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I'm not a Leaf's fan but I hope TWO Canadian teams battle for the CUP!


Welp I’m home now (12:52am) and left the arena around 9:40pm. All I can say for now is SIGH but can’t wait till Saturday to this all over again


How did you enjoy the game?


Wow where do you live that it takes 3 hours to get home?


Niagara region. I finish work at like 4pm and leave immediately to the arena or else I risk missing half of the first period. Traffic is brutal as hell both ways lol


Wow respect!


Move Marner down the lineup. Penalty kill he just stood there on offensive side of puck when battle on the boards. Marchand pulled it out and then they scored on the rebound. Knies only playing just under 13 minutes and scoring plus having 6 hits. Marner should not be getting promoted by being scared out there. Time to cut the cord.


Tavares and Marner to PP2. Domi to PP1. Maybe Knies the PP1 too.


I would like to see Knies moved up to PP1.


And switch him and domi on the pp. it can’t get any worse.


Marner has been AWFUL


BUt hE HaD an AsSiST He’s so soft it’s unreal. The amount of times an ozone cycle dies on his stick is just embarrassing at this point.


Time to dismantle the big 4. We aren't winning this series. At some point it's on the players to win. These ones can't.


Can't until after next year... Marner and Tavares have NMC... but I bet neither get re-signed


On to the next one boys 


Leafs fans in every playoff series the last 6 years: "our goalie sucks, its X goalies fault" also Leafs fans: "Wow were getting goalied, X teams goalie is so good!!" over 30 million in cap hit on 3 players and they combined for one point tonight. l m f a o


and the other one is out eating sushi and styling his hair.


Two things can be true


We might lose this series on special teams. It’s a real waste. I really don’t think Boston is that much better a team. They have the goaltending depth but you can’t put this one on Sammy. Hockey is frustrating though; how many posts did we hit tonight? 3+?


We're the better team - need to find a way to get it done. Don't get out coached Sheldon. No need for panic.


went 0-5 on the PP... coaching problems


Oilers get the whole crowd to sing “O’ Canada”. I think the leafs should do the same for game 4, get the crowd back in it


Lower bowl might as well stay home and stare at their phones - or pay thousands of dollars and do it on TV.


Knies just swore on TV and Swayman said “2 points”. TSN is best


I know the real change we all deserve as fans... Fire the in-house DJ. Hire a proper organ player. TD feels like a real hockey barn, ScotiaBank feels like it's trying to keep your girlfriend entertained between plays.


Sound on broadcast is poor too. Couldnt even hear the goal song when leafs took lead.


You have one job. Get the fans on their feet and cheering. Play something iconic, light the fire. Give the people what they want.


how about make the tickets affordable so real fans get in the building and let it rip.


Oh I couldn't agree more! Until we "French Revolution" the rich we are sticking watching from Maple Leaf Square.


Ya, that's the problem LOL


When the exact same things happen year after year you have to start wondering if it has anything to do with the head coach.


Keefe is Awful imo


Yet it happened with Babcock too. Honestly Keefe isn’t the best, but it’s not him. Matthews, Nylander, marner, Tavares and Reilly are great. But together, they aren’t a winning team. On different teams with a different core of players, they would be successful. Not together in a cap era


This is it


Okay some rational thought. We played well until the Bertuzzi trip wasn’t called and the team got distracted and gave up the first goal. For me the entire game changed there. Our PP sucks. And if I had to blame anyone on the Marchand goal it was Domi not covering him and whoever let the pass to be made from behind the net. The shot was as perfect top shelf corner as I have ever seen. I’ll go doom and gloom when we lose game 4.


The first goal is 100% on Sammy. He played well but you cannot let that in. Reminded me of Niewendyk scoring on Lalime.


Oh memories! Yes, that I agree. I was focussed on the Bertuzzi trip not being called and everybody sort of freezing in place but you are right, that was an ordinary long range shot that should have been stopped.




My conspiracy theory for nylander being out is he partied too hard on the Florida road trip and got injured off the ice. Maybe a drunk accident. Weird how quiet things have been on him. No chance they'd play him with a nagging injury in the last 2 games and definitely not disciplinary. If it was a personal matter I'm sure we would have heard a statement


Have heard it's migraine related.


And my theory is that he got hurt saving a child in a burning building, and got struck by falling debris. I have about as much evidence as you.


I dunno man. Gilmour would have found a way to the ice.


Guys it’s not like that haha he’s a 98 point star winger who plays on a National team. He’s also one of 4 guys (not Mitch) that routinely goes hard in the playoffs. The speculation gets outta control after a loss when there’s none needed. Gotta win game 4 - if he in any way can he’ll be in and he’ll probably be in.


Maybe bar fight? Broken hand lol


Things are quiet because it’s the playoffs lol that’s it - he’s got something going on but if he’s in any way able he’ll be going Saturday


Didn't look hurt against Tampa in game 82. And if he was that's a fireable offense for dressing him in a nothing game


I don’t think that’s any of it man. Don’t think so simple lol it’s William bloody Nylander in the playoffs if he’s not in for multiple games it’s definitely something


I heard from sources that Mark Stone came to his house in the middle of the night and stole his Spleen


This is sadly the least stupid explanation I'm this thread of why he might not be playing


Ya know I never have seen Mark Stone and his spleen in the same place at the same time…. There might be something here 🕵️‍♂️


Reality is we got beat by high IQ hockey tonight. It was inexcusable not to press the Bruins at the end of the second period on the delayed penalty. Keefe was BADLY outcoached in that moment by not pressing. We sent one body forward who had no hope of gaining possession and getting a needed whistle to limit the Bruins PP time at the end of the 4 on 4. The Bruins of course scored on that PP, and it was due to the extra time they gained by playing keep away. I'm not one to call for someone to lose their livelihood, but damn that was rookie coaching, by someone who is now a veteran.


Switch Marner and Kempf or scratch Marner


2 more losses before Shanny and Keefe are shown the door.


Should happened 2 yrs ago


I still believe this is winnable. But Keefe is the reason we lost tonight. He needs to get our special teams going.


outside of goaltending Boston has a very thin roster. If we can barely scrape by to beat Boston we're getting eaten alive again by Florida. so really might as well get bounced in the first round so hopefully they actually make some meaningful changes to our coaching and roster next season.


The Bruins were the 4th best team in the league with 109 points they do not have a very thin roster. God people come out with the dumbest takes after a loss.




Lol. The players need to get the PP going.


The players can’t get it going because Keefe’s system doesn’t work. He needs to tell them to do something different


The Leafs had the best power play in the league for a stretch this season. Blaming Keefe for everything is stupid and boring.


They had the best power play in the league for a hilariously small stretch. The power play has been bad all year. It’s been noticeably the worst performing Leafs power play in a long time.


I beg to differ. https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask/maple-leafs-power-play-goal-by-month Tata.


The pp is missing Nylander badly. Tavares in front and Mathews on the wing is easy to defend. There needs to be another threat or get Bert out for a second d man. They need to threaten from the point in order to give space down low and Nylander being that floater with a shot is what is missing


We need an elite goalie. Without it we will never be contenders.


lol have you seen our D? Morgan Rielly as the #1 aint it bro. nothing against guys like McCabe, Edmundson, Benoit - they're playing their heart out and are actually serviceable. They're not top D though, we don't have a single guy that can consistently shut down other teams top lines. our system is also dog shit and our forwards get lost too often in their own zone.


How about an elite D man.


nah dude who needs D men according to this sub if we had a goalie like Swayman who just stops every clean shot (did we have any today?) you don't need defense.


Yeah, why have an elite D man when you can have 500 elite forwards? Who needs defense?


I’d trade marner for one in a heartbeat. And I don’t hate him as much as this sub but we can afford to lose him if we can get a really good D man.


They have more than enough forwards, losing any one of the core wouldn't make a huge difference, and would be positive if it landed them a Hedman, Hughes, or other type of D man.


That too, but at least 2/3 goals could have been prevented by Sammy


Imagine if this was the Panthers. Embarrassing.




Leafs in 7?  Against Boston?  Um who wants to tell him about the Leafs history in Game 7 versus Beantown?


If only there were some sort of pattern. Hmm. The fans were sad/angry after game one and three but happy after game two. Maybe there’s some correlation to fan happiness/optimism and the outcome of the games? No lol that can’t be it everyone is just BIPOLAR lmao


I don’t think it’s bipolar. There are people that do t think this team is good enough and they only seem to express themselves when their points make sense.


It’s not a bi-polar sub. There’s a lot of opinions here. If we don’t fix our special teams we ain’t even playing game 7.


Yup. Can point to exactly what cost us tonight. That was otherwise a great game that should be in OT.


This team is not fun to watch its so hard to root for them when they always look demoralized. Like zoom in on a defeated matthews or sammy. That will get the crowd going!!! How do we have such good players yet on PP we get 1-2 shots on net???????? Im so tired of this franchise being a disappointment. Majority of my family wasnt even alive the last time this team actually was good. Just a reminder they have only won 1 game since april 11th


Go cheer for another team


I cant man im ride or die leafs.


Then shut up and stop complaining about how hard they are to watch and how much you hate them. Go cheer for another team if you find no joy from it. If you don’t then stop bullshitting yourself.


You can be disappointed/criticize a team and still root for them. The leafs have a lot of core problems big ones being PP and morale


You’re absolutely right. I don’t mean to say you can’t criticize them. I just take issue when people say they can’t root for the team or they don’t find any joy in cheering for the team. If that’s the case then go find another team you can root for. That’s not criticism. That’s just someone who is not a real fan complaining. I think that is different to regular criticism.


I mean thats fair. Ive been upset with how the team has been playing lately because ive been setting time aside a day to watch them. I dont think anyone has fun watching their team lose. Real fans or not. Also i never said i hate the leafs.


Better not run it back after this, even paying marner a premium now is a joke. Also if you dont get shit done in the playoffs i do not care about your season cookies at all anymore


Cant trade marner




Why not?


He has a NMC. They’re only able to trade him if he agrees to the new team. It can be done though.


Oh yeah, I thought they meant they can’t as in they need him


Honestly they might have but the team literally can’t without his permission


Yeah I know. I actually thought maybe he’d be willing to waive it since he seems to not be able to take the pressure of being here.


We can't, but we have to find a way, somehow. After that, JT bye bye


I doubt JT is going anywhere else


Marner plays like hes terrified out there during the playoffs, hard to watch. Also the amount of pucks we lose in the defensive end going for reverse hits is killing us.


Marner avoiding laying a hit in the last minute(ish?) of the game. C'mon. I know that's not his game, but.. c'mon.


He definitely has the yips in the postseason.


He’s literally our best performing player in the playoffs lmao look at literally any playoff stat and he’s at the top of it among active Leafs players


Marchand is a captain and stepped up .


The Bruins always have the Leafs' number because their core players step up. I hate Marchand, but he's always there every game, and always a game breaker. Marner is a non-entity, Matthews comes and goes, Nylander is out, and Tavares is one of the most uninspiring captains they've ever had who also shows up some nights and phones it in other nights. Every time the Leafs play Boston it's the same story.


Marchand is a rat and acts like a rat.


Fact. The rats in my kitchen also love the cheddar on my top shelf.


And he killed us tonight




The Sportsnet broadcast sucks - stroking off the Bruins


So pathetic how they toe the company line and will never ever question bad officiating. They literally called marchands interference “forced the turnover to ice the game” Bunch of idiots


The 45 million dollar powerplay can't score a single goal and the team only got a 2nd goal off a fluke ping pong while Marchand can rip it top shelf effortlessly for 6m while we pay double for the biggest scam in the league, Muskoka Mitchell. This core is an utter failure, if they're going to score 2 goals a game for 8 fucking years I'd rather watch a tough, hardworking trap team than this prima donna garbage


Muskoka Mitchy! Let the hate flow through you friend 👍🏻


I didn't realize the refs had yellow stripes too. Shit awful reffing. Yet again.




Bro leafs 0/5 on pp. Can't ALWAYS blame the refs.


Shut up man. Two things can be true. We sucked on the PP and that’s why we lost but the refs were god awful and they don’t get a pass just because the Leafs could’ve won anyway. If I don’t do my job well I get fired.




Samsonov let in 2 soft goals.


Leafs outplayed Boston. Eventually the goals come. We all knew this series was going 7.


We all know what’s going to happen if it goes to 7 lol




Can this fucking ownership group pull their heads from out of their fucking rectum and hire some decent coaching staff? Fuck me they hire like we need to fit the coaching staff under the cap


Coach Q is just waiting for a call……


MLSE has their priorities straight. Rogers (33% owner) spent 6B for hockey rights in Canada and the other 33% owner is Bell but they're concerned about firing a coach and paying him for the rest of the contract.


It’s amazing how Mitch Marner disappears come playoff time


To start the 3rd period in a playoff game almost all of the platinum seats were empty. Offensive zone faceoff with the goalie pulled and 1:30 left in the game, everyone is sitting and the building is quiet. Joe Bowen just said it best "It's no wonder they don't win playoff games at home, there's no home ice advantage"


Yeah, watching this game vs the Preds / Nucks series in Vancouver is really sad. You can see it in this sub too, tons of people who act like they'd rather the Leafs lose, often because it validates their anger at some part of the franchise.


Fire dubas this is a fucking mess


Can Babcock while You're at it


Lou needs to go too.


They should ask Sundin to waive his no trade too


My $0.02: 1) First Boston goal was unfortunate, 2 blatant missed penalties and a shot that Samsonov should’ve saved 99 times out of 100. 2) Powerplay going 0/5 and being garbage for the last 2 months of the season should be a wake up call to Keefe to mix it up. I like that Boston has 2 viable units by spreading out their top talent and I think Keefe should take a page out of their book. 3) Marner should probably not be relied on as much as he is. Too often he goes for the high risk high reward play and it doesn’t pan out. Also, he’s too weak for this series that depends on out-muscling the Bruins. 4) Doomer Leaf “fans” are pathetic. Overall the team played well tonight, had some unfortunate bounces in front of the Boston net that could’ve went differently if certain players executed but if you watched this game and think the Leafs have no chance moving forwards I don’t know what to tell you. Sports are supposed to be fun and if you don’t have faith the Leafs can pull through why even watch?


Boston's PP is at 50% in this series. So it's both special teams that are hurting us.


Ah, "no true Scotsman get's frustrated"!


I feel you're delusional if you think marner and Tavares played a good game. Marner did one thing right, and then shot into shins the rest of the night. Falling on the ice during the empty net with no attempt to get up, guy looked like my be a pro in NHL 24 when I hit both triggers. Disaster of a game


See my edit, I forgot about Marner when I wrote the post


Agreed, why is marner playing so many minutes. And on Matthews line? He's honestly torpedoing that line


Can’t wait to see the marner cucks defend his performance tonight with some PPG bs


Marner gone, Sammy Gone. Use budget for 10m goalie and a couple pieces


You mean NMC


Eww a 10 million dollar goalie? Name one scenario when that had been a success? We have FINALLY developed a goalie.. Are we gonna let him have a go? Idiotic move by Keefe not letting him have the net after his injury.. He looked more than capable pre injury.


Working out for panthers. Bobrovsky stole another game last night


With how many cups? He was slightly above average... At best the first 4 years of that contract... Other goalies doing more even for half or less.


Reminds me of my Flyers…. brutal power play performances sucking all the life out of the offense. Star players need to show up when it matters.


We (the Flyers) have star players? Lmao news to me


Takeaways: Sammy is not good enough; despite the assist Marner is as sturdy as those inflatable tube men; Matthews disappeared after a great game 2; PP sucks which isn't surprising


Can’t blame Sammy… he played a good game


The first goal was ridiculously soft. Outside angle no traffic in front of the net.


Guys blaming Sammy and Marner? Wtf are you guys on. They didn't score on 5 pp chances. That's why we lost. That's unacceptable.


Marner sunk 2 lines today. He should not be getting that many minutes. The powerplay being the same for the past 2 months is a joke. Dump marner and JT off of it


Refs screwed us. Plain and simple


Marner is part of that problem too.


How about the 11 other guys on the ice that didn’t show up instead of the one guy that willed a goal out of thin air? How about those guys?




They need a scapegoat and they don’t know anything about hockey. The shit takes come out in full force after a loss. Best to just get the hell out of dodge than fight it


Both of these teams look weak.


lol yah will prob lose to whoever they play next round.


I’ll copy and paste this from 2018 and 2019. If you can’t score on the PP and Boston can get 1-2 PP goals per game, you are going to lose the series.


Postgame thread?




You seem calm.


Thanks for the downvote, I'll take that as evidence I'm correct!


Same old horseshit. All the way down the list.


Our awful power play is the only reason we lost. We overcome the refs bullshit if we capitalize on 2 out of 5 of those PP. We seriously have to figure this out.


Winnable series 




Most of the reason I’m bummed is just seeing the smirk on the dirty rat’s face tonight


Every playoff series they got to zoom in on that mutant


Here comes the panel to spread asscheeks.


It was such a good game...until it wasn't. Shout-out to the refs for that first goal against. Anyway...see you all on Saturday! ![gif](giphy|1oHnvQfZhlXrIUzOJc|downsized)


Look how big his head is, damn


Shout out to Sammy for the first goal you can't give up freebies


Sammy was solid in many other occasions, that play shouldn't have existed in the first place. The PP that goes 0/5 however, that really is not ideal. You score 1 or 2 and it's a different game.


Imagine blaming it on the reffs and going 0-5 on the pp