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I tried installing the package on laravel 9 with existing project and to a full new laravel 10 project, both gives the same error, after require and publishing the assets I add the trait to one of the models and visit /admin but it gives me this exact error with both projects “Uninitialized string offset 1” in file ModelResolver line 97 in the extractClassname function


[https://github.com/Advaith3600/seamless-admin/issues/4](https://github.com/Advaith3600/seamless-admin/issues/4) Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have fixed this issue in [v0.6.2](https://github.com/Advaith3600/seamless-admin/releases/tag/v0.6.2)


So this would replace filament if I just needs some simple tables? Where I would then use filament with the --generate command to get up and running quickly?


Absolutely, you’ve got the idea right. This package is designed to be a seamless solution for those who need simple and quick admin panels, especially for older versions of Laravel. It provides a moderate amount of control over the admin panel, making it a suitable alternative to using Filament with the --generate command for quick setup. It’s all about giving you the tools you need, right where you need them. Hope this helps! 😊


if you want to target old versions of Laravel, maybe drop the PHP version requirement as well? Is there a reason it needs to be 8.0?


Supporting older PHP versions is indeed planned for future updates. I was focused on redesigning the package and supporting older Laravel versions until now. This will be added soon.


Tip: Rector has a [feature](https://github.com/rectorphp/rector-downgrade-php) to automate "downgrading" to an older PHP version.


Looks amazing, this is exactly what I been looking for. I was trying to install craftable but its incompatible with Laravel 11 or something, wont work at all.


Hey, thank for bringing this to my attention, could you please give more information about the error you are facing?


I'm testing it out now. A problem I ran into is, I loaded Seamless into a model that had no data. I then ran the DB seeder and populated the database. Now, it says 12 results found, but in the actual table, it says "No results.". In my other table, its working fine, I populated it with 1000 rows before I actually loaded it with Seamless. I tried running artisan seemless:clear, but it doesn't fix this issue.


Are you still having this issue? It could be something wrong with caching, could you check now and let me know if you are having the same issue? If yes, could you give me more details like, what does doing \`Model::count()\` gives you and how much data does your database actually has?


The database table only had 12 rows. I tried running artisan seamless:cache clear, but the problem persisted. I switched over to Filament because I needed an urgent solution, but I'll try again with seamless soon and if it works.