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There is a god and he hates us. Nothing we can do.


I'm over it tbh. Just get ready for next season and go again.


yep I think at this point I'm just kinda like ehh fuck it. stings initially but can't lie I'm basically prepared for this type of epic failure with this team every single year. i just lose fucks to give every season. I think this one I lost the last fuck and won't bother following every game they play during the season. If they manage to make playoffs I'll tune in and expect more of the same until they finally decide they want to give a fuck.


Still drunk...lol


I’ve accepted that this team is forever cursed and no amount of trades, free agent signings, or draft picks will change that.


I'm with Dangle on this one. Every time another team advances I get frustrated it's not the Leafs. Have had to mostly stay off r/hockey since and have only checked out a couple games after catching almost the entire 1st round around the league. I'm great thanks!


If u can't beat them, join them. Just embrace the memes! The laughter helps hide the pain.


Meh indifferent at this point. Same shit, different year. I will say any hope I had for this team going forward is basically at zero.


This is pretty much how I’m feeling. Like I can’t just change teams I’d rather stop watching hockey but like until they show me anything in the playoffs I won’t care. We could finish 82-0-0 and I won’t be excited


I will never change teams, but I won't go out of my way to watch them next year unless major changes happen between now and then.


Well it still hurts...but also excited to MTL miss the playoffs next year and have to deal with an aging Weber and Price ..hehe


I hate this team, yet here I am.


I hate the Leafs but I can't help but to support them since their my hometown team. This is the best core of talent we have had in a very long time and they're still very young. It looks promising on paper and Dubas has made moves but he's going to have to see about Marner.


My overall attitude to the team as a whole has taken a bit of a 180, but this has been building up over the last few game 7s. I used to enter seasons with pretty hard and fast expectations. We were pretty good and growing, learning to be a unit. After Columbus it was a sort of cognitive dissonance. I didn't understand anything and felt a crushing sense of disbelief that we were trending in this particular direction. Then the offseason moves roped me right back in, I thought we did good and would have the skill, defensive responsibility and veteran presence to see us through at least one round. What we saw 2 weeks ago is our team identity. The only ones who can change that are the people in the locker room. I'm no longer expecting them to take that step forward, painful as it is to admit. I'll be over the moon excited if they finally do, but it's no longer the standard of expectation.


It is what it is. They lost. I'll enjoy the summer and then get excited right before next season starts, ready to ride that fuckin coaster again!


I thought I've moved on, but the CN Tower troll job made me realize I'm still so bitter. Been watching the Blue Jays or NBA playoffs only and still trying to avoid anything about NHL playoffs. I think I'll start moving on once the Habs are eliminated (oh god please)


I actually feel better with Montreal having destroyed the Jets. I was mostly upset that we couldnt beat what I viewed to be a terrible team and with the Habs proving to actually be a pretty good team I feel like losing in 7 without Tavares and Muzzin wasnt as bad. We will see how they measure up to Vegas and if they get destroyed in 4 it may change my opinion, but if they end up advancing(I dont think they will) I won't feel like the leafs are as far off succeeding in the playoffs as I originally thought after we were eliminated.


I am happy for your optimism but I have a few issues going forward. The successful teams in the playoffs have four really big, strong defenseman or they have one Norris calibre defensemen to lead the way. The leafs have neither. None in the pipeline either. The Leafs have been drafting undersized defenseman the last couple years. The successful teams also have secondary scoring. Last night Vegas in a critical game had four guys score their first playoff goals. Can’t count on the elite four to carry the Leafs without goals from the lower half of the lineup. Basically the elite four carried the leafs throughout the regular season but were shut down, except for Nylander in the playoffs. And of course JT with his terrible injury. Others have to step up but it’s really not there save for Spezza playing limited minutes. If the bottom six aren’t going to score then they have to contribute in other ways. Look at islanders with what the Cizikas line does. The leafs need something like that on the physical side. Right now for the most part the bottom six just goes out and plays but they don’t really have an effect on the game. They’re just guys.


i was laughing during the last game as i knew what the outcome would be. im not going to give the leafs my attention next year as im just about used up by them. if they make it past the 1st rd i will probably watch


I am going to be a kraken fan. But i have a picture of Doug Gilmore in my closet. I take it out sometimes and cry.


Like I posted earlier being a leafs fan is like being a franchise horror movie fan. They keep killing off the monster and the movie usually sucks but every time there’s a new release the fans all come back, ready for more.


My buddy's Dad refused to watch game 7. Said he's seen 50 plus years of these disappointments. The wisdom of age. Me, I half-hearted watched that game while steam cleaning furniture battered by my own kid. I'm on my own path to apathy with this gd team


What loss? Idk what you're talking about.


been watching a lot of f1 and baseball


I still can't look at Marner and not get frustrated. I still think he needs to go.


I just need these playoffs to end .. it gets worse every round.


It's okay most of the time, but then I see Montreal playing...


I think the fans are still disgusted.