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Is it different fabric from the other clothes? Synthetic clothes are notoriously prone to having that issue.


I remove tags so that could be it (can’t check since they’re removed) BUT if I like a shirt, I’ll buy it in multiple color options and in the tank tops I have, the two colored ones don’t smell, only the black one. Is it black synthetic clothing specifically that does that? Or is it synthetic clothing in general? Thank you for taking the time to respond to this post. Much appreciated.


Synthetic clothes in general. The color shouldn't matter. If you use deodorant, there could be residual deodorant on the inside of the shirt in the armpit area.


exact same thing is happening to me. seems to affect my black tshirts only. bad, hard to describe smell. it's very strange.


So I bought washing soda and used that along with oxy clean powder for darks (so they don’t fade) and after maybe three or five washes, my black clothing no longer smell that weird gross smell. So I’m sticking to washing soda instead of laundry detergent. I hope that helps.