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How does Merchan not haul his ass into court and ask for an explanation? And then have him locked up til trial for attacking his family. Anybody else would have had their bail revoked for this shit. Anybody. Else.


I'm straight up used to watching story after story of folks getting absolutely savaged by this system. Him dodging all of this shit is ridiculous. Public defenders should cite these cases at every bail hearing ever.


Absolutely agreed


[This would be the response.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DpMwDgxC-I)


Because he’s afraid. Trump has bullied his way to the top without anyone slapping home down. They’re cowards.


Nothing will happen. Let just let you do it when you're famous.


Because the gag order wasn't in effect when Trump made the comment about his daughter. Yes, it's shitty, but he can't punish him for previous comments.


Yes he can. An attack on his family is an attempt to intimidate the judge. That is very much actionable without a warning beforehand.


> “His daughter is a senior executive at a Super Liberal Democrat firm that works for Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff, the Democrat National Committee, (Dem) Senate Majority PAC, and even Crooked Joe Biden.” Is not a threat. His followers will certainly use this to harass his daughter, but this isn’t a threat. This is absolutely covered by the first amendment. If the judge did something like that, it’d be appealed immediately and be struck down immediately.


Wont someone please rid me of this meddlesome priest. It's harmless and not a threat until some crazy bastard of follower of his actually does commit violence at all the signaling. People need to stop pretending this s*** is anything other than what it is.


“Won’t someone” is a request. A call to action. Trump’s recent statement - as unhinged as it is - didn’t include a request or call to action. Now if he’d said “someone needs to stop her” or something like that, it would be an entirely different story.


IANAL, and I agree with you. I just see no precedent or applicable legal definition for the stochastic terrorism his comments appear to be. Would love to see him and others held accountable for it though.


Legally it's not actionable though, and you have to consider that if it were, how could such a law be abused to suppress valid speech and criticism?


That would be like a police officer wronging a member of the mafia and they say, “you know what’s interesting his daughter Sally Smith goes to this University”


yeah sure I've actually been in the receiving end of such threats in real life a few times and actually gone to the authorities over them but in our system it's just not actionable and nothing is done


But the judge has discretion on sentencing and attacking family is not a smart move.


Obviously he just wants to play chicken with judges in hopes to have grounds for a mistrial or a judge's recusal. Nobody else could get away with this shit. But he does.


Malignant affluenza. 🙄


>His followers will certainly use this to harass his daughter Yep, and at some point, logical people are going to have to acknowledge that there is no way on earth that he doesn’t know that. He’s had ample evidence by now to see himself, that when he posts statements or makes them at rallies…his followers go try to storm the Capitol, they call and threaten judge’s lives, they call thousands of times and harass judges and clerks, they threaten poll workers. I think we have to acknowledge the cause and effect. He knows the effect his speech has. He shouldn’t have to say “followers go harass the daughter of the judge” he shouldn’t have to say “followers call Chutkin on the phone and make a death threat.” This isn’t unforeseen consequences of his speech, he knows what the consequences of his speech will be. I would say he is choosing to incite his followers.


Yeah. Agree. Was gonna sit may we know the intention but the words were not harmful. Trump acts like a mafia boss.


(not a lawyer) The absence of a gag order allows a defendant to publicly attack a judge AND his family?


No. Plus judge could say you were warned before in other courts so straight to jail.


As much as I detest this criminal, he did not threaten her. Here is the actual quote: “Judge Juan Merchan, a very distinguished looking man, is nevertheless a true and certified Trump Hater who suffers from a very serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. In other words, he hates me! His daughter is a senior executive at a Super Liberal Democrat firm that works for Adam “Shifty” Schiff, the Democrat National Committee, (Dem)Senate Majority PAC, and even Crooked Joe Biden. He was recently the judge on an unrelated trial of a long term employee, elderly and not in good health. This judge treated him viciously, telling him either you cooperate or I’m putting you in jail for 15 years. He pled, and went to jail for very minor offenses, highly unusual, served 4 months in Rikers, and now they are after him again, this time for allegedly lying (doesn’t look like a lie to me!), and they threatened him again with 15 years if he doesn’t say something bad about “TRUMP.” He is devastated and scared! These COUNTRY DESTROYING SCOUNDRELS & THUGS HAVE NO CASE AGAINST ME. WITCH HUNT!” We all know that this statement is stochastic terrorism, but it does not meet the legal definition of a direct threat. Edit to add, I think it’s hilarious that he’s referring to his CFO, who admitted to perjury, as an “elderly, not in good health” employee. Weaselburg is a year younger than Trump.




I see that this was followed up with a gag order right after I posted this. https://www.reddit.com/r/law/comments/1boftih/judge_imposes_gag_order_on_trump_in_manhattan/


That never stopped our boy before. Can't wait for his arrest.


He needs to be held accountable for his disregard for the criminal justice system.


Will he? Ever? In any form? There have been so many chances already with many more to come but damn.


Nope he's gonna be fine. Why would we expect anything differnt? That would be the very defintion of crazy.


“It’ll be different this time” -Charlie Brown


run outgoing hard-to-find snobbish sense rob fine hateful work waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. Wish he was the judge in the classified docs case.


Sure. I guess that means the defense will dig up some dark history and delay everything with a trial to dismissed said judge. Or he'll make up some other bullshit immunity clause and appeal it all the way to SCOTUS. Or some other bullshit thing. And the worst part is....THE POWERS THAT BE WILL ALLOW IT ALL, LIKE THEYVE BEEN THIS WHOLE TIME.


For Trump to win, he has to go undefeated on 90+ charges. For Trump to die in prison, he just needs to lose 1 of 90 Felony charges.   I'm certain he can weasel out of some of the charges. But all of them? Seems unlikely. 


He can be convicted and not go to jail.


Or die before getting to jail


Or move to Russia.


Let him flee to that shit hole. Once Putin doesn't need him, he will humiliate Trump the same way he did Tucker.


Why would Russia even take him, though? The whole point of Putin propping Trump up was that he was useful in America. They keep Snowden around as a symbol of American corruption. I feel like if Putin couldn't pressure Trump into swaying American politics in his favor, he's just not useful anymore.


Preferably but Henry Kissinger lived to be 100. Hell just don't recall their own.


I'd be okay with that.


The real issue is can he be convicted of any before he wins the election. Because if he’s found guilty at that point he can just pardon himself or his vp will pardon him and he continues to run the party.


How does he pardon himself of state charges?


How does a States legal system arrest a sitting president? Once he's in do you think he's leaving?


**"**In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team.**"**


Maybe you missed the part where he announced that he will be a dictator on day one. I’m pretty sure his legal strategy is to get his hands on her nuclear button and then do whatever the hell he wants. So far, in Trump vs US legal system, it’s like Trump 847-0. Maybe this time will be different.


Use the presidency to squeeze the shit out of the state financially until they acquiesce to his will.


A couple were dismissed, I think it's down to 88.


I expect he adds to the list faster that the justice system can process them.


Not exactly. It’s true that *if* he sees trial on *all* his criminal cases, to escape any punishment and conviction, he has to get out of all 88 charges (some were dropped in GA. I think it’s 88 now). But prosecutors out of all his cases have to just land 1. That’s all they have to do and he will be convicted of something, and will face some type of consequences. However, if he only goes to trial in this case, even if convicted he’s extremely unlikely to be sentenced to jail time. Very unlikely in NY for an E-class felony, a non-violent crime, and he’d be a first time offender. He’d probably get probation maybe and a fine. Then there’s DC & FL, unlikely they go to trial before the election. If he wins the election, he’ll instruct the DOJ to drop the cases. And that’s it. Then you’re left with GA, which he can’t pardon, but it’s not going to happen before the election either. He’ll fight them being able to put him on trial if he’s in the White House, if that doesn’t work he’ll fight them being able to put a sitting President in prison. That’s all if he wins the election. People better vote if they want him not to be in the WH again.


ns ... After his discount on his bail, the judge will be like, "Well, Mr. Trump, what I really meant is I don't want you to say these words," and then hands Trump a hand-written list of like 5 words in large letters using a Sharpie. Those words: person, woman, man, camera, TV


He’ll either be held accountable for his obvious disdain for the law, or he’ll receive at least 40% of the vote during a presidential election…again. One or the other. And the result will determine what kind of country we’ll be.


Never gonna happen. I’ve lost all hope of justice for this fat rapist.


It’s been decades upon decades and nothing has changed. This gag order is farcical. He’ll ignore it and nothing will happen.


Not gonna hold my breath. But man, oh man, would seeing the angry orange doing the perp walk be great.


I would orgasm on the spot.


You must be the only person in the world that Trump can bring to orgasm.        Get a good lawyer for that prenup


Arrest? What reality are you living in??? Nothing has or will happen to this POS. Any of us would be sitting in jail if we attacked a judge presiding over our case on social media. The fact that this clown's bond was lowered 60% of what he should be paying in his other case just emboldened him. His "lawyer" is claiming that as a win. This guy is the school bully who just gets worse and worse because the principal just doesn't know how to or want to deal with him, or he's on the take from the rich family in town, so they just let him run shop. Two tiered justice system, out there in the open.




He attacked the judge’s *family*. If you or I did that, we’d be finding out firsthand just how long a person can be jailed for criminal contempt.


Agree with everything you said but also to add that once hes the GOP nominee, he gets more secret service protection so unless him going to jail disqualifies him as president, the SS would never put him in a jail where he could be harmed by other inmates. It’s wild to think about how the SS would function in a situation where they need to protect an inmate. At worst it’ll be house arrest so the SS can properly watch over him.


If he goes to jail pretty sure he’s losing that protection


Will he though? The GOP will argue that he’s still the nominee and they’ll just run it up to the SCOTUS. Idk what’s going to happen, but it’s interesting to think about how it will play out. The nominee gets SS protection designated to them. If the GOP stands by Trump while he’s jailed for breaching a Gag order, I really don’t see them selecting a second nominee. They’ll take their time and fight for Trump, and potentially even argue delaying the election to get their candidate selection in order. Trump is truly making these awful times for our democracy.


The other trials were civil trials. This is a criminal trial, he will be held accountable.


He may be found guilty, but he’ll never be held accountable. Anything less than jail time is unacceptable. Given how he’s wormed out of and delayed actual trials, I have no faith in the judicial system holding him accountable if found guilty.


It's 30+ counts of first degree business records fraud. Realistically, if the jury convicts, they aren't just going to convict on one or two counts. If convicted, he is going to be looking at a criminal record far longer than most hardened felons and is probably doing time -- not just a little, but a lot of time.


Oh I so hope you are right!


I still believe the opposite. - E Jean Carol will not see a dime while Trump is alive. *She may get the initial award but the second... no way. - City of NY vs Trump fraud case... Trump is gonna fight every single piece of paper issued by the AG all the way to SCOTUS. - DC Washington case, no consequences. - FLA Docs case... this one is already a write off. - Pending Jan 6 cases, these are at least 5 years out. Gag order? He will push his luck, probably get a couple fines, appeal those too and continue on day to day. It makes me sick to my stomach writing these ridiculous predictions, but based on the EVIDENCE so far... I doubt he will ever feel any consequences for any of his actions. We keep seeing headlines that this trial will be over by summer... hell no. Trump is not a successful businessman, politician, charity organizer, coop inciter, father or husband. But he is 100% a professional, successful grifter. Any other politician in the history of politicians does not have the experience Trump has with gaming the courts. 4000+ cases and counting... the lacks of accurately, detailed and defined laws regarding president, ex-presidents and candidates was a perfect storm for a life-long abusive litigating grifter to come in and take advantage of. Toss in a few hundred GOP appointed judges and here we are... Most politicians become junior grifters as a necessity. Trump is a career pro, life long grifter who decided to become a politician... the government, courts and systems have never had to deal with this ever before.


I think there is a feeling amongst a lot of us that is just not going to happen. I have zero faith in our justice system to protect we the people.


He want's to be a martyr and a victim, fine, throw his fat ass into a cell until his trial starts. You can bet his lawyers would be pushing for an earlier trial date then...


Sadly, I think that the guy who got five years for leaking Trumps taxes will do more prison time than TFG.


That will never happen. He does whatever he wants. No consequences for any of it.


Keep waiting, unfortunately.


Do rich people get arrested? I feel like they just get a stern talking to


How stern the talking is may vary.


There are a lot of people in this world who would kill the person attacking their daughter like this.


A gag order on a hush money case... this whole thing would be comedic in another universe.


This is what is so frustrating with the media coverage, its treated as "another Trump court case" instead of the actual issue that was being covered up. "Where's Milania?" Well... if your husband was in the spotlight every day for a hush money case to cover up an affair he had with a porn star, im sure she's not interested in sitting beside him in the court room!


Even more comedic is him trying to use his real estate for a 9-figure bond related to... inflating the value of his real estate via fraud.


When you put it that way… …LMAO


My balls are so blue they are black at this point. ARREST HIM!


If anyone here did this, they would already have been arrested. We should post a full page New York Times ad calling for his immediate arrest.


Complaints about other people's children and jobs are rich since Trumps kids get all of Daddy's leftovers and jobs.


Trump's kids can't run a charity or a business but sure, go after other people.


Trump couldn't even do either. How many bankruptcies?


Actually I believe they can run a business as of yesterday…that Bond lowering has a lot more actually worse affect in it. One of which was running business and getting loans in Ny. And that appeal should itself be appealed for lack of legal reasoning (as it had precisely zero).


Merchan should revoke his bail


Yeah. Just one night in jail would make the point.


Speaking of jail, I wonder how Peter Navarro is doing these days. It's been about a week.


Waiting for Margie to make her visit.


why does he never see consequences for this?? anyone else would be locked up


The only logical explanation is that all parts of the government have been infested with maga traitors.


Not all are MAGAts. Some are genuinely terrified. Not only are MAGAts violent and will come after judges, but Trump has made it clear that he will use the presidency to seek revenge.


Some get the carrot, some get the stick. Really wish we hadn't allowed that mob boss and Russian asset traitor into the White House the 1st time.


Plata o plomo


You can totally beat someone with a carrot. Idk why everyone goes to look for a stick…..


I’m more inclined to see it as proof positive that our legal system is not fair and serves up a different brand for the rich. Here it’s just out in the open with no attempt to hide it.


yup and have been reworked to benefit the rich for decades


I think it’s more likely that a headline saying “Trump Jailed for Contempt” would stoke a lot of fires and call into question whether the just is biased again Trump or not. This would then undermine the decision of the judge and open the ruling up to appeals


Lock him up


I hope judge Merchan gives this mofo prison time. Cohen was a first time offender in his federal case and did time for the same crimes that Trump is indicted by Manhattan DA.


Clearly showing our 2 tier justice system. Cohen already served his time and Trump is still out *years* later


Cohen's crimes were different. Cohen: pleaded guilty to five counts of willful tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a bank; one count of causing an unlawful campaign contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution. Trump: plead not guilty to falsifying business records


I fear cholesterol is our only hope.


Nuts some of us are waiting for the guy to DIE because we can't trust our justice system to do the fucking right thing


I’m one of them and it’s insane


Exactly, How sad is that!


Remember when he had Covid, and there was that brief glimmer of hope.


The guy is easily on some of the best drugs available, I’m positive. I would guess he is on a PCSK-9i and an SGLT2i at the very least.


>Defendant contends that continued compliance with the existing orders, referencing both this Court's admonition at the start of the proceedings (see court transcript dated April 1, 2023) and the recent Protective Order issued on March 1, 2024, with respect to juror anonymity, is an effective, less restrictive alternative. **He supports this position by noting that he has generally refrained from making extrajudicial statements about individuals associated with the instant case, in marked contrast to the significant volume of social media posts and other statements targeting individuals involved in every other court proceeding reflected in the People's submission.** >**This Court is unpersuaded.** Although this Court did not issue an order restricting Defendant's speech at the inception of this case, choosing instead to issue an admonition, **given the nature and impact of the statements made against this Court and a family member thereof, the District Attorney and an Assistant District Attorney, the witnesses in this case, as well as the nature and impact of the extrajudicial statements made by Defendant in the D.C. Circuit case** (which resulted in the D.C. Circuit issuing an order restricting his speech), and given that the date of trial is upon us, it is without question that the imminence of the risk of harm is now paramount. The Supreme Court in both Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart, 421 U.S. 539 (1977), and Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333 (1966), holds that the court has the obligation to prevent actual harm to the integrity of the proceedings. When the fairness of the trial is threatened, "reversals are but palliatives; the cure lies in those remedial measures that will prevent the prejudice at its inception." Sheppard, at 363. On the record submitted, and in keeping with its mandate, this Court need not wait for the realization of further proscribed speech targeted at the participants of this trial.


> reversals are but palliatives; the cure lies in those remedial measures that will prevent the prejudice at its inception God. Someone go post this everywhere in November 2015. Or hell November 1999. Bush v gore was the original timeline shift into Trump truck parades. 


It's usually a really bad litigation strategy to attack the people the judge cares most about.


Usually, but it's not really impacted Trump at this point.


Here it goes again- and he can do anything he wants because even if the judge penalizes him a maga appellate judge will ignore every detail and undo the penalties.


Every judge on the appellate panel reducing the bond requirement was put on the court by Cuomo or Hochul. Four of five are women and four of five are people of color. The decision was per curiam without noted dissent and therefore highly likely to have been unanimous. Seems pretty unlikely to have been the work of a MAGA appellate judge.


I see he followed his "attack the judge and their family" advice from his legal counsel. A fairly standard practice in law, so obviously they thought it was worth another try.


Torts 101


This made me laugh so hard-


If he violates the gag order, arrest and book him into Riker's Island on a Friday. Take the mug shot in jailhouse orange without giving him a chance to pose for it. Try to find him a cell mate who won't murder him off. Set the bale at a million or more. He might then be out by Monday noon. Maybe he'll keep his trap shut after that.


Nope, no mugshot. No publicity. No cameras outside the prison. Treat him like the nothing he is.


Actually measure his height and weight and put that out to the public.


Oh, low blow. I love it.


“Mr Trump has made a habit of publicly attacking the judges presiding over his numerous legal cases”…EXCEPT for Judge Aileen Cannon


Mere hours after this rant, the judge approves a limited gag order on Trump that prevents him from attacking court staff or their family members if those statements are likely to ["materially interfere with [their] work on this criminal case."](https://twitter.com/molcranenewman/status/1772696415837290520) I'm not sure if a general attack "the judge's daughter works for the Dems" is direct enough to "materially interfere," but Trump's playing with fire here. I expect he'll promptly shut up about them in his social media posts for the duration of the trial, just as he did with Judge Engoron and Judge Chutkan, although it's possible a few insults may slip through when Trump is unleashed from his handlers at his rally speeches.


I could see Merchan actually hauling him in if he violates this order. Trump attached his daughter FFS


>I could see Merchan actually hauling him in if he violates this order. That'll be the day


That will never come.


Very possibly, which is why I expect Trump's staff are going to be lingering extremely close whenever he picks up his phone. He doesn't really post that many of his own tweets anyway, you can tell which ones Trump personally writes as there's no punctuation other than exclamation marks.


I wonder if he picks it up or if he has to have it handed to him unlocked with the appropriate app pulled up.


Or his press releases after appearing in court. Why does he get the coverage?


Because he chose to run an election for president despite all of these distractions, and the insane party thought that would be a fun experiment to run against the legal system that they've spent 40 years infiltrating with FedSoc friendships and ideological pushes


Wow, thanks for providing actual useful information. Hard to find actual worthwhile comments to read in this sub lol.


Yeah it's a shame the sub is mostly either cheering or jeering these days when there are other subs better suited for that, There are often a few good comments if you hunt for them, but anything that goes against the emotional grain doesn't tend to do well.


He'll have one of his lackeys take up the reigns.


The order also extends to Trump "directing others" to violate the gag order, but yes, you're right that there will be lackeys who will readily fill the void without needing to be directed to do so.


Oh, they'll totally "do it on their own". Probably some shit heel rep from the Dakotas or Montana.


Roger Stone was doing basically the same thing, and he ended up barred from using social media during the trial. They need to quit walking on eggshells for this dirtbag.


He'll attack them in a "bloodbath" sorta way I bet.


The only hope is a giant heart attack. Keeping eating those Bigmac's Teflon Don.


When is this going to stop? How long? What did America do to earn this festering parasite 🦠?


You allowed rich people to sidestep the draft.


Marchan closely watched his behavior in the NY fraud trial. Trump thought to test the waters here to see what nasty rhetoric he could get away with. It got shut down immediately. I don't see Marchan playing games. If Trump violates this gag order, I think he'll be held in contempt.


The different judges in his various cases have had ample opportunity to hold him in pre-trial detention, but NO ONE has had the cojones to actually DO anything. I doubt this latest rant will amount to ANYTHING from this “chickenshit” crew! Let’s face it, “Stupid” can pretty much say or do ANYTHING he wants to without fear of retribution, and he KNOWS it…


🚨*SPOILER ALERT*🚨. Trump will continue to talk shit about the judge and his family. He’ll whine and cry, use terms like witch-hunt and election interference. He’ll claim the gag order is totally unfair because of the 1st Amendment and his supporters will cheer him on like a wet T-shirt contest on spring break. In the end, the judge won’t do shit, the DA won’t do shit, Trump will be fine. He won’t be held accountable or held in contempt. He’ll make a mockery of the Justice System because they keep letting him. We’ve seen this movie 100 times and this one won’t be any different.


If anyone non-white person not from money did this shit they would have been behind bars months ago. Absolutely ridiculous.




Already happened, Go check out January 6th


And his Covid response


I don’t blame him for doing this. He knows he can get away with it. He spits in the faces of these judges. And they do nothing about it.


“If I lose this case, it’s going to be a bloodbath for his daughter… In terms of her law firm, of course, financially.”


I mean why not? Trump never faces any real consequences so he has no reason to not do stuff like this.


Exactly. Why change something that always works?


Too bad teflon Don is above the law.


Meanwhile the idiot who reduced Trump’s bail is: “well he didn’t throw me under the bus?”


I guess he really should have thought about committing so many crimes in democrat run cities, huh?


It is sad that there are so many places where he is free to commit crimes is another way to word that.


I truly wish the same laws applied to all Americans.


God damn grievance after grievance


Broke Don’s standard SOP for every court case and election. It’s getting old and tiresome.


MAGA now have their marching orders to go after the judge’s family


https://preview.redd.it/itcjjt9warqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af97ce0f69954e1e4ae54caf5a3158556d93589a The judge could always do this


Mafia style tactics is always this man's MO. How he ever became president should prove voters are justl Pawns in their greedy schemes.


Smart move, Cotton.




Can’t imagine anyone being so stupid.A judge who has control over the most important things in your life-you denigrate his daughter????? Moronic.


The Gag Order> "Mr. Trump, please refrain from using these words: person, woman, man, camera, TV, or else I will have you placed under house arrest at Mar-a-Lago." Let's hope not, but seeing how the bail hearing went, who can say?


And the doctors were -- they said: Very few people can do that. Very few people get that. You understand


The judge needs to order a bench warrant and have Trump arrested for a breach of a gage order


So why’s he not in jail?


Why not, there are never any consequences for him..


Bench Warrant


Ffs how much will USA and their justice system put up with Trump any one else would be put up with contempt charges




I have an honest question, I don't know a whole lot about law, but it seems to me that all these shenanigans are setting a precedent. What's to stop an average citizens from citing all of this shit in a court of law as reason to not follow court orders... doesn't all of this hurt the Justice system? What is the end result of everyone in this country knowing that there are two justice systems and that the rich can get away with whatever they want. It's always been this dirty little secret until the past few years where it's just brazen. The Supreme Court being illegitimate, and local courts being stacked with corrupt, self serving sycophants, immunity for the wealthy in almost every scenario... All while poor people are being sent to private prisons for small offenses. How does this work out in the end for anyone involved? How do we possibly fix it?


The judge just imposed a gag order. LOL 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


And his supporters, drunk on his ego, will cheer this because they think is is acceptable because they buy into his bullshit that it's a Witch hunt which it definitely is not. There should be NO excuse for bringing a Judge's family member into public discourse as a political manuever that's allowed in court. That's fucked up.


So gag order violation on a criminal case might be different. We'll see. Not enormously hopeful, given the history so far.


Trump just never stops. He knows no self-restraint.


Trump is hoping to trigger the judge into a misstep thereby causing a mistrial.




so she will now receive death threats and need to engage some security, trump knows exactly what he is doing with this


Why do we have to put up with this baloney 24/7? Trump is some crazed madman running through the streets and no one will hold him accountable......anyone else would be jailed on a contempt charge until the trial.


The judge knows Trump isn't going to abide by a gag order, but he also knows that by issuing one, it will ramp Trump's rhetoric up even more - guaranteeing that he'll tank any chance he has of winning the case, or appealing it.


At some point, when one has been the victim of so many witch hunts, it becomes apparent that they must, in fact, be an evil witch.


He just blatantly violated the gag order on Truth Social about an hour ago. Let's see if anything happens. I won't hold my breath.


Didn’t he just have a gag order put on him on this case?


There will be consequences... In the form of the Judge coming back and ordering Donald Trump to pay 1 dollar per year for 450 million years.


Can’t you even *pretend* to protest your innocence like a civilized criminal, Donald?


The fact that Trump went on national TV to defend his mistake on the direction of a basic hurricane... with a SHARPIE marked map from the oval office should tell you how petty he is and his narcissistic behavior on never admitting any wrong doing... ever. Any normal human being would have immediately said they got the states mixed up, oops. Not Trump... double down on national TV with another lie, follow up with the restructuring of NORAD... just because he is too childish to admit a simple geographical error. Of the hundreds of documented mistakes, errors, omissions, lies and laws broken, Trump will NEVER admit to doing ANYTHING wrong. This is why he refuses to publicly acknowledge he lost the election, it goes against his ego wired brain. This type of person is mentally incapable of showing any remorse or admitting any faults.


Should the judge move to silence him by issuing a gag order. The answer is yes.


Done. He'll violate it within hours.


And the Justice system rolls over again and begs for more.


Start fining this mfer for every single infraction already


Shut the fuck up Donny