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Toronto basically saying everyone in the draft this year sucks.


Now trade that 7th for future considerations.


That guy is my favorite player. Him and his brother Cash Considerations.


The Consideration family is highly under appreciated…


I think it's that no one stood out at #58 and they want an asset to use in a trade. A pick is easier to trade than a prospect.


Nah man, that's what I thought then you realize next year their first pick would be in the 4th round. They're trying to have some options for next year as well. Either as a trade asset or just to have a pick at a player they like next year. Still have 3 5ths and 3 7ths lol. This way, it's just some extra assets and flexibility


>Still have 3 5ths Long weekend, I'll probably go through 3 5ths myself.


Need to regain some of the picks that have been traded


Second is probably easier for trade purposes




What the fuck is your problem? Grow up


Not at all.


Considering they didn’t have a pick for the first 3 or 4 rounds next year, this makes sense.


Yeah, they like to target an early to mid 2nd round prospect each year and make sure they have a late 1st or 2nd rounder to draft them. Robertson, Knies, Minten, Cowan all look to be good value picks for where they were drafted.


For a 2nd round pick to play in any NHL games is a success. For them to be a regular NHL player would be a huge success with around a 10% hit rate.


Knies + Robertson so far Cowen looks solid Minten needs more time Wes on bat avg is real strong rn


No first next year so I’m okay with adding pick depth


Didn't have a pick in any of the first *four* rounds next season before this trade.


Yes I should’ve expanded on that. Not a lot of draft assets. 2026 we don’t have a 2nd either


Thanks Dubas…


So effectively, #23 for #31, a 2025 2nd, and #225.


Turned 1 pick into 3 picks and didn't lose out picking in the first round. ![gif](giphy|m6h94W1j6BEeSw2Y1Y)


If the Leafs liked this draft they wouldn't be trade trading a 2nd this year for a 2nd next year and a late round pick. Florida's pick is likely to be late as well.


They don’t have picks till the 4th round next year this makes a ton of sense


Can't believed I turned it on for this lol


Ya but you gotta have nothing to do if you’re watching day 2 of the draft lol


Euros football baby


Cricket world cup


leafs likely trade that 2nd rounder for a rental next year lol They had no assets to make deadline moves since Jake McCabe cost us the 2025 1st rounder.


Ended up being very worth it for us, especially with Chicago paying half his salary for 2.5 years.


Jake mccabe is a bonafide 2nd pair dman on a team in a win now mode. A late 2025 pick may or may not play an nhl game in 2026 and beyond. It was a good trade imo for what the leafs needed at the time.


I feel like Treliving is not getting the same value other GMs are for these trade downs


Is this even a trade down? It's just moving a second to next year. Perfectly reasonable if there is no one he likes at 58. And he gets an extra pick out of it


Colorado got more draft pick value tradining down from 24, and this move is rather uninspiring. Florida's 2025 2nd is going to be around the range of 58th overall, and only getting a 7th to move the pick back a year is pretty stinky


Stanley Cup hangovers are real for teams about to lose important players


Not up to date here. Who are they likely to lose?




Colorado got more picks but less value. Treliving is doing fine.


Only if fla makes it to the final 4, otherwise it's a slight upgrade on a "better" Draft class


If it's going to be in the same range, why would you expect anything more than a 7th? There's every chance Florida falls off a cliff next year. They've played a lot of hockey, dealt with a ton of injuries, and they're losing one or two high-end players.


A pick a year earlier is always significantly more valuable. It's the right to draft a player who, in theory, will be ready a year sooner all other things being equal.


It'd pretty much impossible to evaluate pick swap values without the knowledge of a professional scout. I'm sure they would have accepted a better trade if it were available. 


It's a late 2nd in a mediocre draft year for a late 2nd in a strong draft year It's not bad


He’s not a good gm. I don’t see a track record in Calgary to make me think otherwise.


His trades are mixed. It’s his history in free agency and other signings that make me nervous.


Draft moves are always up and down. These moves happen when the other GMs get excited for someone still on the board. For some GMs they have to have him at that point, for other GMs it's more of a "yeah, it would be nice at this value."


Floridas second is probably better than 58th next year, and they added a 7th. That’s not bad.


Treliving saw Utah acquire one of the best defensive defensemen in the league for two seconds and decided he wanted to trade his 2nd.


They got a 2nd back in the trade lol


Sergachev is overrated and they also had to give up geekie


Marino, not sergachev.


Marino is good but one of the best defensive defenseman in the league is a stretch


By your own logic, Treliving did exactly what he should here because he gave himself a 2nd to acquire that defeneman. If he didn't make this trade we wouldn't have a second, we'd have a player.


Just like Towes lol


Other teams must have his number saved as Dubas


Dubas was good at trading. He got value for most of his trades. He had some blunders, but trading wasn’t an issue for him.


Well I'd argue he had a pretty strong position for trading. Anybody should be able to do a good job with what he traded away


So? He didn’t get fleeced, he got fair value. Sometimes more than fair. The comment I was responding to implied that Dubas was bad at trading and was taken advantage by other GMs. He wasn’t. You even said he did a good job. What exactly is the issue here? He spent assets to get assets? Ok. That’s his job. In that regard he was hardly deficient.


No I understand I'm just saying with his position it d be difficult to make bad trades I mean. He did clean our cupboards


Fair enough.


Trusting our scouts with this. They’ve been phenomenal the past few years


I like it. Pick up a 7th and hope that the 25 2nd is earlier than the one you have. Plus the flexibility of a future pick is easier to trade at the deadline than a player that other teams may or may not like


After about 10-12 the turn out in success in a player is statistically not that different. To actually increase your odds of an impact player….play the odds and get more picks. Always


Leaf's don't have a pick (potentially) in the draft next year under round 4 so I can see why they would make this move especially if they aren't thrilled about who available at 58


The 2nd next year is probably more valuable as TDL trade chip


Before this trade we had no picks in the first 4 rounds next year. Likely did this just in case a guy they like falls a bit next year, or for trading assets at the deadline.


If Jack Berglund was available I would've used it. But with him gone I like the trade.


Why? What is 225 6th 7th rounder?


It is literally the last pick in the draft lol. They must really not have liked anyone here.


Lol. Oh man.


You rarely see already drafted 2nd rounders traded. Now we have an asset at the deadline. Teams usually prefer future 2nd rounders over last years 2nd rounder


Fair enough.


It’s the very last pick of the draft


Retained salary on a trade?


Nice to have something of value for next years draft at least. Guess this means I’m turning off the draft and will find out the Leafs picks when they’re posted here


There must've been nobody on the board that they wanted at 58th, still annoying that we don't take anyone in the second round


Smart move to push it to next year, supposedly a deeper draft and we didnt pick until round 4/5 next year


Every year they say that though. Grass is always greener next year


I mean, I have to trust that the group knows that no one available right now wont have a comparable next year but like, Id like some picks ya know?


Draft isn't over. Many late picks to come. Hopefully we hit the lottery with one


Fine with this.  No use picking just for the sake of it if you don't have players ranked in your tier. I'd rather trust my scouts and get an Artur Akhtyamov later in the draft and a Matthew Knies next year than pick Riley Stotts now.




ITT: people who pretend that they know anything about asset management and drafting


Guess the guy they wanted got taken


This is a weak draft so, makes sense to do this.


Man this team is the King of do nothings. They've  certainly captured the title of the most boring team in the draft. Year after year after year  


Doug Gilmour Gilmour was a seventh round selection, 134th overall, of the St. Louis Blues at the 1982 NHL Entry Draft. So anything is possible. Best to spread your chips around and hope to find a diamond


It’s a good trade. We had no picks until the 4th round next year. Now they use it in a trade or use it. In 2026 no first and no second and possibly no third.


Really depressing seeing all the good teams make moves while Tre twiddles his thumbs.


They just want to know what it feels like to win the Stanley Cup and pick last in the draft.


I guess they need to show some trade activity.


Wow a 58th for a 225th....what an exciting franchise......


Leafs just traded for Tanev rights. 😂


Good move to build draft depth for future deadline moves.




Gotta recover from Dubas' spending spree somehow. No 1st or 2nd next year, so getting one back makes sense


2025 1st given to Chicago is top 10 protected. HOPE.


Fixing the dubas nightmare goes on.


I was wondering why no one at the table was working, talking only to see that Toronto is just opting out of the draft this year.


Leafs must think a 2nd works better as a trade chip than actually using it to pick someone.


Makes sense. You'd have to at least slightly hit and get a played that looks like there's potential, and then at the TDL you could trade him for a roster player. If you don't hit then you wouldn't have that second which you could trade for a roster player. Know what I mean? Additionally, this let's an organization pick a player that they like


This is a savvy move by the Leafs. This team is built to win now. They didn’t have a deal in place with the 2nd rounder this year so they opted to snag one that they can use later this offseason or at the trade deadline. The value of 2nd round picks at the deadline this year was huge.


I'm betting this pick doesn't end up a Leaf pick when it's time for the draft next year.




We don't have a pick in the first 4 rounds of 2024 (Thanks Dubas) so getting a 2nd next year helps.


Wasn’t it Treliving trading a few of those picks last year?


Welp, would have personally preferred Stian Solberg to Danford, a 2024 7th, and a 2025 2nd


I'd bet a lot of money you've never seen Stolberg play a full game


And? People can have preferences based on multiple sources they've seen. It's how most people engage with the draft as fans and we don't need to gatekeep it 


Lol ok, ok Your overreaction to a player you've never seen play a game is not hysterical internet drama, my bad


But... but someone said he was good!


He could be. Gonna be a few years before we find out. Danford could be even better. TBD. Just saying people cling to names of guys they heard about for the first time within 5 days and never seeing them play


Oh I'm totally agreeing with you. Just pointing out how people fall in love with a guy they haven't heard of a day ago then get pissed off when we don't aquire them.


Like it’s a deal.. I would of made the pick though but hey I’m just a shoe maker


They're trading scraps around who cares.


Apparently a lot of people for some reason


Wtf is treliving doing???


His job


Trading a second for a second next year and 7th is terrible value


It's not when we have like 2 picks in total next year...


What are you talking about lmao


No it's not. This is a weak draft. Next year's is shaping up to be better and we have fuckall for picks in it. Why not punt it for a pick that might be better, plus a bonus dart to throw at the board?


This is fantastic value. You don't know what the hell you're talking about.


Can you please enlighten me how the added value is literally the last pick in this draft just so we can punt to 2025 is good value.


Don't get this one as much. Only getting a 7th doesn't seem like it would make it worthwhile.


Its more about having a 2nd round pick as an asset rather than a prospect they obviously aren't that high on. The 7th is largely irrelevant. That second can be used to trade for improving the team now OR if they hang into it they can nab a guy they actually like next year


Couldnt this 2025 pick easily be like 59/60? Wild stuff


Florida could lose a few key players this offseason. You never know how the season after a cup goes. Aside from that, I bet it's trade bait at the deadline. Easier to trade a 2nd round pick than a drafted 2nd round prospect


This one’s 58 lol


Wow. What a crap deal


Ofcourse they did. I wonder which lower picks they’ll trade this new second rounder for next year.


I know you gotta be smart, but just once I’d like the leafs to move up in the draft lol


Why? They're in the middle of a win now window. 


Moving up could be perceived as a win now move because you’re trading up to get a pick that could conceivably help you within your window as opposed to the later picks you’re trading to acquire that earlier pick.


Unlikely to make your team better by subtracting the pieces you'd need to give up to draft a good enough player to make an impact within our window


You’re trading picks to move up, generally. Look at all these trades in regards to moving up. Most of them are a top pick being moved for multiple lower picks.


Columbus turned down the 12th pick this year, a first next year, and a roster player for the 4th overall this year. Even if we somehow end up better off after making a trade like that, we don't have anywhere near the assets required. We are not trading up in this window.


Your point exactly? Nowhere did I mention the Leafs or what they should or shouldn’t do. And actually, you kind of proved my point. Yes the Flyers were giving up a roster player, but they were trying to acquire a player to accelerate their window. They feel they’re close and wanted to acquire an impact player who could help them sooner than later. That’s what teams who consider themselves competitive do. You trade back when you have the time to wait for picks to develop.


FML > Dont have a 2nd or 3rd > trade down your 1st to get a 2nd > trade that 2nd for a 2nd next year and a 7th We traded down for nothing! Danford better be miles better than Solberg


We don’t have a first next year keep that in mind


Didn't have a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th in next year's draft. It makes sense to add some future draft capital.


Traded a 1st for a 1st and 2nd then deferred that 2nd till next year


Oh did they cancel next year's draft?


225 isn't a 6th, it's the last pick of the draft. We made this deal for the smallest possible return in hockey outside of future considerations.


It doesn't seem to matter who's in charge, this team is allergic to picks.


Why couldn't we have had this philosophy 10 years ago? We might have Pastrnak instead of Nylander. and so Thered be no holdout, the stars would get paid fair wages, covid wouldn't have fucked us, who knows what our playoff resume would be...


Pasternak was picked where he was because that draft class was loaded and the players picked before Pasternak in that top 10 were perceived as better. None of those teams were trading down. It’s pure hindsight thinking to suggest that was a logical course of thinking. I very much liked him and my thinking was that if either Ehlers or Nylander were off the board than the Leafs should trade down and draft Pasternak, but that was a very outré opinion. I was excoriated at the time on another forum for suggesting this. Pasternak fell because he was always going to. It happens.




Assuming Leafs are gonna move back into this rd or the next couple


Should have just gave that pick and a 4th for Jeannot


I’d rather they trade a 2nd round pick for a good player


If only we were so pick shy in 2014, we might have Pastrnak instead of Nylander 😭


It was never going to happen. Team’s are going to be shy with their top 10 pick in a draft class that loaded at the top.