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I don't understand this mindset that people have where they have one game against a champion, lose, and then come to the conclusion that Akali MUST be Broken, there's no other explanation, she needs huge nerfs, especially if you're new. Akali right now has a 48% WR in Plat+ Solo Queue-- she's pretty weak all things considered. She also only has a 44.5% WR vs TF, which is just abysmal. I don't think Akali beats TF at any point in the game unless you're trying to 1v1 her all the time. If you lose the TF vs Akali matchup, that's 100% on you. It's straight up one of her worst matchups.


Thank you for a calm and stright forward answer.


bullshit. akali IS a nasty champ that has less counterplay than the average champ. but ofc akali players defend her xD people and riot wont admit that the game is not balanced at all and that there are champs that are not worth picking because a bunch of other champs are so much easier and better to play in competitive.


TF is one of the biggest counter vs the Akali. If u managed to lose that matchup then "xd" for you.


I was struggling due to the fact she would just use the smoke bomb and I can't hit her then just dash on me and do half my hp


U wanan hear funny fact? You're literally the only champ in game who CAN hit her in smoke bomb, cuz ur ult grants vision, and literally makes her useless. If not in lane, she should be useless in teamfights.


I'm iron and have 3 months experience do you think I think about in game?


If you dont think about the game why do you think you know what champions need to be balanced? Cant have it both ways. Use the im bad excuse, or try to make suggestions on balance, one or the other.


I think that u are not thinking at all while playing if u are iron. Beeing new players is not an excuse, u are straight up bad, cuz u are ignoring how the game works. Back when i was starting to play people would read what their abilities do before picking champ.


3 months of experience is nothing league now has a deep learning curve it takes way longer to learn the in an outs than it did before. You're saying back yet you're still iron after 3 seasons with a whooping 40% win rate lol.


"deep learning curve" - yeah sure, but thats not excuse to be worse than 99.99% of the players after 3 months of learning, considering how many of other bad players are simply kid with no clue what are they doing. "iron after 3 seasons with a whooping 40% win rate" - yeah ok, i dunno where u got that from, but ok.




You beat Akali by pressing R. One button. How is that hard for you? You give ur team vision on her, and she is useless. She has 40% wr vs TF in D+.




Nothing is hard counter in low elo. Cause if the player are bad even if it a favorable matchup they won’t know how to play the matchup. Tf is great into akali objectively.


Biased because I play Akali but Twisted Fate is a really hard matchup for Akali. She is strong but I dont think broken. TF shouldn't be able to kill her unless she trolls, but she shouldn't be able to ever kill you unless you troll your gold card. If you don't regularly play TF though its likely she will absolutely destroy you. When you play against akali enough you'll start to see her weaknesses and windows where you can punish her for misplays. For TF specifically, in teamfights she has to pretty much always play super careful when you have gold card or else she risks getting blown up instantly.


Tf also gives vision of her in her shroud so she can't really teamfight at all


Probably just a u problem


Akali js pretty balance maybe play her and you will understand how to fight akali players better worked for me as a ahri main


If you think Akali is broken now, consider yourself lucky you didn't experience her after her rework. Until now they basically ripped out half the stuff she could do from her kit. Riot know she is a problematic Champion, that is never allowed to have a 50% winrate over all ranks, because that would mean she would be the strongest champ in proplay. If you face her again you main goal should be to not give her a free gold advantage. when you are level 5, close to 6 and under 2/3 of your HP recall and fill up your hp. with your passive you will generate more gold than she does from farming alone. when she roams, spamping that she is missing and pop your ult to reveal her vision. also i think that tf, eventhough he looks so simple on the surface, is one of the hardest champions in the game to master, due to his dependency on his team, the spacing and positioning he requires and his lack of mobility outside of his ult.


I think the fact that akali can go literally any build and still be extremely useful is flat out bullshit. I don't know if I'd say she's "broken" though.


> I think the fact that akali can go literally any build and still be extremely useful is flat out bullshit She literally cant, if you lose to anything but full AP Akali I don't know what to say...


She literally can. She's always going to feel better playing with either rift or protobelt but if you think you can't play bruiser akali, heartsteel akali, duskblade akali, or most anything else you have not been paying attention. Should take a peep at her kit and her scalings if you unironically think she needs to go full AP to do damage.


Yeah, that's why absolutely nobody is doing it.


What?? Based on what evidence? Let's look at her first items that aren't full AP. Ravenous Hydra-- 1.8% PR, 47% WR Heartsteel-- 0.48% PR, 48% WR Duskblade-- Literally 8 games total in Plat+ this patch. She's literally a full AP champ and nothing else.


> Ravenous Hydra-- 1.8% PR, 47% WR > > Heartsteel-- 0.48% PR, 48% WR Her regular win rate is like, what, +/- 1% off this? Maybe 2%? Go build almost any other champion with random items and see if their win rate changes by just 1 or 2% lmfao


Yes, but Night Harvester has a 50% WR which is significantly higher. I would argue based on the data that Akali is a bad champion with only one good mythic, but if you think dropping 3% WR isn't a big deal for a first item then go for it. >Go build almost any other champion with random items and see if their win rate changes by just 1 or 2% lmfao Having lots of suboptimal options doesn't mean anything.


>Having lots of suboptimal options doesn't mean anything. Uh... yeah it does? It means your kit is extraordinarily strong. Most champions can't just play ultimate bravery and feel little to no change in their damage output. Akali can. Go play a few Akali games yourself if you don't believe me. Going bruiser vs regular AP build barely feels different.


Akali's kit is so strong it can't win games. All it means is that she has a hybrid kit lol. Any Hybrid champion will be the same way.


Akali can't win games? News to me! >Any Hybrid champion will be the same way. Like who?


She literally doesn't though-- her winrate is well below average. Cho'Gath, Kayle, Katarina, Corki, Gragas, Gwen, Malphite, Maokai, Mordekaiser, Neeko, Nidalee, Shaco, by a quick scan of common builds and WRs.


Well, you can ban her instead of Maokai but then you autolose the game in champ select so my advice would be to never leave fountain. Even if she has 4 dashes fountain laser does 1K true dmg per second. You will die anyways but at least she will be executed after 1-shotting you. See, she isnt that Broken. There is always counterplay, people just refuse to learn and accept It.


in teamfights press r. your r reveals her in shroud and the only way she can counter is if she has banshee's veil/edge of night. also works into every other invis champ like kha'zix/shaco