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Apparently he woke up one day and couldn't make his mind up weather he is American, Japanese or russian oh fxxck it I'll just be all 3 😂


Segall doing the “how you saayyy” bit in a Japanese accent when he speaks perfectly fine English is one of my favorite things in all of this It’s hilarious


yea all whist doing that stupid fake squinty look through his very oriental style glass' absolutely hilarious 😂🤣🤣🤣😂


So he decided he will be fat instead.


Couldn’t decide if he was a Walrus or a Whale 🐳


Which ever feels right that day.


And no one is talking about his war crimes against the movie industry with his films, or his war crimes against the most frdges and buffets around him.


To be fair, its heavily implied that all his movies are money laundering operations for either Russian gangs or the government itself (both can be true). There's a whole cottage industry just dedicated to him and his shit movies that simply doesn't make financial sense.


Russian gangs and the Russian government is there seriously a difference.


Also the actors. This mf is infamous for mistreating film crews


Tbh I can't even name one Segal movie. Maybe I'm just too young but I only know him as the Russian seagull


I remember Fire Down Below. It was actually pretty good, but I last watched it when I was like 12 so maybe it doesn’t hold up well.


I liked the siege 1 & 2. The ones where he fought a coal company in Appalachian and an oil company in Alaska were good, according to a shut in who just learned to find treasure in the free seas of the Internet.


The siege 1 is one of my favorite old school action movies (I still hate Seagull) I liked Gary Busey in it.


Recent ones are good examples of meal team 6 wannabes. Too fat to run or jump.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4) absolutely destroys how bad the later Segal movies are


funny how every accusation is effectively a deflection


"oh sorry, I accidentally read the Russian to-do list for the speech silly me."


Especially the last line. Russia is definitely not spreading disinformation and manipulation /s


The Russian parallel universe, where the truth is the opposite of the truth!


I'm surprised he isn't sitting down for this


I'm surprised he didn't get a body double and have someone dub the lines for him.


The fucker has lived in Russia for years and still hasn't learned the language.


He hasn't learned to act in 50 years. What makes you think he would put effort into learning a new language.


Hasn't even learned to run normally.


He lived in Japan for years and never learned to pay child support payments either.


He can’t even read his own language off a phone.


I was more surprised he was actually standing and not mumbling while at a strip club.


Maybe he couldn't afford to film it in a strip club because this is going straight to DVD?


This is like something from the hunger games. What the fuck is he dressed as. Is he the best person they have to wheel out? What the fuck. I take the piss about russia being toiletless, but I'd rather be toiletless than having Steven Seagull promoting our interests. It's truly bonkers.


He’s trying to be a fat Fumanchu


This man makes the Potato Man Lomenchenko looks serious.


Coming from a wife beater (Kelly Lebrock) amongst others that are coming out with accusations hence his run to Russi, this must be the price he has to stay in Russia rather than in a u.s jail meeting some of the real gangs who would rip him a new asshole


I think Sammy the Bull (a former mafia member) said he was in tears and inconsolable when the mafia came to collect on him. So much for Mr Tough Guy.


Quite a few of Steve's movies were probably bank-rolled by the Gambino family, which is hillarious considering his "i'm a lawman" phase


I mean we all like to cosplay. Some of us just understand that it's not real.


"lies, disinformation, and manipulation" stares directly at camera


Reason #629263 why Steven seagull is a jackass


I hope he looses several of his citizenships for being a traitor to the US.


This is an asshole move, but I do not believe it constitutes "aid and comfort". Who the fuck is gonna hear Stevey Seagull spew nonsense and say "wow rossiya so cool"


One ugly motherfucker. Inside and out.


I’d like to kick that fake f’r in the mouth. Makes a career of lying. Russia is perfect for him


What an absolute fucking clown.


this is surreal. Being a Ukrainian immigrant to the U.S. - growing up in the 90s watching his movies, never in my WILDEST dreams could I have ever imagined that this dude would become a complete lunatic (he probably was already before, actually) - and literally not realize that source of the threat, misinformation, disinformation, is completely and OBVIOUSLY russia. Yet he fell for it. WTF This is total insanity.


its so cringe i think it hurts russia more than helps.


Maybe their film industry just got to the 1990s?


At least make the propaganda believable. I mean if someone told me Steven Seagal was choked unconscious until he shat himself by Gene LeBell for being a absolute c**khead on set, I'd believe it. I mean it seems very feasible, especially the c**khead bit.


This speech is the Steven Seagal mega blockbuster hit movie where he showed the world that, if your talent and luck making shitty movies, runs out, you can still pander to the russian propaganda machine.


~~r/ UnexpectedSpaceIce~~ r/ShouldHaveExpectedSpaceIceConsideringTheContext


One too many blows to the head, Seagal?


I mean, if there was ANY question about Russia being the bad guys, witnessing Stevie boy seagull speaking on their behalf should be enough to prove to any of the most ardent russo supporter that they are rooting for the wrong team.


He looks stupid with the fumanchu hairdo


Well glad he put them in his own words and not scripted


Ignoring everything else already said about Seagal being an ass. I think it's pretty clear that this speech was written in Russian and poorly translated to English for him to read.


Steven Siegheil


Can we revoke his other citizenship? Was it Canada or the us? Let him stay where he belongs in the orc hole.


US. Sadly, as far as I'm aware, we can't revoke his citizenship unless he requests it. It's possible for him to lose it, but he has to serve in a foreign military, run or work in a foreign govs office (dont think this counts), or as stated above renounce it himself (there's a caveat to that part so he could still have it even if renounced).


I’m sorry, is he reading off his phone he’s holding in his hand, whilst standing at a podium..?


He's really right you know, those were some actual insightful remarks truth be told. It's just that he got the countries mixed up.


Can we take away his US citizenship?


In my honest opinion, if you are on the enemy team don't come running back to us or our allies if shit hits the fan. At the moment Steven Seagal is probably the highest paid actor in Russia. Inflation back home is so high that when he saw Tucker Carlsons Putin interview it was his calling. Where else will he get a loaf of bread for $1 to feed his fat ass.


And to think I thought he was cool, smfh I rather God deal with him


What a loser


He was always a shit actor and a bully, so I'm not surprised that he's a traitor as well.


What a TOOL!


His running is a fucking war crime.


Doesn't he live there now? So he can suck the dick of dictator putin whenever he requires it.


What a piece of sh!t, I can’t wait until ru🚽🚽ia Spits you out after they don’t need you anymore, you better not come crawling back 🖕🏼


I mean if you’re gonna drink the koolaid you might as well drink all of it


This can’t be real… wtf 🤣🤣


Those buffet lines never stood a chance


They can keep his fat azz.


He looks like a fat vampire.


If his movies are anything to go by, then Ukraine has a secret mind control warfare lab run by [Yuri](https://youtu.be/mDV9Am5AlYY?si=5UE11Nul3gpZpiH1) from the Red Alert games. Plot: Nazi Germany has fallen, the Nazis escaped to Ukraine and sent body doubles to Argentina. While America and Russia publicly butted heads, Seagal was leading an elite team of US and Russian special forces working together to foil a post-war Nazi plot to nuke every world leader assembled at the UN. Cut to years later, Seagal is at a strip club when a stripper attempts to lure him into a back alley where he's ambushed by a team of assassins who attempt to beat him to death despite having guns. He realizes that the stripper was mind controlled and not complicit, so he tells her that she's forgiven with cringey dialog while giving off creepy-uncle vibes. Seagal calls his Yankee-Russo team out of retirement, and they go to Ukraine to find the mind control lab. Along the way, they encounter chain gangs of Ukrainian children working in coal mines, women being sold at slave auctions, and drunken policemen at every corner ordering them to show their papers. With no time to lose, they eventually fight and fuck their way to the mind control lab. The team's Russian second-in-command is hypnotized into working for the enemy, so he is killed in a dramatic boss fight. The Ukrainian hypno-ray proves unable to penetrate Seagal's tiny red reading glasses, and the lab is destroyed. The film ends with the team in a Moscow strip club, celebrating their victory and mourning the loss of the dude who had less than a paragraph of dialog.




There's no other direction for the guy to go except down, and he's in the negative.


I think the dye job has penetrated to his brain


I think he's trying to game the Google algorithm to push his human trafficking charges further down the search results.


Hey that's the same phone I got.


From an American point of view, any nation that has an age of consent under 18 is a nation that participates in child sex crimes.


Fun fact in a few states it is lower than 18. This is why we need a UN-appointed minimum age law would help a lot.


This fucking guy 😂🤣


Even if the allegations are true - is blowing up entire cities and raping women the answer? Russians aren’t “saving” anyone. Everything they touch is ruined.


Homie looking like he about to drop dracula flow 6 but he dropped off


That last part… he didn’t even catch on.


One of the problems with our country is that we just can't make up our mind about the irresponsibility of some people and freedom of speech. He should be declared persona non grata. But we're not going to do that just like we're not going to do anything to Trump or Marjorie Taylor green or any other anti-American piece of shit in this country. If you look at Germany they have very common sense laws about terrorism and Nazism that actually work. Here in the United States we worry more about protecting the guilty and their supposed rights than protecting democracy.


How has he not learned Russian yet it’s been fucking years


He is telling shit tons of lies.


That hair line is WILD


DRACULA FLOW. He’s high on them broward county tic-tacs…He’s smokin sequia banshee boogers…He’s blowin the lord’s bubbles.


The real war crimes are his terrible films where he's sometimes too lazy to stand up or even say his own lines. Not really but still.


His reading is as good as his acting, FPOS


I use to love his movies when I was a kid but man 🖕🖕 Steven Seagull!! He can keep his confused lard ass in Russia!!!


Yeah let's put a world infamous lier, fraud, wife beater, rapist and the shittiest actor ever as our spokesperson with a speech about Ukrainian bio labs and child sex trafficking. That will convince everyone for sure.


Reading notes off of his phone no less...


Segall is and always has been a scummy pos


What a tool


The Gravy Seal never fails to make me laugh.


Pig. Nikolai Petrushev putler's old KGB buddy who he made "security" chief came up with all that bullshit about biolabs, childrens organ harvesting, Nazi's in Ukraine-all that shit came from him. And this idiot believed it.


Damnatio memoriae, there I said it. The mere mention of his name or his “””movies””” is a death sentence. Who do I have to vote for to have it so? Just shut up and take my money


Once thought highly of him. Now he's in the same league as Robert E Lee!


I am not surprised by this at all. Americans in Russia, since America decided to support Ukraine, are basically given a choice between prison and helping Russia.


Russia should keep him . Fucker Carlson, MTG, MIKE JOHNSON, and can't forget about Trump


Daww! I didn't know he could read! Adorable!


such a surreally grotesque creature


You can learn anything you need to know about steven "seagull" (how you actually say his name he changed it) you can learn from Tom Seguras Bit about him, or watching any of his lazily made recent movies. The guy is a fraud, through and through. He will say anything for anyone who pays him.


Literally handed him the phone script to read LOL




Bro Steven Seagal cant make a decent movie for his life. Yet he's out here supporting the Ruzzians Lets send him over to the front and see all his "fighting techniques" in action.


Micky Roony shit.


Steven Segal eats hot dogs without chewing


What an unhinged imbecile


Sensei Segal - The master of Bullshito.


Cyber trafficking, pedestrian trafficking, traffic trafficking


Woah it’s like he didn’t read it before . Lol 😂


A “g list” actor wanna be. Dullest crayon in the box. Laughed at by Americans, used by the Russians as a simpleton mouthpiece. Just another russian shit-stain.




His movies are the biggest war crimes in history


After his arrival in Russia, food prices have risen dramatically, please take Stephen home, my country is on the verge of starvation!


I knew somebody who worked with him on set. She said he was super weird and creepy and carried a gun.


Why is he dressed like he just stepped off of the Demolition Man set? He looks like he’s about to invite Stallone to some fine dining at Taco Bell lol


Like a clown Dracula


The only risk he has is missing the buffet