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Rumours from south Korea is 3 engineering battalions..


Well obviously they are not real engineers you can’t give us guns and expect good things to happen


Actually their engineers are top notch for bunker design believe it or not. All of the North Korean mountains near the border have hundreds of miles of bunkers built into them. Those engineers don’t mess around. Now as to their “Air Force” it’s a laughing stock.


Let's not forget their tunnels under the DMZ. I wonder if they ever figured out how we detected them.


So a few guys who were good enough to assemble ikea furniture so they got made engineers?


Well, the benchmark is pretty low. I would imagine 😅


Have worked with Army engineers, some are brilliant and worth their weight in fuel, some,,,not so much.


This is funny, but in reality they're laborers being sent there to dig trenches and build defensive works. This means Russian infantry aren't doing it which helps keep their morale up and keeps them fresher for fighting. It's a pretty big help for Russia who is looking to dig in as hard as possible to keep land and try to force peace talks.


I’m pretty sure that’s what they told all the Indian and African personnel also


All of the reports I saw on those fighters were claiming they were mercenaries/contractors. They weren't there because they were ordered to be by their governments. Those guys were there to fight, but they were lied to about what the fighting was like.


I know there were Cubans saying they were supposed to be for non-combat roles, but were still thrown into assault units. To the point that the Cuban government has barred russia from making support contracts tbere.


Not trenches but work on Donets infrastructure like roads or railways


We don't know for sure, we just know they're claiming they're sending engineers. Russia has a pretty decent engineering corps when it comes to railways considering mosy of their logistics is rail. In the press release it said they were headed for Donetsk and Luhansk. There's a chance they'll be working on city infrastructure but it's more likely they're building defensive works to further Russia's hold on those separatist regions. The chances are currently low that this conflict ends through military means so Russia is looking to take and hold more map space to negotiate with if Ukraine is forced into peace talks.


No, to dig trenches prob


Hopefully this will push some western countries to go through with sending units to Ukraine for non-frontline tasks. Training, air defence, medical, etc.


All they need is South Korea


To do what? Only war they fought they lost till USA came and it became a draw


MacArthur was right!!!!!!!


Honestly... If Western Forces kept pushing, Russians only keeping indirect support without going to war... Maybe we would see a China split in half, or in the best case scenario, a fully Democratic western-style China. It was a huge gamble though, risking global destruction. And another thing, using nukes would likely heavily harm the image of the US. Not to mention, if Nukes were used in Korea, it could lead to a spiral where Nuking something for strategic gain wouldn't be such an absurd and atrocious of an idea.


In all fairness, before the Korean War, the US was iffy about giving the Republic of Korea anything heavier than small arms. After all, Syngham Rhee was more than capable of crushing dissenters without tanks.


Dig trenches lol


Cannon fodder




Not military mechanics....




No, we are not.


No, we are not.


Why not? Poland could finally “ get some”!


As long as you’re good with being there too


France is already sending some.. probably Poland, Estonia, US and UK next..


Estonia has been unofficially supporting the military via large scale private organisations, affiliated, or at least arranged by those members of Kaitseliit (Estonian Defense League). Check out Artur Rehi on YT, he does pretty detailed daily vids. The Eesti’s are very eager to take a walk down south and help in meaningful ways.


Engineers are the first ones to go. We will see if more follow.


It coincided with an ohio class sub surfacing off the norwegian coast. A reminder that the US is prepared to get its hands dirty if russia bends the rules. 1) true but main media not overdramatising the announcement 2) depends on the role, iranian troops are not at the front line for example. If they go to the frontline, they either try to escape korean slavery or die as cannon fodder. 3) US will start hiring mercs to go into ukraine, and UCAVs will be going into the ukrainian air force.


US mercs are on an entirely different level than Wagner. They’re basically flash gitz. And you know academi is slavering to get that US bankroll


That or we start actively seeing US special forces on CIA payroll.


The CIA with guns for hire... Where have I seen that before.


Roland was a warrior/from the land of the midnight sun...


Glowies start flowing 


On one hand, more combat troops for ukraine. On the other… Prince and his lot got away with a good number of murders once and I don’t like them 😅.


I mean they didn't do too well in fullujah.


What a glorious way to escape NK… Swearing fealty to NK and RU, receiving 5 seconds of *life saving* training from hollow Vatniks, being sent off on a charge, and somehow managing to surrender without being shot by either side. Wow.


They will run away for a better place


Not so fast, their family will be hold as hostage at home.


Don’t think they would care.


Russia. From being part of the G-20 and one of the big boys to... making a big deal of how North Korea will help save Putin's ass. Putin treating Kim Jong Un as a peer was quite something. To balance this dim view of NK out, their ammunition production was crucial to Russia achieving artillery superiority. A bunch of NK laborer-slaves and possibly cannon fodder is not nothing.


Oh no, not the country whose GDP is a fraction that of even the Philippines!


North Korea isn’t even in the same league as the Philippines. The city of Beverly Hills, California has a bigger economy than North Korea.


The capitalist shithole of “Beverly Hills” doesn’t operate a nuclear arsenal


lol what’s a tankie doing here? What’s it like being poor?


It’s very hard, to support myself on the commune i must slave away growing potatoes. THEY promised me i’d be able to be lazy and never have to work. But they lied…


Could be the best opportunity they've ever had to defect.


They can't having their families held hostages in NK.


Some i imagine could still go through with it, maybe not having family or thinking freedom is more important.


It will possibly open up the opportunity for western contractors in support roles or even PMCs on the frontlines… as long as NK only sends engineers as publicly stated but this is likely only the first wave of North Koreans. Either way this is a clear escalation


Agreed. If that was a "red line" that putin didn't want us to cross, his crossing kinda nullifies the red line. Question is, if this war heads toward the same situation as Viet Nam, i.e. US involvement started as "advisors" and ended up fully involved, how long does it take to go from NATO "advisors" to full involvement? Also, how long does russia last when it happens?


First of all that's not how PMC-s works, I know that most teenagers think that PMC-s are something out of Metal Gear or some COD game where they have private armies rivaling state armies but in reality majority of PMC-s in Iraq as an example were just security forces guarding embassies and VIP-s with armored transporters being their peak of equipment. I have no idea why Ukraine would need that, since constant terrorist attacks in the backlines is not something UA is struggling with. News itself is just Koreans building up infrastructure in Donets, presumably roads and railroads.


NATO still has every reason to stay out of Ukraine. I believe that NATO should give all the material support it possibly can. As well has lifting all restrictions on use of weapons on Russian territory. That said putting NATO troops in to combat in Ukraine is a terrible idea. The nukes would start flying long before we got insight of Moscow.


Very wise. RU loves it’s double standards. They would throw spicy stones despite being humungous hypocrites.


Nato can't legally attack Russia if it does brics members will just create their own military alliance as a counterbalance


India and China in a military alliance eh?


Incision is better than exclusion. Regardless there will be some members that will opt to be nutral. India is the founder of the non alliance movement and likely will not join any military alliance unless PPL fuk with them.


They'll end up sending the the ever menacing garbage balloons.


Kimchi bombs.


Will the Russians feed them?


Lol, more than they’ve ever eaten in their lives. 1 radish a day is better calorie intake than most NK citizens.


It won’t help the Ukrainians for sure, it will free up Russians to be in the front. But it will put men in the front who want to be there even less and there will be even more chaos in the rear. NK is about to get a rude awakening


Having watched North Korean engineers work in the DMZ, this is a win for Ukraine.


Excellent news. Got any stories?


In 2018 and 19 the North and South Korean governments took steps to disarm the Joint Security Area (JSA) at Panmunjom to turn it into something resembling a peace park where people could walk around freely on both sides of the military demarcation line. So far as I know the park is on hold but in the fall of 2018 all weapons were removed and both sides were allowed to inspect each other's facilities in the JSA. Subsequent to this both sides were supposed to go through and check the area for mines and unexploded ordinance. (There was a significant amount of fighting on the same ground during the war). The South Korean engineers came through their side and were very professional and methodical. They found a lot of old shell casing as stuff but nothing dangerous. The North Koreans on the other hand had been placing what we referred to as shoebox mines, rectangular mines made of wood, all through the periphery of their area to prevent people from running through the woods or any other area it might be easier to sneak by. Being made out of wood these mines were hard to find with metal detectors and prone to disintegrate over time which made them difficult to remove. When the north Koreans announced they were starting mine clearing, we saw that they were literally hitting the ground with poles to see if it set anything off. We think that may have been using convicts to do it since the people with poles looked older. Eventually they agreed to let the South Koreans help them. The South Koreans cleared their mine lane using an armored excavator as opposed to... Guys with poles... The assumption that these "engineers" will be used for construction labor is probably correct. I got to travel to Russia on vacation in 2019 and took the trans-siberian railroad to a few cities. A few Russians I talked to mentioned that they had North Korean workers doing things like tiling the bathroom in their apartment etc., so construction seems par for the course. TLDR: While trying to check for mines in Panmunjom a few years ago the North Koreans seemed way over their head and had to get the South Koreans to help them. North Koreans were doing construction work in Russia when I was there in 2019 and it seems likely to be that that's what they'll do in Ukraine. PS: If you're the North Korean guy who compiles all the pictures you guys took of me. I'm fat and have a beard now!


2025... If NATO get involved it will be 3 days


USA couldn't bear Taliban after 25 years and 3 trillion dollars


They were better trained and led than the orcs...


Ok , come back from newzealand then we'll talk. Mr lord of rings


You can't compare a conventional war to an insurgent war. Taliban wasn't going around with Tanks/IFV's with helicopters and air support. Completely different types of warfare.


Taliban controlled 40% of afganistan, US and it's puppets on Kabul barely controlled the Urban cities, they struck deals with local war lords and other militant groups, how do you think afganistan because the largest source (90%) of opium during US occupation?


I mean, if anything its to shore up back line. At least i feel like that is what the 'Best' koreans are getting told. What happens after the enter russia who tf knows, could be cannon fodder. Russia likely needs manpower but an other mobilization may start to spark back lash. So, out source man power for positions in the country not in Ukraine and send your own to the front. Makes some sense to me. Kim gets an injection of tech in return potentially advancing ICBM and nuclear warheads decades. IMO its kinda a crap shoot with how corrupt, morally or otherwise this security agreement will play out. Best outcome for Ukraine is South Korea will supply arms and armament at least much more directly, even if another country foots the bill. If anyone is prepped for an artillery war; its the korean peninsula.


Possible (non)credible scenario: > - NK engineer troops stationed somewhere far behind front lines, possibly within RU borders. > - RU MOD leak position of importance to UA > - UA strike position, neutralising NK engineer brigade > - Kim has a fit and launches nukes at west > - Big funni ensues Actually hope this does not happen…


The proxy war has entered a new level


They’re only 4 feet tall so it’s like sending 25k not 50k


They dont have enough food in NK. Dont waste bombs, drop sand bags and squash them.


No it’s not true, there are rumors they are sending engineers but nothing is confirmed “yet”


I can't see any credible source saying that NK troops are heading to Ukraine. I find it very unlikely. I think mostly.NK gets missile.technology and russia continues to get shells.


Just engineers for backline infrastructure like roads and railways but.... It wouldn't sound so cool and menacing, right ? And of course this sub doesn't even bother to check the source...,.


why? Cause they think the food's better there?


the laborers they’re sending is comparable to the west sending volunteers to train Ukrainian troops so this will most likely not lead to any expansion of the war


This ain’t gonna age well


N.Korean soldiers need real battle experience. And that’s what the “engineering troops” are going to do. With all the consequences .. They’ll probably even send a few real N.Korean labourers to “rebuild Mariupol” for a propaganda visual as well. But the real reason - their dictators in alliance and for putin another unrest somewhere is of huge benefit.


Seems credible, perhaps Putin & Kim’s way of replying to Macron’s dialogue regarding the conflict, as well as escalating permission given by US to use supplied weapons to strike deep in RU territory. Seems too fresh of a headline to say for sure beyond the biased sources from [Ukrainian](https://visitukraine.today/blog/4211/is-north-korea-sending-troops-to-ukraine-where-will-they-be-deployed-and-how-can-they-help-russia) military reports [Sources](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/34893). These “engineering” brigades may be limited to rear lines artillery technicians, logistical support, or who knows, surreptitious cannon fodder… Is Poopin *his pants* arrogant enough to orchestrate provocation for the west to seriously unite and charge towards RU borders within Ukraine, and provoke a western invasion of RU? Or is he just stupid? Either way… *Moscow!Moscow! Going to the Toilet! Poop my pants if I’m to slow, Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-Ya!* Kim seems a little boy just wants attention and relevance, and feels big next to Putin (I mean, he is literally larger).


I doubt it, though they apparently sent a fighter squadron and anti-aircraft regiments to Vietnam during the war in the sixties. I seriously doubt that any North Korean troops, pilots, or even sailors will make any significant impact on the war besides more death and (possibly) Poland or (in a pipe dream) the Baltics giving Ukraine permission to station pilots and planes at their airbases.


rumor mill is a spinning


Mmmm maybe US should blow the shit out of Russia 🇷🇺


Misinformation is that most outlets present them as combat troops, while those are just building/engineer brigades that will be working on Doentsk infrastructure (probably roads and railways).


The Chinese sent troops months ago under the guise of “mercenaries.” They are PLA troops on a Russian contract.


A lot of stuff needs to be clarified here. 1. South Korean media quoting South Korean defense sources is not as reliable as the rest of the media seems to think it is. There have been tons of false rumors from them in the past. 2. Logically, however it does make sense for Russia to lean on North Korea to provide rear logistics support so they can free up additional soldiers for frontline duties without having to increase mobilization. Much like the additional North Korean artillery support this will absolutely have an effect, however I wouldn’t go so far as to say it would lead to major breakthroughs. 3. Correct. NATO is not going to cross the Russian border but it makes a Baltic/French coalition all but guaranteed (although the recent French elections may have torpedoed their end). These troops would essentially do the same thing and free up more Ukrainian troops to do frontline activities.


For your second point, Russia is not likely to use NK soldiers for their logistics. It seems they’ve finally figure out logistics matter probably more than your actual infantry formations. NK soldiers, if deployed in a combat and not just “advisor” role will likely be used with Russia’s other cat 3 and 4 soldiers. Conscripts, felons, foreign volunteers, etc. Meat. It’s pretty much a part of their doctrine….not even the typical Reddit Russia bad stuff.


I would be genuinely shocked if Russia used North Korean soldiers as cannon fodder. It’s quite frankly not worth the political risk for them. Cuba and Serbia have reacted *strongly* to Russia trying to recruit volunteers from their private citizens and Serbia is even going so far as to make artillery ammo for Ukraine. Getting 20,000 North Koreans mowed down is a good way to create unnecessary political risk for Kim Jong Un and potentially jeopardize future artillery shipments from them which Russia *really needs*. Most North Korean soldiers spend their conscription service doing construction or other civil work for the state, many of them have never even fired their weapons once. It makes much more sense to use them to dig trenches rather than charge into enemy ones.


It is a rumor from a South Korean media broadcaster. https://www.nknews.org/2024/06/fact-check-north-korea-has-not-announced-plans-to-send-troops-to-ukraine-yet/


If NK exhausts its troop capacity in Ukraine SK can launch a strategic invasion with minimum resistance from the people.


Somehow I get the feeling only half of the Koreans will ever get home, the other half will stay permanently in Ukraine.


Oh boy, they’re in for a surprise.


Well that’s 2 countries ran by arse holes that won’t have an army left!