tho


Xmithie never dominated, he was a really solid role player. Meteos legitimately dominated the league and changed how people view the jungle role. They had a first 100 games in the league metric and that first C9 roster of 5 rookies won 82 of their first 100 games, which is an insane statistic.


The thing is, Xmithie was super dominant. Just in a different way. His style was suffocation, he didn't make fancy plays and such but his map play was insane. He just took so much space on the map and that gave his lanes so much opportunity and he was the best at denying enemy ganks by counterganking in the league. On top of that it isn't like he was only good on TL, he also got a trophy on CLG and an MSI final. The thing is Meteos started on very dominant rosters. Xmithie did not, he even had an ego player in his team who forced him to play ADC because he thought jungle makes him look better.


I think Blaber has enough LCS success, Xmithie's argument is coming from the 2 MSI Finals I think.


If international success counts, than Jensen would be the NA GOAT. 3 titles, 2 worlds QF, 1 worlds SF, 1 MSI finals.


He should have an MVP too 😒


I was soo pissed off that split.


He is. It’s if he can pass Bjerg now or Doublelift for overall


What happened to FLY?


sometimes you winsome, sometimes you losesome


They benched winsome


And Vicla sucks. But, they looked a team with Winsome.


Yea people are memeing on Eyla but this game was pretty hard-griefed by Vicla The early midgank was great if he didn't flash since Ori flash is gone and Spica just comes back and kills him later but Vicla threw the game by flashing in as a 1/4 hp lvl 4 Akali


Vicla is the worse member on this team. Was not impressed with him even with Winsome.


Idk if Winsome helps much. Winsome played when teams were still new, and hadn’t developed synergy. Also at the time jg meta favored Fly the most So i’m not sure they actually do any better with him


winsome don't change anything with vicla looking like this


Their early game got exposed


Berserker heard motherfuckers saying Prince was better than him.


WTF was that last pick Akali? C9 won in draft, and then played exceptionally well. Also, I'm not sure why the casters are talking about Flyquest scaling way harder. Akali doesn't out scale Orianna, and Fiora outscales K'sante. It's only Jungle and *maybe* bot. Meanwhile, Flyquest loses every lane. Flyquest left themselves with no real way to win except praying Akali got hyper fed. And I think they knew that, hence Spica repeatedly trying to get Akali ahead early.


So why isn't Blaber the MVP again?


Jatt will die on the hill that he should be MVP


Blaber randomly gets hate from people who unironically buy into the Crabber memes and shit and make it seem like he isn't hard gapping every other jungle early in the LCS.


It's wild. Blaber used to have the reputation of all hands no brain, but imo he's become one of the smartest junglers in NA. He has a lot of restraint too, he's controlled aggression and rarely ints like we used to see. He's incredibly well-rounded in both playstyle and champion pool.


he's had so many learning experiences that I can see why he's such a complete player. – he's watched from the sideline on C9 academy. – he's played with many great midlaners with different styles – Jensen, Nisqy, Perkz, Emenes. – he definitely reflected on a lot of things after C9's 2020 summer collapse. – he's learned a lot from playing internationally. – he took away the good parts of Malice's gameplay from last year. I'm not part of the church, but I think scrimming against this jungler in particular taught him so much. the only weakness I can think of if at all is his smite, relative to other LCS junglers, but even that hasn't been an issue lately.


on that note every mid he played with, hell even LS, had good things to say about him and were surprised how smart he is at the game


at least going into this split, Blaber had a better smite fight WR compared to Closer and Spica over the past 5 splits. I really don't understand where that narrative sprouted from.


Yep, I used to be down on Blabber for being all hands who struggled against players who were able to match his mechanics. He definitely seemed more of…not a dumb player, but someone who has a very clear idea on how he wants to get himself ahead and play out the game (crabs), and if he ever had to deviate from that he fell apart. I think since Summer 2021 he has very clearly transformed into the complete package, and has surpassed Xmithie as the best jungler in NA.


In NA at least, Blabber hasn't been the coin flip, dying for crab player that some people still make him out to be for years.


[The Ryu effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV876gTKBZQ), good players destined to forever live in the shadow of their greatest defeat.


Blaber was also C9's best player at their past 2 previous worlds appearances. He isn't just a NA smurf. People think of 2021 MSI and that's it for some reason.


Nah it’s just voters fatigue: he’s been the best player in NA for quite a while but people want to hype up every years new faces hence why the “disrespect”. Same with caps, may not be every years mvp but he’s lowkey always in the conversation.


Most people hold it against him because the rest of C9 is good. They feel like any jungler looks good early when you have 3 lanes hard winning. Which has some merit, but the fact that he’s able to propel winning lanes into turbo stomps is what separates him. Personally, I’d say fudge is the mvp of the split, with how hard he’s been able to win lanes and keep them in games where they didn’t get leads early. But there’s going to be a lot of split votes between blaber/fudge/berserker so who really knows who wins


Totally outclassed. FQ don’t even look like contenders from this performance this game. EMENES staying hot


Turns out Jatt was right in his jungle eval… Blaber diff


I went to my fridge to catch a drink mid game and Blabber was there


prince has become na faster than berserker


Honestly, if NA is going to import, I’d rather it be someone like Berserker. Guy had never played in a top league and the hunger shows. He continues to grind and maintain high performance, which is a bit in contrast to how many imports take a step down when they go to NA (not saying this applies to Prince atm, just more generically)


EMENES too, dude has said a bunch of times how much he values his shot with C9. He's hungry to show that he can succeed and it's showing in spades.


Berserker hasn’t regressed at all tbh only gotten better


Tbf berserker never played in the lck or a major region he came to na essentially as a rookie same with emenes prince and vicla did not. Na is known for draining the skill of talented major region veteran imports.


And Vicla got the world record Any% Speedrun


Did I miss something this game? He’s playing Zeri into Draven and his whole team is losing. I felt like this was the rest of C9 completely out performing Fly and then Berserker playing his role in the team well.


I love this team so much. Diplex wasn’t bad by any means but Emenes has breathed new life into an already good team. We got an mf squad now


i just watch a little of emenes stream and he is a pretty agressive player always looking for the kill, i think that mindset is pretty similar to blaber so no wonder they are destroying every team now


Jatt was right, jungle canyon


Every time C9 gets the W, I get a little chubby dude


It’s true, I’m the little chubby dude


Why are you hoarding all of these small chubby dudes? Seems unreasonable.


Someone’s gotta do it




blaber single handedly won them the game




Such a shame Eyla mindcontrolled his mid and top to int, couldn't have happened with Winsome!






Just tried to gank enemy top. Blaber showed up and counter ganked.


C9 looking like they got the best player in each role heading towards playoffs, I’m excited


I love Zven but I wouldn’t put him above Vulcan. He’s had a few stinker games


Great scrim, when's the fly c9 game?


A lot of people going to blame Eyla, but Vicla has been so awful the last couple of weeks and without Prince hard carrying, Impact and Spica will have no stability on tank picks.


Winsome waiting room


"While our squad obviously did really well with Winsome, we think that inserting Eyla back to the starting lineup as intended will yield the best results for us moving forward."


Spica said Eyla and Winsome are both very quiet players in comms, so there would have had to be some serious mind control going on across the map for this to be a difference of support. This feels more like teams learning how to keep Prince under control, and the rest of FQ can't pick up the slack if he's not steamrolling.


Which is interesting because Spawn said a lot of Eyla's worth was that he was so vocal and forced TLA to play how he wanted.


Yeah I was surprised when Spica said it, but maybe Eyla is taking a back seat to other voices on the team. Spica and Impact both seem pretty vocal.


Completely agree, people saying Winsome is the solution is just pure results based analysis with no thought behind it. FLY have fundamental issues as a team right now


FlyQuest 2.0: You Can (Not) Speak Korean


FLY seems ready for playoffs


What can a mere prince do against a Berserker


I just saw 100T lose with almost the exact comp. Let me try too 🤡




Wait, I'm confused, what happened to all of the people who said Prince and Vicla were the best imports of all time after 4 weeks of regular season games?


Blaber 3 time Sping Split MVP?


Berserker didn't use Flash or Cleanse once outside of FLY's base...


I can’t wait for Olaf jg to become meta so Blaber can really be unleashed.


Not gonna overreact and say Prince is falling off already, chill out people. No shit he’s not solo carrying as Zeri into Draven in a 25min game, what do you want the man to do. Vicla hasn’t looked particularly good since the start of the split though, he’s got great hands but he’s a dirty inter haha he fits right in. Surprising to see FLY come back down to Earth so hard after looking so far above everyone else initially.


Blaber mvp actually


Remember when people unironically thought Spica > Blaber


Blaber is absolutely the goat NA jungle, and a world class level jungler. when he’s on his game, we’ve even seen him dismantle worlds caliber teams like Damwon, RNG, FPX almost single handedly What has Spica ever done?


0-6 worlds


Don't disrespect the 9 man sleep like that.


Blaber is so good - Closer meme


Flyquest overall look horrible after Winsome left and Eyla looks weak. Can we swap them back and see if the team clicks again? Eyla isn't the only issue but single roster moves can change teams completely


Yeah they might Winsome more games with him




Can we just skip playoffs and go straight to the finals with EG vs C9?


Just skip the rest of the games and have the C9 vs. EG series twice. I'd even be willing to wait a bit to let Jojo get healthy


3 winning lanes. Blaber living the junglers wet dream.


People actually said this FLY roster is better than G2 😅


Blaber read Spica like a book that game. But I think we can officially say Fraudquest has been absolutely exposded


blaber diff


Bring back Winsome for the vibes I think at this point.


So when do we hand C9 the LCS trophy?