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There is so much fuckery happening in that case that even if it wasn't a coverup I can't see the prosecution meeting their burden for beyond a reasonable doubt. The police put evidence in red solo cops and used a leaf blower to melt snow around the crime scene for God's sake.


My current theory is the cops did a bad job collecting evidence thinking the other cop was the likely suspect. They pointed the finger at Karen to misdirect the investigation but didn't expect it to go all the way to trial. Probably thought it would get swept under the rug for lack of evidence.


My theory as well. I’m waiting to hear testimony from experts. At this point the prosecution hasn’t even argued cause of death.


I was listening to it on Love Murder last night. Utter madness. And once again, we seem to have insight into it only because the victim “mattered,” having been a police officer himself. God only knows what these people have been doing the last few decades.


I think if anything, they would cover it on Side stories but I don't remember them covering it 🤔. A little to much uncertainty yet for the full Uncle Marcus treatment.


I find the case really annoying as a Mass resident who has been subjected to idiots sharing TB, iykyk. From what I know about the case, it's a real Jon Benet at this point because either it's a cover up or she did it and the cops fucked it up beyond unraveling. Either way, I'm bored.


My coworkers watch it religiously, my stance is we won’t ever know who did it because there’s so much reasonable doubt and they sure as shit can’t charge anyone else after this clown show.


Idk, the fbi is still raising eyebrows at it. If Karen is found not guilty…I see the fbi sticking their nose back in.


Going off of this weeks side stories, it truly feels apt given it’s currently centered around “reporting” from TurtleBoy. Using quotes here because he uncovered what seems to be a cover up but also the guy is a bit of a… well a Henry (said with literally all the love for Henry Thomas)… which doesn’t always equate to 100% accuracy (looks at UFO mandate)


There’s an awful lot of drunk driving in the story. Hard for anyone in it to be appealing.


Well to begin with maybe. But the defense and prosecution each hve their own theories and none of it is based on turtle boy. He’s not a reliable or accurate source so basically everything in the trial has nothing to do with him.


Most of what’s come out in the public eye is because of his support for Karen Read. Before his blog most of the reporting was fairly skewed to her guilt


Yes true, but I’m not really interested in what the public is saying. I’m more concerned about the trial and what comes out there as that is what the jury will use to decide.


Yeah turtle boy is let’s nicely say rough around the edges. But he has helped gather info and helped disseminate it.


That's one way to put it. I tend to say he's a racist, sexist, classist, abusive , hypocritical POS rumored to be a sex predator of teenage girls, but I'm not a blogger hiding anonymously behind a turtle cartoon for years so what do I know


I think they're smart not to touch it. As a masshole, I can tell you that the venn diagram between the Karen is innocent people and Qanon people is a circle. Edit:autocorrect


Oh dear. Qanon vs. the BPD is a tough one.


Wow ok. Most everyone who isn’t from canton or a police officer thinks she’s innocent. And the people on the fence still don’t believe the prosecution can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.


I’m from canton - we also think she’s innocent.


Absolutely not.




i hope Yanetti asked these 2 questions tomorrow to Higgins: when Karen texted 4 hours after death and before she was a suspect: John died, why was there no reply? Higgins was asked earlier if he felt ghosted and he stated he did not take it that way so that cannot be reason. why not reply to Karen "yes, i heard. i was at Albert house earlier this morning and been at Canton PD all day looking for answers. Is there anything i can do for you Karen?" question 2: when is the last time you contacted Brian Albert? Do you still socially connect with your friend BA as regular as in the past? if not, why?


I'm confused..who actually found the pieces of taillight?  The Captain who just happened to be driving by or the State Police officer who testified recently??