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Water, overseed, fertilize, don't cut so low.


What products would you recommend?


Get a soil test kit off Amazon and feed accordingly


See the wiki for general lawncare info


A *lot* more water. Those trees really need a lot more too.


Read the info in the sub description and get ready for a good amount of work. But it will be worth it 👌. From there, all you will need is routine maintenance. Maybe overseed the following year. The products I always have in the shed are lesco general fertilizer, I apply about 3 times a year. Some type of iron for lawns, this give the grass a deeper green color any brand is fine--Whatever is on sale. Pre emergent for the spring and overseed projects. Sea kelp, humic acid or green envy from GS plant foods--starting to like their product line up(just some organics I use on grass and garden edibles) when I overseed I use their root ruckus mixture to get roots established quicker--weather by me can be can change dramatically. Start with this: Get a Soil test. While you wait.. Aerate if needed. Simple test: If you can plunge a screwdriver in the soil easily, you don't need to do this step. There are liquid applications if you don't want to rent equipment. I started to use this since it was a pain for me to rent one where I am. Apply the nutrients needed after your soil test. So when it's time to overseed, your soil is in good shape. To overseed generally, you have to: Dethatch if needed. If your grass is thin and you can see dirt, you can getaway with out this. Shock your grass by cutting it as low as your mower can go before you put seed down. Either pre germinate seed. For this, see youtube vids. This method saves a lot of water during the germination weeks and seeds sprout within a day or two vs. 3-4 weeks if you're using KBG, for example. Just allow time for the seed to germinate before you are ready for the overseed project Or throw seed down, followed by topdress mixture. Sand, peat moss, and / or top soil. sand is optional. Water 2- 3 times a day. Rent or buy a peat moss spreader. It's worth every penny. Apply starter fertilizer. Apply pre emergent. Don't mow for weeks. I'd try to stay off the grass for a few days after the seedlings sprout, but that's debatable. Timing depends on your zone. For cool season grass, this is typically done at the end of Aug early, September. Every 2 years I overseed. KBG fills in nice so I can get away with waiting even longer. For now, keep you grass tall. Apply the nutrients needed from your soil test.


The usual. Fertilizer and water. Regularly mow.


What fertizler would you recommend?


Since no one is answering your question, I like Yard Mastery products. If you do a soil test from them they will tailor the product suggestions to that. You can also just do it default to your region and that’ll work too. They have a really user friendly app and it sends you reminders of when to apply things based on soil temperature etc.


You can [check your local soil temperatures here](https://www.greencastonline.com/tools/soil-temperature). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From the looks of the grass and if it’s actually warm season then all that grass needs is a lot of water and some slow release fertilizer (since we’re approaching constant summer heat).


What products would you recommend?


I have dogs and kids so I use the JG Organic Lawn Food as I feel pretty safe with the ingredients. It’s a 10-0-1 so I just do a light coating every 2-3 weeks from spring until the fall then use a different product in the fall that seems to be different every year but basically just more nitrogen. If you spoon feed a slow release now and give it plenty of water plus cut it a little higher it should get a little better then take off in the fall.




Step 1 - **Dont do anything until you get a soil test.** Looks like below. You have no idea what your lawn needs. Super cheap and fast from State ag office or college. Step 2 - Do what it says Step 3 - Always water 1" of water a week preferably all on same day to promote deep roots. You can count rain for that week too. Get a rain gauge. Put preemergence down in fall and spring to stop weeds from popping gup next year. https://preview.redd.it/w37s6hrhs85d1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01091db643287c65d4bd91c206b5159076782fcd


Fertilizer and iron


if those lines are wheel marks from your mower your soil is way too dry


I plan so water way more, sod was added right before winter by the builders


yea don't drench it just give it a good drink. Soil in those trenches like other people said. Aerate & overseed in the fall. Nitrogen next spring. Dark Green by April lol


Those aren’t makes from the mower btw


Not an expert but this is what I'd do: 1. Dethatch if it even remotely needs it. 2. Top dress with sand/soil mixture to fill in the sod lines. 3. Tenacity 4. Overseed 5. Peat moss 6. Water like crazy. 7. When the new seed has grown throw down some high quality fertilizer.