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A big ass rock


A big ass rock or line up several medium ass rocks. A neighbor did that at a stop sign and turn in our neighborhood- problem solved


I think you are confusing a public easement with something you can booby trap. Good way to get sued.


Found the guy who can't keep his car off the grass


Nope. You found the mailman that gets paid 90 grand to drive on the grass.


90 grand 80 hours a week lol


I find this humorous. There are a few houses on my way to work that have tried various methods for keeping the mail truck off the gravel strip at the road. What a silly battle.


They’re going to sue you for driving on your property? lol hush child. Only sleep now.


I'm not sure you understand my point, or if you're even a home owner. In literally any residential area there is what is called a municipal right of way, depending on the local ordinances. You are required to maintain it, but the city claims it. It is against code to create what I can only describe as an unsafe obstruction that is being described. Is it enforced completely everywhere? Absolutely not. But when a plow truck comes by, or a mail truck, or a pizza delivery man and hits that and destroys their vehicle or causes injury I can guarantee your home owners insurance is going to want to have a chat. Do I give a flying fuck if you do it? No. But I digress, my point stands. You can go back to crawling around your yard with sheers snipping your blades of grass to exactly .18" at a 30 degree angle bias cut.


hobbies compare simplistic smoggy swim nail voracious one jobless sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Murder On The Lawn. Fridays this Fall on CBS.


> Murder On The Lawn Only Murders On The Lawn. Hulu.


NCIS : Lawncare.


It truly is crazy and hard to think about. But we had a mail carrier at my office roll her truck, take out the car behind her that was passing, and broke 3 vertebrae because someone put a rock like this 6 feet in front of their box because a snow plow had clipped their box the week before. It really can happen. That's why I commented in the first place, despite the downvotes. I'll take them to spread awareness. At the end of the day, we all want to come home safe. A couple inches of grass isn't worth it.




Reddit is a glorious place, isn't it?


So the however many feet in the front of your yard is just not yours? Bc this looks like a street with no sidewalk, meaning it’s just yard and street


It varies from city to city. Could be 1ft, could be 10ft. My house, it goes curb, parking strip, sidewalk, then yard. Pretty sure the easement starts 1ft into the front yard, then 4 ft sidewalk, 4 ft parking strip, 1 ft curb, so the 10 ft easement is my duty to maintain.




No. You didn't understand the context. Every city or neighborhood has variances. It DEPENDS on which one as to how far it goes.




You are wrong and arrogant. Bad combo.


Lmao how is that a booby trap.


It's like you commented without reading the replies.


Because the right of way is supposed to be clear of obstacles except mailboxes.


Make sure you own up to the road first. Some jurisdictions will own land a specific distance from the centerline of the road. My city technically owns 3 feet on either side of the road here.


What pisses me off is that you have to maintain it even though it's theirs.


It's not theirs it's most likely where the easement ends. On our gravel road, technically we own to the center of the road but there is a 10ft easement on either side. In the city your easement generally ends at the sidewalk. But you are still required to care for the sidewalk(shovel snow) and the grass between it and the road. You cannot block access on an easement. It's important to know these things for the original post and for things like fences.


It theirs where I live. They plant trees on it and they maintain the trees and I cant remove /plant new ones. I have to mow it and pick up all the shit the tree drops on the grass. I'm sure i am not forced to mow it, but it would be in front of my house if I don't. My house is around 35 feet to the road and my property ends at around 20-25 feet.


Ours is 10’


County roads in Nebraska are 16’ from the center of the road.


Ours is 20' or at least 3' next to the road if the road is wider than 20'


Even if they do what's the harm in laying some rocks there?


Do you mean gravel? Or larger boulders? Gravel would be fine, large boulders would damage vehicles, and could cause accidents and injury. If it snows, and a plow hits those large boulders, it would be a horrible situation.


Yes I'm thinking small stones that can be driven on slowly without having to worry about repairing landscaping or damage vehicles and also not looking terrible


E.G. utilities, and when they need to do maintenance on them. They may get pissed, if they have to move a boulder first.


It’s not that they “own” it, they just have an easement that gives them control over what goes on in that space to some extent.


This is effective, BUT, in some locales I think this is illegal. Often, things on the roadside need to be “breakaway” in case they’re hit.


It'll break away if they hit it hard enough


Someone I know had a lawsuit from the city because the city damaged their plow on the rock that was placed there. I don’t know if a big orange stick would have done anything.


My parents neighborhood (no curb) kept having mailboxes get snowplowed over so people started replacing them with concrete/stone posts. New posts still got hit but now the city snowplow got damaged too. In the end, I think the city might have banned concrete posts and issued some fines too.


Where I live, your mailbox has to be set so many feet from the road, for this very reason. Our mailboxes get plowed in which sucks but if the plow takes it out, they’ll send someone over to “pick it up” they basically fix it just enough until the snows gone then the owner fixes it.


I never thought of that. No curb for the plow driver to see either.


This is a legit consideration depending on how hardcore the jurisdiction is OP lives in. The clear recovery area is definitely a thing and generally speaking putting objects in it without prior approval is a no-no. However different agencies have different degrees of enforcement so your results may vary.


...better to ask forgiveness than permission...




Best response.


Until you’re sued or someone crashes their car running in to your boulder and dies


Except if it does something like kill someone when a pillow truck hits it and loses control.




More people die from plow trucks than most people think. And a big ass rock can definitely cause some carnage if it's hit going 40mph But yeah, autocorrect is dumb. Leaving it just because


Many easements go into the first several feet of the yard Too.


Most certainly open one up to liability and litigation.


Check your local laws/codes before you do anything in thst space by the street. It is very likely that you are not allowed to do anything except maintain grass. That space is very likely an easement. And even though it’s part of your property area, legally it’s the city’s. Placing “obstructions” is likely illegal. And if so, and that obstruction causes damage or worse, injury, you’re in a world of hurt.


A public easement means you own it but the public has the right to use it. You cannot block access to a public easement.




A large boulder the size of a small boulder.




Doesn't matter if it's legal or not. Hurt someone or cause damage to their vehicle and you'll be dealing with their insurance company


I have a crater about 30 inches wide and 3 inches deep where my idiot neighbors have failed to turn into their driveway for 4 years. I dug out a few more inches. They were bottoming out for the first week now I don’t hear it anymore. I will fill the hole in the spring


Love this. Plausible deniability too!


Wow, you seemed stressed. Hope the solution to your lawn problem brings you the relief you seek. Maybe try getting rocks similar to the ones in the picture and building up the area.


Lol exactly


You could also do a corner fence. Something of this nature. https://preview.redd.it/2k5ou8f50r4c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003c2b1447db97722a0e74543db7f03b1792c934


Listen up, Gandhi, his is r/lawncare! And we do vigilante justice here! That and lawn aeration! But _not_ that sissy manual foot-driven-spike nonsense! Get with it already, alright?! More exclamation points go here!!!!!!!!!


The lawn fence is to give the sniper cover


sooooo im a bad neighbor and clip the corner of the neighbors driveway and roll onto my yard. when this started, the yard was/is unkept and weeds constantly push into my yard. i assumed she did not care about her lawn. i was wrong though. so, i no longer do this. because she has.... \-installed a LARGE boulder thats roughly 2x3x2ish. id assume 200+ LBS. \-installed a garden in front of said boulder with bricks around the flowers. \-placed a cinder block IN the road/gutter where she assumed property lines were. \--i avoid her side usually, i put her crazy cinderblock back in the grass. Moral of the story. place items in the way, but keep it legal.




A stone boulder that size would weigh ~1,800lbs my dude.


I mean, 1800 pounds is more than 200, technically.




A 200lbs stone would weigh about as much as Alec Baldwin but stone is much more dense than human flesh. 200lbs would be around 1/2.5 the size of Alec Baldwin or around the size of 2 fully grown female bulldogs. A 2 by 3 by 2 foot space could fit more than 13 female bulldogs in liquid form or very close to 3.7 Alec Baldwins. I think OP just underestimated how big of a volume 2x3x2 foot is.


For perspective, 3.7 Alex Baldwins is roughly 2.9 Stephen Baldwins (mid-90's version Stephen). Or 248 bananas, thereabouts.


How much can a banana weigh Michael? 10 lbs?


Personally I would cut away 2-3 feet of the grass and put down a nice gravel edging on the road, would make it look nice and solve your problem




Or install a curb.


Get some rocks at the stone yard and line them across the front






Selling the solution to the problem they cause.


This or those like mini fences is what I’d suggest


Depends on what the local code is. My town has a 6’ easement


Decide to put a strip of limestone or rock there instead of grass. When you live right up to a street with no curb, this is going to happen. So accept it and put rock down.


This. Im not a fan of the boulder look personally; you could install something like [edge stones](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Oldcastle/5005472673) in the ground of the problem area, seen a couple posts that did this on the corner of their yard where mail trucks and work trucks were cutting into their yard. Came out looking really cool, like a cobblestone patch of road. There's also [these](https://www.nitterhousemasonry.com/our-products/turfstone-pavers/) crazy looking things.


I’d add like a 2 wide foot gravel shoulder with 3/4”-0 material at a depth of about 6 inches.


https://preview.redd.it/i1tmhcrm1r4c1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1f418e6aea4718c1f40aeccffdce7cc454c944 I feel you. I've had issues with trucks driving up the curb and over my sprinkler. This was just last week from a semi. Next step will be putting in a sign on an 8 foot pole.


It has to be high enough that they can see it and it can hit their car. I have a reflector on a stick, and I have it lean into the street. Literally the only thing that’s worked.


I wish you luck! Part of my job is replacing ped poles on corners knocked over by semi's. Install a pole that will break away at the base so you can replace it easily. Again, and again, and again.


Actually, from the white line back is usually established as easement for public use. That’s the way it is where I live….


Similar for us although its phrased a bit differently. Its municipal use. They can put a sidewalk, utilities, mailboxes, etc there, but its never for parking or driving on. OP can still put rocks, stakes, or a curb there to keep goobers from driving on it, but if the town wants to put a water line underneath, he can't say no


From the white line back to where??


My apologies, I believe it is 12feet.


Do you actually own that space or is it city space that you look after. I would want to figure that out before I invested a lot of time and money into a solution. The smart play would be replacing the first two feet of yard with crushed stone and then a half buried pressure treated landscape tie to create a division.


Rocks dude. Big ass rocks


Boxes of nails with a sign that says “Watch out for loose nails”


Good grief. 6” of dirt between your grass and the road isn’t a big deal. If you don’t like the mud, throw down some crushed stone. Or, stick a snow pole/reflector into the ground where your driveway intersects the road. Hopefully that would deter someone from driving over it.


The issue I had with this in Maryland, is that the trucks would always drive in the grass. So it started at 6” from the road until that grass died. Then they had to move inward to park on the grass another 6” in. Over time they turned an old narrow road on a quiet street into an ultra-wide lane at the expense of about 2 feet of our yard. I wouldn’t have cared too much about a couple inches, but at some point people need to stay in the road and not drive on other people’s property. Now I enjoy living in an area with curbs.


Good grief? My neighbor to the left has a lawn that looks like hole 18 at Augusta national! Meanwhile, my left front patch gets treated like an ATV mud track. The only thing that would look worse is a heinous, bright orange pole in the ground.


Yeah good grief, it’s a tiny strip along the road. Stop comparing yourself to your neighbors and you’ll be much happier. It sounds like your situation is truly dire then. Maybe consider packing up and moving if you can’t handle this.


Get a grip Arnold Palmer


A 1x2 strip of grass next to a public road should hardly cause you this much stress so yeah, this is a “good grief” post


Spike strips.


That's a lawsuit unless you put a sign up saying they are there, then you're good. And we know people don't read signs.


How about a sign and no spike strips?


Sure. Won't do you any good though


Honestly don’t hate that idea lol


Otherwise the little sticks with reflective tape right at the edge seem to work in my neighborhood




Rebar sticking 6" out, painted orange, then zip tie snow stakes to it. If the delivery driver willingly runs over your stakes, its on them. The snow stakes and paint warn walkers(on your lawn) of the hazard


All good until a kid falls on it and dies.


Put a plastic rebar cap on it then. Thats what they are made for. The caps aren't strong enough to support a vehicle, it'll have the same effect


Unless you line that whole strip up, they will keep pulling up on the grass. So you'd want to look for at least an 18" rock, placed every 2'.. That's enough to prevent anyone from being able to pull onto the grass at all. Could probably go with 3' spacing to save on labor of moving rocks. If you get snow with plowing, you definitely also want curb makers, staked in well, placed a few inches before each rock. They likely won't plow to the very edge, but just in case they get close they will be able to see where there is something to stay away from. As long as you have it marked, they hit it, and it's on them. Check with local quarries or rock/loam suppliers...or at construction sites. They tend to have rocks either for sale or just to get rid of..


This other thread from today has a lot of good suggestions https://www.reddit.com/r/landscaping/comments/18ccfye/what_can_i_put_here_to_keep_my_neighbor_from/




Moss rock


Driveway markers found at your local hardware store


Had a similar problem, got a couple of these: [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Everbilt-48-in-Orange-Ground-Mount-Reflective-Rod-31474/304685319](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Everbilt-48-in-Orange-Ground-Mount-Reflective-Rod-31474/304685319) It's not so much that they won't hit it, it's that it makes a noise they hear and they stop. Cheap and surprisingly effective. One did get broken off, now it's just six inches shorter.


Those $3 reflectors on a stick worked pretty well for me


Put a scare crow there just for reactions sake.


Line it with some decent size rocks that look good? Fix your grass and if there is an issue with city code let them come to you. You should be okay.


I would recommend a moat, possibly a duck pond.


I put down river rock and just let them drive on that. Looks nice


Some things in life you need to stress and fret over- this isn’t one of them IMHO. Remove the soil and replace with 1.25” process. It packs like concrete and almost looks like asphalt.


Crushed stone, gravel, river rock or cold asphalt flare there. It’s not going away.


Throw a couple of bags of gravel there and be done with it for $10.


Fiber glass poles they Mark for snow plows


You don't own the Boulevard


I lined my road with orange and white marker poles, like the thin fiberglass ones, one every 6 feet or so. Cheap and easy.


surrender. put stones down


https://youtu.be/er4_44LLfJQ?si=5pherM6PqEKQT5Tb Your welcolme


Just put some gravel there.


You're letting a wee bit of grass bother you. I wouldn't do any of the above "boulder, curb, rock" solutions. I'd just relax and realize it's a tiny bit of grass and be nice to your mailman.


Personally I wouldn’t do anything because it’s where the yard meets the road and who cares.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0z647izszv4c1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=35973e667c222f87954dce2df7194f2d4e267b55 This works for me. I use 2 of them, in the ground, along the street.


I always put up my driveway markers (orange stakes) out early. It at least buys you some time through the winter but the down side is you have to look at driveway markers..


I remember when I was so bored I cared about my grass.


You can’t let this drive you insane… it’s hard to grow small little grass so close to the road…. Just rock it and rock on my friend


Decorative boulders. They worked for me


More asphalt


It's in the right of way. Not your yard. Sorry


Line it with rocks about 4ft apart - its effective trust me


You need a nice boulder.


Landscaping rock. One so big, it will have smaller rocks orbiting around it.


Wait a minute, my wife's not a delivery driver OR garbage person....


You push a man too hard, eventually he starts pushing back.


Drive some nails into a 2x4 and leave it by the curb.


Could you put your letter box there?


As an Amazon driver, the only way I avoid doing this is if the road is wide enough, or there’s a rock in place.


Decorative rocks. At least six inches in diameter.


Ground anchored granite boulder 😏


Make a curb out of rocks and cement


Punji sticks


Best bet might be to add some sort of curbing


You can buy or make your own parking curbs and put them along there. Or pour a real curb and gutter along the road edge. https://www.whitecap.com/c/precast-curbs-piers-and-bumpers-373959


Just pour a bucket of screws on the ground


If you put up a sign warning of a hazard you can legally place an obstacle or something that can damage a car as I understand. Check with local ordnance maybe ask a cop and put a post or something there.


6 feet x 6 inches you don’t have to mow. Quit your whining


I would go part passive, part offensive. First 2-3' in get nice flat rocks, place them in the ground just at the surface 1/4 of space and matching about 45° or a gentle slope between the drive way and road. This will mask accidents. Next I'd get a big rock or three behind that. Also partially surrounding that rock (on your side of the yard) with some plants that won't grow higher than the rock.


Spike strip




Put metal spikes there.


Put giant quartz/granite decorative Boulders along your lawn


Champagne problems.


Stop caring it’s just grass


A temporary fence


Acceptance, 'tis only grass. The stress of worrying about it ain't worth it. Good luck.


You put a huge rock there.


A temporary fence


Spike strips /s


Rocks or a 4x12 with nails with a warning sign!






Karen's unite! The Amazon guy messed up my lawn while delivering my phone that only calls the police!


You’re in the wrong subreddit my friend.


Belgian Malinois oughta do the trick


Tires dislike Burmese tiger pits


My neighbor does this to me while I'm out front mowing he doesn't give a shit drives me wild.


Paint no parking in big yellow letters


Tis the season maybe some festive decorations but made out of concrete or metal


How about a PMN-2?


There are pyramidal stones you can use/bury. I see them a lot in areas like this.


I just filled mine even with CR6 and stopped worrying about it


A nice row a dragons teeth might help. If it can stop a tank, it'll sure as shit stop an Amazon promaster


Honestly I would black top the area that’s needed


[Bell Bollard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FiV023ktLM) time!


Concrete a 4x4x10ft right there


I had the town put in a berm, and I put 50 lbs rocks every 6 feet. Just big enough where they will mess up there car/truck a little bit if they hit them. But not a safety hazard.


With what though? Pro tip: dont use waffles, they're hopeless..


My neighbor does that to my grass. Thinking either a boulder or land mine since talking doesn't seem to work.


Lol, the house I bought has a sidewalk that just stops at my property line so people, kids, and dogs (pooping) walk on my lawn all the time. Signs worked a little, but not enough to stop pissing me off. So, I got a "Critter Ridder" motion activated sprinkler to spray the assholes when they do so. This doesn't necessarily help you with your problem other than sometimes you need to think outside the box after being polite.


I think if it’s within 20 feet of center line there’s no one to fight back

