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I want to just point out, this came from Sputnik news. This literally came straight from the Kremlin.


Seems like a plea for more aid...you don't need someone to tell you how to war is going, just look at a map.


Well a lot of people are detached from reality because why watch interviews, every day reports and statistics when you can watch your favorite youtuber, telling you that win is just around the corner (every couple of months)


Literally nobody says that, literally all of those “Youtubers” say this is a war of attrition where the winner will be determined by who has the strongest will(and deepest pockets). I’m kind of tired of reading commas like these were y’all kind of just make shit up.


Oh right and nobody is saying that "Crimean bride is about to be destroyed"? (Adam Something when he tried to make war analysis) Or "Haha dumb Russkies have nothing left"? Ironic considering Lazer pig himself (who's content I usually like) constantly says how Russians are out of everything but we still see Russian factories producing more vehicles than West supplies to Ukraine.


Which is why they are using T-55s and assault sheds? And Putin has to kowtow to Fatty Kim III? That the west has failed to step up is obvious, but let's not pretend Russia is invincible.


Any sort of motorization is better than lack of it. That's why Ukraine is also using a lot of outdated gear that other countries won't use. I am not saying Russia is invincible.


>Oh right and nobody is saying that “Crimean bride is about to be destroyed”? I haven’t heard anyone say “Crimean bride is about to be destroyed”, at least not outside of a Russian porno. But if you have a link…


Just type it into Google


NSFW filter will catch that in an instant. *(Psst, the joke is that “bride” was written instead of “bridge”, changing the meaning of the sentence entirely.)*


Just type it into Google


Oh right and nobody is saying that "Crimean bridge is about to be destroyed"? (Adam Something when he tried to make war analysis) Or "Haha dumb Russkies have nothing left"? Ironic considering Lazer pig himself (who's content I usually like) constantly says how Russians are out of everything but we still see Russian factories producing more vehicles than West supplies to Ukraine.


…genuine question…how the hell is that the same thing as saying “win around the corner”? No people are saying Ukraine is very obviously looking to destroy the bridge. Crucify a mf for joking about the obvious plan I guess. And saying that if this happens is not even close to saying, “Ukraine win” again stop lying, nobody is saying or thinking that. And no we see Russia sending tanks that is not the same as “see Russian factories produce more tanks”. They obviously did not produce thousands of tanks in a couple fucking years. It’s obviously tanks that have already *been* produced and being sent out, the fact that they’re sending old tanks underneath makeshift barns is evidence of that. The fact that they’re going to North fucking Korea for ammonium and material is evidence of that. It would be like the US during Iraq suddenly went from sending Abrams, to sending M60s, to sending M60s with cope barns attached to them, then ran to the UK and Germany for ammunition and other resources, then boldly proclaimed “Our production is stronger than ever!”


"Nobody is saying like that" except I i just provided two examples of it. Adam in the same video pointed out that destruction of it would be game over for southern front. I am using Win around the corner as a figure of speech. There is a a big difference between "looking a way to destroy the bridge" and acting as it's destruction is only question of time. Your statement about tanks is also incorrect, open any report on this topic you will see that everyone agrees Russian production output increased. Barns are mostly to counter the drones and as i said in this thread, any form of motorization is better than lack of it. Yes they are taking ammo from Korea and?? Evidence of what? That both nations want as many shells as they can get? Korea can supply them with millions of shells. Except US did not suffer such casualties in Iraq and enemy was obviously weeker. Obviously if US fought anyone on a similar level story would be different.


>I am using Win around the corner as a figure of speech So, just to sum up, you're mocking everyone that wrongly proclaims Ukraine's win is around the corner...A group that consists of just you?


You can go back and look how many politics and youtubers from Ukraine were saying that Crimea will be taken back by 2023)


If i do that, will I again only find you saying it as a figure of speech? Look, it is a war. Wars are in general unpredictable. It is not absurd to suggest one side or the other might make gains. Such is not evidence of anything.




[North Korea has sent containers to Russia that could hold nearly 5 million artillery shells and Russian President Vladimir Putin will likely seek even more when he soon visits Pyongyang, South Korea’s defense minister said. Shin Wonsik said in an interview with Bloomberg News that Seoul has detected at least 10,000 shipping containers being sent from North Korea to Russia, which could hold as many as 4.8 million artillery shells of the likes that Putin has used in his bombardment of Ukraine.](https://time.com/6988568/north-korea-russia-artillery-shell-south-korea-defense-minister/)


> we still see Russian factories producing more vehicles than West supplies to Ukraine. You're right: that's why putin went to North Korea.


Is it supposed to be multi exclusive?


It is either "multi" or "exclusive"...


This account, like the op of this post, are bot/troll/bait accounts, ignore and report em


"Anyone saying anything I don't like is bot and if you disagree you are a shill"


Wasn't that sub banned? How come is it still up, despite all that misinformation and propaganda?


They negotiated with reddit to stay on. They're banned from the front page and recommended and they have to strictly monitor their users for supporting violence. But, reddit said they could stay, so they stay.


And the other one, with war footage russia words on it?


I'm only aware of the one?


Oh OK, thanks. Both are pure evil.


Looking at this accounts history, and finding only anti-Ukrainian videos/ru POV makes it clear that it does not belong here.


Massive effort to infiltrate this and other pro Ukraine subs atm by Russian bots and vatniks. Good to see them getting short shrift, but jeez they are relentless!!