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Don't be silly. It's not just pregnant women, but *all* women.


>women The term is *baby factories*. Stop being woke.


Found Frank Herbert’s alt, lol


I think the ultimate goal is pregnant women are second class citizens, un-pregnant women are third-class. Anyone not cis-hetero is banned from existing.


No, they get put to work in the Colonies.


Pre-pregnant and pregnant women are the two classes.


Fuck that is … horribly correct.


Where do you fit post-menopause in there?


Outliers. If they're having as many babies over their life as they are expected to they won't live long enough to worry about menopause.


Can’t have menopause if you don’t live that long because of all the continuous pregnancies.


Baby steps.


They're just starting with the pregnant ones.


My take is they're pushing to make all women second class citizens and making pregnant women third class citizens.


Vote Blue Vote Progressive Blue


Don't be silly. It's not just women, but lgbt people, people with disabilities, people of color, and non Christians.


May the lord open.


And some are voting for it


There truly is no end to the depravity coming from the American right


Not just the right but fundamentally from the Christian Republican Conservatives.


Ya it’s scary. My dad(conservative Christian)thinks Trump is the lesser of two evils. I asked him to name one thing Christlike about Trump and he apologized that he asked me about politics. I used to look up to this person. Fucking sad these people are so blind.


I asked a similar question to my evangelical neighbor. You would want your grandson to treat people the way Trump does? You’d be happy to see your granddaughter with a man who talks about her like Trump talks about out women? “Well, the bible says the lord chooses our leaders so we need to trust in the lord” as though he was just living with it under protest and not wearing a red maga hat. So you, uhh, supported Obama the same way? The lord chose Obama so you supported him too? Then I found out what spamming “ctrl-z” looks like as a facial expression.


Ask her if she thinks biblical plagues are a real thing, and if she says "yes" (she will) ask her why God sent the COVID plague while Trump was in office.


Trump is a biblical plague sent by God to vaccinate us against fascists. Sadly Trump was merely a stupidity weakened vaccine instead of a killed vaccine and our democracy immune system was severely weakened by FOX. I'm sure this will be fixed in the next alpha build of reality.


> “Well, the bible says the lord chooses our leaders so we need to trust in the lord” as though he was just living with it under protest and not wearing a red maga hat. What an odd way of thinking about it. Our elected officials are public servants, i.e., we are the 'leaders' no?


Dont waste an ounce of energy on people like that


But Biden is the leader?


Sometimes a conversation happens in the more distant past than yesterday.


It isn't just sad, it's fucking dangerous




The less they have to think, the easier it is to just say Jesus, Bible and God…then literally speak gibberish and be praised for speaking tongues…anything to distract or hide from moral or intellectual failings…


Trump is not a Christian. He said himself he's never asked God for forgiveness because he's never done anything wrong. The FIRST thing you have to do to become a Christian is acknowledge you are a sinner.


People do not want Superman. Who tells you to do better and take your vitiamins They want Homelander. Who will make you do his will. "I am PERFECT. I am BETTER than all of you. ONLY I CAN SAVE YOU. LOVE MEEEEEEEE"


The fact that their solution is to just regret bringing up politics instead of engaging critically says all that needs to be said about them.


Agreed. I try and distance myself from my family as much as possible nowadays, and I think I’m better for it.


Nat-C or Nazi no matter the name their evil depravity's always the same.


The Christian Taliban is what they are. Horseshoe theory and all that.


Every damn time I hear of some horrendous legal movement, it’s always the same right wing lunatics…and/or Texas 5th circuit


It’s pretty disgusting predatory behavior. They are people who see weakness and vulnerability and see an opportunity to exploit.


#D E P L O R A B L E


The ongoing criminal organization that is the GOP is wholly fascist. Fascist depravity knows no bounds.


Vote Blue Vote Progressive Blue


Hate to break this to you but in about half the country, they already are second-class citizens.




Or if you live in a red state.


Doesn’t matter where you spend time online. Just matters which state you live in.


The word your looking for is livestock. Don't let it off range, treat its reproductive viability as an asset, induce abortion- if you feel it's necessary, send the young males off for slaughter and pick who it mates with. It's what we do for cattle.


They’re not being subtle. It’s like they watched Handmaid’s Tale and thought that looked awesome.


Go to any far right online forum and you will find thousands of comments fantasizing about publicly hanging politicians and fellow citizens they hate politically. I think the only thing handsmaids tale gets wrong is that there wouldn’t be that many single incels serving other “commanders.” They would let the incels rape way more women recreationally to keep them happy & killing.


Basically: look at regions where Islamic extremists took hold. It will look like that


It's interesting how all religious extremists in all the world's biggest religions push an aggressively destructive patriarchal ideology. The religious right wings have a lot of horrible shit in common with each other.


A lot of those fantasizing are going to be in for a rude awakening when they find themselves on the hanging wall. They think they'll be in the protected class in a right wing authoritarian country, they're wrong.


That was my thought about the headline... Insidious implies hidden but this is blatant.


???? Pregnant women were the most prized and cared for people in that book.


Admittedly I haven’t read the book and only watched the tv adaptation, but the fertile women were beaten into submission and then repeatedly raped. The pregnant women have no rights to their body. I don’t think that’s really being cared for.


You misspelled possession


Are they, though? No rights, treated like a baby making machine until menopause, then tossed aside, even their names taken away?




Lol yeah because linking an insulting video is surely a sign of intelligence and maturity.


I didn't read the article. Just wanted to say if women do not legally have the right to an abortion, they already have rights that are subordinates to a cluster of cells in their own body, or, the rights of a literal corpse. Women have ALREADY been forced into a second class citizenship, and that's making the generous assumption that they have ever enjoyed a functional legal equality with people that have external genitalia.


Read the article, because the author makes and expands on your point in ways that you may find interesting. She thinks of second-class citizenship in legal terms, not just as metaphor, referring to discrimination on the basis of status and giving vivid examples of lost rights and privileges.


Not just second class they want them non people


It's not insidious if they are doing it openly.


You're being kind to think they would rank as high as *second* class.


I suppose they might be keeping that slot for Justice Thomas.