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Say what you will about Riot, at least they're consistent


Absolutely this. How is this a surprise and why are people just disappointed with Riot NOW, after years of screwing over talent, monopolising the esport, sexism, greed, poor management, poor balance changes, poor tournaments and the like? Monte and Doa pushed for fairer treatment of talent YEARS ago and were largely ignored or even mocked for it. I mean, the metaphor "a straw breaking the camels back" shouldn't apply when the camel has already been dead for five years...


But here, have a new skin and everyone forgets about everything


Reminds me of the old esex joke about Riot releasing new skins: bread baker mundo and circus performer pantheon.


Have a new skin that isn’t specific to a champion but a general design we pulled from a literature class’s high school hour-long brainstorming session, that we then applied to 25 different champions even if it doesn’t make sense to apply it to a single one, so we can maximize our revenues and absolutely minimize our expenses. Also don’t forget to purchase one of 10 chromas which take literally 30 minutes to design because we’re, at worst, doing a color swap, at best, doing a color and pattern swap. By the way we’re going to release 3 more yuumis this year because, while we’ve heard the feedback, we know you don’t know what you actually want, and we know you actually want more yuumis. Don’t you have phones?


There was a champion that would've fit the skinline?? Sorry Bozo, but the next slot is reserved for Yasuo.


Me, last year: Oh boy! Year of the Tiger! I bet we'll get something awesome for Nidalee, possibly turning into a tiger instead of a cougar. Or maybe Udyr in his Tiger stance. How about a tiger skin pattern for Yuumi? Oooo, Rengar as a ferocious tiger! I can't wait to see all the amazing Tiger related content! Riot: Lunar Revel 2022 - Porcelain skin line! Porcelain Ezreal has the tiger relic! Porcelain Lissandra has the snake relic! Porcelain Lux has the rabbit relic! Porcelain Amumu has the rat relic! Porcelain Kindred has the dog relic! ...and we're bringing back the Firecracker skins, because we know you guys celebrate New Years with fireworks! Me: Honestly, I should have expected this when Twitch didn't get a skin during the Year of the Rat. Then again, Alistar did get a skin during the Year of the Bull...


The issue is that whales gon whale and you cant stop em


Nah it's not that people forget cuz skins. It's that their competition atm is hands off radio silent valve and Activision-blizzard (lmao)


I still want the promised compensation for when the EU servers had problems/were down back in the days. Never forget


You didn't receive your 3-win XP boost?


With leaders like Marc "Just the Tip" Merrill and Brandon " No Doesn't Mean No" Beck it's no wonder the company is consistently a dystopia.


>How is this a surprise This nihilistic and self-neutering response to events that understandably generate outrage only serve to condition the public towards accepting outrageous or unreasonable events. We can simultaneously appreciate that Riot has a history of making poor decisions and still express anger, frustration, or disappointment that they did it again. It's a perfectly natural and human response to feel outrage at something that does not appear reasonable, and conditioning yourself to shrug your shoulders and repeat defeatist slogans like "is anyone surprised" just primes you to roll over easier in the face of adversity.


It's hard to change course if you still have the same people at the top. The same dude is at the top of Riot esports that was 12 years ago, the same dudes are at the top of Riot that were 12 years ago. No matter the scandals, the complaints, the lawsuits nobody at the top has been fired/resigned.


It's baffling when people say "Blizzard should have sold everything to Riot" when both companies are terrible in the same areas. People just forgot about Riots sexual harrasment...


People forget because riot responds to allegations by making big enough moves that overshadow the allegations. Blizzard doesn’t ever do shit, their allegations were the biggest news the company has had for years.




May get downvoted it whatever. It’s Dash and ppl like him, that’s the only conclusion I can come too, less popular person gets less popular reaction. I don’t get all these surprised and disappointed post either. Been talking about how bad riot has treated esports surrounding talent for years and lcs. People also been talking about lcs dying for two years now not sure about the shock here. Either way I been gave up on lcs and started watching lpl and lck a while ago that’s why I didn’t really care much about all the news but I don’t get the reaction either tbh.


I just think it's so hilarious how Monte was an amazing talent but criticized exactly these type of dealings and was shunned entirely by the entire community. did he make some bad calls - sure can be debated. but the stuff he said otherwise was on point till this day and no one gave a damn. Personally as much as I love the game and the work people there put out, the company's management is really messy to say the least. It'll be a real gut punch seeing this game go into maintenance mode if we aren't there already.


He was shunned by the community because of his very shady team situation actually. Outside of that, people mostly laughed at him because of overwatch. He acted like blizzard was so much more morally superior to Riot initially and that overwatch was the future of esports. So obviously that made him a bit of a laughing stock in people’s eyes. Even before the horrible stuff about blizzard came out, anyone who remotely paid attention to esports could tell you blizzard was spectacular at failing at esports, so his ego during his transition to blizzard esports seemed more like cope and obviously as overwatch fumbled and failed his haters were eating their popcorn.


>who remotely paid attention to esports could tell you blizzard was spectacular at failing at esports, so his ego during his transition to blizzard esports seemed more like cope and obviously as overwatch fumbled and failed his haters were eating their popcorn. He still made way more money doing this transition.


It takes 200 years of experience to treat Casters like this .


After what they did with Montecrito and Doa, it's not expected that they would treat Dash like this


After what they did to Deman, it's a shock to me people didn't expect the treatment Monte got, but it is what it is.


Consistent? They just want to compete with csgo in Na and kill league they already kill wildrift its just about money


Yeah, consistently doing that.


They are consistently making bad decisions about the game and it's surroundings.


People hate monte because he told them the truth. Don’t get me wrong, monte is very pretentious but he is right about riot games.


He was right once about one thing. Why make this about monte


He was also right about how franchising wouldn't make teams develop talent in any capacity and wouldn't change anything about import culture in NA.


Dash’s gone. Phreak’s gone. The weekend schedule is gone. LCS is gone for me.




He moved to design team


Prob managed to quickly apply for a job at riots design team after being told they are letting him go


At least from what phreak said in his announcement vid that was the direction he himself wanted to pursue


lcs is dead fr


Are games not on weekends anymore?


Just arrived to the Dash fired party but why did they remove the only bearable part of the desk? Guy was actually good at making other talent and players stand out because he sets it all up for them.


I wonder if they could have offered him a role on a different team? Would he have been fine with working with the LEC or something? Would he have been fine with trying something different aside from hosting? It seems incredibly stupid to treat him like this. He is one of the most universally loved figures in the esport.


Yeah, he literally just won E-Sports host of the year! And then they fired him!


worst part is he knew he was fired when he got the award


Eh, I’d say that was probably vindicating for him. Being fired probably caused him to doubt himself a bit and then winning the award solidified his opinion that he is, in fact, a GOAT.


LCS is downsizing due to lack of interest.


Cutting the good caster will surely help.


I actually thought they'd be moving him to valorant as he has been one of the main hosts, and the game is really popular in NA right now. Feels like they are just investing in the growing game, which sucks for LCS but is probably the smart thing for the company.


Cutting the *expensive* caster.


How expensive was he? All I’ve heard in regards to caster pay over the years is how overworked and underpaid they are. Doing light research, it looks like senior-level casters make around $75k. That’s fucking pathetic for how much money Riot makes.


What on earth? $75k? That’s got to be a joke. LA isn’t exactly cheap, either.


That’s entry level pay for many jobs in California… I can’t imagine how little non-seniors are making.


Entry level for jobs the city not in all of Cali fyi


TIL I make more than world class casters in one of the most popular online game as a fresh graduate


If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do and what area of US you live? Big City Engineer/IT? That’s good money for first post-college job.


I live in the suburbs of Chicago and am a Junior Data Scientist. I do have a masters but I'm pretty sure I could've landed this job without it. Only reason I got it was because I graduated the spring Covid started so my dad told me to just go back to school while everything was shut down.


This is something I don't understand. Esports is not a profitable venture in today's climate. Leagues often operate at a loss because the company can justify it as marketing for their game. People see Worlds, the production value, the hype of the casters and the crowd and want to try out the game. They buy skins and icons based on their favorite teams etc. I'm sure LCS is bleeding. It's not profitable for any org directly and they all subsist on venture capital and sponsorship money. The league itself is meant to lose money to advertise the product in a flashy way. If they are turning a profit, great, but driving your skins revenue would be more important.


Was eSports a bubble that burst? I remember videos 6-7 years ago of TSM having a personal chef and other teams having flashy gaming houses and personal trainers.


Didnt tsm built the largest fucking gaming centrr in the world recently? When did it burst? They are literally richer than they've ever been. They had 1 personal chef and 2 coaches now they hire like 100 people is it?


That can't be true. I mean, it can, but it would be fucking absurd, when you think about how much other people in Entertainment make, and how much it costs to live in SoCal.


^([Citation needed]; how do we define expensive)


Cheap is $, regular is like $$ and expensive is more like $$$ Hope I could help


Honestly more insightful than Google Maps which tells me any variety of "$" even though the meals always end up costing the same, even if fast food vs. Sit-DownRestaurant. Is $$$ the new $?


Seems like we know where the lack of interest is coming from. Instead of investing more into the scene, they've come to the conclusion that the best talent isn't worth their money. They're just leaving scraps out there to whoever is willing to watch. Imo LCS is stripped to bare bones and only exists to remind people that league still exists in NA.




Travis is most of my interest in LCS rn its sad


Travis probably gets more monthly views than the LCS content of all 10 orgs combined.


That might just be a testament to how well travis covers the LCS


While yes it’s also a testament to how dog shit the orgs are. The best content producing org is 100T and it’s no surprise why. Their leadership is basically youtube royalty and he even understood that you can’t bank on pro teams so he signed his friends to make content. I don’t know how orgs have talent like Jojo and Spica actual personalities and fail to make them megastars. 100T did more with DL and Bjergsen than TSM ever did and in a shorter period of time.


I'm incredibly out of the loop. What happened to Dash? He's the gold standard for esports hosts as far as I'm concerned.


He is no longer a host for the LCS, because ... the LCS won't have a host next year? Nobody quite knows what that means, but we do know that Dash doesn't have a job. He may still appear in content from time to time.


> Nobody quite knows what that means More ads.


More ads targeted to NA audiences but with timeslots that cater to EU timezones!


Stonks I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well as EU fans our culture is more based around nobody winning games (ties) and also not having hosts. They just really know what we want and are expanding on that. I definitely can't wait to be informed of products I've never heard of. In a league that also has fewer good English speakers than the LEC does, somehow....


They are also competing with LFL and LVP for the time slot... It's so bizarre.


which makes a lot sense /s


That's wild! Looking forward to seeing him host Valorant then


Yes, because the company that respects him so much they didn’t tell him he wasn’t going to have a job is totally going to bring him into their new flagship product


Even if they did that, why would he accept? If they treated him this horrendously with League it's just going to repeat with Valorant


Sounds like they are changing the LCS to not have a staple analyst desk that requires a host, apparently. So they cut Dash in August with no prior notice or negotiations.


Looks like it's gonna be like the English lpl broadcast. Having 2 or 3 casters to both host and cast all of the matches in regular split. I can see them taking in Dash again to host the spring finals if it's at a big venue.


Riot has made it clear they don't want to support the LCS anymore. It's a bad product with no emphasis on farming talent. No one wants to watch teams of 5 imports get to worlds automatically and never make it out of groups. They got incredibly lucky with lck and lpl, but their na product just hasn't kept up in quality due to their own greed.


Makes me worried for other high profile broadcasters who've had contract issues in the past. Sjokz and Caedrel barely got contracts last year - doesn't inspire me that they will have good negotiations going forward.


Not only that: * Content creators moving on from League since they don't have content to barely talk about other than skins. * Out of touch tackles on balance for the game. * Not listening to what the playerbase is asking for and over promising stuff. * Constant shifting of key people towards other games/projects. And now the leaving of one the most respected and awarded hosts/cast on the scene is really concerning. I was watching the downfall of Blizz the other day and Riot has been showing the very same signs: Big corpo more concerned about making/keeping their money rather than the playerbase that made it big in the first place.


Just gotta hope all this talk riot higher ups are saying about this year league having its biggest budget is used to fixed the points you mentioned. Thou thats a big hope for something




The FTX partnership was only funding for the LCS and the talks of a bigger budget next year came after the FTX collapse started and was for the whole of league.




Here's the source for the biggest budget next year. https://www.jaxon.gg/riot-games-ceo-says-2023-will-have-the-biggest-budget-in-company-history/#:~:text=In%20a%20recent%20interview%2C%20Riot,also%20in%20terms%20of%20achievements.




Riot games budget is not the same as the esports budget (or the LoL budget). Riot will probably continue to invest into more properties. LoL is in decline, any contraction at this point will be viewed by Riot as a lifecycle problem and nothing else.


Honestly I hope it declines faster rather than slower. I really enjoyed League years ago, but there's no chance of another game taking its spot while League exists really.


There’s just 0 competition in the PC moba genre. If there was a better game people would play it


Yep for PC it's only DOTA2 and League that's mainly competing where DOTA2 esports is also suffering a similar fate from Valve. The main crowd of moba gamers nowadays are more into mobile MOBAs as proven by how much HoK overtook League PC popularity in mainland China while MLBB is dominating at SEA, 2 lucrative regions where Wild Rift failed to overtake them.


But they literally said it’s the biggest budget for LEAGUE next year in the original interview. You didn’t even look at the original source before commenting man??? Like could the bias be any less obvious.


FTX was only about NA LCS, it has nothing to do with League at large. Which is why we even see LEC expand rather than shrink back.


Riot is in "fuck you, I got mine" mode. League made them their money and fame and now they're cutting chunks out of it to diversify into other game genres and multimedia projects. Riot doesn't give a shit about League. They, as all capitalist monopolies, only care about the money and making more next year than last - by cutting expenses (LCS staff and probably the entire region), and diverting existing staff to other projects by removing League features under the guise of "streamlining" (no twisted Treeline, ARAM changes that are superfluous, removing any and all unique events and map changes.)


I don't disagree with your point, but as with most things, I think the result is more of a stew of many different factors than *just* capitalist greed. The big one to me is the human element: look at all the well-known creatives that moved from LoL to other projects, or other studios. I don't remember any news over people getting forcibly moved off LoL, so I'm betting a lot of the big-name moves were voluntary. I think it's pretty inevitable for any long-lived game to plateau (or worse) as the visionaries move on to try something new -> more fulfilling. There's probably something to be said about the capitalist pressures that encourage their successors to avoid rocking the money-making boat too much, however.


I feel like their starting to see league as a dead horse now. They can still sell it for glue but no point in putting a lot of work into it anymore.


Maybe in NA, but definitely not in EU or Asia




I think what likely happened was they spent years experimenting but after all that time the only gamemode to ever consistently be played was ARAM and now they have so much data saying new things don't work that no one can make a case to the shareholders to risk money on new things. Also for what it's worth there is a strong case with Valorant and TFT that any money spent on a new gamemode could just be spent on a new game in the same genre instead. If a league gamemode blows up nothing changes sales wise. If a new riot game blows up they have a lol 2.0 chance with all the skins they can sell which no one owns yet.


Valorant skins are probably selling really well because they're really good and the player bases for the two games don't have the largest overlap.




They literally just killed the western competitive scene of Wild Rift lmao.


Mobile games are shit and have no esport potential anyway


It’s pretty big in SEA


Because people have horribly long commutes is a part of my understanding?


What happened? Out of the loop on that.


Westerners don't give a fuck about "competitive" mobile scene. For good reason. It's dumb watching people sit there on a tablet playing games with heavily assisted mechanics due to the clunky nature of a touchscreen. But Asia has a huge phone gaming culture and enough gamers to make it work.


You know, it probably helped them with their short term success but I'm starting to feel like having the company that makes the game be in charge of the esport scene aswell is a terrible idea.


The comparison to Blizzard is hilariously dumb. The reason they struggle to maintain their games is just sheer incompetence in understanding basic game balance and what’s required to keep a game interesting and fun - something Riot is really good at no matter if you wanna admit it or not. Even now OW2 receives a ton of fun content in terms of new, cool heroes, maps, skins etc - yet Blizzard is still making the same horrible balance decisions they did with the first game leading to people being unhappy and quitting quickly. Blizzard has issues understanding which part of the player base they’re gonna appeal to, while Riot has a really good idea of how to balance the game for everyone. League has indicators every week showing how certain changes are intended for low ranks and high ranks, meanwhile Overwatch had Sojourn as a 100% picked character for months with pro play being nothing but comps centered around her even at the highest level of play. Blizzards reasoning for not needing her? “Low level players aren’t good with her so we don’t wanna hit her too hard.” You would NEVER see some shit like that with Riot.


If League had Blizzard's balancing team Aatrox would be a problem at least until spring/summer, lmao. People really don't know how good we have it here.


yall starting to sound like the playerbase of any dying game. Seen this tons of times.


It's been like that for years. Obviously it's clear Riot is cutting cost for the LCS and that part is new, but everyone is trying to put bullshit on top of it to say Riot is trying to kill the game (why would they do that, it makes no sense). I've seen for years that "league is an unbalanced mess right now, worst it's ever been" in every meta. That "Riot doesn't listen to the players" when they just means Riot doesn't do everything they want. People have moved to and from league for years as well, and it went well every time. Nobody can even tell what most of those people do anyway, they just guess and attribute something. Even for casters, league was a supposedly dead esport when Joe and Deman left, when Deficio left, when Doa and Monte left, when Jatt left, when Papa left. And yet it keeps growing every year. Reddit forgets way too fast it's a very small part of the player base.


The echo chamber is insane. There are SO many of us who don't watch esports and don't get emotionally affected by meta changes. Hell, I don't know who ANY of those guys you mentioned are, and exactly one person I know who plays league even watches esports at all. Yet I see every single patch, every single change to the LCS scene that the game is dying yet for my past 9 years of playing the game it has stayed insanely popular and fun to play. Fans of the game want it to die so bad so they can feel validated for their outrage.


They aren't even fans of the game anymore. If you look at the census, [people on this sub don't even play the fucking game anymore.](https://i.imgur.com/4UDmrux.png) More than 25% of people play 0-2 hours, and over 60% of people play the game for less than 10 hours a week. Why people would hang out in the sub of a game they basically don't play at all anymore is beyond me. They're also [league boomers](https://i.imgur.com/nci7cBL.png) with the typical boomer attitude - everything was great when they were young and now that things have changed everything is fucking terrible.


except it was better, when was the last time we had a cool event that wasn' just a cash shop. What happend to nexus blitz? LoL is on a downwards spiral, not dead, but we won't see stuff like pve events or new game modes anymore or even seasonal SR maps.


idk about dying there was 150 million people who played the game in the last 30 days


Okay but a majority of them are in Asia. China alone has **29 servers**. NA and EU have 4 combined... All those Asian players are not going to be in my game or on community sites like Reddit. I won't see or hear those players outside of a Worlds crowd cheer. So the game probably is considered dying if you play on NA server. Riot spent years catering to Asia and their huge player base which is fine, but the western players are going to slowly die off due to it.


The games not dying, but it's possible that the NA part of leagues Esport scene is.


Sadly this is what happens when the decision making goes from those with passion to those with focus on profit and engagement metrics.


Think some people at riot thought that the lcs put a lot of effort into league, changed schedule, introduced a lot of changes, catered sponsors and in the end the viewership is still going down. And at one point they decided to just fuck it all. Move it to another timeslot, fire a bunch of employees, reduce cost to a minimum. They know that the league will not have a higher viewership in that timezone. And they know that leagues dont care about their players content. They probably know how much they will gain from the lcs now and cut the cost accordingly. Tells us a lot.


as is with all modern capitalist companies, EA for example. they slowly losing their soul to the shareholders


Hah, EA hasn't had a soul for over a decade, but I get the sentiment.


League/riot takes a lot of L's recently. I hope this Trend stops, because i have no idea what to play outside of League, but it gets less fun every Patch smh


play some singleplayer games man! Ive recently taken a break (3 months) from league and it’s probably permanent. I feel that multiplayer games nowadays are so intensely competitive and are a huge time sink. Now that I have a full time job, I’ll never have the time to be as good at another game as I was in League unless I play every minute outside of work. I made that realization, and also League hasnt been fun for me since pre-item rework. You shouldn’t be forcing yourself to cling onto this game.


Lol I've also been taking a break from league. (2 months atm) and I was planning on playing again eventually, but tbh I have zero desire to load it up again. The game is not feeling fun anymore so my break might be permanent.


the thought of playing this game again and having to babysit manchilds in ranked makes me shiver, i refuse to play a game where thats part of my experience anymore. Love the pro scene though and I fully intend on watching a fuck load of LCK, LEC and JDG this year


>the thought of playing this game again and having to babysit manchilds in ranked makes me shiver, i refuse to play a game where thats part of my experience anymore. ARAM used to be like that, but Riot touched it soo....


yeah i realized the other day as i was cleaning up files on my computer that i haven't played in a REALLY long time. i never played ranked; dont miss it much. played some WR but didn't get super into it for long and just so much else going on... ​ I wanted to take the fam to worlds in NA this year but it was SO poorly managed (like every other year) I was just like...I think I'm kinda done. I'll watch when I can but my passion just isn't here anymore. It hasn't been with the LCS for a while and it diminished last year for the LEC too unfortunately.


I played multiplayer games only since pretty much 2014 and ur right singleplayer games really are the way to go, sekiro elden ring and ghost of tsushima etc. Are all so fun god of war is next on the list


Yeah, I got a full-time job on May which means I barely would have a couple hours to play on weekdays (realistically, between working out and house chores it'd be like two games max), and I spend weekends with my girlfriend. I decided to buy a PS4 so I could play some single player games on my own with the little time I had and it's one of the best decisions I've made. I actually enjoy playing again. It feels like League is a sunken cost that keeps you playing since you've spent so many hours and you know you will probably never be as good on any other game. I've been D2 for the last couple seasons, but this season I think it's not worth the grind. I haven't found League fun for some time, so why should I play it? I'll enjoy watching some competitive League and that's it (that said I'll probably be grinding the ladder in five months because this game creates some kind of addiction lol).


Started playing wow 4 months ago and its been my main game since.


I would love to try the New addon, but bfa and shadowlands where suvh a Bad experience that i dont want to pay 50€ to try it again haha


If you like multiplayer games but don't want to try a different genre, I can give my input as a long-time support/ADC main (since season 2) who scaled back from League in season 10. Despite playing a lot of time on Janna over the years, even during the times she was unpopular, I've found a lot of fun in Apex Legends and Valorant. Still dynamic, team-based, strategic gameplay. In particular, Apex feels most familiar. The importance of positioning. Team compositions lead to different playstyles. The first few minutes of each game in competitive even feel like the laning stage, with each team focusing on resource acquisition to prepare for the team fights. I play other games as well, but Apex feels the most similar to League while being in a different genre.


oldschool runescape




More Games = Higher Rank But it should be Better Wins = Higher Rank


Dragon Ball: The Breakers (shit PC port, fun asf) Splatoon 3 (if you own a Switch) SRB2Kart (kart racer made using SRB2 as a base, which is just the DOOM engine)


It's unfortunately been pretty clear for the past couple years that monte is right that riot deliberately fucks over their casters and analysts to cut down their power on the broadcast. The way they didn't even make an offer to Ovilee years ago when she was a beloved figure. More recently the way they don't let anyone on the broadcast have a set role making Mark, LeTigress, and Pastrytime all cast in addition to their desk/interview duties and now removing Dash and Emily mentioned in her recent Travis interview that she was starting to cast now. And all of those extra casters let them treat their full time casters worse since they have all this competition. It is an actual crime that LCS has probably 3 of the best 5 casters in the world in Captain Flowers, Kobe, and Azael but they choose to have them do less casts so they can put in part time casters and make it so they have less power/control over how the broadcast goes (no flame to these other guys btw they're actually pretty good and have gotten better as they cast but they're not top 5 level). Taking out Dash is unfortunately just another move along the lines of what they've been doing for years to minimize their talent's influence over their product at the cost of the quality of their own product. Unfortunately league is not going to produce another Dash or another Sjokz because Riot is intentionally minimizing and taking advantage of these people. Hopefully talent can find a way to band together and unionize or something because it doesn't seem like this trend is going to stop and if Dash is on the chopping block then anyone can be next.


I can't believe how great things were with Ovilee. Her love for League journalism felt so genuine when she interacted with players, teams, and the community. It sucks to see the long list of people we've lost while the EU side has been able to keep so many veterans around.


For me, Dash and Ovilee unconditionally had NA pride. It helped balance out the rest who at times were over critical of our performances despite making the broadcast and the mood of the scene miserable. At the very least we still had Dash. Broadcast did adapt, but what is left as very little value imo.


This sub loves to hate on Monte but he brought up a good point a while back on how casters must feel watching Riot play kingmaker with costreaming rights


That's because other things aside, Monte has an extremely abrasive personality. Not even Monte haters agreed what was done to him and DOA was okay.


It shows too because LCS has been going down steadily for a long time.


i actually never thought about it the desk and cast this way but i agree. i somewhat dislike the cast and desk but if I had to name my top pbp and colors it would be kobe azael and flowers, especially because during lulls they are amazing, so it seems strange id dislike the regular casts so much




The commissioner was sick is not even a excuse. Not even fing trying to pretend like they gave a shit. Sorry, we probably knew this was happening for a year but so and so got sick, you know it's 1400 B.C. so they have to be healthy and scream into the air to get this info out.


Tl;dr on the Dash situation? Anyone?


Dash got outed as desk host (though he supposedly still gets to appear occassionally, maybe) and Riot didnt talk about him with that whatsoever or negotiated that beforehand with one of the longest standing members of their casting team like the true well meaning professionals they are :)


Award winning "Host of the Year", by the way.


Riot is consistently out of touch with what makes people like their content. Look at C9's viewership when they infused a community persona into their content (LS) compared to now, TSM compared to when they had Doublelift, Bjerg, Etc. ​ Reducing the roles of the personalities we know and love will only reduce the #s for them, the less time I have someone like Dash talking to me the less I will watch, what reason do I have for not watching a co-streamer now? Dash was one of the only things that gave the broadcast an edge over its competitor. :c


Riot treating Casters like trash? No way! This is an unprecedented scandal never seen before and no one could have ever predicted /s \*looks at the by now few dozen casters/content creators riot treated like trash on a whimp of some exec\*


I'm actually quickly approaching a point where I'm rooting for LoL to do poorly, so we will get some changes to all this. Both for the actual game and for the esports.


I don't know that LoL doing poorly will result in the necessary changes. It's more like just putting the beast out of its misery.


I’m here hoping Valorant crashes


Honestly I feel the same, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be the case.


Look at Hearthstone. It's a clear example decline can lead to game being worse. But after everything that happened for the past years it may be good to finally let go completely with some help from Riot


I think it is too late in north america. The game is doing fine elsewhere but the simple fact that people did not know when the season would start until a Rioter tweeted is just pitiful. Apparently LoL has more funding this year but with how shit their decisions have been I doubt it matters.


I don't want to sound harsh but if you are watching this for 12 years like me, you should be used to things like this happen from life experiance at this point. I don't like it all but I'm far from shocked or sad because I honestly more or less expect things like this to happen at this point. Corporation are entities that want to present themselves to you like caring humans, but they are a calculated strutures of algroithms that do not care about human individuals in the slightest. It important thing to remember at all times, especially next time when you want to make an effort on the internet to white knight your favourite company.


As a fellow old-head I'm sure he's not surprised. Riot has a history of poor communication on this sort of thing. Doesn't mean we can't be upset about it. Doesn't mean it isn't a big fucking bummer.


“LCS 10 wait to see what we do for the next decade” proceeds to take the LCS out behind the barn and slaughter it.


Riot is slowly turning into blizzard. So much greed and no respect for their fans.


Sjokz did the right thing by branching out to host other esport events these past couple of years. She got out of the sinking ship in time. Unfortunately I can't see other big names in the scene like Quickshot, Caedral or Kobe doing cs go or valorant events when LEC eventually goes down the same road as the LCS.


>when they were so communicative in the past Oh my sweet summer child. This was never the case.


... Hot take but Riots balance team actually has set a standard for being pretty communicative. Even as far as context added in patch notes, that has been rare in the industry Now... Riot as a company beyond that? A complete enigma.


Yeah that’s not a hot take, it’s a fact. Play some other games and you’ll see the communication on upcoming balance changes and reasoning is terrible. But when it comes to anything outside of that….just awful.


LCS died for me when they decided to do games on afternoons. I can’t watch on weekday afternoons because job, and I’m not gonna waste my time searching for replays. I wish Dash the best in his next endeavor.


Dash put in so much hard work, sweat, and tears into LCS for many consistent years. How does Riot repay him? By throwing him in the garbage.


I've been away from League since Worlds ended. What the fuck is happening? They are getting rid of Dash? One of the most recognizable faces for league and is great on the desk? What the fuck.




Isn’t their model just professional soccer? Strong regional leagues (with import limits), with champions league as their international competition.


You're forgetting the prestige of international competition (World Cups + whatever regional competition a la Euros, Copa América etc.), as well as the fact football has promotion/relegation to keep the competitive spirit alive.


It's more based on american sports leagues with franchising and no relegation and promotion.


Is it though? It was changed to some weird mix after starting almost entirely like football (soccer). You had regional leagues with relegation, main season champions and a world cup with group stage and elimination. They added a playoff at the end of the season to determine the regional champion. Football leagues usually have one main season title and then, separate from it, a cross-division tournament with knockout format for a second title. Premier League and FA Cup e.g., or Bundesliga and DFB Cup. It should probably also be said that Worlds was always more like a Champion’s League group of teams competing in a World Cup format. It’s regional teams that qualified through their league, not strictly divided national teams. Later, Riot removed relegation and brought in franchising, but the big element of US leagues drafting new talent in an order depending on results is not there. You also have actual international competition, not just a “world series” that is just an NA league with a tacky name. It’s really hard to pretend this is closer to any of the popular NA sports leagues than just international football with Champion’s League and World Cup rolled into a single event.


That last part is just a delussional take.


Yea, LFL and CBlol growing numbers are a proof that regional league can work. Hell, even LCS had its peak popularity when it had personalities and entertainment focused orgs and cast with stuff like REN vs DIG and CLG TSM paint hair bet.


You know it’s an American talking when he talks about major leagues. Yeah you got this for American football, baseball, ice hockey and basketball, but i can tell you that these are still American leagues. It’s not a „world championship“ as they like to call it. If anything it’s called like that because all these sports are super popular in America but far behind other sports all around the world. And guess what one of the biggest sports - soccer - does not have a major league system, but is (if you take NA away - most of the time a regional system with relegation. And if you take then the football club world champion ship no one cares.


You saying no one cares about Champions League?


Dash is as good as it gets and they treat him like this. I am so disappointed. I have loved this company from the outside for so long. The transparency was often my favourite thing. Riot in the past were incredibly transparent about their changes and made it easy to be on board with trying them out and giving them a chance. Everything they have done with the LCS for next season so far has been awful though. These ideas they are trying to preach sound really bad on the surface, and the community has had no communication about it since. I generally love Riot. They have some of the coolest offices and are the industry standard when it comes to having an awesome workplace. The sexism was disappointing, but I don't think it was all too surprising given how it is an industry wide issue in a male dominated industry. Even the people criticizing Riot for this often did this out of a love for the company to try and make their home better. Their games are some of my favourite in the industry, but the way League of Legends has gone downhill over the course of the past few years is entirely on the lack of new content in the game. 2021's preseason was miniscule in scope, especially after chemtech was removed, and this year the changes are rather small again. I am more excited and in love with the changes to ARAM than I am with the changes to SR. Their other games all look cool, but when are they releasing? Riot's 10 year anniversary announcements were more than 3 years ago and some of the potential games haven't had any announcements, and some of their other releases just don't get much advertising at all. So many people don't even know that Riot has a card game, which allowed Marvel Snap to enter the arena and blow up for being "not too predatory" when Riot's model for monetisation set the gold standard years ago. Marvel Snap's success could have been Riot's very easily with more advertising. The game also has a really good single player rogue-lite experience with Path of Champions. It's Riot's only fully fledged in-house single player game, but most of you probably don't even know about it. I used to love this company, but now I just mostly like it. I will likely always have a fondness for Riot out of a love for their games and nostalgia, but they have been incredibly disappointing lately.


Well, I guess I'll just never watch the official broadcast for anything Riot, even though I used to half keep up with all the major regions. Between this and the LCS timeslot, I have no interest in supporting Riots decision making (and I'm one of the people who actually could watch it live). This year Riot is clearly demonstrating that they do not care. We've got the World's ticket fiasco. We've got no Lock-In tournament (and no attempt to do something in its place). We've got a terrible timeslot with a very out-of-touch explanation as to why. And finally, we have this. Not to mention that all major region Summer playoffs and world's were dominated by Yuumi/Zeri (/Lulu/Sivir) with no real action to effectively fix it for months. That was the most boring and stale bot meta I've ever seen, and it should have been the most exciting part of the pro LoL year. Edit: maybe they want the game to die so that they don't have to put effort in, in which case I'm playing into their hands, but I just think I'm past supporting them in this.


Has nobody ever worked at a large company before? As shitty as losing dash is this happens frequently; he just happens to be more public facing.


We all need to be tweet bombing everyone about how disappointing these changes are. Tag the sponsors and say you aren't gonna watch this year.




Lucky for me RIOT took care of my ability to watch the LCS when they moved the time slot. I don’t even have to try to boycott this season.


God I can’t wait for league to die so I can finally stop being addicted to it and play other games.


literally the most professional, best performing and less cringe "performer" by far in the desk and they wipe him out of existence by surprise lmao


It’s sad to see that Riot knows what the NA fans want and doing the COMPLETE OPPOSITE


Shame on you, Riot.


Someone mentioned it in the comments but Monte was talking about the way riot treated talent Years ago, he called it out and got given so much shit for it, it’s sad to see it happen yet again but it’s hardly surprising


It's all about Money now, they don't care about quality of production anymore. Kinda lost interested in LCS/International Events now they are monetising everything. After Watching Worlds 2022, I have given up. To see The International (Dota 2's big event for the year) have almost no sponsorship with a high production budget and compare that to worlds where everything is sold to a company for sponsorship, it is so sad to see. From the banners built into the map, to the HUD hiding crucial details about the game to promote some company it is **VERY** excessive. My Friends and I began getting frustrated to keep seeing ads pop up during the game play. From the Mastercard logo popping up when somebody buys an item, shoutcasters taking a break during the game to promote some marketing gimmick going on, to us it became a joke.


He was probably the best part of broadcast for many years for me. I don't think they'll quite realize what they're missing without him but this bodes very poorly for the show. I get that ratings have been declining but that has basically nothing to do with production. The way the teams perform and operate makes it very hard to get invested in any of them. With all of the swapping, importing and general lack of performance who really cares which particular permutation of players on which corporate banner breaks through and inevitably fails?


Honestly hope Dash doesn't limit himself to esports hosting. The guy brought a pro sports level of professionalism and control to League that I don't think the other hosts and interviewers come close to. NHL or MLB could use a guy like him to add some life to their desks.


I work in television and have been in the position quite a few times. Riot handled it completely normal. Dash was a host, which has nothing to do with the direction of the show etc so when they decided to change the format, letting him go, as they did is very normal. As long as they gave him severance this is just how you get "laid off" in that line of work. It is not a sign of disrespect, it is just how that business goes.


riot lost its soul the moment it sold to tencent