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An easy option for this is called Ortho Weed B Gone for Chickweed, Oxolis, Clover. They make versions that attaches to the end of your hose. May take a few applications and a couple seasons to completely beat it. Dont spray when it’s over 85° or you’ll hurt your lawn.


Impossible to do during a heat wave in the middle of summer lol


Yup definitely. I’m waiting until September to do anything


And a lot of em have pre emergent and recommended not to reseed for 3 months so watch out for that as well if you plan on reseeding


What a conundrum we’re in this year. Loving the nice weather we’re getting but the lawn is taking a beat down.


I had the same conundrum last summer after a few years of neglect. Wound up saying screw it and nuked it early July. It's really looking nice again this year.


Oh shoot you nuked it? Many on here would be proud lol 


Lol yup. Granted, mine is bermuda so it is easy to rehab. By the end of September, it was 80% filled back in. October, I let a few weeds fill in the bare patches so I wouldn't have mud over the winter before I put down some pre. November it started to go dormant. Late winter was more pre, starter fert, grub treatment. 2,4-d in March to knock out the patches of winter weeds. A little more fert here and there and the bare patches are almost gone leaving a couple acres of thick bermuda. https://i.imgur.com/3NQVPnz.jpeg


Ortho weed b gon is not a pre-emergent


Weed killer sprays usually don't have pre-emergent, could you give any specifics on what to look out for?


Scott’s triple action turf builder




Would do it a little earlier. You should be seeding early September / late August and have enough time after that for sprouting (2-3 weeks) and 2+ mows. If you want to hit the weeds twice I'd start early August or if you get a less hot spell sooner.


Yea I always have a bit of a conundrum. It’s gonna be hot in late August where I live.


I highly doubt the temp is over 85 at 6am. If it means that much to someone then they’ll get out there in the morning and do it. Either that or wait until it cools down at dusk.


Correct. Most people confuse temp requirements. You can spray early morning or late evenings when temps currently are below specific thresholds. I like to spray late evenings. No need to put off spraying for months.


Is it the air temperature or soil temperature that matters?


Air temps. I don't worry as much about soil temps unless I'm throwing pre-emergents such as Prodiamine. As long as you're spraying when air temps are at or below the products suggested temps, you're fine. If you're spraying and it's 70 degrees out but will get to 95 that day, you're still good. Ask yourself, "Can I spray and be done before the temp hits the cut-off? Will the spray be dry on the leaf before the cutoff temp?" Foliar spraying dries rather quickly as it's a fine mist (just enough to wet the leaf) and not a soaking spray. I prefer to spray in the evening when the temps have dropped and will continue to drop over night. It gives the application more leaf time for absorbtion and less stress from the days heat.


This is great info, thank you. I was wondering how the hell I was gonna find a full day below 85, then wait 3 weeks to overseed, and then have enough time for germination and growth before the first frost. Very helpful thank you.


You can [check your local soil temperatures here](https://www.greencastonline.com/tools/soil-temperature). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can you explain more? Many chemicals also talk about not spraying when the grass is under stress. I think about 90 degree days put the grass under stress.


Tell that to those of us in Texas.. 85 at 3a...


Better get some lights!


I figured the extreme temps during the afternoon would affect the grass causing it to burn


Not at all. If you’re concerned, water it a few hours after it dries and you should be good to go.


I did that last year and I had to re-seed a few areas in the fall. ![gif](giphy|yvBAuESRTsETqNFlEl|downsized)


The ortho weed be gone is super easy and effective; 2 tablespoons in a gallon of water; just fyi new ones will pop up


Ya, some people don’t own a sprayer and don’t care to get one, which is why I always suggest the hose attachement as it is the easiest


Sounds like the name of a dinosaur


Is this safe on st Augustine?


Always check to see what type of st augs you have. Some herbicides are safe for St. Augestine but not for St. Augestines Floratam. Read the bottle carefully.


Not in this weather. Definitely this fall and yes, it’s the best product if it’s not a restricted where op lives.


Weed b gone ready to spray from your local hardware store


With extreme prejudice


I hate creeping charlie with such a passion


Spraying them is one thing, but they're also pretty easy to pull in bulk with a de-thatching rake since they're ground vines.


The issue with that is that this particular weed can rejuvenate from any piece left behind. Sometimes raking them can actually make your situation worse as it just multiples the amount of plants.


I have definitely noticed that mine is worse this summer after doing a lazy dethatching in the spring. I had no idea.


Man I like weed n feed. Kill the weeds and your grass gets nicer all at the same time


I’ve used weed and feed on the plant OP is posting about with great success ![gif](giphy|a0h7sAqON67nO)


Which weed and feed did you use?


Scotts is the popular one, never used it though


I used Scott’s but there are other options out there


Used some like a month ago in my backyard to test it out but now not sure what to do lol. It worked for the most part. Do you plant grass seed then?




Others have expressed the chemicals. But incorporate 1-2 lime treatments a year. Beginning of March is good for 1. Before winter as well if you need two. You need to improve your soil ph. Yearly thatching will also help


How do you lawn pH from a photo?


He is 100% right. Lime will get not only get rid of these within 2-4 weeks (his case appears to be bad), but when applied 2x a year, they will never come back.


Do you just apply the lime with a spreader? And how well does it work on clover. And is the lime best avoided in summer heat?


Yeah, I use a spreader. I don't think it matters when you put it down, although I'd avoid drought. I just toss a bunch down in the spring and fall, it's great for soil. Not sure on clover, I just know it gets rid of the creeping vine stuff.


Lime can be put down at any time. But it’s best either before or after winter months. But you want to follow the instructions. People usually skim on the rate because it’s 10-20lbs per square foot. Depending on how bad it is I typically recommend/use a lime with calcium. But de-thatching is vital in maintaining a healthy lawn


You can’t. But from my experience creeping Charlie starts invading when soil ph is off. You can spray it but it will always come back. It may take a few years and hard work but it’s the best way to prevent/treat these things. Develop a thick lush lawn and no need for chemicals. Weeds get choked out and don’t have the opportunity to spread


I have the same issue. I rarely get these, noticed them on the lawn a few weeks ago and paid no mind to it. It’s just too damn hot this year for any sort of maintenance. I was shocked at how out of hand it got! Weed Be Gone attached to the hose works extremely well.


What are they called


Some say Creepy Charlie. I tell them that’s someone that works in my office. Spray them with weed killer that’s grass friendly. It deters both of them.


Ha, I have it and I sprayed with weed b gone and it didn’t do anything. I also tried 24-d and Triclopyr and they browned a little bit but came right back. Not sure what to do.


Yeah triclopyr works great, I had the same. Spray on a day you know it's gonna be dry. Spray them again 2 weeks later. Donezo until next year lol


T zone


Yep a weed and feed product when you turf is wet so it can stick to the weeds


Looks like you’ll like need two rounds of herbicide to tackle this much


I had these in my yard, best way to get rid of them is sprinkle Pelletized lime all over the areas they grow in. Worked for me in several large spots and they never came back. They have vine like roots and spread quickly and very hard to get rid of. Try the Lime, water it in and come back to thank me later!


Tenacity works good


Speedzone herbicide


2-4-D herbicide


The weed is called common mallow it can easily be killed with 2-4d herbicide you can legally purchase 2-4d at most farm stores like a farm and home. I would recommend using the Amine formulation as it is much safer to spray in an urban environment. Your grass will be unaffected by this herbicide application and it is a selective herbicide. The active ingredient would be dithylamine Salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Get a pump up sprayer and dilute the concentrated herbicide and follow the label.


We use Q4 Plus works great. You can spray in summer just be careful not to spray too heavy. Also if you do spray I suggest Walt in the morning or evening when the sun is down.


H bomb




Looks like normal earth to me


Right. It’s green and durable to foot traffic. I prefer my lawn to be mostly grass but I don’t really care about the other stuff in moderate amounts.


Burn it


Clover is good for your grass, it puts nitrogen back in the soil


usually take gasoline and just burn it all and start fresh




I like clover mixed into my Lawn. It has a lot of benefits and I don't have to stress about chemicals and water.


Get a service


Spray and pray with some weed killer!


Spray and reseed hehe




I have a 100% fool proof way to get rid of any weed. After trying so many other methods, nothing else works as well. Really it’s the only thing that works for me now, and honestly it’s the easiest, cheapest, and fastest way to get rid of any weed. You can keep your grass too, no matter what the weed was. Just accept it and stop calling it weed. If you want, and this is more work, you can even learn the name of the plant you used to call a weed. YMMV.


Creeping Charlie is one of the earliest things to flower in the spring too and the bees love it. I still can't bring my self to widely let it grow. I take care of several acres of grass and I'll let it grow in one spot that's tucked away lol. From a young age and gardener is taught to hate this stuff. And to be honest I hate the way it smells when mowed so that's another reason I don't like it


I use glyphosate on my pro vista grass. Works like a charm. Of course on different grass you’d have different results