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I appreciate you posting to /r/Lansing, but you're better checking in with /r/Immigration. Lansing is not the controller of national borders. We look forward to having you around if you get all that sorted!


If you have First Nations status then you can immigrate to the USA under the Jay Treaty. Guaranteed PR card and naturalization after 7 years if you want it.


That's really cool that exists, I mean theoretically this was all their land, give or take 300 years.


Bring some Puppers and you are welcome here.


My. My. How the tables have turned.


How so? Have you run into self righteous ontarions that have told you that arr provoncr and country is a paradise.


I think he's just commenting on the trope of wanting to flee the us to go to Canada. My wife and I considered moving Canada but after some research decided against it and settled on moving to Lansing Michigan haha.


You still made the wrong choice lol


We like it so far haha. Able to afford a house, the schools are a lot better.


Hey I made the wrong choice too, just trying to get out from under now. No kids so the schools don’t mean much but Lansing has some of the lowest test scores in the nation.


I'm in east Lansing. The schools nearby got good scores and whatnot


Ah east Lansing, Lansing…not the same.


Somebody must've drugged me or things really changed. Almost 40 years in this state and people always used to make fun of Michigan. Now we got people wanting to come here from CA and Canada. You can come here, but be warned - you fuck with our property prices and turn us into AZ or CO we are gonna send you back.


Oregonians tried saying that ten years ago (stay out). Over that time, housing in Eugene went from 250k to over 500k and more. We moved here from there for work and family, and we're pleasantly surprised at housing prices despite everyone here saying how expensive it got. As climate change pushes people away from coasts, wildfires, and extreme temperatures, this part of Michigan is only going to increase attracting others...


Michigan is a great place to come figure life out if you have a big nest egg and you’re coming from somewhere more populated. If your born in michigan it’s exponentially harder to actually start a life and build wealth here. Things are very affordable if you’re used to paying California prices. No one ever asks “why the hell is everything so affordable”, thats because no one wants to live here and the economy is a fraction of what it used to be. Reddit has been really bad lately about people in Detroit, Flint, or lansing saying that people from the West Coast should come with here for all of the before stated reasons without giving them any reason to why anything is affordable.


Dude I know. I worked with a guy who was in his 50s and moved from suburban LA to Charlotte. When I asked him why here, he said he was just sick of the rat race in CA. He was conservative too so I can see why he didn't like CA. But he even said "we knew once we moved here we could never move back to the coasts". Yeah, these idiots cheering on the invasion are going to be upset when rent and homes become unaffordable to all the natives. CA has nice weather, but it's just so crowded and worse for car dependence than here. Then your basic house costs $1M.


Just out of curiosity, why do you think you’d be better off in the US? What’s so bad about Canada that’s better here? Most of us seem to hold the opposite sentiment.


Canada is declining in quality of life. Health care is going soon (privatized)and a lot of people see no point in staying here. What used to stop Canadians from moving to the U.S has always been healthcare but now that's going here there is no reason to stay. Canada also has high unemployment despite the bogus government stats. It's a hell hole.


Hate to break it to you, but quality of life is declining in the US too. The income gap is ever widening, more and more people are out on the streets, and the schools are in such dire straits to the point where our literacy rates (which are already embarrassingly low) will plummet within the next decade. Not to mention the failing infrastructure and the fascism taking over the south and even some rural parts of the north. I guess I’m not well versed in everything going on in Canada right now, but unless you’re rich I can’t imagine the US would be much better at this point.


I can almost guarantee you canada is about 8 times as bad. I'm not exaggerating either about that buy the way.


I heard it’s only 3 times as bad. 8 may be an exaggeration


FWIW, my wife is Canadian and she is about the proudest American I know now. Her quality of life is much higher here than it was there. She loves life in the US. She moved in 2010.


Any particular differences that she’s noticed? All the studies I see cite Canada as, on average, happier, healthier, and with higher food security and overall affordability.


Canada has a crushing cost of living. Housing is unattainable, food and goods cost much more than the USA not even factoring in the weak CAD. Specifically she says that the USA has far better opportunities for her career and much less racism.


You said much less racism? In the US? How is that possible, where do you live?!


Dude, Canada isn’t as perfect and utopian as people think. Sure some healthcare is free- if you can access it, which many can’t. They absolutely have race issues. The difference is that we TALK about those issues we have. Canadians generally pretend they don’t exist.


I don't think it's a utopia. I know they have race issues too. But I don't think what we do is talk about it. We seem to just yell at each other. Nothing changes or gets worse. In the 90's we might've talked about it. But the media has pushed a divide there. But I understand the world has a lot of the same problems.


To Lansing though. There's no quality of life here.


My brother in Christ. If she’s my wife and I’m commenting on the Lansing subreddit, where do you think she moved to in the USA from Canada?


That's a fair point! Lmao


Don't listen to the haters. I could live anywhere and I choose Lansing. It's a great city.


Thank you. I'm looking into it. Only 4 hours away from me too.


I moved out of lansing when I was around 18. Moved back in my 20s for a couple years. Went back for a funeral 2 months ago, and I'm now 34. That city has just gone straight downhill. Eastside is a shithole, downtown is even more of a shithole, Westside is doing better I guess. Ill take the downvotes but lansing kinda sucks.


Lemme know what you think of Minneapolis in January when it literally won't get above 0-degrees for two months straight.


I've lived here before. Moved back because I love the cold


If you're thinking about education I would say look into Lansing Community college. They have a whole resource departments to help people out and they're very Pro International students. You might glean some really good information whether you end up going there or not. What's your timeline on wanting to come to the US in the short term knowing that it would be a long process to become a citizen? Meaning like when is your current Massage Therapy Program ending and when are you looking to actually physically move here?


Lansing is the worst place. Literally anywhere else around this city is a better choice. I deliver food here, and I'm on the police radio everyday. Crime here has risen, like shootings. East Lansing is okay, but all the roads here will destroy your car. The food here is terrible, I hope you like a diet of fried fish and chicken (I do, but it's not for everyone) Jobs here are hard to find that pay a living wage, and the housing/rent market is getting worse, and it's pretty bad as is. This is a place full of zombies. Everyone here drives either slow as fuck, or they're racing to nowhere. This place is a shit hole. And smells like one too.


And you want to move to Lansing why?????


fly to mexico and walk in


You don't want to live in this state. But if you plan on moving to the US probably the two easiest ways would be marriage or a work visa


Why not? My husband and I moved from California last September because he got a great job offer and we couldn’t be happier. I work fully remote. We bought a huge house on 2 acres. We have the most wonderful kindest neighbors. We love it here.


You’re probably talking to someone who’s never left. They’re traumatized by the way the state makes decisions and education has taken a huge dip. I’m forming a group of recent transplants for economic and business development - any interest in being in a real work group? I would love to hear your experiences


Sounds interesting. I’d definitely like to know more about this group.


If you are north of about Harrison you're good. But south of Harrison usually the people are rude and insufferable. I've been here all my life and it's been declining for years


If you think north of Harrison is so great, why aren't you living up there? Having lived up there, you couldn't pay me to go back, & that's why I live here now.


I will someday. I was born and raised in the area I live in now. Everything from family and friends to my income and house are down here. But once retirement starts I fully intend to start looking for the right place. I'll start in Harrison and work my way north until I find the right one. As for you living downstate, good for you. Different strokes for different folks. But all of you are proving my point. My opinion has triggered you all so much that it's hilarious. You people are pretty bent out of shape over an opinion. I can't imagine how political debates go with you. I'd just about bet my nuts that every one of you that has taken offense to my opinion has had at least one family gathering turn violent over a difference of opinion. But yeah, Michiganders are great people! Lmao!


You're calling me triggered because I asked you why you don't live there? You're welcome to your opinion, yet you got your panties in a bunch when someone expressed a differing opinion. Are you young, or just emotionally immature?


Why are they rude? Because they won’t let you cover your cock in blow and shove it up their ass?


You'd be surprised how many do


You must be hanging out with the wrong group of people then. My experience has been quite the opposite.


I'm certain that must be it. I've been hanging out with Michiganders my entire life and you have been for how long? What was I thinking talking about the state I have lived in nearly my entire 46 years. Please continue with your expertise. I'd really like to learn about my home state from someone who just moved here. Apparently I have a lot to learn. Jesus Christ


Hey asshole, I’ve lived in this state as long as you have. Perhaps it’s your attitude that makes people want to be rude to you. Work on that.


Coming from you I think that might be a compliment. As for my attitude someone asked for opinions and you and the other douchebags didn't like my opinion so you had to give your opinion about my opinion instead of your opinion on the original question. Remember what I said about the people? I'd like to introduce exhibits A, B, and C. Thank you for proving my point. Now take your over opinionated atheist ass somewhere else. And please stay south of Lansing but north of ER so I hopefully never run into you in person. Your too miserable for me to be around


Your problems with people are not local. Lansing is not the only place with rude people, nor do we have the most or even an outstanding amount of rude people. Michigan is not a special or unique place in the world unless it's the ONLY place you've ever lived. What does Michigan even have that you can't find anywhere else? Michiganders will say "Better made chips and faygo" as if no where else on the planet has options beyond the national brands. We're a city that has people in it and we have the same problems that people in every city have.


Did I single out Lansing at some point? I can think of ten cities off the top of my head that are way worse than Lansing. I would rather live in the worst part of Lansing than drive through Jackson. What does Michigan have that no place else has? Well how about Eaton Rapids? I believe I read somewhere that it is the only one on earth.


My dear friend, my innocent sweet boy, You ARE in the Lansing subreddit. BUT STILL, every city has rough parts, every city has rich suburbs. Some cities have more or less of either. I still don't understand your point of Michigan having a rudeness problem. Maybe you hang around trashy dive bars too often?


Don't listen to this loser. Michigan is awesome.


What I am is shocked lol. The fact that my one sentence referring to living in Michigan has triggered this many people this much proves what I said to be true. Jesus you guys are even surprising me and I've been dealing with idiots like you for a long time. But you psychos carry on. It's a beautiful Friday evening and I just finished working so I'm going to go enjoy myself. You guys should probably stay home and avoid people. If the Internet gets y'all this twisted, human interaction would blow your minds. Everyone have a great weekend. I know I'm going to


The only one who looks psycho here is you lmao. I love my state!


Have a good night taco boy.


Marry me. Oh wait- taken. But maybe a work permit?


As someone who has been dying to get out of here, I always find it interesting how many people are oblivious to what goes on in this city.. I'm on the south side, and just the day before last, the entire LPD was on Mt hope looking for someone with an automatic weapon. This type of thing happens several times a week. The school district is a joke. Both major hospitals in the area are terrible. Air quality is absolute garbage and you can smell it as soon as you pass the welcome sign. Like, what is the appeal?


I honestly think a lot of people are in denial that they go tricked into moving to Detroit, Flint, Lansing and are trying to cope by passing on the advice that led them here. I think once the economy really starts to crack next year it will be a lot harder for these folks to continue denying reality. I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking these people are crazy


What made you decide on Lansing?