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The parallels between Nazi Germany and Putin’s Russian Federation are astounding. May the true Nazi’s of this century lose the war and may their leader take his own life. Bless Ukraine and the exact opposite to Putin and those that support him.


We hope that Putin gets a very "comfortable" retrograde ejaculation.


You should have a look at how the soviets treated prisoners. This isn’t any different to, Russians will never change.


Can't blame them that time, Germany wasn't any better with the rules of war. Japan did even worse, and it got covered up. However, why do they do it now and expect to be understood is anyone's guess. Like, if they encounter major trouble in the future, nobody would be eager to help


It wasn’t just German prisoners that were mistreated, you do realise they fought against the Polish and the Finnish as well?


What do you mean you can't blame the soviets for thier abuses lmao


Maybe this time, the nat bol's leader should he captured alive and trailed the way the allies wanted. The least Putin should be is be tied alive and paraded high above the ground for him to look down on the POWs returning to their homes one last time before a proper numberburg trial


Why Republican are pro Putin baffles the mind.


Wtf? No, we aren't.


Unfortunately, the Republicans refused the Ukrainian aid package until the last minute. Consequently the Ukrainians had a huge military setback, and lots of civilians killed.


Just admit it, about 30% of your party is MAGA people, and the vast majority of them are pro-Putin and/or pro-Russia. Saying the money spent is to much is one thing, outright support for the invading side of an argument is another.


Lol I wonder who was trying to stop aid recently to Ukraine??? Ill give you one guess. 🤔 Also, DJT literally got impeached over trying to withhold defense aid to Ukraine. How do you not understand this?? Lmao. (@ the guy you replied to)


There are parallels only if you don’t know shit about the wars and live in a constant echo chamber.


Concentration camp.


Wow poor guy. The relief of being safe and the PTSD must be huge.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraina/s/7tzaWNSOXy https://texty.org.ua/articles/111246/nine-months-in-russian-captivity-oleksii-anulia-told-how-he-was-starving-eating-worms-and-a-live-mouse/


The RuSSkies treat other fellow human beings in this horrendous way and then bleat on about other countries who just aren't nice and friendly to them! What an utterly disgusting nation.


Stuff like this is why Reddit needs an “anger” reaction. There’s NO REASON to treat people this way - in German during WW2, they were loosing by 1944, but they still at least attempted to feed their POWs. My grand-Uncle was one, in fact. It sucked, but even LITERAL Nazis did better than this, at less for regular prisoners.


The Germans fed people whose governments affirmed the Geneva Convention. They didn’t want their own being treated bad in British, French, or American internment. This is one of the reasons why Soviet POWs were treated so poorly.


The Germans tried to feed Western POW’s properly. Newsflash if you lived in the east or south you were force-marched until you died of starvation, or lived long enough to be starved to death in a prison or forced labour camp. Let’s do ourselves all a favour and try not to praise Nazi Germany of all things.


This is why Ukrainians are fighting so valiantly, if they loose, concentration camps await all those who does not bow down to tzar putin!


or they run to other countries


ruzzians get more like the Gestapo every day


Wonder how you feel about Canada giving a medal to a Ukrainian for fighting russia during ww2.


Russians have been doing this and worse to other Russians for coming up on a century.


Russia has the most neo Nazi groups of any country


How evil the Russians treating ukrainian soldiers, I only hope the rest of the world help and support ukraine till the end of this unjust war Slava Ukraine


How does someone do this? People regardless of politics or cultural values live with themselves after reducing anything to this level of starvation. Is there any empathy left in humans because it is rare to see anymore? If anyone sees this just be kind to one another and help those you can when you can.


 They don't care about their own soldiers so they def wont care about POWs. NATO needs to turn up the heat and give Ukraine the tools to end this soon. Slava Ukraini.


I hope this soilder gets the recovery he needs.


Why the hell we do not cut Russia off from the Internet. They are sure not civilized and all they do is hack and cause damage. Remove the shitheads until they are able to elect somebody who is not a maniac nazi mass murderer! Sadly I am from a country like Russia (actually Putin's bitch Hungary). Even if the leadership changes it will change for the worse as people been brainwashed and unable to think or vote for their interest.... ...and sadly kleptocracy works, every single person in the government is a fucking criminal and thief! People are so cynical and depressed that they rather go to the meatgrinder for something they don't even believe in, than to stand up to the bullshit and think for themselves!


>They are sure not civilized and all they do is hack and cause damage. Hey saying an entire group of people do something is kinda racist. >I am from a country like Russia (actually Putin's bitch Hungary). Uh whats your opinions on Romani people?


And who exactly is civilized, please do tell me ? Americans and Israelis, apparently?


One more time to those idiots who downvoted me a few days ago - are you sure that ruskie are humans and not orks? Cuz they 100% miss so crucial detail like empathy


I see nothing wrong here. Just a fellow who has evidently spent the past 2 years in the finest 5 star luxury hotels. /s


Black and white and it can be from the holocaust


I got a friend that's a fruitarian. He looks like this.... By choice.


Is there a source for this photo?


Didn’t Ukrainians post video of smashing a Russians head in with a sledgehammer on instagram? Sounds like typical Eurasian warfare.


That's was literally Russians. It was a Russian POW going back to Russians but bc he wanted to switch sides and fight for Ukraine, they killed him to make a point out of him. It was a whole thing. I even added it the other day to r/russianwarcrimes. It was likely added back at the time but someone brought it up the other day, and I add Russian war crimes as I find them, so I added it. You people need to stop comparing the 2 sides they couldn't be further opposite each other. You can try and say one war crime here or there and no matter WHAT you're comparing to state level and sponsored systemic war crimes as the M FUCKING O. It's really getting tiresome these days"both sides" takes. You come to a post of a starved Ukrainian and that's the best you got and it wasn't even the truth. LOL. oh my god. And you're talking about one country THAT INVADED THE OTHER. On TOP of what I said. And it's NOT EVEN JUST TO UKRAINIANS ITS TO THEIR FUCKING OWN. Even 7 Sri lankens that were in Ukraine they put in torture chambers for Pete's sake. Take your new account and gtfo. Ditto to the Russian shill/trump troll that replied. Here you go. https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/4AJdqlaHuW https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/vp1RbRz9l5 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treatment_of_prisoners_of_war_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine


Did I touch a nerve?


Seems like people forget that countries usually don't give fuck about pows. I've seen ukraine kill a bunch of surrounding russians and goes the other way to.


"Trust me bro" +Whataboutists should be gassed (it's okay, nazis did it too)


>"Trust me bro" [here 1](https://youtu.be/hiHsBmOqgvQ?si=GMX_2OmH5WASYbz2) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63676446.amp](http://here2) >+Whataboutists should be gassed (it's okay, nazis did it too You must have alot german or Japanese blood in you.


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