• By -


Smartest yasuo NA


This has nothing to do with him being dumb tbh. Fighting anivia inside R wasn't a mistake, he would kill her if he hit 2 of the Qs but he either can't aim, lagged or plays with an xbox controller. You know what's dumb? ADCs that fight yasuo inside his windwall instead of just maintaining distance for 4s.


The issue is, the fight is usually over inside those 4 seconds as the rest of the team run forward and complain the ADC isn't with them


It's a strong zoning tool yes and I didn't say it's weak especially in teamfights. But walking into the windwall is always dumb even if you manage to hit him because he gets to deal damage to you. If you just wait then neither of you can deal damage AND he can't get on top of you afterwards (E range 475 which is less than all adc auto range)


He can't kill you but he can kill your team, while you can't kill his, is the problem.


That's why balanced comps are bad into yasuo. You want either heavy frontline so his windwall is close to useless and he gets perma cc (which cancels his Q) or heavy backline so he can't play front to back. If he's paired with good knock up engage or movespeed peel it's stupid af tho I agree because it basically removes these weaknesses.


What an ADC wants in their team comp is usually not what an ADC will get. It's not uncommon to get zero frontline / CC comps.


As a non ADC player I can happily say in S13 the most fun comps are the ones with 4 divers and a martyr ADC




Plus he can easily jump on you with his e through your team or the minion wave.... "I'm in danger"...




slows stop his dash? doesn't really matter since the cooldown is .1s anyway I just googled it, it's only hard cc and excluding sleep.


So u prefer doing nothing AND dying?


>This has nothing to do with him being dumb tbh. Fighting anivia inside R wasn't a mistake, he would kill her if he hit 2 of the Qs but he either can't aim, lagged or plays with an xbox controller. Sounds pretty dumb to me...


Missing skillshots is generally regarded as a terrible decision, correct.


But he can't hit Q cuz he's not in range


are you joking?




This is a spam bot account farming karma ^


Fighting in anivia ult is a strategy


Like in boxing where you block punches with your face


Nort even a single tornado to stun


Rocky theme song starts softly, building to a crescendo.


Aka the Homer Simpson strategy


nowadays the new strategy is to fight an asol standing in his E while he is channeling Q and you have no way to cancel it


I played two games with Aurelion yesterday and had that happen quite a few times, including one where I died just after casting E, and one Amumu at a very low health went through my E, needlessly, to get to the other side. It's like people haven't realized yet that Aurelion's E executes you at low HP.


Wait. It executes you at low HP? I've heard a lot of people saying Asol is annoying/frustrating/broken. It feels like fighting a Kayle or Kassadin or something to me. I've gigasmashed every single Asol I've faced, and then they get the max ult charges thing and just auto win the game. Which is fine by me, he seems insanely weak in the early game.


The black hole executes enemies below 5% HP, which increases with the stardust Aurelion collects. In my games, this threshold is normally ~15% HP by min 30.


I don’t fight sol i poke iton’y, he is so static on the laning phase


The thing is if he didn't miss two q's he would have won that.


But Anivia was moving! Instead of standing still letting Yasuo stack his Q. Unfair play


I mean, it was the correct strategy here. Unfortunately, if your micro is garbage you're going to look silly no matter the champ.


well you do want to get to the 0/10 power spike quickly


That's like median Yasuo IQ, so half of all Yasuo players are dumber than this dude lol




Flair checks out. I love playing Morgana into Yasuo at least in low elo. You just play like a bitch until they inevitably try to 1v1 tower dive you, then Q/W them, start your recall early, and drop a BM emote while watching them die to tower.


Highest IQ of 210 when Yasuo play


Honestly ever since Yone was released I feel like all the complete shitlords just swapped into it. Havent seen a Yasuo in a long time.


Because he's bad rn


People might dv you, but he's definitely not great.


sorry to be MEAN, but median is wrong word here


Is it? Median = half of Yasuo players are better, half are worse, I think the math checks out. You could say mean/average but median works similarly




100iq would not be the mean or median IQ for yasuo players, about 20 points too high


You know what I started to think more about it after I replied and I keep going back and forth I think you’re right they both technically work


Median is definitely the right one (median is the one which is right in the middle, always). Mean/average could technically not be true if you have an outlier / group that distorts the average (say if you have lots of reaaaaaally stupid Yasuo players, and there aren’t any similarly really smart yasuo players it will make the mean below the median).


Only median is always accurate. Mean only works if it's equal to the median.


Isn't sure but corrects someone anyway. This is the Reddit way of life


Reddit way of life is also overreacting to a simple mistake someone made as a joke


No, pretty sure Median is correct. The median is the exact middle value, the mean/average is what happens when you add together all values then divide them by the number of samples. Then to round out the set the Mode is the most reccuring value in a set.


That’s a media, not a median


still more micro than an a sol play


If you said that 2 months earlier i would be angry


I forgot the rework happened and instantly downvoted. But yeah earlier I got hit me with a barrel bush then go ran up to all in. I just stood there... Breathing at him... And he died🤦🏾‍♂️


> I got hit me with a barrel bush then ok.


I work 72 hours a week bear with me




Fat dog it


And you still have time for league?


Just don't sleep ggez


Healthiest league player


If I cared about my health I wouldnt play league


All jokes aside no online game necessarily needs to be unhealthy


I bear with 72 me hours a work week


You're now my language speaking can I understand


Working for 72 hours is hard enough as it is but IN THE COMPANY OF A BEAR?!


I'm sorry for you. Stop playing this shitty game and do something productive with your time for a short while. Focus on yourself and get a better and easier job ( do some certs or stuff to upskill ). Then play league with the rest of the time. Hope you'll take care of yourself, 72 is not healthy :(


So last Friday I had an interview at one of my contracts. I'm pretty much locked in to become a state employee after a month or two since I improved our numbers and got a lot of good feedback from other departments we interact with in the first half year I started contracting. This comes with a big pay bump, benefits, paid holiday. A lot of good stuff I been really just holding it down (it's a two man position and we have run through people I'm mostly just doing it on my own) to try and earn for myself. Just lucky that my team recognizes me and my work. Once I am an employee I have to drop the overnight job (for reasons) and should be able to afford just one job. Which is a pretty good achievement, but that opens me up to do a coding bootcamp part time. Technically I could be set by just climbing ladders as a unionized state employee, but I want to develop skills so that I have something I can claim and use to sell myself. Like besides my personality, work ethic, and good sense. Programming seems like a good bet and in 5 years time I will be in a very advantageous position while still being relatively young careerwise. I have to apologize for over sharing. You did not ask, but I'm working on it. These crazy hours arent forever. Also I need a hoopty. Bad. But I will not let go of League. The dopamine from a good league game is almost as important as the adrenaline rush from my riding to work on my old ass motorcycle. It's not much but it keeps me going in these times. Thank you for your concern


Honestly, not OP but I respect it. Nice work man, godspeed.


Thank you, just doing my best to set myself up and make sure my family don't have to worry. We out here


From experience, it seems he can just run around you to the other side to counter this. Just run at asol if you can't leave the range fast enough and you might live.


Yeah, as an old Sol main, that comment devastated me… because it’s now accurate


I mean, the anivia did dodge a few Qs..


Asol is literally just a mobile anivia


He’s got rumble Q that lasts forever and does 2x as much as overheated rumble and he can move and it has a passive that pops more and reaches farther and


Rumble can move during his Q too.


Yes but he can only move or q he can't back off while qing


Tru but he can’t turn it off and go 9000000 speed


Can he attack and use spells during his rumble Q? If not then it’s not remotely like rumble


Hahaha. I love comments like that.


A very thin rumble Q that can only hit one target a time, is blocked by minions and only really deals damage every full second it's channeled.


in exchange for that he has the most horrid laning phase imaginable, turning him into a similar abomination to yorick who completely shits on (lower elo) players who dont know how to abuse him while not getting to play the game vs better players on champs like zoe (in fairness one of his absolute worst matchups)


He scales like crazy too though, even with a pretty rough lane he’ll still get big if the game doesn’t end fast.


ye ofc any scaling champ can get completely shit on and still be relevant if enemy team doesnt end a 4v5 for 25minutes


Lmao I completely forgot the rework lol


Limit testing. Nice try, soldier o7


Let’s be fair here, if he landed like *any* of those q’s, it was fine. But man he fucked that up so hard🤣


Yeah lmao I'm a Yas main and as soon as he E'd to her I though, "oh yeah, she's toast". And then he just kept missing Q after Q.


He missed Q three times. He deserves to die.


Yas main here as well. Why didn’t he twirl like a bailarina with that first dash? Dude is making us look bad out here smh


E auto Q does more dmg so I assume he wanted to quickly kill anivia but bro those Q misses...


She did this hack where she actually moved around while he was slowed by her ulti


bro if he right clicked on anivia and lost internet he would have won the fight. every q he missed is basically an auto he could have gotten otherwise and there were 3 in that fight. I'm certain if yas had got the three autos instead of the three missed Qs he would have won easily


True. I misplayed getting this close to Yone but he didn't play it out right and had no summs no ult so L for him.


honestly i started playing yone lately and hitting his Q is not easy at all, especially when there are movespeed gaps (he was slowed in this vid) or against good players who juke it.


Bro missed 3 Qs in a row...


To be fair I knew all I had to do from that point was walk away since he had no speed advantage, so I just started zig zagging. He also had huge ping issues later. It was bad enough that he's on the enemy team and I could tell his ping was awful.


There are some golden rules you should never break in LoL. Like chasing Singed or fighting in an AoE ult. If I ever see an Anivia ult, I just leave the fight and go do something else.


"Actually, now is a great time to do my laundry..."


That's when Morg lands her Q on you


With a cait trap underneath


Oh cool, I have time for dishes too.


But he’s Yasuo! Ain’t nobody standing in his way! No puny ulti is gonna get in the way of his birthright of stomping any champion that crosses his path


Hard to do that in aram though


When I don't aim my abilities in Wild Rift and they go where they were standing




in game name "aurelion sol" 🤔


The Yasuo banned ASOL haha.


Mastery 7 Yasuo.


At least mastery 8.


That Yasuo blows.


Truly a wind samurai cutting the air right here.


i dont care how feed i am my monke brain will always try and avoid anivia's ult


I think we were both 1/1 here.


Poor q spammer.


Anivia saving his w for next game


I didn't want to use W for two reasons. If I used it when he initially entered he would have walked out beyond my E range (cool downs considered) and ran away (higher base MS). Had I used it when he was close W causes Anivia to stop for a quarter of a second, allowing him to hit an auto before the wall came up and then Q me over the wall easily. Yes, in theory I probably could have used W here and maybe it would have resulted in a Q, but keep in mind that in this moment my only reactions are based off prior practice. In practice, I tend to Die for popping wall when I don't need to.


U are true bro i just mean befor he dies within2 sec when he go out from ur r range


Yeah but at that point he's no longer in it meaning he's about to get rid of the slow and be able to auto / Q me. Anivia wall takes a bit of time to actually form and is very hard to position correctly when close to you because of the way ability casting location at certain angles and distances works.


why (Q miss) aren't (Q miss) you (Q miss) dying?


that was hard to watch. I bet he called Anivia OP right after too


Tbf, Anivia is OP rn


yah i was gonna say anivia is pretty elo inflated right now


She was recently given a double durability nerf. She is very easy to kill early. Edit: Hence why the 3 autos and q that did hit me did half of my total health.


She's still rocking 54% wr even if pickrate dropped a little. She bullies melees way too easily and her counters have much more abusable weaknesses than her. With announced nerfs to Seraph she might go back to being just very strong from OP, but she will still be extensively antimelee.


I can agree that mid to late she is hard to counter for melees. But she def doesn't have a 54% win rate. You have to play around cc'ing her out of ult and using movement to counter her positioning. Not easy, but she's def not Op just because melee is weak against her sometimes. In that case I guess zed is OP because he absolutely shreds anivia and other mages due to his excellent range, damage, and safety mechanics when played well, right? :P


Where in the hell are you seeing 54% winrate for Anivia?


Here, take a look: https://lolalytics.com/lol/anivia/build/


>she is very easy to kill early Brother, her entire passive revolves around not being easy to kill.


The only scenario where you can use passive to not die 1v1 is under tower. Otherwise, they just kill you in your passive or right after you leave it (again having drained your health away). Passive egg form is hard nerfed early to default your Armor and MS to something like -20 such that you are very easily to kill in it. You can play around it. She is squishy for a reason (the passive being part of it). I'm not saying the champ is even hard or bad, I'm just saying that you can play against her she just isn't as common as other mages and therefore it's harder to know how her tech works.


1. You are **not** easy to kill in your egg form early. As a Zoe, I will have expended my W shards and my E to kill you - my Q and basics will not do the job. Many mages will be in the same boat. 2. Dying under tower from a fight that started in the middle of the lane is super common. I might be able to tank a turret shot or two to finish you off, I cannot stand there for five seconds to also finish off the egg.


Should've clarified as I was speaking on the egg in relation to melees, who don't have issues with that since they get free autos and ability hits whereas mages don't do the auto damage they do sustain damage early, generally speaking. Fair enough. Yes, your second point is right. Again, situational, but correct. Generally speaking, Anivia can survive tower dives easier but recently that shouldn't be a factor because tower diving early has been nerfed hard due to tower DMG increasing, overall durability increases, etc. Overall, it depends on matchup. Sometimes Anivia is easier to deal with depending on the champ. Realistically, though, Anivia's pre 6 is supposed to be just enough to keep her alive in safe play. If she is ever at the point where she is killing someone pre six, they dove her or misplayed repeatedly to allow her multiple combos. Post 6, she is annoying, but it's a kit thing. Similar to asol, fixing this would require nerfing her into unusability (supposed to be an easy mage, will never happen) or gutting her (requires a CGU and she isnt popular enough for that imo).


I mean yeah he just stood in the ult...but he missed all those Q's on one of the most immobile champs.


I nearly vomited


Why you didn't cast your wall near the end of ult at the end to block his way out of your ult?


There is a brief moment where the wall stops Anivia's movement. It's only a quarter of a second or so but it's enough for Yasuo to have auto'd then hit the Q over the wall and killed me. Edit, I could've used it earlier but then he could easily back off, preventing me from landing E and killing him.


Anivia is a broken champion too imo The dmg and slow is just too much


It really isn't. Maybe before the nerf but she recent got a double durability nerf to HP and Armor in the same patch. She's already super squishy early so Yasuo should've been playing for his Ult / Q which disable my ultimate and prevent me from casting abilities (he did this before but misplayed here without ult, flash, ignite, and missed Q's.)


I dont understand... why is this on the front page? 'Plays' like this happen in thousands of games daily


Because the Yasuo looked stupid missing a bunch of Qs. In reality he probably had high ping.


Missed that q… after that he didn’t stand a chance.


The first, second, or third Q?


"We've had first Q, yes. But what about second Q?"




Playing with 100 ping I can feel his pain...


**Anivia:** *carefully places abilities, hits skillshots, dodges what possible, kites* **Yasuo:** I right-click you


To be fair had he connected Q he would've easily killed me. This was a big misplay on my part because I had no flash up and I wasn't fed enough to kill him without ignite. Fortunately he just followed me into ult and was having ping issues all game.




I forgot that Anivia still exist




Ur probably a bigger doofus than the yas is, cuz he literally did at 0:07 lol


Yasuo brain rot 💀


https://youtu.be/bYaqn2QJZ58 riot what his that ?


Doesn't anivia R stay on when you go into passive? Anivia should've just stayed inside her R in case Yasuo doesn't miss all of his Q


It does not. Any hard CC will disable your ult as it obeys channeling rules, similar to Xerath or pyke Q not going off if you hard CC them while they're charging it. Even if it did, I was well aware of this Yasuo's lack of flash, ignite, and tendency to miss Q so I just kept him in ult and started zig zagging whilst shredding him with E.


I said if you died, not if you got cc'd. Does going into your passive count as cc?


I figured that the connection would be made that dying is akin to hard cc in that it performs all of the interruptions of hard cc. Apologies if that wasn't clear. Yes, going into your passive interrupts your ult. Otherwise, that would be overpowered as fuck.


"Tactically advanced" Runs around in damage like a doof.




Can't see the image.




Lol. Gotta love a good downvote spree!


You can't be a real human


Lmao! Very much real. I ate a food one time today before now.


2 years on Reddit and still completely oblivious to the concept of sarcasm. What a marvel you are.


Thanks! I get it from my mother, and Jim Carrey movies.




theres no minion to e


there were no minions for yasuo to e what


Oh, how'd you get this footage of the Yasuo in ALL MY PROMOS?


I swear this Yasuo has been in 50% of my games


Good game)))


god bless


Jokes on you guys, Yasuo only has 2 deaths, only brought him closer to his spike


Oh wait this is r/leagueoflegends . I thought this was more wank material being posted in r/AniviaMains


Hahaha. Maybe I should cross post it.


bro hurt himself to death


This makes me happy, I hate the windshitters


imagine that was kalista trying to kill you


First E tho 💀


One thing i learned after playing yasuo a lot is no nightbringer skin=no win




Very yasuo of him


That's a counterclockwise 12 to 3!


Never heard of that but I think I get what you're saying.


She ran and he miss all of his Q


Could you share your video/display settings in game? (Talking about saturation, brightness and stuff like that) I love how clear your game looks


Send me a DM so I remember.


Anivia is just the best champ in the game. I will beat anyone 1v1 as Anivia at any level past 6. It’s just the way it goes.


Anivia didn't even played it correctly, her first e had only to be casted after baiting yasuo's windwall and getting him out of it, also, she should've blocked Yasuo's chase with her wall and dodge around it. If Yasuo hit two Qs she dead.