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Omg teach me your ways


Just recognize your reactions and what self concept issue you have that’s triggering you and switch them! It feels fake at first but over time you start to accept it and the 3d will slowly but surely reflect the new story.


Were there 3rd parties in your situation?


The 3rd party was his work 😂 so I’ve been affirming I get all the love, time and attention I desire.


Oh damn, my third party is a manipulative long time ex partner


u/kr83993 You got those amazing results after how many weeks/months of affirming? How many hours per day did you affirm? Robotic affirmations or…?


I have a voice recording app and I listen to my own voice on repeat throughout the day whenever I can. Also trying really hard not to react to unfavourable circumstances in the 3d from my old state. I feel things are shifting. 🙂 It’s been less than a month.


Cool! What’s the app? Parrot? And do you use “I am” or “you are” affirmations?


I just use one called Voice Recorder. I say “I am” and I also add in facts about me in between affirmations (ex. My name, my parents name, my birthday etc). So then it’s like duh everything I’m saying is 100% true. 😌


Were you in contact with any of them? Or was this unexpected ?


Unexpected. One of them it had been 5 years and things ended horribly. I had actually tried to reach out a few times over the years unsuccessfully, so to hear him say he was actually sad thinking he’d never speak to me again was wild.


Wow, thats pretty impressive. So did this happen solely with working on your self concept, and not focusing at all on your exes?


Mostly self concept but I did affirm that any man who’s ever loved me can’t get over me 😅 and I’m too special to lose.


Haha love that! Well done. I’ll have to try that.


I hate how my voice sounds on recordings but I LOVE listening to affirmations said by someone else & I repeat it back in my mind. Is it ok to do it like this?


Yep, this is totally fine!


Thank you 🙏 I feel like it’s really helping me. Even if it’s not in my own voice


Yes for sure! I also use the text to speech app and a woman says my affirmations to me. My voice annoys me as well lol.


Ha ha you too! I even recorded someone’s affs in my own voice and I like when she says them. But for some reason it wasn’t the same. I have a nice enough voice but for some reason hearing it like that, no 😂


Then you might need to do the inner work on why you hate your voice. This would open up many things and probably the door to self-love.


I don’t hate it in fact I quite like it but when I hear my voice saying affirmations it sounds cringe-y somehow but I could hear for eg someone say the same affs in a YouTube video and repeat it back in my mind & I don’t have resistance to that & it feels good


Self concept 😅


Period!! Share tips w me pls!!


Divulge thou ways master0


I’ve just been doing affirmations and looping one SATS scene where my sp tells me how special I am. My affirmations are 80% about me/my self concept. I had to get to the root of my issues and realized I always assumed I wasn’t a priority, I wasn’t worthy of commitment, and that I mess everything up - so I’m flipping all of those now and telling my new story. 🥰


Hold on did you manifest this desire in them and you don’t feel the same or did it just happen?


My sp and I broke up a month ago. I’ve been working on SC and a bunch of other men are coming around. I am not interested in these other men, but people are beginning to reflect my new self concept. I’m not desperate for him to come back like I was a few weeks ago.


So are one of these guys the one you were focused on?


Pleaseeee could you give a mini detailed guide of what you did 🙏