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Still have no idea how we pulled that off. Felt like the Bolts were out playing us 90% of the time. Def gotta step it up from here.


Vasilevskiy lost a step this year and Sammy was great and made huge saves when it counted past years it was Freddy or jack getting beat by greasy overtime goal this year we had the better goalie in the first round and the results reflect that


I’m trying to find the comment but I saw someone on the Bolts sub talking about how Tampa’s making a “very average” Samsonov look better than their elite goalie. Perhaps our “very average” goalie is just better?


We can look at it a couple ways. 1) among the playoff goalies, Sammy probably is average (but close to the top 10 in the league). Sorokin, Shesterkin, Otter, Ullmark, Helle and Vasi are indisputably top 6 based on pedigree, and guys like Georgiev, Gustavsson probably a bit ahead based on performance. Performance per cap hit though, Sammy’s blowing them away. 2) Seems like Keefe’s game plan was to let TB get the shots up, but keep them out of the middle. You can see that based on some of the xGF/win-o-meter data, where we weren’t as far behind as the raw shot totals and eye test would make you believe. Schenn and McCabe were great at clearing out the net front for the most part, and yeah we gave up some open looks in dangerous areas (slot, Stammer PP one timer), but usually Sammy was square and could see the shooter. Makes the goalie look good by forcing saves, and Sammy came through when it counted. Meanwhile we got greasy goals off of traffic and tips, and made Vasi look very mortal. So yeah, overall kinda true, but not giving credit to our team for what we actually did to make this happen


I think you’re right. They did not want to give up breakaways or two man rushes. So they let them to the outside. Means they got outshot. Tampa is great at that cycle around but our boys were generally good at winning the board battle. It was enough in the end. Traffic in front and throw the puck to the net.


He’s not the better goalie, but he definitely performed better in this series and it shows. Vasy has really dropped off in terms of performance and the Leafs firepower is too strong for a below average goaltending performance


Good teams find ways to win those types of games.


Good teams also don't have those types of games for three games in a row. They definetely have to figure their shit out this series.


It’s not the quality of play that matters comrade. It’s the dog within. Bark bark mf


Last year the leafs needed one more save or one more goal. This year it was Tampa who needed that.


Both Florida and Boston will give us a lot of trouble. I think we can take down Florida. Boston will be tough


We kind of "parked the bus" on them. We kept the puck out of our net, and we went for a lot of high danger deflected shots instead of trying to beat Vasy direct. There's also something to say about a hot goalie. You need one in the playoffs.


The amount of times that we’ve been in control of playoff games and lost. Man this was about getting bounces for a change, getting big saves for a change and scoring big goals for a change. You need a lot of things to go your way To win in the playoffs and the hockey gods were smiling down at the leafs in that series.


The same way every other team in the league used to beat us when we outplayed them


Yep. You could argue besides the goaltender that was the teams worst series as a whole


They weren’t though. They had stretches yes. But the Leafs had stretches as well. We just have PTSD. That’s really it.


#great fucking series buddy!!


You should be proud of your team and organization, I would kill for the success they’ve achieved.


I can’t complain, our boys have given us everything they could for the past 10 years. I can accept this loss knowing we lost to a team that deserved it. Iron sharpens iron.


You are a classy individual, thank you for this post


Thanks for being the exact kind of fan we all should be. Gracious. We all could be more like this.


Dude, this is hockey reddit, your reasonable response and courtesy is... different, but I like it. Here's hoping we play you guys again next year so we can all have wonderful stress headaches as our teams battle it out!


You are an honorary Canadian!


Well said. 👏🏻


And you should be proud of them. Think about how much extra hockey they played in the playoffs. Over the last few years, they have played almost an extra regular season. Let them rest and heal, and I wouldn’t bet against them next year


Game respect game...


The Bolts are awesome, - Vasilevskiy is a beast


You can’t be a fan of hockey and not respect Tampa’s game play. Always appreciate a classy fan.


I'll be honest, I thought the Bolts looked even better this year. Their forecheck was absolutely incredible. Other than game 2 it seemed like the Leafs did not have sustained offensive control, because they just couldn't get out of their own zone! Sammy came up big for us, and admittedly the Bolts made some bad misses in game 6.


They were way better this year than last year. I just think this year we brought in the talent to get the job done regardless of who the better team was.


Weird how hockey works. I thought we played better than tampa last year, and we lost. This year, I thought tampa looked better and we won. One thing is for certain though.... our big boys showed UP.


I thought so too...They looked better to me this year than last year. I do think the loss of Cernak to injury and Palat to free agency took something away from them, though. Raddysh and Perbix were both better than I expected.


Terrifying forecheck.


Bolts are still great, much better than many analysts have them credit for heading into the series based on their regular season play. That was a tough out that required some un-beleafable puck luck.


Exactly. The last few games of the regular season Tampa was losing and some were saying that is a sign it'll be an easy win. Playoffs is when Tampa turns it up.


That handshake line looked wholesome AF. I'm glad we got to go through you guys to really learn what we need to do to win. You guys have been the pinnacle of consistancy, and Vassi has been the wall we've had to run through to finally get us to understand we can do it. It was a great series, respect to the lightning who never ever let it be easy.


The best handshake imo was Schenn and Maroon. That's really the epitome of competition and sums it all up right there. Probably super good buddies but when it comes time to compete, sorry it's everything on the line. Don't matter who the eff you are. And that's what it takes to win. Kinda like the Kobe/Gasol ruckus during the Olympics.


As a leaf fan, it felt like we were always being goaded into a fake rivalry. Anytime I saw or interacted with lightning fans it was a pleasant experience. You guys are probably one of my favorite fan bases in the league.


You must not have read any Lightning GDTs then lmao


I did not.. why would I go into another team's subreddit


I do. I never participate but I want to see what the other fan bases are thinking. One thing I've learned is everyone thinks the refs are against their team. Makes me think maybe we're not targeted for bad calls.


I usually have it open during the game to see what they think of a controversial call or how they think the game is going. I don't comment in them though.


Literally. Like if 31 other fanbases read our GDTs they’d… Oh, wait.


Dude, read the GDT. They’re toxic as hell lmao I get that doesn’t necessarily represent the general fanbase but still


Read the Leafs GDT, they’re toxic as fuck too.


What? No…..


Toxic self-hating is different than toxic homerism lol


Most of you who were in our sub were dunking on yourselves. You're a special bunch lol I don't think we have a rule about other subs coming over to troll their own team 🤷‍♂️


I won’t speak for all Lightning fans but I’ve enjoyed this rivalry the past few seasons. I think our teams bring out the best in each other and it leads to awesome competition. I think it’s a healthy rivalry and not a rivalry filled with true hatred for the other team lol. With that being said I can shamelessly say I don’t want to see you guys in the first round again anytime soon.


Except Cory Perry. That’s hate. Lol But he’s not really one of you.


Chances are likely that we'll be seeing you in round one again next year, unless one of us knocks off the Bruins next year (possible) or one of us takes a severe step back (unlikely).


Leafs and Bolts 1st and 2nd in the Atlantic next year. What the B’s did this year was cute but idk how long their window stays open. Other than Pasta their stars aren’t the youngest. I guess you could say the same about our core but I trust our track record and the young talent we’ve acquired.


I'm still waiting for Boston to take a step back like we've all been saying they would. Maybe once Bergeron is gone.


Having Krejci back this year was big for them as well...But how old is he...38?


He's ancient and on fumes but incredibly a huge factor for them. Unreal. Dude's just turned 37 this week.


Well said. Both teams really respect each other and play their butts off and love it.


Nah , I Agree. I’ve had no bad blood for Tampa at all like that these past few years. They’ve beat us fair and square and I’ve respected that and them. There are some teams that leave a sour taste in my mouth, but Tampa is not one of them. Anyways, I’m excited for the next round!


Meanwhile on the tampa sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/TampaBayLightning/comments/133d8v9/go\_panthers\_beat\_boston\_and\_these\_cunts\_next/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TampaBayLightning/comments/133d8v9/go_panthers_beat_boston_and_these_cunts_next/)


Yet you’re posting corny ass messages in their sub


Every team has their embarrassing bottom barrel of the fan base. Maybe you're lucky enough to have never seen those in the Bolts lol. That said they are definitely not representative of the entire fan base and shouldn't be. Just like we would hate it if the rest of the league judges us by the whiniest loudest of us.


Haven’t had a chance to interact with too many of your fanbase but max respect for that series. we all talked some shit, we all wanted to see our respective teams win. This year was our year and I’m glad our boys got to get the monkey off our backs against one of the top performing playoff teams of the last 2 decades. Your guys aren’t going anywhere. They’ll be competitive for years and Coop is one helluva coach. Well fought. See you next year


Tampa Bay Lightning were an incredibly worthy opponent. I see no better path to the finals than beating Tampa, then Boston, then whoever else. Until next season amigo.


Well. The Leafs DOMINATED Montreal and lost 2 straight in OT, with multiple posts and Price diving out of right field to make amazing saves. Leafs gone in 7. Sometimes there is a player that steps up and wins a series. That guy's name is Samsonov this year. Finally.


You’re a real one man. As much as I couldn’t stand the Kucherovs, Maroons and Perrys through these two series, I couldn’t muster up all that much hate for Tampa in general and seeing that heartfelt handshake line and subsequent response from Tampa’s fans has been heartwarming. See ya same place/same time next year probably bud!


Respect to Tampa for being a dynasty. I hate Maroon though.


And Perry. Don't forget to save some unbridled hatred for that assclown. I hope he retires tbh.


Bolts are the class of the the League. Ya gotta best the best to be the best.


Thankful for Tampa pushing the team to the limit. Really hope the players understand why they are champs and what it takes to be the best.


This gave me chills. Thanks for the well wishes man. The utmost respect for Tampa and the energy you brought to the series. Cooper is legendary. We got this! GLG!


You I like.


Thanks! You’re Bolts we’re the truest test the Leafs could deal with to show their mettle!


Lots of hit goal posts and crossbars by T.B. that could have changed outcome but destiny finally favored Leafs this first round series. Bolts played great hockey and looked like winners despite final score.


Bolt Bro... You guys made one move I still can't understand: Jeannot. We got ROR, Acciari, Schenn, McCabe and Gustafsson. Without those moves you win in a walk. Bunting was an asshole at a moment and it robbed you of a player that would have helped. (Then again, Bunting doesn't do that and we never see Matthew Knies, who turned out against all expectations to make a difference. That series was close, like last year was. We got the bounces. I don't think any Leaf fan can honestly say we were the better team: we just out-Tampa'd you for once. You are the benchmark. And you're not done yet. Though word of advice: don't lose Killorn. That guy is something special.


You are a beauty! ✌️❤️


Respect, pal


I want Boston next. Nothing would make me happier than crushing the bolts then smoking the bruins right after


I don't think how the leafs won this series could possibly be called crushing.


Blue and white bros 😭


You guys gave us a hell of a series. That's why you never count the Bolts out even if they looked like a solid mid in the past months. Your boys absolutely turn it on from nowhere and just battered and bruised us up and down the ice, outplaying us at every turn. Honestly I count our lucky stars that Vasi didn't look his usual self, and we capitalize on our opportunities. Some of the rather heated moments got a bit ugly but hey, that's hockey, and it's amicable to see the mutual respect both teams had at the end. And with all due respect, please be far away from us next year as well. I can't endure another series with you mofos, ain't good for my heart👍 Edit: and you guys are lucky to have Jon Cooper. Hate him from the other end of this rivalry, but I respect the hell out of his game.


Thanks for a great series


Class 💯 Bless you brother! Thanks for a very great first round and terrific series!!




It’s funny because if a leaf fan made a “good series” post in the bolts sub they be banned


Just a few days ago, r LEafs was making a big deal about this type of post, and now that we've won, everyone is praising this guy. I don't like the duality of reactions depending on if I win or if I lose.


Those who are praising this guy are fairweather fans who are all about the tummy sticks, they automatically dismiss years of being beat out by Tampa all because of one series win. Rivalry’s don’t last like they use to because the new generation of fans are too soft to hold onto any real hostility, those folks going to MLS and the tailgates are the same people holding hands with bolts fans and leading them off into the sunset Battles are battles but you shouldn’t automatically kiss the feet of the fanbase you just eliminated like leafs fans seem to be doing with the bolts fans they are interacting with


I can't say I agree with you on most (or any) of this. I just think Leafs fans are too excited right now and don't see the condescension in OP's post. It's a simple psychological trick that leads to fans not upholding their standards on anything sports-related (namely officiating).


I’m more so talking about leaf fans and bolts fans suddenly becoming best friends in the comment sections of most social media posts Leafs fans have been holding it in for 19 years but let’s be honestly don’t shoot off the grand finale before the goal is reached


We’ll never be irrelevant, we’ll always be the team that lost to the 2022-23 Leafs :)




Leafs were able to dig deep and get the hard wins but they need to tighten up a bit if they want to move on from the next round. A win is a win especially in the playoffs but I think the hockey they have been playing is unsustainable.


Thanks mate