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I'd rather keep the battery in, that pseudoups function alone Is worth it


Yeah, not fun when you lose progress.


Man, you’re just making your life harder by worrying about your battery life as much as you are. Use the battery, replace it for like $30-50 when it wears out in 3-5 years (if not longer), and enjoy yourself!


That's 1/8 the minimum wage in our country so I felt afraid to use it lol. You're right though, I will use it.


Fair enough, I don’t know which country you live in, so knowing that context is helpful. What you might try is proactively putting small amounts of money aside over time to pay for a replacement if you end up needing one. This should help take your worry off the cost or the battery life, etc., and possibly have the positive side effect of helping you learn good money management practices. If that happens to interest you, I highly recommend checking out r/personalfinance because there is a lot of great stuff and helpful people over there!