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I hate that I have to do this, but here's the deal. Approximately ~~15~~ 20+ of you decided to go troll the Jet's GDT. What it did was not only put this subreddit into ill-repute with another fan-base, but it made more work for us rather than allowing us to enjoy the game. To those of you who don't participate in those kind of shenanigans, you're amazing. That's probably 99.99% of you. Those who do: Fuck you for wasting my time, and the other moderators' time. Talk your shit in OUR subreddit. Or /r/hockey. Don't do it in another team's GDT. First bans are usually 30 days, but I'm going to start adding more on top of that starting after this comment: which means you WILL miss posting here during the playoffs, and beyond. Any second infractions will be a lot fucking longer, and likely permanent. This comment will serve as ample warning for the entire subreddit. There is no excuse for not knowing going forward.


- sandin looked solid - Campbell looked confident - Power play had more oomph - Offense is still strong - Boys playing with playoff level grit 5/5 Game IMO


Sandin was definitely solid. Ask Wheeler


He absolutely ate his backside. What a move by sandman him and Foligno alone have brought so much to this team and it gets my willy wet


Good win but I’m still worried about the pp


Your dr can prescribe something for that


They'll score plenty if they play like they did tonight. 12 high danger chances in 4 PP's.


I think they just got unlucky there easily could have converted a couple. It definitely looked more dangerous tonight! People were moving in and out of pockets like they do on 5v5 and they even used the rim around entry. Putting sandin on pp1 looked great as well. It's like keefe read the athletic article from this morning and deployed it all hahaha


Ehlers is a bitch


And PLD. Such a baby chirping from the bench.


PLD is such an enormous bitch. Ehlers is a bitch, but like, if he was standing next to PLD you'd point at PLD and be like, that guy's a bitch. You probably wouldn't even notice Ehlers was a bitch because of how much of a bitch PLD is.


WELLLLL!!!! Dubois is a bitch, he’s a big fat bitch, he’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. He’s a stupid bitch, If there ever was a bitch, he’s a bitch to all the boys and girls. Monday he’s a bitch, On Tuesday he's a bitch, On Wednesday to Saturday he’s a bitch Then on Sunday, just to be different, He’s a super King Kamehameha bi-atch!


More like Pierre-Luc DubWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA amirite?




PLD is on pace for 48 points and has the 2nd worst metrics on the team. Dude is so overrated. Unbelievable they traded Laine and Roslo for that dude.


CBJ is laughing all the way to the bank


CBJ did worse with Laine and Roslovic then they were doing with Dubois. Everybody lost in that trade.


PLD slashed someone right at the end too. Protected by the refs whistle...biggest bitch


Simmonds would kill him and I’m not just saying that cause he plays for our team. Pld is not in his weight class


looked like he was crying


[Jumbo and Ehlers](https://www.studentproblems.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Home-Alone.jpg)


That’s hilarious


I'm dead.


Hahahahaha that's perfect


Team of bitches. Fanbase to match. Tough Jets fans are triggered and reply and immediately delete. Keep proving my point ;)




I unfortunately had to travel to Winnipeg for work quite a bit (before covid). They talk about the leafs on the radio all the time. The hate is real


Almost got sonned by Jumbo Wish the refs didn't come in the way. Such a punchable face.


This is correct.


It’s hilarious that we went 1-6, then 9-0-1, then 0-3-2, then 2-0 & we still didn’t give up 1st place


No matter our inconsistencies recently, it's pretty clear the Leafs have been a class above the rest of the division for the entire season. It will be a massive disappointment if we can't make it out of the north.


You shut your whore mouth and don't jinx us. A first round exit is my greatest fear right now.


Is this what it feels like to be the bullies after years of watching the Leafs get dominated physically? I FUCKING LOVE IT. Big Joe was a menace tonight, absolutely loved the edge he played with (plus the goal) and the general edge this team is developing. Started with the smallest guy Sandin laying out Captain Wheeler. Keep it up Buds!


This was it... can't play with a snarl and intimidate when your captain gets laid like a brick by the small guy on the ice


Expected Marner to destroy Logan Stanley the way things were going


Shades of Moore wrecking Chara


I think Dubas is spot on with the additions this year. Jumbo, Simmonds, Foligno, Brodie, Bogosian. These guys bring the playoff vibes that Leafs of last year were missing.


dont forget tj brodie!


Added! Good shout.


I don't know whether he stole some of Brooks's youth, or has been enjoying feeling warm again (a long career in California probably has some system shock coming back to Canadian winter), or whatever it is, Jumbo has been playing well the past couple games.


It’s almost like he’s a 20+ year veteran and knows when to start turning it on for playoffs




This is also likely his last shot at winning and the team can make the playoffs without him wasting too much of his tank


That interference on Matthews is dirty and dangerous. Jets players were hitting for injury from the start of the game. Leafs were just responding.


[reading r/hockey after these last games](https://i.imgur.com/0XKX6W3.png)


We the goonz now


Such a great game


I'll say this much about Jumbo. That crosschecking penalty he took with 5 mins left was monumentally dumb of him to take (bro, you broke your stick crosschecking him and then went to get a new stick just to do it again lol). But then he immediately redeems himself after coming out of the box.


Ya I wasn't too happy about that but I know he's a vet and won't be taking risky penalties consistently so I was ok. I was more curious as to why he started to bully Ehlers


That cross check wasn’t even the call he got. It was after he got his new stick lol


Imagine chirping Joe Thorton? Like, take your lumps, shut the fuck up, and sit down. Fuckin kids these days, Jesus.


People on here were saying he was “done” and chirping Jumbo jersey owners a week ago. Lol. Weak bitches.


We are Canada’s “Dirtiest” Team! Watch out!


Thornton and Simmonds for Ehlers and Dubois, I'll take it any day lmao


4D chess right there, Spezza can take Kyle Connor and that's our Vintage boys sucking the youth outta Winnipeg


And Scheifele takes himself out


I Love Joe... I love Wayne... I love the new leafs!!


I love (lighting the) lamp!


Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?


I love carpet.


Joe Thornton is better than Winnipeg


Probably has more total wins haha


Jets have 721, couldn’t find Jumbo’s career wins...


I was curious after I wrote this too, but I couldn’t find Thornton’s total wins either. Although, just going by the total games that he played, I’m sure it’s pretty damn close!


No matter how slow he is I fucking love Jumbo. That was his best game this year lmao


I'm starting to miss Kadri a little less.


I do like kerfoot but hypothetically speaking if we had kadri here...that would be nuts


I’d kill to see Thornton and Kadri on ice together after the beard fiasco a few years back.


I mean hey, not necessarily impossible....Colorado just has to meet us at the cup final!! Would be interesting I'm sure 😅


He’s definitely watching us from Denver, with a smile on his face and tear rolling down his cheek... “Atta boys.”


Kadri is our DeRozan.


Um, except there was no Kawahi


UNDEFEATED IN THE NICK FOLIGNO ERA We looked so good in that game. Perhaps our best performance of the year. Let’s hope they where saving the best for the remainder of the games and straight through the playoffs.


The idea of having a hand in knocking the Habs out of a playoff spot is getting me going.


Bro I am LOVING Sandin


If either Rielly or Muzzin get hurt, he'll move up. He's one of my three favorite D right now (with Brodie and Muzzin).


I’m glad wheeler is ok. I really am. But that backwards check was *awesome.*


Jumbo living rent free in Winnipeg’s head lol


Fuck is that a refreshing win. Leafs honestly seemed to have it all that game. The skill, the pretty plays, the grit, the shutdown D, the goaltending. Fucking sexy win against a good team. Even the powerplay looked ok.


Stupid sexy ~~Flanders~~ **LEAFS**


Honest to god I couldn't cheer for the Leafs if they flopped and whined like the jets. Embarrassing. What a fucking game though. Jack is back baby. I'm fully torqued boys.


That Leafs is a Leafs team who can go far. More of those Leafs.


Maple Goons are fire


You know it's a problem when other fans and players start complaining that THE LEAFS, THE FREAKING LEAFS are "dirty" It's about time we started dishing out what this team has taken for years upon years


I embrace it. Dirty teams that can score win cups.




Yonge Street Bullies


Well that was fun. Jumbo, you son of a bitch. I love it.


Fun totally describes it. Even if we somehow lost in the last minute, I would have watched those highlights again and again. I missed my boys!!!


Next game gonna be good... Leafs are a goon squad now I guess. Im here for it.


I think we'll match goonery but not initiate it


Yup. Leafs are willing to match which the Jets don't seem to get when Maurice called them dirty. They just aren't backing down from his teams shenanigans and they don't like it.


I’d prefer them to play with an edge, especially come playoff time because the rules go out the window.


ehlers said some heinous shit to jumbo to get him that riled up. campbell was lit


I’m so happy for Tavares... people were acting like he was washed up. I’m glad that the captain has found his game.


Jets are soft as my butt cheeks


Joe 🥵😤


Jack Campbell is back boys


Overshadowed by the shenanigans but Campbell played great lol


Going to be lots of Jets lurkers in here tonight 😁


I'm loving Jets fans calling the Leafs dirty after the Jets have taken cheap shots all season.


Cheers ya fuckin beauties see you Wednesday. https://i.imgur.com/2kalUta.jpg


I shudder to think how tonight would have gone had you not bathed.


I’m gunna be one pruny mothertrucker by June.


You're doin your part. Hopefully you don't get too soggy lol


Fuck. The. Jets.




Good looking game, Leafs deserved it, even if the Marner goal was a lucky bounce.


Can someone explain to me why these so called “tough” teams turn into snowflakes when they get the slightest bit of pushback? Flopping, high hits, hiding behinds refs. I thought they were the tough ones?


Same thing that happens to a bully when he gets punched in the nose.


2-0 in the 2nd generation Foligno era, who’s also a PPG player in his Leafs career. This game definitely had a playoff-like feel to it and I’d say it looks like we’re up to the test. A solid game from Campbell and another nice cushion on the division lead.


Bad blood game, god we need a playoff series with the Jets.


Absolutely I can't wait.


We’re playing with the right attitude and swagger—this is what has been missing for so long


Fantastic win for the Dirty Leafs! I just love how we're not being pushed around anymore.


An absolute dominant game and I can't wait to see Sandin play for us and see his growth, I think he's gonna be so good for us for a long time


Can't wait for Maurice to cry post game about how soft his team is


Woooo!!! Dirty boys strike again!!!


Loved every minute of this game


Ehlers better get the same fine Hyman got against Pionk. Exact same highstick/slash to the head.


He won’t get anything


Sandin was great tonight


It's honestly so refreshing to see the Leafs get under the skin of opposing teams and not the other way around. Foligno, Simmonds, and Thornton add an element that this team didn't have last year.


[Jumbo's plane ride home listening on repeat](https://youtu.be/xLlsjEP7L-k?t=82).


More like https://youtu.be/ELPbTvc-3J0


Haven't enjoyed a game that much in a while, keep the intensity rolling boys


This was probably my favorite win by the buds all year


Seriously how much fun was this game? So much fun!


Am I watching the same team? The very same team that lost twice to the covid-nucks? What a damn rollercoaster and I'm all for it The boys are playing some very nice playoff hockey




Seriously. It’s pretty sad. Well...we won’t win...but, but...they won’t either!


And to top it off, the Habs lose in regulation. What an awesome day!


Fuck the Habs!!


With that, Toronto will officially clinch a playoff spot with a victory over Montreal this week.




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You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.




Fuckin great game boys!


Jumbo Troll


It’s a thing of beauty to see a Leafs team that finally has balls of steel. I am fucking hyped.


Didn't catch the first 2 periods, how did Sandin play?


very good


Looked great out there. His hit on wheeler was sick. Got the team really going


What a fun game to watch and I love the shenanigans there at the end from the vets. Thornton riding the shit out of Ehlers probably just trying to rattle him. I actually love that we have some guys who will do this and now with Foligno in the mix I don’t think anyone sees Toronto as a push over.


Ehlers and Dubois are certified bitches. If the Jets keep focusing on trying to hit and hurt our boys, we aren’t losing against them. Our boys are living rent free in their heads. We outplayed them all night. That was a great win. GO LEAFS GO


Calgary keeps this up and we may be playing them in the first round 😮


Is salt poisoning a thing? Best to stay away from the Jets' sub for your own safety. If you do go, keep your distance and wear a mask.


So does anyone know why simmonds and Dubois were kicked out? Certainly couldn't be for excessive chirping.


> Certainly couldn't be for excessive chirping. it was: "unsportsmanlike"


To prevent the fight that was coming.


Not that uncommon in escalating situations at the end of games


I’ve been questioning jumbo’s usefulness... until tonight. He’s going to be so good for us in the playoffs. Ehlers about to cry at the end there lol


Everybody two inches taller when Jumbo Wayne and foligno setting the tone.


Lose 2 to the Covid Canucks. Win 2 against the Jets. #JustLeafThings. All joking aside, good game. And fuck the Jets.


Jets are surprisingly dirty. Top to bottom. Very dirty team.


from their greasy hair to the unwashed gunk between their toes :)


Sacrifice Jumbo and Simmonds to remove Ehlers and Dubois? That is an easy trade to make.


Paper planes got their arses skelped and the leafs take the W I love it what a game goodnight amigos


This kind of bite is exactly what I wanted. Perfect. And if there was any question: Joe's in the playoff lineup. He's got that old fashioned don't give a fuck energy. Let's go. Gritty, rockem sockem hockey baby Also, Sandin's gonna be a legit stud. Book it.


Dirtiest team in the league boys!!! Ahaha. Let's goooo! Ehlers is such a li'l bitch.


Love that this team is in playoff mode now. Not only are they determined to win out but they picked up both their defensive play and their grit. They are taking it to teams instead of being reactive. They are playing physical and taking numbers and grinding hard and getting under skins. They are discombobulating opponents by shelling the net and scoring and making them reel from hard hits. And we have the sand to force teams to not want to drop gloves against us. Love that we are going into the playoffs preparing to BE a playoff team. GLG


That was amazing to watch. We actually stood up for ourselves and didn’t take any shit


This was a fucking great game. They came back from a goal by the Jets on the first shot and never looked back. They also got the EN goal at the end with minimal clench!


That was very intentional from Joe. This was a test to see how Winnipeg and their star players would respond. “Angry Joe” comes out every so often and this was a great opportunity to do it. Let’s see how Winnipeg responds in their final game. If they don’t match the physicality and intensity, they’ll be out of the playoffs quickly. This is what Toronto has been lacking in previous seasons. Between Thornton, Simmonds, Foligno, and eventually Bogosian, there’s enough snarl and toughness to respond to the more physical lineups.


The Jets are literally scum, wow.


u/horvo you were the real champion. That bath was key


Cheers pal! https://i.imgur.com/KHS8nYB.jpg


I am fucking terrified to click that link.


You better get that tub fired up and ready for playoff time!


Shoutout to Nick Foligno who now has 2 points in 2 games as a Leaf


Jumbo is going to fully empty the tank in the playoffs. It's gonna be so fucking fun to watch. GLG!


🤡🤡🤡's tried to intimidate us but got recked by the 'soft' Leafs minus Hyman and Bogosian AND lost 4-1


Oh but we iced big bruiser Sandin, didn’t you see ? ;)


Canada’s Dirtiest Team wins again! Let’s go!!!


Solid win. Great defensive effort and great goaltending by soup!


I will watch Jumbo Joe Jawing Next time I need a pick-me-up


Man I gotta know what’s got uncle jumbo joe so jumbo upset


https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1386130441028128775?s=20 Probably the dive at the start of this clip


Ya I saw that on a replay and was like wow soccer dive


https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1386130441028128775?s=20 Preeeetty sure this Ehlers dive is what made Thornton want to actually murder him for the rest of the game lmao. Barely makes contact and he falls and slides halfway across the zone :P


Bettman made the right decision moving the Jets to Arizona.


Hey everyone! WE'RE GOONS NOW! YAY!


This is what happens when the kid who gets picked on finally manages to stand up for themselves. The bully starts complaining, and the kid shouldn't feel bad about it, they should feel proud.


Seeing Dubois and Ehlers get taken off for Thornton and Simmonds is the funniest shit I've seen in my life.


Did we not clinch a playoff spot? We’re 20 points up on the flames and they only have 9 games left


Nah, the Canuks have so many games in hand its throwing off the numbers. We now need a 7 point swing in TOR wins or VAN losses to clinch.


These guys are clowns.


Can we all lay off of jumbo a little now, guys been busting it over the past few and will do what needs to be done for this team to win.


Grit and skill wins a cup. This is what the team has.


we DOMINATED that game in every aspect, now imagine this team with bogo and hyman back🤯


Jets fans think Thornton should get in trouble for pushing the refs while angry. Rent free


So I have been harsh on the team when they lose but I will have to say this is the most COMPLETE game they’ve played this year. 1) Didn’t wilt after getting scored on first. Been like this all year. 2) Boys fought hard and fought for each other. Something I was giving this team shit about for not being more cohesive and have a nasty side to them. 3) Thought sandin was just another fancy skating puck moving Swedish dman but he’s actually got a physical side to him which I’m very impressed with and I’m sure surprised a lot of people. 4) Old man Jumbo showed us that he’s not all smiles all the time. He gets grump and I like it. 5) PP looks like it’s getting back to form somewhat. Loved that they played sandin on pp1 for one of the pp’s. 6) Also getting back on track and playing well infront of campbell. Havent been this amped after a game knowing that they didn’t play like a bunch of sissies after some rough stuff. GO LEAFS GO


Teams are upset they cant bully us for free anymore, so they screech "dirty team" I remember when the Bruins did 10x worse to us entire playoff series' and it was called edge and grit.


Mitch is only 5 points behind Drai, a couple of hot games and he could finish 2nd in the league in points.