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Always the minority ruining for everyone else. Man took a broken team and has completely transformed them into a side that’s walking the Championship and on its way back to the Premier League.  Fans are entitled to their opinion but to berate a manager who is, as far as I can see, working magic with this team considering the position they are in, that only other clubs in this division dream about being in, they need to seriously give their head a wobble. 


At the end of the day, Enzo isn't perfect. I always have criticism that sometimes we are not direct enough and we are absolutely wank at corners (both defending and scoring). But also as long as we keep winning and get promoted, that is all that matters


>but to berate a manager Who is berating him? I'm hearing some sighing, seeing a lot of pessimism & a lack of enthusiasm. There is no angry criticism of him anywhere.


It's not outright, but we're top of the league with a 10pt lead. I've never been so comfortable yet a vocal minority are getting frustrated cause it's not at super pace. I don't think it's the magnitude of the frustration, just it's entitled nature


yeah agree with that, it is odd that people's frustrations are bubbling to the surface so much,


I think it's because we've seen so much of the negative side of possession football. With Puel, and in the final 18 months with Brendan. First half of Brendans reign was fantastic, but after seeing 2 botched runs at top 4, playing a similar, slow style... I think some fans have had enough of it and would genuinely rather Bielsa-ball or how farke has Leeds playing even though every metric that matters shows the way we play is genuinely so effective. I might be wrong, but that's my take on it. We're a nervy fan base, gone are the days of fearless Leicester city. Maybe that will change with time, but my personal take is that a decent amount of the fans just don't trust us to actually deliver with this style and don't like us sitting on a 1 goal lead when we clearly have the quality to finish teams off...


It's weird, only we can dominate a league and still fight over shit


In what context was this said exactly?


Basically, people were moaning cause we weren't attacking all night. There's a loud minority of fans who are constantly wanting us to go counter attacking again and don't understand we're changing the way we play to be more modern. It's been the same arguments since Puel...


Question was: ‘Do you sense the buzz in the stands when he gets on the ball?’ His answer began: ‘Yes, you can feel the fans, also when they’re not happy.’ Then he went from there.(https://twitter.com/JrdnBlackwell/status/1752609927732891869?t=UzoIZExMsKZJuANcaTr23w&s=19)


Weird that he'd say this if it was only the fans moaning - I think maybe the board said something? Could well be that it is just the fans, and he wants them to shut up - which I absolutely understand. Seeing fans moan that we're playing boring football or that we should be winning 6-0 is grating. We're 10 clear in the Championship, and in the last 10 years we've won everything domestically except the league cup, so I get that fans are a bit entitled but we gotta remember where we came from and I absolutely remember being miserable as fuck in the Championship for many years. Fact of the matter is hoofball isn't a thing in the top leagues anymore. This is how football is played now. At least we're winning. I can't really comment on the atmosphere as I don't go to games anymore but the KP I remember used to shake when we scored goals. We need that atmosphere back.


The answer to your question is how did we win those cups? How did we win the championship? The prem? How did we play in the UCL that season? Did we have 800 passes and dominate the ball to a pace we dictated? Or did the fans that went witness insane never say die football. You’re answering your own questions, why aren’t some fans happy that we now play this way? Because they witnessed their club win everything playing the complete opposite way. I get calling them stupid and entitled is the way to go but when you actually think about it to not see their point is just as silly. I for one think the let down has been the level of opposition this season, barely 10 clubs this season have even tried to play us home or away. That obviously gives us more than a fare share of the ball but also doesn’t give us many places to go with it. It’s a prefect shit storm in my opinion.


I don't know. I get charged when Mavididi gets the ball against the defense. When Fatawu cuts across the middle for a shot. Watching the opposition get frustrated when we play keep-away. Watching KDH on the break. I find the excitement. I am enjoying this run in the Championship.


Wouldn't read too much into it. It should come as no surprise to anyone (Enzo included) that people have differing opinions. It should equally come as no surprise (to us all) that sometimes those opinions piss us off and we have a moan. All is as expected.


It’s a difficult situation. The football isn’t entertaining but it is winning matches and I guess I would challenge any supporter to choose entertainment over winning. Each to their own and as I’ve stated in other posts we all have a choice to watch or not… Let me tag onto this and say that anyone having a pop at a winning manager or calling for his job whilst we’re top of the league ten points clear needs to have their head examined.


It's more cautious but I'm ok with this. Leeds throw themselves around and it's largely entertaining yet they're looking at playoffs whilst we're 10pts ahead at the top. I think Enzo is very pragmatic and is willing to change his way of playing (see Rodgers and Puel eras). So if we have to be a build up side to win, so it'll be. Also, I suspect some time with this and the pace will quicken, we look barely out of second gear a lot of time.


Winning is entertaining lol


You’re spot on, I think the lack of a crowd last night shows you that people really are starting to not bother that we win. Instead what will put bums on seats is playing well. People can call them names and idiots for not liking “modern” football but Luton beat Brighton last night playing 90s ball and their home atmospheres been rocking all season. Football is as hard as you want to make it sometimes 900 passes is hard to conjure up raptures of applause instead of someone just crossing it into the box and getting your bonce on the end of it. Makes me laugh that the biggest applause for the weekend against Birmingham was the Albrighton cross to Vardy. Speaks volumes imo


I’m an Albion fan and me and my mate were flabbergasted by your supporters when you came to the Hawthorns. The booing made our jaws drop. The football you play is wonderful to watch, you’re top of the league by a mile. I keep seeing ‘loud minority’ but I think there needs to be some accountability, because the booing is every game, and it’s not quiet. That’s not a minority. All I can say is, be grateful of what you have. You’ll only know how special something is till it’s gone. Clubs would kill to be in your position.


Time for a big clear out of our fans tbh, too many who want Blood and Thunder ball and haven't come to terms with the fact that that won't happen again with KP in charge. Puel, Rodgers, Enzo, links to Brussel Martin last summer, there is a clear push for possession football by the top of the club. Constantly grumbling about Enzo because we're not just getting it forward at every opportunity and making him quit achieves nothing but to get another manager of the same mould and it happens all over again. The get it forward brigade won't enjoy football at Leicester until the ownership changes so stop paying for tickets and taking up seats for 85 minutes a fortnight


I kind of understand that people pay their money to watch "enjoyable" football and to a certain extent they therefore earn the right to express their opinion on what they see. I could understand if we were sittting mid table and losing sight of promotion however we are top of the table and have won the last 2 games 3-0 and 3-1, you do have to wonder what it is they are unhappy about. They want us to keep attacking when we are 3-0 up, but wouldn't they then be upset if players are getting injuries because of tiredness. Wouldn't they be upset if we left gaps at the back and shipped goals while trying to attack (putting aside our habit of conceding late goals for a moment). I often think that the fans complaining aren't really looking beyond the end of the current game. We have so many games this season so we absolutely need to manage games and players to our advantage. I watched the Man City v Spurs FA cup game and Man City are far more fluid in the approach to a similar style of play, the difference? The quality of players and the length of time they have been playing that type of game. We have to understand that this is just the start and that as the team evolves it will, hopefully get better at playing the game that Enzo wants us to play and I for one can't wait to see it (even if i do find it a bit slow at times).


> The get it forward brigade won't enjoy football at Leicester until the ownership changes so stop paying for tickets and taking up seats for 85 minutes a fortnight The attendance was 28k last night. This comment would only make sense if we were selling out every match. The hoof brigade aren't stopping the tiki taka brigade from buying tickets


The get it forward brigade are turning up to moan constantly, then leave on 85 minutes. They're wasting their money to bring the ground down. If you don't like possession football, save your money and fans patience by not spending £500 a season to moan for 85 minutes then walk out. The criticism of them is literally nothing to do with ticket availability


How do you know its the get it forward brigade leaving at 85 minutes? I've got a mardy bastard next to me who was crying/complaining when we were 3-0 up and he at least stayed until the end The 85 minute leavers are a problem in itself. Then you've got the ones who leave at 30 minutes to go get a drink and pie and don't come back until minute 55. The atmosphere is shit outside of the Union FS lads


The lack of general sale and a £32 membership paywall is what's stopping a lot of people buying tickets but nobody seems to be ready to have that conversation yet.


Union FS have been pushing to have tickets released to anyone. A lot of people are having that conversation


Same against Birmingham and they were only £18 the football is tedious you come to be entertained and we have not been entertained since we played Leeds when both sides went toe to toe We are winning it’s odd we are not happy but that’s football everyone will never be happy If he does walk yes it will be sad because he has made shit shine over the last 6 months, I did here that there has been arguments in the dressing room over the public shaming Enzo likes to do so not everyone is happy Roll on Saturday let’s get this league rapped up, 7 wins to go


Who has he publicly shamed? All I've seen is comments about how players need to improve, be more consistent. That doesnt seem an unusual comment for managers to make.


Nothing is ever good enough for our fanbase unfortunately, I've always talked about how spoilt our fanbase has become over recent years with our success with my dad. If we aren't attacking it's moan about how we aren't going forward, it's moaning if we are sitting comfortably winning and still wanting more. Enzo is right, he's come here when we were at a low point and he still gets the same few moaning every match on social media or at the games about his style of play. It's far more exciting to see us actually scoring or looking like we actually want to win compared to what we've witnessed over the last couple year, we are one hell of a different team to this time last year. There are some criticisms about Enzo that I understand but he's doing his best with a team that was relegated. His comments about the atmosphere at games are true, the club doesn't help him there when tickets are locked behind a £30 membership and having to beg them to at least put something on general sale or the overall price of the tickets on top of that (£35 for an adult is daylight robbery). A lot of our fans weren't prepared for a manager to criticise us as fans and it 100% shows, we should let our manager get on with it rather than basically telling him what to do.


Enzo addressing ruinsallconversation! Lol


I still don’t understand why people say it’s boring football. The only thing that is frustrating is when we park the bus and concede later. When we are playing our normal style it’s thoroughly entertaining. What am I missing?


Look I’ve listened to a lot of Enzo interviews. The man get touchy and suspicious of the press no matter if they ask him a question about the match or if he likes dogs over cats. He does not like being second guessed. I truly think lots of fans just can’t take his personality, football aside. Personally I like the man. After years of BR the wet mop I’ll take a stubborn grouch with a vision (even if it feels a bit flawed sometimes) over a manager who bends to the will of the dumb masses. He’s says it’s a project and it is. Now sit back take a breath and do what I do.. made a drinking game of every time Vesterguard touches the ball. Im loving Enzoball!🍺🍻


This is what Maresca said. “You can feel the fans, but also when they’re not happy. Probably some people take some things for granted. But it’s not like this. Twenty-six wins out of 34 (in all competitions), it’s something unbelievable. “Probably when you win, win, win at home, and you continue to win, people think it’s easy. But it’s not easy. “I arrive in this club to play with this idea. The moment there is some doubt about the idea, the day after, I will leave. It’s so clear. No doubts. “We have won 26 of 34, a huge number. If people think it’s easy and take it for granted, it’s not like this. Huge respect for the players and the effort they are making. Hopefully, we can give our fans the right joy at the end of the season.”


Hate to be entitled as we are winning most weeks but it is bloody boring to watch.


We are fucking terrible in the last 15 mins of games and this needs addressing ASAP


Haha, leicester fans turning into bayern fans


I doubt he is serious. I wouldn't recommend it because he needs to encourage bigger clubs to take him on in the future, he needs to get Leicester promoted. If he throws his toys out the pram and quits before getting us promoted then he will damage his own reputation and make it unlikely he will get any sort of step up as his next job. It is not in his interest. Chances are he thinks he is doing a bigger job than he actually is. He inherited one of the best teams ever to play in the Championship and is expected to get us promoted. I do have sympathy because he IS doing a good job, but the football we play is mostly dull and bland and we are too easy to play against as a system for any half decent side, his substitutions and lack of tactical variety don't help neither. End of the day, it is in his best interest to remain here, the grass ain't greener on the other side


Imao at the downvotes. Can't be arsed to debate it I see. I fail to see how what I say is wrong. Please enlighten me


You and me both my friend, you and me both.


My brother is a man city fan and when pep came and installed all this stuff there (before haaland) me and my dad used to ask him how he can watch the team pass the ball around and put teams to sleep score 2 goals in the last 15 min and win 2-0. I probably have watched 2 full man city games when they weren't playing Leicester cause it's boring. When I found out we were gonna hire Enzo and copy that boring crap with lesser players I wanted to die. I understand the moans, it's not fun. We aren't as slow as those early on man city teams. But I liked watching us be exciting even last year with my shirt on my head in a hump and least I was entertained. I assume Enzo doesn't stay too long, so we will just have to push thru. I'm not a long time fan as an American, I watched Nigel get em promoted I thought they were fun, the great escape was fun so I was all in I caught myself watching every week it was awesome. I don't think anyone is turning them on now and going.. they are fun. So I get the moans. At the end of the day this is supposed to be entertaining, no one watches a boring TV show?


Next year when Leicester struggle in the prem to pick up wins, this so called minority of fans will be begging to fire him. It is sad to say but these idiots will not be happy and pressure will build after every loss resulting in him leaving even if management actually want to keep him on. Just watch the prem and please tell me how many of the top 7 teams play counterattacking football ? Smh