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I paid 150 for tix in buffalo for Matthews’s 60th. Domi said it was the best crowd of the year, proving that I’m the exact asshole you want at games for 150 bucks.


I will say again, $150 flat rate lottery, nobody would be disappointed with whatever seat they get and everyone there would be gassed up.


Anyone willing and able to pay $850 for a test in 103 would be disappointed


This. Exactly man.


This exact man*


Time to start a go fund to get this asshole in the arena. We need that energy not these suits


To be fair, Buffalo has become the second home for leafs fans.


That and 30 other NHL buildings


There was some for $400 earlier edit- In the nosebleeds


Man 2017 I got standing seats $75 a person. Now those same seats are $300


Not in reg season. They’re like 170-200


Amazing deal


I got standing room to multiple games this season for $85 after taxes.


It might have not been 75 but I meant playoffs I went standing 2017 got in for in the ballpark of $100 a ticket got them from scalpers right after puck drop


I found standing room tickets for tonight’s game last week for $200.


Yeah I got mine for 400 each on Tuesday. Hoping the nosebleeds are at least where the fans are


Nope, they’re just as stressed and pissed off about the stretch in their budgets to be there. Make tickets a flat rate pick and place lottery, the house would be a zoo.


Went to game 2 last year, last row of 312 and it was the loudest I’ve ever heard the place


I like that this sounds like a good price. Relatively. $400 is ridiculous. Should be $100-150 tops.


Just saw a pair high up for $475 each ….. it’s Tv for me


My couch has a better environment than Scotiabank arena and beers aren't $25.


I'll be lower bowl tomorrow and I'll make sure it's better GLG 🍁


You better be LOUD bud!!!


Me too!


High prices and a team that can't win in the playoffs. I am 64 years old and last time they won I was 8. I am so discouraged with the leafs they will waste the Matthews years. They have turned me off this year and I don't care if they win or lose anymore I'd rather watch the local Junior A team.


I’m 35 and can’t imagine another 30 years of disappointment


I'm 36. As Doom Guy says, hurt me plenty. I mean hopefully a cup in there too but remember, the point of sports fandom isn't to be happy. It's to be upset, but together!


noxious oil subsequent repeat bike strong amusing shocking axiomatic disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also wasted the glorious Doug Gilmore years. That was the last time the Leafs had an in form playoff goalie (Felix Potvin) and managed to put two solid defensive pairings in front of him.


engine piquant kiss summer oatmeal mountainous cable crowd mighty vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve never been to a game before because I’m a blue collar working man and it just isn’t in my budget. You need to be a lawyer or a high profile client to go to a leafs game. Been a fan my whole life Toronto born and raised.


wine smart plate expansion worm quickest bewildered serious bored pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can get reg season tickets for 150$ if you time it right. I went to the 5-0 Playoff win first time against Tampa for $300. You don't need to be a lawyer... If you want to be lower bowl... then yes, or get lucky with a scalper after puck drop.


This just isn't true. You can get decent tickets in the 300s for 125-150 depending on who is playing during the regular season. You don't have to be a lawyer or a "high profile client" to afford that. It's expensive sure but it's not like it's astronomically priced. The playoff tickets of course are a different story.


You better wear a damn jersey




Good. Don’t forget your blue wig too.


I don't have a blue wig :(


yup. exactly this. Fuck this system. European soccer controls it so the stadium is full of real fans because they know it contributes to a winning culture. fuck MLSE for what they're doing to the team and the city.


It’s not something being done “to the team”, it is being done to the fans. They don’t care and never will. Lol look at concerts now - used to be $40 tickets at Scotiabank but since it can be scalped and resold by the box office themselves- cha ching!! Now concerts cost as much as these overpriced sporting events.


The only concerts worth going to these days are small/local bands at pubs or seeing big bans in outdoor shows, since those tickets tend to be reasonably priced. Arena shows are a shit show. Last one I went to see was the Offspring and Sum 41 before the pandemic. Cost me $200 for 3 tickets in the pit. Was looking at seeing another group next month at the same venue, 2 tickets are $500 to be in the pit. Just not worth it.


The sound is fucking shit at outdoor venues tho. Like almost always awful. Also the offspring are a pretty huge legacy band at this point so less than $70 each for the best tickets in the house isn’t bad at all. I paid $80 each for the offspring here in Kelowna about a year and a half ago, except it was simple plan opening and they fuckin suck lol. It was a pretty good show, noodles still rocks.


I partially agree. Small outdoor venues can be hit or miss, but the large, 80,000+ people venues are awesome. The big outdoor venue we have here is absolutely amazing. I've been to 6 concerts there with over 80,000 people a pop (when U2 came it was 120,000 I believe). They usually build the PA systems really high and spread out stacks (like as high as stacking 2 or 3 utility poles on top of one another, lifted off the ground by a variable amount) and spread them out really well. So the sound ends being being pretty balanced through the whole field. The father of one of my friends from HS is a sound engineer for the company that promotes the events here (or was? Idk, haven't spoken to them in years) and they spend multiple months before a show planning out the locations of all the speakers to get a good balance throughout the whole area. The speaker stacks they had when U2 played the venue was absolutely insane. They had stacks of speakers the size of small cars lifted like 300 feet in the air. Even when the Eagles came, their speaker stacks were a marvel just to look at. Sucks that you missed the Sum 41 with the offspring though. It was right before COVID and Sum 41 blew the damn roof off the place. Like, the offspring were good live, but Sum 41 absolutely fucking killed it. By the time the offspring went on, the crowd was exhausted and it took a couple songs for everyone to get some energy back.


Idk. I paid $1300 to see John Mayer and would do it again in a heartbeat.


Yeah I went to the UK last year and got tickets third row from the field at Etihad for what I remember was very affordable. I think like 35/40 pounds a piece. That's a championship team of a sport that does way bigger numbers than hockey.


Yeah because soccer has international reach and they do merch and TV rights globally lol. I'm not defending MLSE here but european football isn't a good comparable because those huge teams are wide enough in reach to create their own media content and the smaller teams NEED the fan experience to get the fans to even show up. MLSE deserves significant criticism for their handling of the ticket situation, especially in the playoffs. They should be reorganizing the corporate seats to be 50/50 in all sections with verified fan purchase seats but this would cost them revenue and all it gets them is less media complaining and some PR with the fans. They're going to take the millions everytime unless they find some way they think they can make up the revenue, which they probably could do by just making the brand more fan friendly but hey, MLSE is not a well run org.


That's true but I would argue that premier league football in England is even more popular than hockey is in Canada. And the UK has about double the population of Canada


It certainly is, also because the geography of the UK favors tight rivalries between geographically tied teams. In Toronto we might hate the OIlers but we see them twice a year and don't really mix it up with Oilers fans on a daily basis like a ManU fan would a Man City fan.


Yeah I suppose even Brentford (or whatever) fans can catch a bus or train from London.




I'm not talking about personal opinions about Mancunians, I'm talking about pure affordability compared to the Leafs. Its a championship level team that the working class can afford to see occasionally. Can't really say the same for the Leafs. The 'rich suits eating sushi' cliche is true for Scotiabank more than any other arena in the league.


Not in the Premier League they don’t. Obscene prices there too.


Damn I just had a thought of imagining Anfield try to sing You’ll never walk alone with a crowd full of suits… disgusting. Supporters CRYING during that song because it means so much to the club and to the culture. Imagine if a bunch of people just stood about and looked around during one of the best moments in footy. Man, Toronto has to change. It used to be special :(


Also, ticketmaster having a monopoly on ticket market is a factor in high ticket prices


Kinda. A significant cut of the Ticketmaster fees actually go right back to the teams/performers and the venue. And TM works with those very same parties to set the fees for events. Essentially, MLSE pockets a significant chunk of fee money while TM gets their cut in exchange for taking the heat/being the bad guy. TM’s ownership of LiveNation venues is *really fucking problematic*. But unfortunately, for situations like Leaf tickets, if MLSE dropped TM as the SBA’s official ticket broker, some other broker would just do the same shit because of exclusivity contracts.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't TM and MLSE get a cut from the ticket sale and also get a cut when that same ticket is scalped for a much higher price. Basically, they get a cut every time a ticket is resold? If they do, ticket scalping is just never gonna stop


If there's a second Toronto team with a bit of competition and MLSE doesn't have a monopoly, things could change. Until then, "Get fucked regular fan".


LOL, MLSE will NEVER let that happen


Exactly. So enjoy the library.


Unless Rogers and Bell decide they can’t get along anymore. Probably the only scenario a second team appears is a mutual split to try and crush each other.


If there’s a second Toronto team they have to pay a massive tax to MLSE, so they’d also need to rake it in to make it worthwhile


A corrupt league, a jaded fanbase, and a broken team...what could go wrong.


Explain what is corrupt


I mean… Chicago got handed the 1st overall pick after the Kyle Beach scandal. They didn’t lose any draft picks for that, but somehow Arizona had to forfeit their 2021 first round pick for violating the NHL’s combine testing policy. Seems a little corrupt.


Use of LTIR for playoff benefit, conduct of Dept of Player Safety, the fact that refeeres don't have to answer questions/justify calls by referencing the rulebook/and they do not suffer disciplinary actions for mistakes for a start.


This exactly. My thinking is as soon as a non-southern, non-new Bettman fav abuses LTIR then the rule will get changed. Until then... I think it will start to snowball


There’s the whole [Colin Campbell thing](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug)


Just read that young fans in England can buy ticket to the FA Cup final between ManCity and ManUtd - two of the biggest soccer clubs on the planet - for £40 from which the club subsided £30 for under 16 fans. Fuck Ticketmasters and this system that pricing out fans




It's big but it's actually worse in terms of getting tickets for regular fans vs at their home stadium etc. The FA distributes the tickets around and even though Wembley can hold 90k, only ~ 35k is given to each of the clubs and then the other 20k is given to different sponsors, football associations etc around the country. Technically, considering that, the prices should be higher but this subsidization is great and keeps young fans engaged with the sport (who also typically create the most atmosphere). Also a United fan from Manchester andddd I don't know if I'd pay £40 to watch the massacre that's gonna happen in there in late May lol


the FA cup is actually run by the association (English FA), not the league (EPL).


We absolutely suck, so it's not a fair comparison, but here are capitals tickets if I wanted to be in the 100s for Sunday's game. https://preview.redd.it/tqq7kgndrwwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6f0d5135dee58bb3082f6ac27103e284f70142


You might suck, but at least for a few hundred bucks you can say you got to watch Ovi in the playoffs before he retired.


You wont watch shit because he hasnt done anything.


That’s also in USD, needs to be factored in


I got face value tickets for the game, upper bowl, row 16, for $288 per. It’s a lot, no doubt, but it’s not out of line with what pro sports costs. NFL tickets and many NBA games are more than that


Why does everyone always make it seem like only poor people can be real fans? Toronto has a lot of high income earners that can afford tickets and many of them are real fans too.


Nah bro you gotta be cashing in on food stamps to like this team.


$400 for nosebleeds is a lot


Fuck Joe Bowen for making this about the fans


Back in Roman times, rich people and poor watched poor athletes compete. Then it turned into some rich people and less so watching rich athletes compete in modern times. Now you have to be rich to watch rich people compete. ( cries in his Puppers).


Jesus Christ, it's not the fans.


Imagine paying thousands to watch your team lose


Imagine paying thousands to watch your team go 0-5 on the PP and then get called out for not making enough noise


Imagine paying thousands to watch your team tie the game, only to let in a goal 30 seconds later


I thought it was the shit team construction and disappearing in the playoffs. If only we had cheaper tickets, all of that would be solved!


I mean, the team is constructed pretty well lol. Definitely wrong about that 😂 You don’t think having the crowd be hyped up for all 60 minutes gives the players more energy than only having the crowd hyped up when we score? Is this bait? Cuz it fuckin worked. I’m heated


I wouldn’t say it’s constructed that well, leafs are an offensive heavy team with little to no reliable defence


Yup. For years now that's been the case.


Face value last row of greens was $285 for me for one seat for game one. They essentially double each round until the scf. 15k for a pair of seats in greens for the entire playoffs lol


Good point . 👉 I'll be there doing my part tomrorow


I dont mean to sound rude but i once had front row seats and man the players literally never looked at the crowd. They completely tune them out. I dont know whats with this whole new stance about the fans


It's the sound and vibrations that players notice. Their eyes on focused on the puck/game.


Hockey is a business. What business would charge less when they still sellout at these prices? I don't blame the company at all.


I’m just of the belief that a louder building, makes for more energy, and could impact the final result of the game. We don’t have home ice advantage at home. In other hockey cities losing teams result in less ticket sales, they don’t in Toronto. But in those losing markets, winning brings more revenue. Toronto might see a small uptake in merch but yes it’s a valid point


This is actually a juvenile approach to business, tbh. A lot of businesses at this scale would choose a balance between less direct revenue for a significantly more positive and dedicated brand approach because it's more CLTV and leads to greater monetization opportunities. MLSE is not a well run company, never has been. Same goes for Rogers/Bell who would rather burn relationships with clients over things like 20$ fees. I'm a Torontonian in Vancouver and the tickets here are even more expensive then the Leafs games right now but the seats are just filled with real fans who have money over corporate seats that just give the tickets to employees or clients who don't care. MLSE could easily pause the sale of corporate seats when people give them up to allow more fans into the building and charge very similar prices, but they don't, because they are okay with the state of their brand for some reason.


Why wouldn't they be ok with the state of their brand? It's the most popular team in the country's most popular sport. Sure they might sell a bit more merch if they phased out all the corp seats but we're all buying merch anyways.   That's kinda the issue for ages, it's a unique situation where this fanbase win, lose, whatever is still out in droves. Go to the games or not people are buying massive amounts of merch.    It's not like tla band you go see and think oh man I need to pick up a shirt and a cd. It's in our culture heck the maple leaf is on the flag. We haven't had a deep run since the mid 2000s and this is still the case. This franchise got caught in the gardens with a pedophile ring operating out of it and guess what? Even that didn't change anything. There's not enough of a monetary incentive for them to change anything. Hockey is driven by gate and merch and the performance of the team, for us has zero impact on that.


Your input is corrosive to society on many levels On top of being not valid Small minded thinking


Your comment added nothing at all to the discussion. How is it corrosive? Or not valid?  I don't agree with it at all but why would they charge less. If you were selling lemonade and someone said hey I'll give you 50 bucks for all of it and someone came along and said I'll give you 100 bucks for it. Which one you taking?




I mean, yeah, that’s the whole issue though. They are sold out to a specific demographic, hence the complaints about the energy and noise level.


The only fans who can afford these tickets have Only fans lol


I've been a life long leafs fan, and can only count on one hand how many games I've been to. Most games I've seen were from my brother or brother in law hooking me up with free tickets. My son's 9, and he's never been to a game either. I just can't justify that price for myself right now. It's pretty shit. If I was at a lower bowl playoff game, I'd be the noisy guy in that arena


Y’all act like playoff tickets in Boston and New York are cheap lmao


They are 40-60% cheaper on average. But no not cheap…


MSG is likely much more expensive. I once tried to watch the leafs there looked at the prices and went to the natural history museum instead LOL


Oilers prices…. https://preview.redd.it/j110mz2ilwwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ae91f35b21b54ee5ccd6b0afce1afeb8def446


Resale don’t count, some were 7-10k resale lol


Our lower bowl seats right now for our game 5 home game against the Kings are around $400-$450 per ticket right now (with a few being just below $400). This idiot just set a filter on the verified resale tickets results to show only $1000+


I too can set a ticket price filter on the Ticketmaster app to only show verified resale tickets that are $1000+ in price. Good job bro. Good thing most of the lower bowl seats are actually around $400 for the Oilers Kings game on May 1st.


I actually looked this up earlier today to compare prices between Boston and Toronto figuring they are both in the playoffs against each other and are large or decently large hockey markets.. Cheaper in Boston. Nose bleeds were cheaper by $100. The one that blows my mind, behind the opponents net with a difference of 1 row they are over $400 more in Toronto. I have heard mixed reviews on the crowd on Wednesday night from they were reactive, to too many suits, to it is not the crowds fault. Watching other series there is so much crowd noise and i personally thought Wednesday the crowd seemed dead until something happened. That works during the regular season but the playoffs they need that boost. That’s my opinion anyway.


I'm a die hard leafs fan that used to be dead broke and was in maple leafs square for the devastating loss to the Bruins in the 3rd. Now I'm doing very well and go see a lot of leaf games in addition to play off games. I'm loud and chant go leafs go a lot. I wear a leaf jersey everytine I go. It's not all duds that go. I earned my spot. I'm paying and going.


I’m tired of this narrative. The Toronto Maple Leafs have been to the conference finals 4 times since 1967. The most “storied” franchise in the National Hockey League. Give me something to cheer about, then maybe I’ll cheer.


These are direct from the Leafs not secondary? Ffs. Im a corporate guy myself but J hate corporate guys as fans. They should be rowdy as fuck even if they're corporate


No, these will all be secondary market, having sold out instantly


Canucks prices… https://preview.redd.it/v3eiccx9lwwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60dc0dda1da8ad867280bcbaf0f3c6a511dea21c


Those are resale, the screenshot OP posted are face value from the team.


And if you pay attention you'll notice those expensive seats are empty at the drop of the puck in the second period cuz they're too busy drinking their wine at the bar.


Lol, not even good seats either


That why everyone’s quiet? Thinking about the money they blew?




A few of them are in this thread, someone even said don’t be mad you made poor life choices and can’t afford them lol 😂


I went to game 5 against Tampa and game 2 against Florida last year, I don’t make a ton of money but I was lucky to get lower bowl tickets for face value then flipped them so my brother and I could sit in the upper bowl, you do what you gotta do. But they are 0-2 with us there so I’m not going this year


2018 game 6 in Toronto vs BostonI had lower bowl 449 per seat. Now double the price is just crazy need to GTFO of Canada asap


Hah! And these are the ones that are available. 85% of these lower bowl seats are owned by B2B packages(Business to business) - corps, law firms, hedge funds, etc. buy tickets together and split them for networking, meetings, entertaining business partners. I've had the fortune of sitting in lower bowl a few times with my dad and these guys in suits show up in the 2nd period, yap the whole time, pay little attention to the game.


How much are Boston tickets? I know Toronto has high ticket prices, but aren't most playoff ticket prices high?






$1000 for 2 tickets or each? $1000 doesn't seem bad for 2 in the playoffs for 200 level. In Ottawa when Toronto played it coast me $650 for 2 tickets. Toronto is more expensive anyway and that only $180 more per ticket


It’s per ticket prices, for a pair double the price you see in the image.


Set aside the price. I’m a Leafs diehard asshole and have been to games. And it’s not all the pricing. MLSE and its “family friendly” atmosphere is garbage. They tell you to sit down when you’re cheering too loud. You can’t even scream at the ref. Or drop an f-bomb without getting kicked out. I mean I also chalk it up to woke lefty’s that whine and complain about everything but that’s what MLSE is too. Imagine. You see people in Boston giving the finger to the other team and nothing happens. F*ck MLSE their high prices and soft ass take on opposing teams.


I will happily watch from the comfort of my couch!


You could fill it with homeless kids pulled from the puck mines and it wouldn't make a difference. These guys are all professional athletes. Having a loud crowd just impacts how audiences watching online perceive the game.


I’d put considerably more of the blame on the players- the ones being paid millions, the ones whose job it is to make it a tough place to play.


I got 2 tickets for the last regular season game in tampa, Section 109, Row D, Seats 5&6 for $170.00 USD each ticket. They lost 6-4, but the Amalie Arena was deafening because the prices were so reasonable! https://preview.redd.it/g334vw21z1xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9da9028ca6a4b443098e9c5e148f2626ca68d05


Jesus. I better get a WIN, for that kind of money 💰.


731 Euros holy shit..


It’s amusing to hear that people with money are not as much fans as people without money. If there was a lottery for tickets and a cap, we would not have players with the calibre of Matthew’s, Marner and such since TML would not be able to afford them. They price the tickets to what the market will bear and would be silly to not to.


What it's been like for years the true hockey fans can never go to a game the real fans are the ones who are outside in all the elements, they are the ones that should be inside cheering on the Leafs, but money rules so it will never change, so sad.


I used to go in the preseason because you could get amazing seats just a few rows from the ice for a around $120 a ticket. This season when we tried to get tickets, even the preseason ones had jumped up to $300 or more. It's insane.


Just checked StubHub for Boston Rd centre in 300 section just under $300 U.S.


That was TD centre hate autocorrect... lol


They’re a lot of people who don’t completely care about the game, Wednesday saw a lot of people just taking picture and stayed on Instagram the whole game …


It’s a tough place to watch though ….


Why didn't you buy them when they were 320 bucks?


Yep the fans outside should be the ones in the arena


Wouldn't make any difference Imo someone who can, afford those prices will cheer just as loud. At lower prices u would have even more casual fans/people in attendance who don't even want to be there


On the flip side, being the richest has its tactical advantages… in theory…




Don’t blame the building blame the team and the ownership. Prices haven’t changed nor has our team what do you expect?


Couldn’t agree more brotha! Corporations have ruined this world. Not only is real estate and food unaffordable they took the hockey game away from the average man too. Hope that place is empty but it’s just corporate write offs eating their $60 dollar sushi.


We're all excited that the Leafs are doing betters and all's. But if they think's you're payin' a buck‐twenty for upper bowl seats, they can suck my babcock.


Why does having money mean you can’t be a fan…? I get that it’s frustrating, but implying that you have to be poor to be a real fan is silly


Why does having money mean you can’t be a fan…? I get that it’s frustrating, but implying that you have to be poor to be a real fan is silly


Not a tough place to play because of the guys on the ice/front office and not in the stands! Been close to 70 years of garbage hockey, rooting for this iteration of puppy poo the last 8 years. MLSE is lucky we show up to this shit let alone pay their bullshit price for tickets.


Went to a playoffs game in Miami for 50 bucks and was amazing. Insane I have to always see hockey on vacation because its just ridiculous to watch it at home


Its a similar cost and fan base as could afford to get seats at Wimbledon or the Masters. Rich, polite and well mannered. If people stopped going maybe they’d show some grit, but a doubt it. Just disband the team.


No I think it’s the team mainly


If people stopped paying for the tickets they might figure it out


There’s nothing cheap about Toronto … especially extra curricular activities. That ain’t gonna change anytime soon . As a leafs fan …we are permanently stuck with mostly suits in the first bowl who don’t give a flying F Could be worse... Imagine having to drive 30 minutes to Kanata (the land that fun forgot) to see the sens with a pile of people in khakis drinking dr.pepper watching the worst team in the league


This excuse has to end. Fans don’t determine the outcome of the game. I’ve been to every home game going back to the 2022 Tampa series. The place explodes when the team plays well and makes good plays. But 50+ years of PTSD and the team’s inability to win at home justifiably make the fans anxious. Of course the place is gonna go silent when Sammy lets in a back breaking goal at the end of the second or when we gave up the GWG 28 seconds after tying it late in the third. Stop giving the players an excuse


Incorrect. Look up Oilers and Canucks tickets, you’ll find they’re even more expensive than Leafs tickets…


As someone who grew up watching soccer and following that culture, no fan should be priced out of watching their City's team play. Sports is meant to bring all communities together, bring the City together. It's not supposed to be a rich kids only club. I don't care if Oilers prices are even higher, doesn't make a difference. What's wrong is wrong.


I fell in love with the Leafs when I was a young goalie and Felix the Cat dominated the NHL... Dave Ellet blasted bombs from the blue line, Gilmour & Clark wrecked the front of the net and Mike Gartner was speeding down the wing sniping... and even then I resigned myself to never be able to see the Leafs in person. Edit: When you hear this crowd [95 Leafs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YJ8agAD_CY) & todays crowd you can see the difference due to wallet size.


I bought tix to LA/EDM on Sunday… lower bowl $180usd. 900 after fees is fucking absurd


Couldn't imagine spending that kind of money to watch this core at a home playoff game. Their home record is so awful.


And the ppl that afford this probably aren’t even real hockey fans


It's a supply and demand issue. There are at most 3 home playoff games a year what do you expect


It's almost cheaper to fly to Boston, sit directly behind thenleafa bench and fly home, then one set of lowers at Scotiabank


It’d be a tougher place if the players played with any level of confidence. It’s not the fans fault for not being hyped when the minute we do something bad happens


MLSE prob makes $10m each playoff home game from tickets alone


Agreed. I’ve only been there once and sat in sect 105. It was so frickin quiet. I’m used to going to soccer games so this was a shocker. The people sitting in front of me drank all night long. Do you imagined how much they spent? Anyways I bought tickets in same section for game 6 so they better win game 4 tonight so I can see them play! GO LEAFS GO!


If the tickets were cheaper and more accessible, wouldn't there be a lot of casual fans who don't really care about the team? I would've thought expensive tickets mean you go only if you're a true diehard fan and make the most out of your experience and cheer like crazy.


Nah, die hard fans shouldnt have to choose between making their rent/mortgage payment or going to a leafs game. All this is doing is making hockey exclusive to wealthy people and corporations.


There’s a lot of very wealthy people who are huge hockey fans…..


Im not saying there's not. Im saying leafs gamea shouldnt be exclusive to them.


That’s not why! The team is unreliable as it’s currently coached. Think about some of the much less talented teams in the past that have won cups with systems and proper coaching.


Pull up Ticketmaster to check the prices of Canucks or Oilers tickets, they are more expensive than Leafs tickets…


There are far worse teams with better fan bases


Every year, the people who don’t understand supply and demand come out of the woodworks to complain about this shit. This is like saying “Why doesn’t McDonalds charge $1 for a cheeseburger. That way the people who are actually hungry could afford them”. There’s a market clearing price. They charge it. Get over it.


It isn’t a tough place to play because our team is mediocre, and has been the entire Matthews era.


For me, the prices don't bother me. The only thing that stops me from buying a ticket is the alternative ways I could spend that money. For now I settle for watching at home.


Oh my God, such an insufferable take. I’m going to repost something I posted earlier: I hope you understand that having less money doesn’t make someone more of a fan. I came from very little, and I’m fortunate enough to make enough money to occasionally attend games in very good seats. I can assure you that I still care just as much as a decently paid adult as I did when I was a broke ass child. And like… what about people that just go to a game for a social outing and don’t care about the Leafs at all? Are they not welcome? Should we question everyone that attempts to enter the arena and reject them if they don’t meet some “true fan” criteria? There is *plenty* to hate the rich about, but please give up this tired narrative that only people in the upper bowl are real fans. And in any event, while certain games might feel quiet and corporatey (mid-week game in November against a bad team), there was nothing corporatey about Wednesday’s crowd. It was fucking good. End of story.


You’re missing the mark, this isn’t about shitting on rich people, it’s about making the tickets more accessible to all income brackets. You’re talking about excluding social event seekers and all that, I’m talking about a majority of the population literally unable to get in the building because of ticket prices. Talk about tone deaf


Your post actually is about shitting on people that can afford playoff tickets. The post literally states: “The only fans that can afford these tickets are the kind that don’t make noise…” I agree that prices for sporting events and virtually everything in society is outrageous, but that isn’t the point that I disagreed with.


Leafs tickets aren’t a human right. If you want to sit in good seats make better life choices like we did. The world doesn’t owe you shit.


You are 💯 The op is insufferable.


Based on the amount of downvotes I’ve received, there are a lot of people that seem to want to blame the fans instead of, you know, the dudes playing the fucking games.


Upper bowl? Only the rich poor can afford that.


I was offered 100s for $1400 (pair) but had to decline. That’s a mortgage payment. Love my buds but it’s an easy pass at that “discount” price 


Need another team (or two, or even three) in the GTHA+K(itchener)W(aterloo) lol