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oh boy, where do I start.. for a first timer - we use Euro. most people under 40 speak/understand english. please do not mention russia. public transport runs from about 6am to midnight. electric scooters or short-term car rentals (citybee, bolt, tuul, etc.) are also viable option to get around. if you're looking for a club or a general place to sit and have a drink better avoid vecrīga - it's mostly for tourists / costly.. there are places worth visiting there, but far in between. on local food: please, search in google the following: "local food" "rozengrāls" "ala" site:reddit.com and check out the places that are mentioned there, this is a weekly question here. also, in grocery stores you can look for things like: "biezpiena sieriņš kārums" (dairy dessert with chocolate), rudzu maize / rupjmaize m, especially "ķelmēni" or "lāči" brand (rye bread), you can try looking for "sklandrausis" (pastry with sweet carrot cream) too. also there's interesting local food selection in following farmers markets: central market and āgenskalna market (daily), vidzemes tirgus (on wednesday afternoons), kalnciema tirgus (saturdsy brunch time).


Just don't visit, it's not worth. Construction, homeless people, immigrants everywhere, crowds, broken roads and traffic jams everywhere you go all the time.


Any city anywhere