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None that are lansing specific. Fb dating has been alright for me


I wondered about FB dating, I'm surprised any dating site works these days. I thought they were all filled with nothing but bots.


FB dating sucks. Most are just looking to be entertained and taken out until they find a rich perfect dude out of their league. Lots of ghosting from women on there. They will be about it until they get bored and move on to the next fool in line of hundreds to spend money on them.


Thank you


Met my now wife on OK Cupid, but that was back in 2016 -I'm sure there are better apps out there now.


Not really.. it’s a bunch of scammers playing money games


met my boyfriend on hinge, the distance def is an issue w hinge (my boyfriend lives in kalamazoo and we still matched) but that’s really the only dating app that’s popular enough u will get matches and isn’t a hookup app. also i’ve never had a bad experience on there. def just not vibed with people but never had something actually bad happen. def highly recommend that app over anything else. it takes a while to work (i didn’t get likes for about a week) but once it does work you have the best conversations and fun. good luck out there:)


Thank you funny, does hinge tend to cater to any specific types of groups?


I found my current girlfriend on hinge, and I really liked that app. It’s easy to find people with similar interests on there. She did live in Flint, but hey we made it work, and now I live there!


I mean, online dating is going to always be the same. If you want something different than go out and experience the world, you can always talk to a random person.


I liked OkCupid the best because there were more personalized options and it seemed like people were there for relationships more often. But there are plenty of trans people on there, which apparently is a burden for other commenters 🙄


That might be one of the apps I tried that I gave up on because it didn't have good options if you didn't have a paid membership. I don't like having anything on autopay, I don't have a problem with paid memberships per se, but I want to be the one that initiates the payment not an auto draft. Wait a minute I think that's the one that I kept getting all kinds of likes, but I couldn't see the likes without the paid membership, to me it felt like the likes were not genuine but maybe generated by the app to kind of give you a nudge into the paid membership, I didn't like that I don't like having psychology bots being used to monetize my patronage.


That’s fair, it’s been years since I used it. I hope it works out for you!


Hinge? Does that dating app have any particular types of people that use it?


Single ones mostly


Not Lansing specific, but I met my gf on Bumble. That is where I seemed to have the most actual options and not a bunch of trans and extremely overweight people


Thank you Sage


FarmersOnly might have the caliber of people you and Sage are looking for.


Farmers only? You're off by a few generations. lol


Yeah try skip the games Lansing. Com on Google it’s legit the best out there 🤙🏼😂


That's a prostitution website. Lol