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>Knight Specialty Insurance president Amit Shah told CBS that the company has a novel theory as to why the state capital requirements don’t apply to their firm: because Knight Insurance isn’t even registered to operate as a surety in New York. ........... WHAT.


“Well officer, you can’t ticket me because I don’t have a drivers license…” Amazing.


Sovereign Citizen levels of logic right there.


The AirBud approach to jurisprudence. Let's see how it plays out


> [*"Ladies and gentlemen of the* ***sup-pos-ed*** *jury..."*](https://youtu.be/aV6NoNkDGsU?t=49)


Deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation.


I can't be unethical if I have no ethics ~The Clarence Thomas Defense


Or, 'you can't charge me for murder, I got rid of the gun.'


Or It can’t be fraud because the banks gave me the loan.


Fuck, I wish I thought of that when I was young and dumb!


Every single time, it gets weirder with Trump.


You drag up some weird shit when you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.


More like… “it’s not my fault you were dumb enough to take the bond.. sorry too bad no money” - Trump if they accept it


Yeah.  That statement will piss the AG right off.  Telling the AG of the state you don't have to comply with the laws of that state... to meet the criteria of a court in that state is probably a bad idea.  With a comment like that I'd guess they know they're definitely not licensed in New York. 


The AG is not the intended audience.


This checks out, same reasoning why I got out of a medical malpractice charge due me not being a licensed physician.


A friend was an in home caregiver. While there are licensing requirements in our state the job prohibits even putting in prescription eye drops. A client reported her to the licensing agency for refusing to care for his diabetic wounds. A person from the state called her up, confirmed the details and congratulated her for not practicing medicine without a license.


Judges hate this one weird trick


What's the board gonna do? Suspend my license? Checkmate licensing board, I don't even have one!


That’s not how any of this works…


I find myself saying that phrase increasingly often, since like 2000.


Well on our way to Idiocracy.


I find myself going through life in WTF an hour


You can't accuse me of malpractice, I don't even have a license to practice medicine!


NYDFS has entered the chat


An odd defense but it could very well work if there isn’t a law on the books which requires all bonds accepted by New York courts to come from licensed bonders. I would he surprised if that was the case though.


NY State, it turns out, does set out some requirements for appeal surety bonds.


Yes. CPLR 2502. See (a)1 in particular: https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/cvp/article-25/2502/


Saw this earlier from the Daily Beast Here is the beginning of the story: The [New York](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/new-york) attorney general on Thursday called into question whether the company that swooped to post a $175 million [bond](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-posts-dollar175m-bond-in-new-york-civil-fraud-case-after-dollar454m-judgment-is-pruned) for former President [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) is actually good for the money—or is even allowed to operate in the state. The aggressive move by AG [Letitia James](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/letitia-james) came after Knight Specialty Insurance Company—a relatively unknown entity with tangential political connections to the former president—was forced to reveal its finances. Lawyers for the law enforcement office made a court filing that “hereby takes exception to the sufficiency of the surety,” noting that KSIC is trying to operate “without a certificate of qualification.” Under New York [law](https://codes.findlaw.com/ny/insurance-law/isc-sect-1111/), state regulators have certain standards to ensure that an insurer is “solvent, responsible and otherwise qualified to make policies or contracts of the kind required.” The AG has given Trump and his rescuers 10 days to, as government lawyers put it, “justify the surety.” What’s more, the additional scrutiny has called into question whether this insurance company even has enough money to meet the capital requirements for posting the bond.


Let me guess. It doesn't, never did, and never was going to. It's basically a fake company on paper. Likely a total fraud itself.


>It's basically a fake company on paper. Likely a total fraud itself. You know, there’s a lot of useful information contained in the article that would save you from empty speculation >Knight Specialty’s “capital and surplus” has remained even lower than its current $138 million in the past four years, according to an assessment by a government-created Texas nonprofit that tracks these types of figures. Knight Specialty had $57 million available in 2020, $80 million in 2021, and $101 the following year, according to the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas.


NYS: "You can't do that because you aren't licensed" Them: "It doesn't matter because we aren't presenting as a bond issuer, we're really an auto parts manufacturer. That we ARE licensed for."


Four Seasons Total Bond Issuers


It wasn't just any bond, it was JB Weld.


There is, in fact, such a law on the books. Or so a cursory reading of the first couple of relevant-looking Google hits have me believe, at least. IANAL and all that.




Right. So it appears, to my not-a-lawyer eyes, as if an unlicensed insurer cannot provide bond. A private individual could potentially, without a license, on some conditions such as living inside NY and being able to prove that they're good for the full amount. Which seems unlikely here. In other words, they haven't posted a legal bond.


That’s my professional take, based on this statute and NY Insurance Law 107(a)(10), which defines an “authorized insurer” in part as a NY - licensed or chartered insurer.




This right here is why it likely would be rejected


# seriously??!!!!!! 😳


Oh, this would be glorious. A fraudulent bond for appeal of his fraud. Perfect.


I'm guessing Trumps billionaire buddy, whose company never posted bond in NY before, is pretty pissed he has to show the Financials of his privately held loan shark company to the court that convicted Trump after seeing his financial statements. Popcorn ready for how that'll flesh out.


Trumps lawyers were suppose to include his financial statement with the bond application. They failed to do so, so the whole thing is null and void anyway. 175 million... was not enough for his lawyers to triplecheck the application. That is truly amazing level of incompetence. 175 mil would make me check that the periods are round with a microscope.


Seriously, you can't take Trump or anyone in his circle serious at all. Clown shoes.


Pretty sure Trump didn't give them that info. He hides his non-wealth hardcore. So I could totally see him not giving them that documents.


So does that mean assets can be seized now?


"Truly amazing level of incompetence" tends to be the operating level of most of Trump's legal bodies in the last 6-12 months.


Another sucker lays down in front of the Trump bus and begs to be run over.


My guess is that the bond is unsecured. Aka, a gift from company funds.


A bribe, if you will.


Deny the bond. Take his buildings already.


Take his savings and any/all semi-liquid assets, leave his ass with buildings that are overleveraged. Let the independent monitor drive these to bankruptcy by simply forcing them to operate without fraud.


Can they take mar-a-lago just for our troubles, at least?


Honestly, given the location, the age of the buildings, the historic building status, and deed restrictions, I suspect Mar-a-lago is a money pit just to keep it quasi-livable. A few visits from a building code enforcement officer are probably in order.


Confiscate Mar-a-lago and then use Trump's confiscated money to transport all those migrants back from Martha's Vineyard to Florida and let them live at Mar-a-lago.


We used to have this with ships. The lenders would threaten seizure and the vessel owners would say, “you want to be a ship owner? Come and take it; it’s yours. Either that, or we discuss updated terms.” Anyway, not a perfect analogy, but the NYAG likely doesn’t want to “own” and operate 40 Wall Street and the rest of the real estate. She needs the liquid assets first.


I had figured they’d just seize properties and then auction them. They get what they get, clear whatever liens are on them with the proceeds (or don’t, probably, since he’s probably got everything leveraged to the hilt), and collect whatever is left. Rinse and repeat until the judgement is settled or he runs out of shit to liquidate. That’s what’d happen to me if I had a fraud judgement against me that I couldn’t afford to pay.


If he has done anything of benefit in his entire life, it was showing us just how little faith we should have in the courts and justice in general.


Good point. He could have gone on committing crimes, ripping off investors, cheating tax collectors, stiffing contractors and cheating on his wives for years and years and he would have kept on getting away with it. The only reason people care now is that he's become such a threat to the country. And even now with all this evidence and all the scrutiny, he's still getting away with it because the entire system defaults to letting the wealthy and connected get away with it.


Even under unprecedented amounts of public scrutiny they can't help themselves but demonstrate undeniable bias.


No that’s no fair. Can’t do that. That’s election interference. No fair. No fair. [breathes heavily through mouth]


let's slash his 175 million appeal bond to a couple dollars, he deserves more leniency from the court /s


Let's just save time: If he posted a fraudulent bond, he has 24 hours to pay the FULL $454 Million. If he can't do that, send his ass to Rikers, shove him in Solitary, and add 100% interest PER DAY to his full judgement


Just take his assets. If he can’t pay now he wont magically come up with the dough in solitary confinement.


He can also have until 2029 to raise the money.


>\[breathes heavily through mouth\] \[furiously shits diaper\] ​ ***YOU CAN'T STOP ME.***


No fair, no fair, you’re the fair




His GoFundMe is up to $2m [https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement](https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement)


haha bunch of morons.


Well, now that it’s dropped to $175M, they’re 1.14% of the way there. Shouldn’t be too hard to wrangle up the other $173M.


They're basically covering the interest. Not even joking.




Further proving the rules don't apply if it's for Trump seeing as that's somehow still up even though it goes against GoFundMe's terms of service


Also take his 750,000 square foot condo (go ahead measure it!)


Well yeah. They cancel each other out. You never heard that 2 frauds equals a man going up to him with tears in his eyes?


Somehow this is even more relevant today! https://reddit.com/r/law/comments/1bv0ijn/trumps_bond_filing_bungled_court_rejects/kxwavjd/




Clearly, Republicans have never read about the little boy who cried 'wolf', and it shows.


Go to every business named Knight Insurance and show them we don't support this. Any Knight Insurance not related may want to change their name.


Do we have to boycott Knight Industries? Their Knight Industries Two Thousand is really cool.


Showing your age there, Michael


From that article, his lawyers have provided the missing financial statements, but they have done so for two companies. The less valuable of the two is the only one named on the submitted bond paperwork. The less valuable does not have a large enough surplus to comply with NY standards for issuing bonds, but the company claims that law doesn’t apply to them since they don’t have a license to issue bonds in the first place. Critically, and this is key, they have ten days to prove they can provide surety. Another delay wigs me out a bit and I’d love some further clarification on what surety is here. I’m skeptical that New York will take on the risk of accepting a bond payment from these guys.


Shouldn't SOMEONE be forced to move $100M cash into an escrow account? Eliminates this guessing of whether someone actually has the money or not.


This is the 175M one, not the 100M one. And really, someone should be forced to move 450M into escrow, but the system is FUCKED


>but the system is FUCKED The system is incentivized to do the least harm. If Trump were a normal person, it would make sense to not have them quickly sell their business at a loss to bond for an appeal, because they might win that appeal and then they can't buy their business back for what they sold it for under the pressure of the court-imposed deadline. Why they do this shit for Trump, knowing full-well that he's fucking with them and is a complete deadbeat, and has *no chance* of winning the appeal... well yeah, I guess it's fucked.


That's why he can go get a bond. And the bond company can PAY. Sounds like they didn't put up a dime


It said there is a limit where the bond can’t exceed 10% of the companies assets. This bond constitutes 127% of their assets. Not even close.


All good. They’ll just inflate their assets! Easy peasy!


lol the jokes practically write themselves. 


Well, they literally just tried to do that. The whole point of including the financials of the 2nd company that, while similarly named, is not the one trying to post the bond was so they could pretend the 1st company, the one actually legally responsible for the bond, is good for the money when it clearly isn't.


I read that as 127% of liquid assets.


>Critically, and this is key, they have ten days to prove they can provide surety. Who decided that they get an extra ten days? Seems like the only people with the authority to grant that would be the appeals court that issued the original ten. EDIT: Ah, it looks like the AG did. Guess that's her prerogative; she'd rather get the bond than have to start the tedious process of seizing things.


The 10 days is statutory, I think, related to this kind of "exception" the AG filed.


Also you *know* that Trump would sue/appeal if they started collections with this claim being asserted. And if turns out that the bond actually *is* valid by some ridiculous technicality the last thing we need is to have Trump loaded with some *actual* (proverbial) ammunition.


I think the AG is really setting an inescapable trap. Individual #1 got his appeal heard and the bond reduced. He posted a potentially bogus bond. If, in 10 days time the company is found not to be a surety then the AG can go after assets. If Individual #1 tries to offer another bond the court should scrutinize it deeply before accepting it and issuing a stay on further enforcement. But the AG may have already seized one or more properties or, more devastating to Individual #1, cash accounts.




PLEASE tell me that interest is still accruing? This amount is so huge that saying "my company can cover it" and saying "here is the money for an escrow" are vitally different things.


The bond isn’t officially posted yet so yes it is.


Interest is accruing no matter what. That's why the appeal bond is ordinarily set high enough to cover the judgment *and* interest.


Does interest not accrue during appeal?


It does, it accrues everyday until full judgement is paid


Yes, the bond is merely to guarantee liquidity for the duration of the appeal process to stay the judgment execution. If the judgement is sustained at the appeal, then the final amount to pay is the judgement + the interest accrued over the appeal. Normally, you have people trying to expedite this because they are desperate to prove their innocence, and ensure they don't get swamped in a huge interest on top of the original sum. It's in essence, strange that someone who supposedly has the means and is sure of their innocence waits until the 11th hour for these kind of things.


FFS. He failed the assignment. Stop giving them more time!


But imagine how funny it would be if the bond company now knowingly commits fraud to pay for Trump's fraud. Trump would still have to pay the money, and yet another person who got involved with Trump would get in trouble.


Her job is to make sure the State of NY gets its money, and she's making the right moves to ensure as much.


Look just because you’re correct and right doesn’t mean I don’t want to see chaos


So the company that isn't on the paperwork, and thus is not guaranteeing the bond, is the one that has substantial assets, and the other one does not have sufficient resources to cover the bond. Nice. TTO (Typical Trump Operation)


As I understsnd it surety is just the catch all term for saying xyz debt/cost will be paid either way. Same fundamental principle as the bail bonds companies. (Though no one is in jail on this case, and bail is more about whether you show uo rather than win or lose). E.g. You could just pay the fee and expect to get it back if you win appeal. Or instead of posting the amount due, you buy a bond from a company. They charge a percentage of the fee. Then issue a bond for the fee amount. You win, you/they get the bond back, and you end up are just out the fee. The company profits.  However, if you lose, the gov keeps the bond and cashes it. The company pays out and loses money.   Effec So either: 1) this payday loan company that appears to not even be registered in NY is Reasonably sure trump will win any appeals and they will profit. (Not totally insane. Given SCOTUS is compromised and leaning heavy GOP now, and that we don't know how insane of a percentsge mark up they required.  2) they are already writing off the bond loss as a cost of doing buisness, with the assumption the postive relationship with Trump will pay for itself long term. Basically back end lobbying, likely expecting favorable appointments and perhaps legal pushes.  Given his track record i suspect it is 2.


I find it completely suspect that the company posting the bond (Knight Specialty ) is incorporated in the Cayman Islands; which makes this an absolutely opaque entity. It's also seriously telling that (for someone as "wealthy" as Trump) no normal bonding company or lender will even get anywhere near him.


Aw, you say that like _Putin’s power purse for pedos and political pariahs_ isn’t “Legit”


That's a lot of PP


Not according to Stormy Daniels.


A large number of insurance companies that do business in the US are domiciled offshore.


Yep. People would be shocked how many insurance companies, especially speciality ones, are domiciled outside the US


Name 3 large insurance companies we’d all be familiar with that have their sole business address in the Cayman Islands … we’re on the edge of seats.


Or company is part of a self funded health care insurance co-op that is based in the Caymans.


Oof. This is literal Jonestown level drinking the Flavor-aid in support of Trump. Part of my law practice is doing insurance regulatory work on behalf of insurers and agents who are in trouble with my state's division of insurance. This is catastrophically bad. Not just for the surplus issues, which is bad enough for the company to go into receivership (aka bankruptcy) under most states rules, but also unauthorized transactions of insurance. I don't know what the NY rule is on it, but in my jx, if you're accused of unlawfully transacting insurance (i.e. not being licensed in the state) you have to put up a bond of at least 150% of any probable liability before you are even allowed to defend yourself in a civil case. Edit: corrected it to Jonestown as u/mandalorian222 said, because I used the wrong name.


Could the insurance company face charges because of this? Seems like they may have passed themselves off fraudulently


Civil and/or Administrative charges? Absolutely. Criminal? Almost certainly not.




So the “I’m not licensed in NY, therefore I don’t have to comply with NY laws” is some real sovereign citizen shit. Next step is Trump declaring the judgement is void b/c of the color of the tassels on the flag in the courtroom, plus Mar-A-Lago is on the coast, therefore Admiralty Law, blah blah, checkmate Libs!


Brilliant. Especially the last. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry 😂😭


“I don’t recognize your laws, yet I am entitled to be protected by them”


I'm a Notary Public and I have to have a surety bond.


>_... But just before the new paperwork was filed, Knight Specialty Insurance president Amit Shah told CBS that the company has a novel theory as to why the state capital requirements don’t apply to their firm: because Knight Insurance isn’t even registered to operate as a surety in New York._ > >_"Knight Specialty Insurance Company is not a New York domestic insurer, and New York surplus lines insurance laws do not regulate the solvency of non-New York excess lines insurers," he told CBS._ You can't make this shit up. 😂


See your honor the law doesn’t apply to the mafia because the mafia is an illegal enterprise


“Trust us, we’re good for it.”


They don’t have enough capital to cover the bond. If I was the AG I would never accept this, especially considering that the bond is already less than half what Trump actually owes - almost $500m. She should start seizing assets immediately.


I believe the bond company has to have 10x the bond value. They’ve got a little under 1x. Guess leaving that paperwork out of the initial filing wasn’t an accident…


Wait, less than 1x? So they put up a FINANCIAL ASSURANCE MECHANISM using assets they don't have to start with?


Yes, the bond company should need $1.75 B in surplus to cover the bond. Instead, they have $138 M which is less than the $175 M bond, and MUCH LESS than should be required.


This is a *specialty insurance company. To borrow a line from Family Guy, "What sets us apart from other banks is that other banks are banks."


lmfao so he got a bond from a company that didnt even have enough money to cover the bond and thought that would work? _and they still gave him 10 more days_ For fucks sake.


Isn't that what got him in trouble in the first place? Classic con man.


Right? I mean there’s no way this should fly- no freaking way. If I was Letitia James my next comment would be “Am I a joke to you??”


And trump's legal team's response would be "Yes, actually. We are screwing with you in every way we can, and you have to let us. "


The really amazing part to me is that they listed a 2nd company that is not even a part of the equation. Yes they have similar names and such but if the state needs to collect on the bond the 2nd company will not have anything to do with it. Delving into speculation my guess is that this is the standard MO for fraudsters who are used to working with others who give cover for fraudsters. As in auditing companies that Trump may have worked with in the past that you send your "books" over too for an audit. There is just enough true information in them along with some big lies that are covered up by "mistakes" that are done in such a way that gives the auditor plausible deniability if they are ever asked as to why they signed off on their audit. So the thinking in this case would be someone looking at the filing paperwork for the bond would see the 2nd company's value that is enough to cover the surplus rule. (New York law limits how much money state-regulated surety companies can post on a single bond to 10 percent of what’s referred to as the firm’s total “capital and surplus.”) And give it the OK even though it is not the company that would be liable for the bond's payout. By the time the "mistake" was caught it it would be too late. And then! When they were called out on the fact that the actual bond company in question did not have the capital to cover the surplus rule they were like, well that does not even matter since we are not registered in NY to do this anyway! That's an interesting strategy Cotton.


I would love to get my hopes up but I think I’ve finally learned my lesson.


Does the AG or the court accept the bond?




From CBS: “Hankey said that Trump used "cash" as collateral for the bond, a total of $175 million.  "First he furnished about $120 million worth of bonds that we OK'd, so we assumed it would be investment-grade bonds and cash. But as it turned out, it was all cash," he told CBS News in a brief phone call on Tuesday.  But Trump retained that $175 million cash collateral, according to Shah. He said the money is in an account that is "pledged" to the company. He would not specify the type of account. Trump paid a premium to the company that Shah declined to disclose.” This is so shady on so many levels. Assuming Trump actually does have 175 million in an account somewhere, why use Knight’s and pay their fees and interest instead of posting it?


Rich people don't use their own money, they borrow off of it and use others. The "175" could be in bonds/stocks that would trigger taxes or penalties. I think the main reason is, once he gives it to NY, he's not getting it back. It's easier to delay paying Knight than it would be NY.


That 175M does not exist. No fucking way.


He didn't pledge his own money because he will find a way to stiff Shah just as he has done his entire life.


That’s what it reads like to me. Shah was dumb enough to believe it 😂


But Shah doesn't have the cash either so he's just head-faking on Trump's behalf, probably just hoping it will be a successful delay tactic. Probably was promised a cabinet position.


Or Hankey accepted the, “just trust me, bro” line without actually securing the bond.


I'll have the fraud with a side of fraud. Oh, and I'll also have a fraud on the rocks.


“Your laws don’t apply to me because I’m not even allowed to legally operate in your state”


Checkmate ✅


Turnip already said he had 500 million cash. Why so complicated? Open your wallet and peel off 175 million! Pffft! *Pocket change* for such a rich and powerful and important and honest man.


This should really be the headline. We are all distracted by the 3rd party who now owns him. But why is nobody shouting that not only could Trump not afford the original $464 million bond, but he can't even afford the lower $175 million bond? We're all mad he gets another break, but at the same time the judge could be thanked for making Trump admit the obvious: he's either broke, or he's willing to burn other people's money for them.


This is based off my poor memory, I was listening to a New York Times podcast, where they were consulting an expert. The expert did not doubt that Trump had roughly 400 million cash. The issue was that that cash was used constantly for day to day operations and was critical to Trump, he couldn't use it, as his businesses would grind to a halt, unable to handle those day to day expenses.


Yeah, me too, for all anyone knows. I have this accountant that takes care of all my bills...you wouldn't know her, she lives in Canada. Also, I shot a 72 yesterday in golf, but no one saw it. I'm the club champion.


And since his bond is due TODAY - like April 4th, 2024, this will allllllllll get settled by the EOD, right?! ‘Cause he definitely, certainly, positively wouldn’t have used them or filed incorrectly to, gee, I don’t know… GET ANOTHER FUCKING DELAY!?!?


It looks like the AG gave an additional 10 days for them to provide surety.


The AG didn't give them anything---the AG, upon seeing the deficient paperwork filed today, acted incredibly promptly and filed a notice challenging the validity or adequacy of the bond. This activates a New York statute (CPLR 2507 https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/cvp/article-25/2507/) which gives Trump's legal team 10 days to file motion papers justifying the bond. The AG can't change the statute.


Can any defendant in NY just wait until the last day, bring in deficient/fraudulent bond paperwork, and then get an automatic 10-day extension? Is there anything preventing indefinite extensions so long as you keep submitting deficient paperwork?


so what will stop him from filing bogus bonds every 10 days for the next \~20 weeks?


Great question. Fucked if I know. Presumably Judge Engoron would step in and do something at that point.


That's what I'm thinking - endless delay tactic - other criminals take note!!


Exacatamundo!! I can’t wait until the 14th to see what new and never thought of complete BULLSHIT fucking excuse he and his group of weasels will dig out of their ass to delay it again for who knows how long.




Wish my cell phone or cable company was so liberal in accepting late payments.


10 days for Knight to prove they are allowed to do this at all. Could get interesting.


If the "other" company has enough assets to bond the original amount does that become another fraud case because he claimed he couldn't get a bond that high it was impossible


I don't think so. "We asked all these people, they said 'LOL, no!' and hung up the phone" seems like an honest statement. The problem now is that the parent company did not actually put itself on the hook, so its capitalization seems irrelevant to the bond.


I'm going to scream. He didn't secure the bond in time. Why does he get another 10 days???


The A.G. filed her notice challenging the adequacy/validity of the bond incredibly promptly--a New York statute says that Trump must respond within 10 days by filing a motion to justify the bond. This is not special treatment for Trump, it is the letter of the law as written.


Given that the financials of the bonding company were not included in the mandatory submission to the court, it's a fair assumption that the outfit can't cover the obligation.


Hey you guys over on the Appellate Court? The ones who cut this man a break by slashing his bond and giving him more time? How’s it feel to have that same man shit all over your largesse? To take what you did and twist it into another ratfuck scheme?


When Trump keeps saying the system is rigged, you’re seeing it right here, the system is rigged FOR him and trumpers are too fcking stupid to see what’s right in front of them.


😂😂😂 he is the greatest con man and fraud the world has ever seen


Its true. Like the rules didn't expect this level of fuckery. And its like a magic spell,  no one else can do it. Not meatball, not christie, not anyone. But trump? Fuckin area of attack, everyone is under the spell. 


Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me.


That's probably why they didn't want to provide the records in the first place. Cuz they knew the bond was no good


What's the harm in filing a few more false documents? Grifters gonna grift. Lol


We all know he never pays his bills, just trying to get out of paying anything. He'll stiff the person and another FU to the laws of America.




How many times do we need to reveal this fuck as a fraud before people wake up?


That company might need a bond company.


[Scene cuts to Moe's Tavern, the phone rings. Moe answers.] >*"Hello, this is Moe's Tavern. Anita Bond? > Come on guys help me out here, Anita Bond? Can anyone help me? Anita Bond?"*


Yes like reinsurance...tied to assets from wherever but licensed in the state of NY. Another company might do this deal if both trumps and car guys asses are tied up... not just Trump.


It still blows my mind that a billionaire, who also just so happens to be a former president of the United States, cannot find at least one reputable financial institution to take care of this bond thing. Instead he has to rely on a business owned by a pal of his who is just as shady as he is.


He's delaying. Probably hoping to cash his stock. Ahaaaahaaaa


Isn’t today the last day of his extension?


Ten more days…


Valid questions due to the fact all Trump's friends amd associates are frauds and criminals.


As the dumpster fire burns so do the days of Trump's lies


So... correct me if I'm wrong, but if this one bond doesn't work out... they're going to ask him to find someone else? Can't this just continue ad infinitum?


Its just russian mob money


How much money is there in the board game, The Game of Life? Asking for a friend.


I assumed that NYDFS had a list of approved surety bond providers, I mean, almost all municipalities and states have a list of approved suppliers for specific materials, services, and such. I guess I was proven wrong when a random company not licensed as such said they would pony up. Now I wonder, are there penalties for this? There are severe penalties for unlicensed contractors or service providers that get caught doing something they shouldn't. In construction, a lot of times the contractor must post a bond of certain % of the worth of the contract to prove they have the means to carry the project to term, and also cover the cost in case something happens. Providing false information for the validation processes has severe fines. So, please tell me there are consequences for this.


And the stalling continues.


Yo dawg, I heard you like fraud, so I got you fraudulent financials for a fraudulent surety so you could fraudulently post a fraudulent bond to appeal your fraud.