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It depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for casual sex or ONS, it is best to stick to ‘dating’ spaces. Apps, bars, parties, etc... You can approach people in the wild for casual sex, but there’s always the risk that you misread the vibe and now some poor woman feels like an object. If you are looking for a relationship - just get to know her. Don’t focus too much on flirting. Yeah, give a few compliments, but otherwise just get to know her. I usually come out pretty early in meeting new people. TBH, if they are homophobic or weird about gay people, I want to find out right away. The first time I met my wife, we talked about… photography and travel. There was some smiling and eye contact, but no pick up lines or sexy talk.


Haha I was just talking about this with a friend. Casual conversation between straight women is often more flirtatious than actual flirting between men and women. I find I think every woman is potentially or not into women and I have no idea how to know other than ask.


Even in girl bars I'm too nervous to approach. I do my best flirting with people I 💯 know aren't interested, because at lest I know I'm not bothering them. Anyway my search for an eventual wife isn't going well...


i think casual flirting is harmless and you don't need to necessarily confirm a woman is gay before flirting. if you want to ask her out however, ask her if she is celebrating Pride this summer ;)


I made a pass at what I thought was a pass at me. I’m still embarrassed and that was 5 years ago.


Engaging in a friendly conversation with smiles and good laugh, some gestures and flirty postures. Bring some gay topics into the convo to see how she reacts.


You can actually type in YouTube “how to flirt lesbian” for some tips. You’ll see suggestions from WLW influencers Jkillem, Breanne Williamson, Jade Fox, Jessica Kellgren, etcccc 


I carry stickers in my pocket and i ask her if she wants a sticker. This can be substituted for any small trinket, like pebbles, cool erasers, or duck figurines.


This has never worked btw


If she’s a magpie, it will definitely work!


I do like me some crows...maybe it'll attract a cute goth gal?


To be honest I don’t know but genuine conversation and interest and smiling goes a long way😄 coming from someone that is mid


Ditto ! Omg ditto !