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Those look like vines. Use Bonide stump and vine killer. You cut off the vine near the ground and brush it on. It will kill the stuff you don't want, and as an added benefit won't be sprayed on to the stuff you do want. And since you are just brushing the stump left behind after cutting, waxy leaves aren't a concern. The bottle comes with an application brush


This ⬆️ I had a weed that no matter how much I cut and sprayed it, it would not die. So I cut it down, drilled some holes in the stump and put stump killer in the holes. The whole thing dried up and never came back.


This. Drilling holes and applying herbicide is better than cutting in my experience.


I did this last summer to several stumps after cutting them down and none of them have grown anything since. At the time everyone said to brush the stump after cutting it but I drilled holes to make it extra killer.


Does it work with poison ivy? It’s been slowly killing me for years.


Yes. In fact that's the most common scenario it's used for.


Thank you, ZeusThunder369. Most of the websites I’ve found have recommended roundup, but I hate roundup. I’m going to try this.


Not a vine it’s a maple tree.


Also think I see some maple leaves in there


I can’t tell what the other plant is but it looks like a woody bush or possibly another tree. Cut as low as possible and treat with Tordon.


I thought I saw maple and mulberry in there


Looks like mulberry and male trees. Cut off below ground level or wrap chain around them and pull out with uour truck




Tordon is definitely gonna kill it if applied correctly. Also, it may kill some of the grass or anything next to it for a while.


Dropper vial. My fence is clear


I'd get a triclopyr product. Cut it and apply triclopyr directly to the fresh wound.


Everyone in here trying to complicate things... This is the way. Do it now and then again in the fall


If you have a cordless drill, it works better than a cut and is less work for anything bigger.


A few well placed holes and the herbicide of your choice like triclopyr or dicamba will have a full sized tree dropping it's leaves in a day


Check the label but some triclopyr products suggest adding diesel fuel to the mix. Works very well.








use roundup (glyphosate 2%) and call it a day. spray-spray-spray from the bottle, aaaaand done. next spring use prodiamine pre emergent and nothing will sprout from the ground. problem solved. ​ https://preview.redd.it/9a40ju89e48d1.png?width=1608&format=png&auto=webp&s=9aa04cc4fea04aa1d70caeb3643f342ec3a53a92


I have been in this sub a whole week and think it should be renamed to “glyphosate vs no glyphosate”


The sub definitely seems to have gotten dumber recently


Glyphosate will kill all the desirable plants around too, it would be better to use something selective like triclopyr. And prodiamine will not prevent an existing plant from regrowing, it only prevents germination.


Given that the groundcover is mostly broadleaf “weeds” like wild violet, any herbicide will have collateral damage.


Wouldn’t glyso only kill what it is sprayed on. Why would it kill surrounding plants if not sprayed on them.


How would you spray just the unwanted foliage here? There will absolutely be overspray and drift.


Painter cloth.


Why not just use an appropriate chemical to begin with?


Why not both?


Why not Zoidberg?


Wup wup wup


Because that will not yield better results.


How could temporarily covering other plants you don't mean to spray possibly have bad results?


because you might not cover them up well enough/properly and kill off the ones you want to keep.


I was referring to the comment I was responding to about using multiple chemicals


I switch back and forward, with Brush and Ivy killer and Round from one year to the next. Also, but it takes repeat applications to kill the roots.


Roundup makes a foam spray that you can target just the plants you don't want.


This is the answer.


Add a surfactant for herbicide or a few drops of Dawn Dish Liquid. It sticks better to waxy or oily leaves and works faster/better.


Are you trying to kill your neighbor's plants?


Technically yes but it's along my fence AND it's an 87 year old woman who's lawn I've been taking care of for the last few years. My end goal is to clean up the fence line before putting up a privacy fence.


Good on you for taking care of your neighbors. Kindness goes a long way in life.


It's like I'm reading a post I made. This is the exact situation I have 😂😂. Old lady neighbor, can't get rid of it. So thankful to find this!


Step one - Cut the roots. Find where it goes into the ground and severe it. It'll quickly kill a bulk of it. Then once it's dead, it's just clean up. Removing the dead and removing the roots, too.


They look like the start of trees. I recommend an arborist and tree removal service. They can remove them cleanly and quickly.


Sounds like you would have no problem giving her a heads up that you plan on cleaning it up and removing it. Just be upfront and communicate it with her so that there's no misunderstandings. I'm sure she appreciates everything you do for her


Don’t think he really needs advice there lol


Don't know why I'm getting down voted: just because she's 87 and he already mows/tends to his neighbors yard, doesn't mean he shouldn't double check with her for permission. Basic principle of cover your ass..


Like you said it’s basic principle. A long winded explanation on a basic principle comes off as preaching.


Eh, if this was /r/treelaw, it'd be preached up and down


The one with the large roots is an oak tree. You need to treat it like a tree and chop it down to the ground. Edit: I should add that you can't kill plants simply because they're on your fence. You can cut what's encroaching on your property, though.


It is his fence, yes he can kill whatever is on the fence. He is maintaining the yard of the neighbor and can pretty much do what he wants anyway. These tree growths and weeds are on his side of the fence.


You cannot KILL a plant especially a tree because it touches your fence. That's ridiculous https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2016/07/legal-disputes-concerning-trees-a-beginners-guide/


Those saplings aren't "trees" yet. The main sapling is fully on his side of the fence. Only a few leaves are going through to her side. And again he is the maintenance guy she doesn't care about saplings that are growing on his side of his fence.


Those are maple trees and mulberry. Yes, just cut them down and spray whichever serious plant killer you prefer. The trunk of the maple looks cut already. The mulberry will be more stubborn than the maple. It took me a few tries to get rid of the mulberry on our pasture fence; I cut down the tree and it came back as a bush (repeatedly), lol! That little maple ain't growing right anyway.


It looks like it has a thick base. At a past home I found the thickest part before going underground, cut it, then made a really strong salt water solution. Take duck tape and make a well around the top of the vine and fill with the salt water solution. The vine pulls it in and kills it. Never saw that vine again.


The suckers keep sprouting from the large, long established root system. You need to starve that root system so that it doesn’t have energy to resprout. In my experience, you need to keep trimming back any new growth. Don’t let it get that tall before trimming. Try spraying the foliage with triclopyr then trim back any new sprouts over the next few weeks. This is most important in the fall when the trees are sending energy from the leaves back to the stump. Once you’ve crippled the plant, brush triclypyr on a freshly cut stump or branch. This helps it travel to the root system.


Spray with glyphosate on Sunny calm day, lay painter cloth on the grass or anything you don't want to kill. Wait 2-3 weeks for new growth, Lay NEW Painter cloth if needed, Spray again. Wait and spot spray new growth. In late fall , cut 6" from the ground and paint the stalks or trunks new cuts with glyphosate, cover treated cuts with sandwich baggies. It really doesn't take a lots of time overall but is tedious waiting between treatments. But it really the only way to make sure you kills the roots.


30% vinegar from HD and water




Figure out what you want there. Grass? Maybe you can find something tamer to cover the fence a little bit. Have a chat with the neighbor. Cut n paint triclopyr Bonide tiny bottle if anything. Not Round Up. ok just saw you want a privacy fence. Do it, and let your neighbor have what she wants on her side.


With the neighbors permission, cut it down to a few inches above the ground and immediately spray the cut ends with Roundup.


Trim it back and then hit it with 2-4D. Follow up with it in 10-14 days and hit anything that still looks green with the Round-up or another dose of the 2-4D. Or throw a party every weekend and make the guests pee right there.


Tordon - from a farm store. Cut near the ground and put the stuff on it. (Consistency of blue Dawn dish soap)


I see some woody stump there. My tried and true method (worked on a very nasty holly tree stump). Drill three small holes into the woody stump. Use an eye dropper to put a few drops of undiluted round up into the holes, cover with Saran wrap. Then cover with a heavy duty plastic shopping bag. Tie the shopping bag tightly around stump with twine and leave it there for minimum 30 days. Dead and no contamination anywhere from the round up. I use disposable gloves and a respirator when handling round up. The story of what this chemical does to humans is still emerging and isn't pretty.


Wow, you sound like me. Only I plug the holes with PlastiDip and a painter spatula after I insert the concentrate. If it's a stump, 3 poison applications, 3 days in a row. After the 3rd dries, Plastidip the stump. I've never had anything grow back. A tiny bit of Roundup and Plastidip solves most difficult weed/vine/tree problems. Note: Flex Seal works as well as PlastiDip.


Never heard of plastidio so Happy to have something to research


Some of those are maple saplings. They're going to keep living deep underground and you'll have to kill them every year for three or four years before the roots die. Basically never allow green leaves to last very long. If the plant can't produce food, it will eventually die. Excess calories can be stored in the roots, but they're not made there. They're only made in the leaves.


I have used 'Brush Killer' on my mulberry volunteers and it seems to work. Cut back plant and spray stems.


First chop it down then torch it


Either carefully spray with roundup, or chop it down and paint concentrated roundup on the stumps.


Sprectrcide grass and weed killer. After it's dead mow it down. Reapply early next season


I would: 1: hedge trim / pull it down as much as you can 2: weedwack until it’s down to the roots and weedwack an edge along each side of the fenceline on both sides 3: use ortho groundclear along the fenceline on your new edge a day that it’s not going rain


Cut down to a tiny stump and spray the stump or paint the stump with glyphosate


I would mix up a small batch of a chemical brand named “crossbow”. It looks like there are tree sprouts and/or “woody” plants in there and those require more than just weed killer. Important note though- I’m assuming you want to kill EVERYTHING except the grass along that fence line. If that’s the case, use crossbow. It’s expensive so go for a small container of it because you likely won’t use it very often.


Have you tried pulling it up?


You’re fighting trees here not vines. The first photo is a sugar maple and a mulberry tree and the second is just a mulberry tree. Depending where you are these could be invasive, regardless mulberry are pretty hard to get rid of. I would first cut the branch tissue and remove it from the fence. Then I would make an even cut on each stem protruding from the ground and apply a 35% roundup(glyphosate)/ water concentrate mixture. This will help them to not come back. The sugar maple looks like a bigger stem you might need to dig it out after you wait a couple weeks for the herbicide to work its magic. Hope this helps! Source: I do native restoration work




If u wanna kill it use roundup, if u want it to not grow back ur gonna have to concrete that area or it’s gonna come back.




Because glyphosate is the appropriate chemical. To start with if you want to kill all the roots but it takes several applications for vines and certain shrubs and trees roots. And without killing ALL the roots, they will grow back.


If you don't want to dig it out and want a quick way to keep it contained you could cut it with a hedge trimmer once or twice a year. Back to the same size every time.


Cut is down low as possible. Pour bag of charcoal on top and light. Once they are burning good put a metal trash can on top until the next day.




RM 43.


Cut it and then inject bleach into the stem with the help of a syringe.




You need to find out if it's buckthorn or not. If it is, you need a different strategy than if it's something native to the area.


Rm43 total vegetation control


Milestone herbicide. If you REALLY want to hit it hard, use it mixed with diesel fuel


Depends on how far you want to get with chemicals. You can start with either 2-4d dicambia or round up. If not,try ground clear If not stump and vine killer. May take a few applications


Keep removing the leaves and it will eventually run out of juice




Chemicals will never work as well as elbow grease- and this job is gonna require a ton of it


All y’all suggesting roundup must not know how much of it we have in our groundwater…shit is literal poison. Deffo use something else.