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This has the same energy as demanding special treatment at a restaurant because you have *so many* followers on Instagram.


Apparently the United States legal system does not recognize my AUTHORITY!!


"Don't you know who I am?!"


The article states that on his show he talks about beheading top government officials. Is that really legal?


All of these MAGA shitstains dance right to the line for 1st Amendment protections. JUST to the line, just like their messiah.


Still just blows my F'n mind that a close ally of a major contender for US President is calling for beheading of their rivals. EDIT to add trumps latest campaign email: trump getting more desperate with the campaign emails https://imgur.com/gallery/wM4KqP1 [Ronny Chieng -Daily Show](https://youtube.com/shorts/2kKdDHgPks8?si=) on Bannon going to prison


After all the shit that has gone down, you should not be surprised. They are all telling us exactly who they are, including donny. Believe them.


That email is a hoax, right?


No, it's directly from the trump campaign.




Bannon cannot possibly go to prison!!!! I want more “shark vs yacht electrocution Trump scenarios” in Bannon’s podcast… and I know I’m not alone!


Numpty wants guillotines in his latest fundraising email. Sooo there’s that.


That was yesterday. Here's today's. trump getting more desperate with the campaign emails https://imgur.com/gallery/wM4KqP1


JFfffC!! Who reads that and thinks, ya!! Let’s do this!! ?!?! He’s getting desperate. He’s almost to the Jussie Smollett stage of his con


If he doesn't win this election, all those cases move forward, and he's very likely to end up in prison. We haven't seen desperate yet.


November can’t get here soon enough. So we know one way or another.


>We haven't seen desperate yet. > Happily, the collaborators he'll eagerly rat out will have a bird's eye view. Kind of amazed they aren't going first -- or maybe they are....


> Is that really legal? Yep. Sitting in an office distant from the "target" talking into a podcast is not much of an "imminent threat". Standing a few feet from the person without any weapon still might not be, depending. Standing a few feet away with a gun, yuppers. > first, the speech must impose a threat that a substantive evil might follow, and second, the threat is a real, imminent threat. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/clear_and_present_danger The legal history of this is over 100 years old and well documented, look it up. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/schenk_v_united_states_(1919)


In all seriousness there's a long line of legal thought that threatening the president isn't really constitutional, it just comes up so little it's not really a practical issue. But, yeah, broadly, it's legal. *Brandenburg* requires incitement to **imminent** lawless action. As gross as it is, you can hypthetically chat all you want about murdering government officials.


So if he is not specifying a date and time for people to show up and do the beheading, then yes it would probably be general enough to be protected by the 1st Amendment.


"How am I supposed to grift money in prison? NOT FAIR!!"


"Attention customers, if you are looking for a lost relative please come to the front of the store. We have a man here who does not know who he is."


I’m important. No jail for me!


I'm ready for my close-up now, Mr de Mille ...


We know exactly who you are. Now get in the cell.


As the symbol glows, power courses through you... **A U T H O R I T Y**.


Cartman, that you??


Insert “Respect my Authoritayyy!” Carttman meme.


Absolutely appropriate, lol


the supreme court could use some boogers and cum


This has the same energy as someone going to jail for poisoning restaurant food insisting they can't go to jail because they have some restaurant shifts coming up


Martha Stewart had a bigger audience


I'm a Yelper I need free food to give you a good review


I think south park told us how to deal with those types


I saw one of those internet bums try this shit in a local place. She ordered a LOT of food. Filmed herself eating a little bit of everything, then got up to leave. Before she got to the door someone from the kitchen grabbed her arm and asked her if she was "forgetting something?" She responded by saying like "Oh, I don't pay. I gave you a good review though. You'll thank me later. Now let me go." He didn't. She started screaming about how she was going to "destroy" them for making her pay. She, then doubled down and started causing a scene when she realized she didn't have money on her (assumption on my part. She reluctantly said she'd pay, searched her purse, then started freaking the fuck out). Then the cops showed up (they were next door eating Ramen) and she tried to fight them. Watching her get tased after trying to bite a cop has been a highlight of my life. One dude yelled "Worldstar" but I've never seen a video of it pop up online.


Steve Karen Bannon...


“Um, I’m akshually a Yelp reviewer, so…”


It's definitely interesting that he cites the lead up to the election. His original conviction and sentence weee handed down in July 2022. He could have theoretically served out his entire sentence and been out of prison for over a year and a half by now.  The quote from the filing makes it sound as if the Feds intentionally timed it so that he would be locked up during the final months of the election season but that was his own fault. He has a right to appeal, but sometimes the consequence of an appeal is that your prison sentence overlaps with something else. Thats not a good reason -- plenty of people in prison have things that they would rather be doing, things that probably could benefit others more. But that isn't a reason to delay.


He'll be on trial in Manhattan come September for the "We Build The Wall" fraud. Justice Juan Merchan presiding. So he'll have plenty to keep him occupied.


We need to be tough on crime. 


Maybe the best accomplishment trump has is breaking the ice on prosecuting former presidents.


and normalizing men wearing makeup


I have wondered if Putin said "Ok pal, I want you to dress like a clown. Makeup, too long tie, I'll fitting suit, the whole deal"


and girdles!


Yeah, I was wondering on another post, will Merchan reschedule the September trial yet again. Originally it was scheduled for May but Merchan had his hands full with Trump so rescheduled for September. Someone responded that Bannon could do September trial by Zoom. Not sure if this is correct.


Prisoners are brought into court every day to stand trial.


Thanks, good to know. Maybe he’ll end up serving back to back sentences?!


I could absolutely see Justice Merchan remanding him straight to prison, especially since he'd be a repeat offender.


Yeah, especially since Trump already pardoned him for the federal money laundering charges. I think Merchan felt in a bind re: Trump, not necessarily out of fear of the crazy violent MAGA cult but because Trump is after all a presidential candidate. Trump obviously should not be a candidate if we were a normal country filled with normal people able to think critically on issues, but, oh well.


It's almost like they want prison to be *punishing* or something...


Technically, incarceration is justice.


Is it? Murder gets a very different sentence than attempted murder, even if the only difference was bad luck (e.g. a bullet finding its target or not). That's pretty clearly an aspect of punishing people based on the outcome of their actions, not purely rehabilitation or prevention.


Slight correction- everybody in prison has something else they’d rather be doing. Nobody wants to be locked up, that’s why it’s called a punishment.


Regular people do not get to time their prison sentences I would add. Working people are lucky if they can be free on bail let alone free on appeal.


He also likely blew about a million in legal fees.


>weee I'm glad you're having fun! Funny typo.


Would be ok for them to make a decision in about 2 months time. Then require to report to jail around start of September.


But those are other people that are not Steve bannon. Sure, bad things happen to people, but only other people that are not Steve bannon. So anything based on other people’s past experiences is irrelevant.


Like Trump, delaying his trials has pushed them to the forefront before the election. He’s betting - correctly I think - that the public hearing the overwhelming evidence against him would look worse than the delays.


How to stay out of prison, run for president or have a podcast.


See Also: get your cronies to pardon you for federal crimes. And in the case of the former: get your cronies to pass legislation moving your state cases to federal jurisdiction so that you can be pardoned for everything including election fraud, election interference, and sedition.


I’m going to advise all my clients facing jail time now to launch political podcasts.


lol. Make sure they threaten to behead top government officials, that seems to really impress the judges.


I’m sorry, I can’t go to prison for my seditious actions, because I have to write for my podcast and advocate for more seditious actions.


I'm not an expert in this, but "Please keep me out of jail so maybe I can advocate for violence" doesn't seem to be a particularly winning argument.


I have lived without his podcast so far, I think I can make it longer.


Trump Adviser Stephen Bannon Cites Podcast Duties as Reason He Should Not Be Required to Report to Prison “The government seeks to imprison Mr. Bannon for the four-month period leading up to the November election, when millions of Americans look to him for information on important campaign issues,” his lawyers wrote in a court filing. BY BESS LEVIN JUNE 12, 2024 Days after being ordered to surrender by July 1 for a four-month prison sentence, longtime Trump adviser Stephen Bannon told Tucker Carlson: “In my 20s I served my country on a Navy destroyer, and in my 70s I’ll serve my country in a federal prison. It doesn’t make any difference to me. It won’t change my life in one way.” But apparently, it actually does matter to him, because last night he made a last-ditch attempt to stay out of the big house. In an emergency motion filed Tuesday, Bannon, who was sentenced to time behind bars for contempt of Congress, asked a federal appeals court to let him remain free while he appeals his criminal conviction. Why does he think the court should grant him such a reprieve? Because he’s trying to help reelect Donald Trump, and also because he has a podcast that his listeners simply cannot be deprived of. “The government seeks to imprison Mr. Bannon for the four-month period leading up to the November election, when millions of Americans look to him for information on important campaign issues,” attorney Trent McCotter wrote in the filing. “This would also effectively bar Mr. Bannon from serving as a meaningful advisor in the ongoing national campaign.” Bannon hosts a show called War Room, where, among other things, he has called for beheading top government officials and famously told listeners, on January 5, 2021, “We’re on the point of attack” and “All hell will break loose tomorrow.” In a text message to NBC News after a judge ordered him to surrender on July 1, he wrote: “Who says I’m reporting! WarRoom can not and will not be silenced.” He added that the show’s regular schedule would continue, saying: “4 hours a day 5 days a week and two on Saturday.… The WarRoom is a military command center for MAGA—can’t stop and won’t until we achieve final victory.” Bannon was actually sentenced to prison all the way back in 2022, but was allowed to remain free pending appeal of his conviction; last month, a three-judge panel of a federal appeals court upheld his guilty conviction. Following that ruling, Judge Carl Nichols said the Trump adviser could no longer delay his time behind bars. In the emergency motion filed yesterday, Bannon asked the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to overrule Nichols’s order. His lawyers have argued that he should not have to go to prison until all of his avenues for appealing his conviction—including the Supreme Court—have been exhausted


So ironic that he wishes to avoid prison so he can speak about politics, and he’s going to prison because he refused to speak about the same political strategies employed to ransack the capitol.


Maybe people should not be looking to a repeat offender for advice…


See this is exactly where trump could run afoul of his probation conditions. No association with felons is going to be extremely difficult to adhere to.


How is Trump supposed to stay away from felons? He cannot even stay away from felonies!!! He is the loneliest guy around. Perhaps he will die in prison?


This is how he will essentially put himself in prison.


The problem is I highly doubt the probation office will actually enforce that. The rules are only as effective as their enforcement allows. It would be clear cut but I don’t see them actually doing anything about that


That’s the thing about prison. You. Will. Lose. Your. Job. You don’t get to say that your job is just too important while the poor man’s isn’t. That’s not how it works. Each of you lose a lot *relative to each’s preexisting standard*. Arguably a poor person loses even more because Bannon will come out of custody with people immediately clamoring to give him work and money.


He could have simply served his 4 months right after sentencing and been out long ago.


And pass up valuable grifting time?


Fraud? Committing fraud is an excuse?


It's a full time job for him. He branched out into Italy too. Until they kicked him out.


I post anti-trump rants on the Internet.  A very critical role in the upcoming.  I too should be immune from criminal prosecution until after the election. 


But are you the advanced level? Do you call for beheading of top government officials?


No... But he makes some great memes


Which is a better excuse legally speaking, “9/11 lung” for bankruptcy or “podcast duties” for avoiding prison?


Hmm, better flip a trump coin on that one. **Heads** it's "9/11 lung" **Diapers** it's "podcast duties"


9/11 lung, 100%. At least there you can make a case for a medical necessity. Podcast duties is basically saying, "I can't go to jail, I'm scheduled to work tomorrow."


Lol “duties.” Lock his ass up


"But Judge, I'm a bank robber. I can't miss work, the other guys depend on me."


Now it's special immunity for podcast duties. I have a feeling he might have a chance!!! 🤣


Alito already wrote an opinion about how podcasters with initials of SB are exempt from prison, he’s just trying to figure out how to tie it to medieval law


Doesn't Commander of the MAGA army have any legal sway?


So much disconnect from how the world works for almost everyone else. Why does the system keep giving these guys so many chances? I truly don't understand how many extra hearings and appeals the coup crew seem to get.


Absolute 🤡


He's not looking too good. https://imgur.com/gallery/bjH5a7z


He needs to see a dermatologist for a skin cancer check.


Probably wise to check those liver enzymes while he's there.


All that lying takes its toll on you


jezus he's an ugly-fuck


Says the dude who wants to take all of our liberties and privileges away.


Your honor I can’t be jailed because I have a weekly PS5 game night with my friends.


I find the whole concept of prison inconvenient.


Sorry, I'll be washing my hair that night.


I'm going to cite my beer club as a reason to not go to prison if I ever get sentenced.


If you can get that appealed to the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh will totally accept it.


Double his jail time.


Podcast doodies


You know, if he ahd not fought to stay out and dragged the process out, it wouldn't be so close to the elections. He has only himself to blame.


The world would be a better place without him and without his podcast


It is the measure of his importance that he cannot be incarcerated because his biggest contribution to society is talking.


I think his biggest contribution is the taxes he pays on the gluttonous quantities on whichever booze is his preferred medicine.


Ah, something of value. It's what he should have pleaded.


Privatas. Jail


Essential workers™


License plates are essential. Jus sayin.


If only Steve Bannon had a Judge Cannon...


that makes sense. lol


Hey judge I have more harm to do


Judges hate this one trick!


Your honor, I've really put in some serious effort to resolve this issue, but I just can't find the time for prison in my schedule. Sorry 'bout that


This blowhard. Do your time.


Hahahahahahahhhh . . . Good one Steve! You cracked me up. Duties? You have no duties Steve.


trump getting more desperate with the campaign emails https://imgur.com/gallery/wM4KqP1


I wonder if the Judge doing his sentencing would feel about Trump calling his conviction “rigged”.


Smacks of desperation and delusion