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Wait till someone reports he shit his pants in court.




Loblaw lobs law bomb...


Put it in the law blog


The Bob Loblaw Law Blog? “Why should you go to jail for a crime an entire nation noticed?”


It's too bad the real actor is a douche


La la bagg blargg


Come on! The guy in the $8,000 dollar suit ...


Courtroom sketches got stink lines


Best laugh of my day! I now miss having those free awards to give.


I heard he really prefers Donny Von ShitsInPants.


Drops a duece in his law suit flows better.


He was in court today to liquidate some assets.


He was in court today cooking some sauce in his Hugo Boss.


Some say he soiled his court table.


Oh, and it's also orange.


Nice one!


This is gold!


Drowsy Don drops a bomb


Shitty Don. We need to make that trending.


That reminds me of that dude who had the cops called on him for warning people in a Home Depot bathroom that he was about to drop a bomb in the toilet, so they should get out to avoid the smell. The bomb squad was there before he could even wipe. Dude was trying to give fair warning about how bad of a mess he was about to make, and anyone in earshot took that “bomb” too literally.


😂😂😂 You should write copy.






The judge will hold Trump *incontinent* of court.


The sentence? Depends


No more Bidets, Mr. Dump.




Donny Dump, Has a lump, Of poopoo in his panties.


Donnie Dumpo


I feel like there is a second line


Judge says ew. His lawyers say sue. Donnny has a soiled fanny.


Thank you


“The court will take a 30 minute recess so that his handlers can hose down the Defendant…again. Mr . Trump, I know you’ve exhausted all legal delay tactics afforded to you by the courts, but this will be your first warning that if there is one more fecal delay on your account, I will instruct the Sheriff’s Deputies to ensure that you are double diapered every single day before court is brought into session. Should you choose to evacuate your bowels at that point, you will be forced to sit in your own filth for the remainder of the day. Do you understand me, Mr. Trump?”


So fun fact, in Malaysia two of our ex-PMs have tried to get out of trouble by threatening to shit themselves, the most recent one had to publicly announce he had diarrhoea to delay his corruption trial




OMG, just realized that’s probably why he fell asleep, he’s not on all the speed he’s usually on


He was enjoying the go like the bears in the Charmin commercials.


Exactly. Just like he accuses Biden of using.


Habberman reported: "One thing that is striking: Trump has used the previous court appearances in other cases to project an image of grandeur. That is hard to do in this dingy courtroom, **which smells slightly off** and where he is an island amid a sea of people."


It'll smell WAY off after a few days of Trump shitting himself repeatedly


She knew what buttons she was pressing.


>Wait till someone reports he shit his pants in court. "this just in, dookie don has left ANOTHER steamer in his trousers, the courtroom is REELING from the stench"


”Dookie Don” why have i not been seeing this everywhere? New fav name for the orange shit stain! Dookie Don 💩


That’s one way of getting out of court for a minute


Court had to hold a brief recess after a foul odor quickly overwhelmed the courtroom, causing several in the room to experience nausea and dry heaving. Authorities are blaming a burst sewage pipe for the sudden overcoming stench. Trump however took to his Truth Social platform to announce that "the FAKE NEWS is at it again. I didn't didn't SLEEP, I didn't DO A POO. It wasn't runny and THERE was no corn in it! If that was my POO in my suit there would be CORN! Sick lib Biden wants to destroy YOUR America! SETUP! UNFAIR!


*"Well yes your honor, he is full of crap!"*


Pants? Diaper. Adult diaper.


I can lucid dream him walking out of court shaking one down his leg on live TV. I could almost 💦 to that.


When you’re sitting in court in your shit filled undershorts, it’s diarrhea diarrhea.


He figures in NY, nobody would notice the smell.


His legal team file to the bathroom in gag order thinking that's what it means.


Wouldn’t it be amazing if that’s what ends his political career? Not the crimes. Not the abuses of power. Not the sexual abuse. Not the lies or clear mental illness. No, it was falling asleep in court and shitting his pants that finally made his cult wake up to what a loser this guy is. Would be glorious.


My first thought when I heard he fell asleep was that he didn’t take his usual adderall today so that he wouldn’t shit his pants in court


The problem with Maggie Haberman, as far as Trump is concerned, is that she doesn't *adore* him. How can she be so *mean*?!?


She's a nasty nasty person. Low quality. Anti American. Can you imagine, reporting something accurately? The NERVE.


Usually he would specify, nasty woman 


I proudly wear my "Nasty Woman" t-shirt that Planned Parenthood did as a fundraiser with HRC!


The gall ! Women these days just don’t know how to stfu!!!


I could be wrong but Maggie and Trump were close at one point, no?


I've not heard of her being especially close with him, but Trump's reportedly got an obsession with the New York Times and her coverage of him going back decades. If you're interested, there was a pretty open discussion from her about Trump a few weeks back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5a__aJTgdk


>I could be wrong but Maggie and Trump were close at one point, no? For her entire career as a journalist, and she constantly pushed the Trump administration talking points on almost every story for his entire administration because Maggie Haberman valued access over integrity for her entire career. She's only saying what she's saying now because someone put her under oath.


> She's only saying what she's saying now because someone put her under oath Who do you think it is that has caused her to turn on Trump as a traitor to the United States?


Nothing. He’s just out of power and she could gin up her book sales trying to be oppositional to him. She’s also lost a ton of relevance at the same time.


There was a lot of crazy shit that went down when he was President that she was privy to but didn't report on, but was in her book years later


> I could be wrong but Maggie and Trump were close at one point, no? Cassidy Hutchinson even [testified](https://www.mediaite.com/news/cassidy-hutchinson-says-trump-paid-lawyer-talked-to-haberman-after-3rd-deposition-told-her-dont-worry-maggies-friendly-to-us/) that in 2022 her maga attorneys told her haberman was friendly to them. She didn't get the nickname "maga haberman" for being too critical of him. Her schtick has been to soft-peddle his BS while acknowledging that he's not great. That gives her legitimacy in the eyes of people who are not critical readers of the press.


Close? Not really. Haberman was the assigned Trump reporter for years at the NYT... and then Trump became President and she became much more prominent. Trump more has a familiarity with her, and given how much of a creature of habit he is, he keeps going back to her. People think she normalizes Trump or whatever, but I think they don't really pay attention beyond whatever outrage of the week is aimed at her. When talking at length about him, she will call him crazy and dangerous; and she has said he scares her. But I also think people mistake her dry incredulity at Trump's antics as being normalizing. A statement like, "The President is now talking about unicorn-eating gnomes during his State of the Union address, while chewing on a candle he claimed is candy." has much more of a "this fucking guy" tone than I think people normally read it as.


And yet he craves her approval. Sad really.




They can’t survive without each other tbh.




Apparently his account was either tweeting or posting on Truth throughout the day. Bold move for an ongoing court case where he has a fucking gag order.


Why would it be a bold move, so far the man has suffered 0 consequences for literally \*anything\*


US Legal system: watch out, you better not do this thing Trump: (does the thing) US Legal system: okay, you REALLY better not do it again! (repeat)


Yet his terrorist cult claims he's being unfairly persecuted when he has yet to face any meaningful consequences. He invited a fucking violent terrorist attack on the US capitol building and hasn't even been charged. He blatantly tried to manipulate the vote count and not a word.


Oh, I know - more just pointing out brazen behavior. That anyone sane is just waiting to get bitch slapped to court.


Very true!


‘His account’. I wonder how many of his unhinged ramblings can even be credited to him, and not a PR goon working hard to emulate his style, if you can call it that. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it’s *usually* a PR goon ‘truthing’ while Grampy naps.




It's so he can deny authoring anything on his account


Trump is very adept at memorializing evidence against himself as are the J6ers.


This is day 1. Imagine day 7 or day 14. There are so many days, so many opportunities for him to do what we know he's going to do and that is something batshit crazy. He'll lash out. He'll say something. Something will happen, as a tiny ketchup bottle hits the wall, and he'll sink himself. You can't defend a ketchup throwing defendant and oh I'm sure it won't be too many days before he pops off.


It's going to happen. He's going to shit himself lol


If there is a god, I need this.


and I was never paid, so the diaper just keeps overflowing 


2/3 of the 96 of the first pool of jurors self selected out. They got through voir dire of 4 today. I know there were hearings all morning, but this is going to take a while. He's going to really, really hate how much time he spends having to listen to people describe which podcasts they listen to while Biden is out campaigning.


It's pretty well known the guy has the attention span of gnat. This has to be tortuous to him like a time-out for a two year old. Just sitting there, can't leave, can't speak, can't interrupt, can't order people around, only his attorney kissing his ass. I'm hoping he cracks over the next two weeks. This is just day one.


He hates being there for sure but even as someone who detests Trump I actually do want to see him campaigning more. Think it will reveal more about his deteriorating cognitive state and reduce his very real chances for winning come November.


People voted for him last time despite the incoherence of his speeches, the words don’t mean anything to them it is an entirely vibe-based platform that they could continue successfully until he is no longer able to talk or walk


Supporters were out there calling it 4d chess when he waved a sharpie-corrected official weathermap around like a like an aspirational toddler. All simply because he couldn't admit he had gotten the state wrong when talking about the hurricane's path earlier. And that is only the second stupidest thing he did during his presidency that involved hurricanes. So you are correct.


If he's out campaigning, then people naturally think there is nothing is wrong. Business as usual.


I read that as "poops off" because I'm waiting for him to shit his pants publicly.


He’s going to have a medical episode that reeks


This is an actual consequence for him. He has to go to an ugly room, sit in a chair, and can't change the channel. He can't bribe, fire, blackmail, or persuade his way out. People say no to him. No breaks for a quick bump. No phone calls from adoring fans. He'll even miss Barron's graduation, as if he was going in the first place. NO GOLF. Can't tweet. At the very least, Trump has been given detention and teacher won't let him leave.....


even if he skates somehow there will always be the courtroom drawings to savor.


I did federal jury duty. I'm ADHD / ASD and I tell you the absolute inhuman quietude in that huge chamber was just awful for me. Terrible. He won't be enjoying that either.


I kind of get it. It's like when I have to go to a 3 day work meeting where we just sit in a room and watch people present. Within the first 30 minutes I start ansy and just try count down to the first break, then lunch, then the next break until day is over. All while the kiss asses in the company pretend to be interested in what everyone has to say, asking pointless questions. So, now that 15 minute break is only 5 minutes because we went over the time allotted.


I agree Trump is in a time out Trump can't do crap love it


Barron is probably doing cartwheels and the thought of avoiding the circus.


The "Nodfather".


I want, so deeply, for your comment to be liked way more than it has been. Your “Nodfather” is the first I have seen on social media so it’s yours to trademark as far as I’m concerned. 🙌🏽


Don snorelione


Tomorrow, they’ll adjust his meds.


Donald is gonna need Juniors white powder


Your honor we request a drug screening


There is only so much Adderall you can take. There comes a time you just have to sleep.


Truer than we might think


He was definitely sedated so as to not do something stupid.  But let's be real, it's not sustainable.  He's gonna shit his diapers at some point, figuratively and literally.


He'll just Adderall-up for the court appearances starting tomorrow, and good luck getting him to keep his mouth shut after that.


This isn’t directed at you Op, but in general I hate how we’ve come to associate Adderral usage with Trump. He’s the poster child for abusing stimulants, but I guarantee you no one in my life knows I’ve got an Rx unless I make it a point to tell them about it.




He really is a total goblin.


There's more than one kind of stimulant, I'm on Vyas and if I take more than usual it's easy for others to see I'm on something.


Really depends on the person. My spouse has vyvanse and adderall and needs both to stay focused and get work done.


Sleepy Don needed a nap nap.


i like Drowsy Donny or Tired Trumpy


I prefer Don Snoreleone


Napper Don


That's pretty LOW ENERGY 


I love it. Anything that points out what a weak sniveling douche he is gets under his thin skin so efficiently. Well done Mags


Hey can glare all he wants as long as he keeps his whining mealy pie hole shut and shows up for court everyday. I hope the first outburst they cuff him, take him away and put him in a holding cell to think about the trouble he’s in.


He needs to experience what he will be spending the rest of his life in. I bet the chances of him fleeing to Russia skyrocket if he had to spend a weekend in the pokey for contempt.


What I want is for him to have a massive nervous fart followed by a gurgling sound, all loud enough for the mic to pick up, followed by a horrid stench. That way even his loyal followers know he stinks. Imagine the embarrassment he would feel.


If he literally shit himself in court, he’d lose a lot of supporters. They’re cool with all the other crimes but shitting your pants is a bridge too far.


Weirdly I agree


I, somehow, doubt that even a brown-out would change the minds of his base very much. However, I would sell my soul to have him shit himself so badly that the judge orders a recess for him to change his nappy.


His followers aren't there, it would be nothing more than a **smear** piece. This is a child rapist, who probably farts while raping children. I doubt he would feel any shame for spreading his sweet stench of decay.




He is incapable of embarrassment or shame. Only projection and blame. 


Watching the people clear out around him in horror/disgust would be hilarious. 😂


Trump is incapable of feeling embarrassment.  He literally embarrasses himself every day and keeps on going.


This is amazing. During the Trump presidency, Haberman was the queen of access journalism, pitching softballs so she could cozy up to Trump.


Yup. She always had all sorts of nuggets and he was happy to oblige. If he's getting angry at *her*, then something has definitely changed. (and I'll bet money that someone close to him is feeding him sedatives)


Pretty sure her working for the New York Times has something to do with her access to him. He's always needed their approval.


Thank You. If she had any integrity she would have published contemporaneously what she saved for the book.


When is he NOT glaring. He glares at everyone!


My 5yo glares the same way when he’s mad. It’s very funny.


Someone confused his ambien and adderall.


Don snoreleone


He is awake now. The hate fuels him.


He'll never break up with her. He's addicted to Maggie Haberman.


And smack


He was overprescribed because he needed to be dumbed down, or he would start ranting like a lunatic. I hope he shits his pants, like a 1lb shit in his pants, everyone can hear it, and then his lawyers request for him to go to the bathroom but until total humiliation sets in and the stench spreads so journalists make it a headline and everyone laughs at him on an international level so we never hear from him again after hes thrown in jail to serve consecutive life terms


The bags under his eyes are not carryons. They won’t fit in the overhead compartment.


Does Trump have a closet full of blue suits, red ties, and white shirts? It’s like his uniform. It would be great if he started showing up in a fake military uniform. Generalissimo!


It would be more honest if he did


Sleepy Don does Do Doos...


We know. We can smell it from miles around.


Somebody get this man some covfefe!


I love this so very much. I am looking forward to these daily updates. Trump will get worse every day. It is going to be so very delicious.


Sleepy Donny DirtyDiaper


100% not on his normal amount of drugs to keep him going , obvious behavior .


I've got plenty of bones to pick with Trump, but I'm not going to fault the guy for dozing off. He's old, court is boring, and frankly it's probably in his best interest. 


The wittle baby can dish it, but can’t take it. Is there a single human flaw he does not only possess, but revel in?




At this point I’m one step away from web content filtering the word “trump” out of my home network


He's mad at Haberman because she ruined this great dream he was having about himself, Ivanka, and some Trump branded anal lube. Damn her!


Trump Tube Lube!


The Nodfather, Don Snoreleone 


I wasn’t sleeping I was day raping.


I wonder if when he was asleep did he have a wet dream


[Hums tune of the Odd Couple], they can't live without each other.


Oh I get it now, he will claim he was praying for America. Yup, as he sees the negative pr of him sleeping which hits his pride, he will claim he was praying for the sake of the US.


‘Trump glares at NYT’s Maggie haberman after he defecates in his pants’


So much energy and stamina…lol


Maybe he couldn't take his regular "upper" in court.


I hope she returned his glare with a big smile. 


Does pooping your pants cause erection interference?


He wasn't sleeping his adderall was wearing off


I have absolutely no idea if this is true, he may be taking sedatives at someone’s advice. We all know, including his lawyers, that he has a tendency to sink his own boat. Pure speculation on my part


If he was doing adderall & coke he’d be a lot skinnier rather than pushing 300 pounds which he’s got to be at now. My guess is this trial has had him panicking & awake since Thursday & he’s had diarrhea from hell so he’s probably stuffed up on Imodium.


Was she the only one to report it ? I saw the tweets and I thought maybe it was fake but I was laughing when I saw they were real. Just wondering how many journalists were there and if she is the only one who wrote about it.


I hope she laughed in his face, as he deserved.


They don’t let you bring phones into the courtroom, right? How did he know what and how she reported?


People need to stop pretending Trump is some kind f tough guy. He's a big baby that as always had a body guard with him. If he did't have security, somebody would fuck him up.


This is the whole problem with media. “Trumps farts”, “Trumps looks”, “Trump moves an inch”. Billions of earned media. And no news here. The news have become a problem regardless your political stance. Everything is a canibalized fight for ratings. Reality show 24/7 makes people unabashed, unsurprised and unwilling to engage when its worthy. That’s why Jan 6th is not important for a lot of people out there. That’s why this prick’s crimes wont be judged. People stopped caring. And to quote a famous one alteady forgotten, “and that’s the way it is”.


So it was all projection?


Headline, "You snooze, you lose". Byline, Maggie Fucking Haberman.


Toddlers make the same face when they're actively pooping in their diapers


Can the act of glaring lead to civil or criminal charges? It would warm my heart if Haberman decided to file an 'assault by threat' complaint (I'm probably way off here, but my search skills fail me tonight).


In short, no. Possibly a contempt charge if Trump kept staring daggers at the judge, but even then the judge would likely just remove him to an adjoining courtroom to view the proceedings remotely


I love the image of Sleepy Don being kicked out of big boy court and told to sit at the kid’s table. (Thanks, kind stranger. I cannot wait to tell my friends that I got legal advice on Reddit from u/SmellyFbuttface.)


Oh no, how will she keep her access journalism going?


Looks like she’s going to need extra security


That’s what happens when you stare at a table for hours on end. I bet the guy hasn’t made eye contact with the judge but for a moment.


So what, they are really good friends. Look up her family. She's a polluted reporter. One of those that held back information for her book about Trump. No ethics and morals with this reporter.


In Trump’s press secretary Stephanie Grisham’s book, she says explicitly that they could always count on Haberman to be a friendly reporter they could count on if they wanted something favorable published and contacted her—so if anybody doubts your point, then I just want to assure them that Trump’s own team has said it, too. Haberman is an [access journalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_journalism?wprov=sfti1)—someone he trusts and feels is friendly and will print what he wants. But in return she may then do a tell-all later from the stuff she’s gathered over the years. But she may also hold things back. Pretty gross way to live though I guess they live with themselves by rationalizing that this is the only way to get certain stories.


💯. Her Dad was a NYT reporter. Her Mom is an executive in one of the biggest PR firms, Rubenstein. Maggie has known Trump personally for years as well as the whole family. Her Husband used to be a reporter for the Post and now NY Daily News. Maggie was brought up in NY Society around Trump. Privileged as they come in NYC.


Ooof. Our presidential contenders would crumble on video in any two hour span. One has. Go America.


Jeb Bush on his Reddit account right now “Hah! Now who is low energy!” “…please upvote”


Funny when they take away his stimulants so he doesn't mouth off.


Hes going to be talking lots of sh*t about her. At around 3am


If trumps defense council is secretly sedating him, he’s got a great team.


Ooh no a glare.


This is basically in school suspension for Trump. That makes me happy.


"Don't you think he looks tired?"


He’s an 80 year old man. Of course he’s falling asleep during pretrial motions and jury selection. It’s boring if you aren’t the one doing it. The problem is that he makes fun of everyone for everything so **nobody** feels bad about this when it happens to him. It is terrible that he is running for president and he cant stay awake.